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Posts posted by piroy1337

  1. lol just use

    case 71123:                                 // Decimate (ICC: Stinky/Prec)
      if (!unitTarget || unitTarget->GetHealthPercent() <= 5.0f)
     int32 damage = unitTarget->GetHealth() - unitTarget->GetMaxHealth() * 0.05;
       unitTarget->CastCustomSpell(unitTarget, 71123, &damage, NULL, NULL, true, NULL, NULL, m_originalCasterGUID);

  2. What bug does the patch fix? What features does the patch add?

    adds random Heroic/Dungeon dailys (ProofofDemise/Timear)

    For which repository revision was the patch created?


    Is there a thread in the bug report section or at lighthouse? If yes, please add a link to the thread.


    Who has been writing this patch? Please include either forum user names or email addresses.


    add this to SharedDefines.h:

    enum RandomDungeon
       RandomDungeon_Daily_Ingvar          = 60,
       RandomDungeon_Daily_Keristrasza     = 61,
       RandomDungeon_Daily_Leyguard        = 62,
       RandomDungeon_Daily_KingYmiron      = 63,
       RandomDungeon_Daily_ProphetTharon    = 64,
       RandomDungeon_Daily_Galdarah        = 65,
       RandomDungeon_Daily_Malganis        = 66,
       RandomDungeon_Daily_Sjonnir         = 67,
       RandomDungeon_Daily_Loken           = 68,
       RandomDungeon_Daily_Anubarak        = 69,
       RandomDungeon_Daily_Herald          = 70,
       RandomDungeon_Daily_Cyanigosa       = 71,
    #define MAX_RandomDungeon_Daily_EVENT       12
    enum RandomTimearForesees
       RandomTimearForesees_Daily_Centrifuge     = 72,
       RandomTimearForesees_Daily_Ymirjar        = 73,
       RandomTimearForesees_Daily_Infinite          = 74,
       RandomTimearForesees_Daily_Titanium       = 75,
    #define MAX_RandomTimearForesees_Daily_EVENT       4

    this to World.cpp:

    if(m_gameTime > m_NextDailyQuestReset)
       m_NextDailyQuestReset += DAY;
    void World::SelectRandomDungeonDaily()
       //Delay all events
       for(uint8 eventId = 0; eventId < MAX_RandomDungeon_Daily_EVENT; ++eventId)
           WorldDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE game_event SET occurence = 5184000 WHERE entry = %u", RandomDungeon_Daily_Ingvar+eventId);
       //Start new event  
       uint8 random = urand(0,11);
       WorldDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE game_event SET occurence = 1400 WHERE entry = %u", RandomDungeon_Daily_Ingvar+random);
    void World::RandomTimearForeseesDaily()
       //Delay all events
       for(uint8 eventId = 0; eventId < MAX_RandomTimearForesees_Daily_EVENT; ++eventId)
           WorldDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE game_event SET occurence = 5184000 WHERE entry = %u",RandomTimearForesees_Daily_Centrifuge+eventId);
       //Start new event  
       uint8 random = urand(0,3);
       WorldDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE game_event SET occurence = 1400 WHERE entry = %u", RandomTimearForesees_Daily_Centrifuge+random);

    and this too World.h:

    void SelectRandomDungeonDaily();
    void SelectRandomTimearForeseesDaily();

    here sql files for both:

