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Everything posted by PunKeD_GuRu

  1. Im only just starting to learn PHP i was all HTML etc for so long so i was only jumping on it to organise other "gifted" people together and learn myself for now i proberly wouldn't be of much use to anyone =P other than "testing" When i learn bits ill submit bits! But someone would change its footer! it links to old mangos and they done MANGoS rather than MaNGOS in the little picture thing!
  2. using http://code.google.com/p/mmfm/ gives me the download for: http://mmfm.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ Revision 16... i wasnt aware of the https://mmfpm.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mmfpm/trunk/ revision 146!... I'll just stick with this if its still being developed on! Just edit that instead thanks for the help offered, suppose theres no point with having multiple communities on the same project, might aswel try to work with them instead of against =)
  3. So i've enjoyed learning about C++ and SQL etc... and even networking but that was to easy on the University LAN... =/ Some of the "hardcore geeks =/" from the design department where on about creating a web based interaction with the server this interested me as its more learning for PHP (proberly) and again with SQL etc I found "Minimanager" which was for mangos specific, however it was on version 0.12 (which i guess is ment to be assigned to mangos-0.12 for 2.4.3) I had a look around on it, and it seems the project is dead (as in no ones going to be developing it) I grabbed the SVN of it, and shoved it straight into the server to see what its like it was pretty good, could do with a few changes here and there example: tbc column in realmd needed to be edited to expansion etc... But is there anyone else out there working on it? and/or would anyone be interested in Developing it with me if it is confirmed to be "dead" If the developers are working on a 0.13 I'd like to help but the SVN site, didn't really have much happening Obviously it would be awesome if MaNGOS themselves incorperate it aswel, but I wouldn't wanna put any more work on their plates as with the change from 2.4.3 to 3.0.3 having "some" differences... we have came along way from 2.x.x but theres still awhile to go before we get Blizzlike state of how we had on 2.x My hates of to thos guys! But yeah Anyone interested in PHP/SQL/Web based management of Mangos?
  4. Build to rebuild, doesnt take that much longer... and sometimes the error produced, people wouldn't know that it was because of a build rather than rebuild... so again, for purposes of this guide... which is for people that didn't know how to update and need the idiot way to do it... id rather have the way that will be likerly to produce the least errors...
  5. As just mentioned, It might be nothing... and you might carry on like nothings wrong... But occassionally... every now and then, there will be a problem because u couldnt be bothered to wait that little longer... even though you personally dont have to do anything except go make yourself a cuppa... I said Rebuild to cover my ass... Build if you like.
  6. Added the info about quickly resseting the branch for errors such as just posted.
  7. Databases: {realmd} Keep only 1 of this database. This is where all login details are stored, it is also where the realmlist details are kept. {characters} Your need a characters database per each realm you host. This stores all details about each individual character created on that realm. {mangos} You can either load 1 main mangos database, this means where creatures are spawned, the data will be stored on the database, that will apply to both servers. If you are going to have a test server... where you might, edit NPC's or Quests, or Items etc... Then it is advised to have a mangos database per realm. Being that this database is fairly large, it makes sense to have these databases stored local to the server files. Editing Realmd Database. Using your database GUI program, like SQLyog, open the {realmd} Go into the tables, and View data or realmlist. id: This should match the mangos.conf file. Name is not depandant on anything, but it is what the client will see when selecting the realm. Address: Points to the server, for example Although login details are stored on the mangos and characters databases are on for that realm. Check your BindIP Port: 8085 is default, if you have 2 realms on the same pc, then 8086 might be the number. Check your BindIP Characters Database: This needs to be done for each realm. Same as creating the first database, just create a second. If its on the same computer, your need to pick a different name for the database, Example: chars2 If its on a different computer, you are "safe" to use the same name. The name of the database is addressed in the mangos.conf file. Make sure they match. Mangos Database: Similar to above If your hosting it on the same pc, then either give it a different name, or use the same database. Check the mangos.conf file for the database name you have assigned. Loading the servers: When you are loading the files to run the server: Start realmd.exe first. Then mangos.exe second. If the second server is on the same computer, open the mangos.exe 3rd. If it's hosted on a second pc then open realmd.exe 3rd, and mangos.exe 4th. If: You have one computer just for the realmlist and login, then you only need to run the realmd.exe Each realm will need the realmd to connect to it, and the mangos.exe to join it If the realm is listed as "offline" the realmd.exe isnt running correctly, or... the pc is offline. Peoples realmlist.wtf file. They should just point to the realmd database server. They will automatically be fowarded to the correct server/realm. Sorry for any mistakes, I'll work on this guide as and when i notice mistakes, or additional info.
