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Everything posted by phelpsben

  1. Well, whether to spawn the trash depending on what bosses are down is somewhat incorrect. Some trash will respawn even if a boss is down. I know the first hallway in Tempest Keep, that all respawns. The trash around Alar doesn't. I don't think the trash around VR or Solarian respawns. For this to be blizzlike, its going to require alot of research or contact with endgame raid leaders.
  2. First, there is a MaNGOS Admin GUI, its called MangAdmin. The second Idea, just cant be done, 2 different clients, 2 different games, 1 server. I would go as far to say, its imposable.
  3. I just want to let you know from experience with raid on retail. The only thing that doesn't respawn are bosses. Trash will respawn on w/e timer it may be on. Doing Tempest Keep on retail, we would have to clear some trash respawns on the way out after clearing all the bosses. Serpentshrine Cavern is the best example I have, trash has a really short respawn in the raid, about 45 minutes. Make sure only the bosses dont respawn, trash respawns as normal if your keeping it offical.
  4. I run a hosting company, we offer VPS. What I am pitching here is a deal, I will make with MaNGOS community members. I will host MaNGOS servers for a very fair price. Here is what the plan would be: Intel® Core2 Quad (fair share) 10GB DiskSpace 50GB Bandwidth 100mbit/s connection (guaranteed) 1 dedicated IP 256MB RAM > $15.month > 1 realm with vmaps, 2 without 512MB RAM > $25.month > 2 realms with vmaps, 3-4 without 768MB RAM > $35.month > 3 realm with vmaps, 4-5 without 1GB RAM > $45.month > 4 realms with vmaps, 5-6 without Upon Request: Upload required map and dbc files. Install MaNGOS with SD2/Acid & setup database( UDB ). Install LAMPP (Apache, MySQL, PHP, Perl). Send me a PM if you want to talk about it or are interested. 1
  5. Yeh, I think thats the only problem. You can make them, they follow item level/type rules. You can use the scrolls you make, you can mail, trade, and auction the made scrolls.
  6. It consumes the whole stack, so if I have 20 Vellums, it uses all 20 and makes one Scroll. Other than that, works just fine.
  7. Thanks for the fix, compiling now. I did "make clean" so I have to recompile everything, so its taking a bit. Will post updates as soon as its done.
  8. Yeh, I agree. It's not that big of a deal to me, as I'm just going to throw them into a vendor. None the less, it should be fixed at some point. I would do it, but I can't find any documentation on mangos, and I don't feel like reading the entire source code to learn it, and I'm limited in c++ anyways. Still awesome job on fixing the scrolls.
  9. Problem now is, to create this item (as you would of offi) you cast the enchant onto a vellum. http://www.wowhead.com/?search=vellum And it turns the vellum into the respective "Scroll of Enchant *" This seems like it would require alot more work than just fixing the scrolls.
  10. Those ID's are Items not in the database, but should have the same flag. I'm testing the Items now, I have yet to have a single problem. They cast, with no errors and follow Item level requirements.
  11. Perfect! Applied the patch, compiled and it works great. Thanks a bunch. You should post this into patches as it should be in core by default. As for the missing items, here is a new search, with only 2 missing items. http://www.wowhead.com/?items=0.6&filter=qu=1:3;na=Scroll+of+Enchant;cr=82:107;crs=2:0;crv=0:Use One of the items not in the DB is "Scroll of Enchant Weapon - Titanguard", so that leaves us at 1 missing item. I'm 99.61% sure that flag is for those items. (Did the math) EDIT: Found the other enchant "Scroll of Enchant Bracer - Major Stamina", now I'm 100% sure. 44946 44947 are the item ID's
  12. Read here first: http://udbforums.org/index.php?topic=12792.0 Items with the flag 268435456 should ignore the spells mat requirements. I have no idea where to look to even start to code a patch, I know very little c++, but I really want to get this working. If anyone could write a patch for this, it would be amazing.
  13. Not true, having played on retail for about 5 years. When you duel you leave combat after about 10 seconds of no combat action, and you start combat when the players attack. Now then, I think that MaNGOS does have a much shorter time for when to put someone out of combat.
  14. For about a year now I have been playing around with Private Servers to learn about game content. I have always wanted to have my guildies to be able to try it with me but I could never get them past the "Logging into game server" error that I know a lot of other people experience. Well, today I thought, maybe, just maybe for some bizarre reason my ISP is blocking one of the used ports... Sure enough my ISP (Suddenlink Com. 1) was blocking port 3724, no idea why, but it was locked down, just like other ports 80, 25, 21 etc. (Maybe they just used a span like 3700-3799 ?) I used http://www.canyouseeme.org/ to check if my ports where closed. I went into my DB and config file and changed 3724 to 8086, I left 8085 as it was. Now in my realmlist.wtf I appended the port to the end of my server address *********.afh.cx:8086. (I used dyndns.com for the DNS) Works like a charm, me and my friends are messing around in sunwell now.
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