    -- RandomDungeonDaily
    INSERT INTO game_event (entry, start_time, end_time, occurence, length, holiday, description) values( 60, 2010-01-03 06:00:00, 2020-01-03 09:00:00, 1440, 1440, 0, 'Daily Hero: Ingvar!');
    INSERT INTO game_event (entry, start_time, end_time, occurence, length, holiday, description) values( 61, 2010-01-03 06:00:00, 2020-01-03 09:00:00, 5184000, 1440, 0, 'Daily Hero: Keristrasza!');
    INSERT INTO game_event (entry, start_time, end_time, occurence, length, holiday, description) values( 62, 2010-01-03 06:00:00, 2020-01-03 09:00:00, 5184000, 1440, 0, 'Daily Hero: Leyguard!');
    INSERT INTO game_event (entry, start_time, end_time, occurence, length, holiday, description) values( 63, 2010-01-03 06:00:00, 2020-01-03 09:00:00, 5184000, 1440, 0, 'Daily Hero: KingYmiron!');
    INSERT INTO game_event (entry, start_time, end_time, occurence, length, holiday, description) values( 64, 2010-01-03 06:00:00, 2020-01-03 09:00:00, 5184000, 1440, 0, 'Daily Hero: ProphetTharon!');
    INSERT INTO game_event (entry, start_time, end_time, occurence, length, holiday, description) values( 65, 2010-01-03 06:00:00, 2020-01-03 09:00:00, 5184000, 1440, 0, 'Daily Hero: Galdarah!');
    INSERT INTO game_event (entry, start_time, end_time, occurence, length, holiday, description) values( 66, 2010-01-03 06:00:00, 2020-01-03 09:00:00, 5184000, 1440, 0, 'Daily Hero: Malganis!');
    INSERT INTO game_event (entry, start_time, end_time, occurence, length, holiday, description) values( 67, 2010-01-03 06:00:00, 2020-01-03 09:00:00, 5184000, 1440, 0, 'Daily Hero: Sjonnir!');
    INSERT INTO game_event (entry, start_time, end_time, occurence, length, holiday, description) values( 68, 2010-01-03 06:00:00, 2020-01-03 09:00:00, 5184000, 1440, 0, 'Daily Hero: Loken!');
    INSERT INTO game_event (entry, start_time, end_time, occurence, length, holiday, description) values( 69, 2010-01-03 06:00:00, 2020-01-03 09:00:00, 5184000, 1440, 0, 'Daily Hero: Anubarak!');
    INSERT INTO game_event (entry, start_time, end_time, occurence, length, holiday, description) values( 70, 2010-01-03 06:00:00, 2020-01-03 09:00:00, 5184000, 1440, 0, 'Daily Hero: Herald!');
    INSERT INTO game_event (entry, start_time, end_time, occurence, length, holiday, description) values( 71, 2010-01-03 06:00:00, 2020-01-03 09:00:00, 5184000, 1440, 0, 'Daily Hero: Cyanigosa!');
    DELETE FROM creature_questrelation WHERE quest IN (13245, 13247, 13249, 13251, 13253, 13255, 13246, 13248, 13250, 13252, 13254, 13256);
    INSERT INTO game_event_creature_quest VALUES
    (20735, 13245, 60),
    (20735, 13247, 61),
    (20735, 13249, 62),
    (20735, 13251, 63),
    (20735, 13253, 64),
    (20735, 13255, 65),
    (20735, 13246, 66),
    (20735, 13248, 67),
    (20735, 13250, 68),
    (20735, 13252, 69),
    (20735, 13254, 70),
    (20735, 13256, 71);
    -- RandomTimearForeseesDaily
    INSERT INTO game_event (entry, start_time, end_time, occurence, length, holiday, description) values( 72, 2010-01-03 06:00:00, 2020-01-03 09:00:00, 1440, 1440, 0, 'Daily Timear: Centrifuge Constructs!');
    INSERT INTO game_event (entry, start_time, end_time, occurence, length, holiday, description) values( 73, 2010-01-03 06:00:00, 2020-01-03 09:00:00, 5184000, 1440, 0, 'Daily Timear: Ymirjar Berserkers!');
    INSERT INTO game_event (entry, start_time, end_time, occurence, length, holiday, description) values( 74, 2010-01-03 06:00:00, 2020-01-03 09:00:00, 5184000, 1440, 0, 'Daily Timear: Infinite Agents!');
    INSERT INTO game_event (entry, start_time, end_time, occurence, length, holiday, description) values( 75, 2010-01-03 06:00:00, 2020-01-03 09:00:00, 5184000, 1440, 0, 'Daily Timear: Titanium Vanguards!');
    DELETE FROM creature_questrelation WHERE quest IN (13240, 13243, 13241, 13244);
    INSERT INTO game_event_creature_quest VALUES
    (31439, 13240, 72),
    (31439, 13243, 73),
    (31439, 13241, 74),
    (31439, 13244, 75);

  3. first of all thanks for your work, i am playing on retail

    and just tested 5mins ago some things.

    There is no Shake at all, so you can remove that from todo :P.

    You could try to implement the TEXT after gaining the Debuff, by some Script dunno :P

    like you mentioned about safezones, ALL places where it has grass are safezones :P

  4. More Rogue bugs :

    -- Currently you can't stack DoubleWeapon Enchants, i.e. Mongoose/Berserking

    -- Cloak of Shadow doesn't work on Flare

    -- Prey on the Weak doesn't apply to autoattacks.

    -- Glyph of Preparation doesnt reset CD of Disarm/Kick

    -- Focused attacks --> u gain energy temporarily but it minuses randomly later on

    -- Ruthlessness, is Passive, so procs even without the Talent...

    -- Quick Recovery, the second part of it doesnt work(energy refund)

    -- Killing Spree isnt procing Combat Potency.

    -- Turn the Tables, should buff only you, not whole Raid.

    -- Killing Spree isnt procing Combat Potency.

    -- Stealth, it doesnt stop any spell from hitting u when u use it, or in cast spells to get interrupted, same with Vanish.

    -- Wound poison wrong PPM formula.

    -- Sap doesnt break Stealth/NE racial.

    -- Fleet Footed first part doesntw ork

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