  8. Guide to setting up Multiple Realms This is a guide to hopefully explain how to setup multiple realms, using different computers, or even on the same computer. I have placed it in the category, as it is not help on installing a new server, configurations or updates. This guide takes the idea that you already have managed to create a working server. Required tools: Some kind of Database editor (I'm using SQLyog, so I'll refer to parts of this application.) If you have not successfully setup a server yet, please do not use this guide. References: [GIT] : For me this is: Z:\\GIT\\Mangos\\master ---------Z: is a network drive. [serv1] [serv1] : this is my main server/pc ---------Main server: C:\\wow\\ ---------PvP Server: C:\\wowpvp\\ ---------{Realmd} Database ---------{Characters} Database ---------{Mangos} Database [serv2] : this is my secondary server/pc ---------Testing Groupds: C:\\wow\\ ---------{Characters} Database ---------{Mangos} Database [Client] : My actual pc, (Remote access on everything etc... also has wow installed.) Files: You will need the bin folder files. From the GIT folder [GIT]bin/release/ (we are assuming you already have a server setup and where able to compile.) Select all .exe .pdb and .dll files Copy to a folder just for the server, example: "[serv1] C:\\wow2\\" or "[serv2] C:\\wow2\\" Also grab the .conf files. Editing the realmd.conf LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;password;realmd" So that everyone can keep the same login details, rather than seperate accounts for each realm, make sure that there is only ONE {realmd}. LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;password;realmd" This addresses to [serv1] This is because my {realmd} is stored here. Generally this is for a second pc to comunicate to the first server. Use if the {realmd} is stored on the same machine as the server. Use the IP address of the server if it is not on the same machine. BindIP = "" For external PC. BindIP = "" For same pc. This is Binding the {Realmd} IP address Editing the mangos.conf RealmID = 2 Each realm will have a unique identifier. If their are duplicates of this number ... [ERRORS] Your first realm will be 1. This is for teh original server you installed. Regaurdless of the realm being on the same computer, or on a secondary computer etc. ALWAYS UNIQUE NUMBERS. DataDir = "." For the first server, it's liekrly you have it in the same directory as the server itself. IF you are hosting the second server on the same machine you can point to the files like: "C:\\wow\\" If you are hosting on a secondary machine, It could be better to make duplicates of these files. Especially if you are editing any of the dbc's or map files. LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;password;realmd" Points to the {realmd} server. For logins etc. WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;Abcd1234;mangos" Points to the {mangos}. More explained in the database section below. CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;Abcd1234;characters" Points to the {character}. More explained in the database section below. WorldServerPort = 8085 If you are going to host the server on the same computer, your need to change the port number. Examples: 8086. If it is on a different computer, then you are "safe" to use the same port number. BindIP = "" If hosted on the same pc, then above is correct, if hosting on a secondary pc, then above needs to be the relevant IP address.
  9. It doesnt happen on blizz servers but id love to know how to: When you die, you lose 10% exp of your level... Would be awesome =P
  10. Lol, thanks for bringing even the stupidiest of errors =P Changed =) Thanks. But i didnt need the link to the definition of it =P
  11. I'm using: -Windows (Vista, x64 and x32 (different pc's before comments on that)) -GIT GUI (not bash) : http://msysgit.googlecode.com/ -SQLyog (For playing with DB's) : http://www.webyog.com/en/downloads.php -Visual C++ 2008 'Express Edition (x32 os) : http://www.microsoft.com/express/download/default.aspx -Visual Studio 2008 (NOT EXPRESS FOR x64 os) First Stage "GIT": Updating your GIT files using the GUI. Navigate to your GIT folder, (where you downloaded the files to.)* [GIT] Right click, "GIT GUI here" Should open a window with a menu across the top and a few empty boxes. Click (on the menu at the top): Remote > Fetch From > origin Wait for this to hopefully say "Success" Then click the close box (not closing GIT, just the Fetch.) Click (on the menu at the top): Merge > Local Merge > master Hopefully a success again. (close the Merge window) *If you get any errors on the above, try "Reset" 'ing the branch. Or creating an additional branch. If your interested in what changes happened then go to: Repository > Visualise Master's History. This should give you an up to date version of the mangos files. Close the GIT application windows =) Second Stage "Re-Compiling": Compiling your files. Navigate to your download [GIT]win/mangosdVC90.sln Open this with the appropriate compilier. If you have already compiled once you shouldn't have to change debug to release. However check to make sure it is set to Release rather than debug. Top Menu: Build > Rebuild Solution This can take a few minutes. When this has hopefully finished, and that all where successful, your ready to continue. The compiled files: Navigate to : [GIT]bin/[Win32/64 folder]/ Copy all files that are: .exe .dll .pdb Leave: .map .exp .lib Paste these into your server folder. (Copy and Replace hopefully.) If you havn't updated for awhile from game version to a newer game version, re copy the [GIT] src/mangosd/mangosd.conf.dist.in [GIT] src/realmd/realmd.conf.dist.in (2.4.3 to 3.0.3 maybe.) Third Stage "Databases": Updating your existing Databases. Open SQLyog Connect to the database server. Starting with the Mangos Database: Expand it, and expand the "Tables" Look for: db_version Right click, View Data. The table on the right, should now have a column heading with something like: required_[revision]_[#]_mangos_[last.fix] example: required_6970_01_mangos_playercreateinfo If: required_[year]_[month]_[day]_[#]_mangos_[fix] example: [required_2008_12_22_17_mangos_item_template then you have a "few" updates.... To update: Right click the Database, (Mangos database, not db_version table) "Restore from SQL Dump" The file to execute: You need to navigate to your [GIT]sql/updates/ folder. From this list, (sorted alphabetically) Look for your current version: (hopefully you wont have to navigate through the sub folders.) Starting with dates, (unless your existing database, is already managed by "Revision") You need to execute each sql dump. 1 by 1. In Order. If: if one of the executes provides an error close the SQL dump window, go back to the db_version table. Refresh the data, and check the version you have. Then return back to the dumps, and pick the next file. Its possible you missed one, or repeated one to give the error. Make sure that the SQL dumps are only [revision]_[#]_mangos_[fix] (Notice "mangos", not characters or realmd). I don't think they will apply anyway, but its just something to learn/pay attention to. Now repeat this process for your Characters database (Table: character_db_version) Applying: [date, revision]_characters_[fix] And repeat again for the Realmd database (Tables: realm_db_version) Applying: [date, revision]_realmd_[fix] Once you have succcessfully executed all the .sql files after your revision, until there isn't anymore, then you have the latest version of mangos for maybe a couple of hours. =) You can repeat these steps, from daily (or more) to weekly, to once in a lifetime. The more you do it, hopefully the less bugs your have in the server. *Appologies for Grammar/Spelling. I'll correct what I notice, feel free to prompt me to notice something you have noticed.
  12. lol pmiller863 just put in a wasted post really woulda been easier to link to an install guide if thats all he wanted! And UDB doesnt currently support WOTLK stuff... so what you have in 2.4.3 is atm the same content for 3.0.3 nothing more.! =/ These questions need to be asked in the UDB forum etc but basically! No, doesnt change, (but could on the next version, for WOTLK)
  13. Alittle excited! =D Thankyou Mangos for all your efforts! And for teaching me: c++ c# and SQL =)
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