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Everything posted by Forgotten

  1. What negative aspects? Currently we have tons of custom code in dummy, proc aura handlers which looks not nice
  2. Maybe 0.499 is hardcoded value.. in this way there is no sense to seek for it in dbc
  3. Player::UpdateVisibilityOf updates visiblity in two cases: object removed from map(destroyed), object is out of visibility range So, totem that out-of-range will shown as destroyed too
  4. second version much better, you may split it into parts to make it look better: // Tapping related dynflags should be stored uint32 origDynamicFlags = GetUInt32Value(UNIT_DYNAMIC_FLAGS) & (UNIT_DYNFLAG_TAPPED|UNIT_DYNFLAG_TAPPED_BY_PLAYER|UNIT_DYNFLAG_TAPPED_BY_ALL_THREAT_LIST); // Update Dynamic Flags SetUInt32Value(UNIT_DYNAMIC_FLAGS,GetCreatureInfo()->dynamicflags | origDynamicFlags); sadly, but there are o lot of values that shouldn't be modified( need modify base values only, and do not reset modifiers - cause they are came from auras): like speed rates, object scale, resistances etc
  5. + if (GetTypeId() != TYPEID_PLAYER) player shouldn't be relocated? why? yes, i saw the same thing in Unit::MonsterMove\\Unit::MonsterMoveWithSpeed but it looks like a hack plus creature\\player shouldn't be relocated instantly
  6. You may revert that new system at least and test without it
  7. if you talking about possessed creatures - problem is probably in [10053]: AI re-initialized at possess aura apply\\unapply current ai don't must be deleted - it should be placed in some kind of slot (like movegen container in motion master) and replaced with possessed\\charmed ai..
  8. > + m_Visibility == VISIBILITY_ON && u->m_invisibilityMask==0 && InSamePhase(u) ) this check passed already > + if( CreatureDataAddon const *cainfo = ((Creature*)this)->GetCreatureAddon() ) where is the check that 'this' is creature?
  9. yes i _have_ looked at MapManager::Update, that is why i said that transport in not part of map system, it's a hacky part of map manager, nothing more
  10. Transport in not part if map system.. and as i can see boarded creatures too so that creatures will be not be able to send broadcast packets and etc
  11. Because this patch does almoust nothing with spell system
  12. not sure. This is terrain data management system, but it does nothing with vmaps
  13. as i said before, appendPackGUID may work incorrect(maybe it adds one superfluous byte)
  14. the main problem is that these threads will write into grid containers.. i'm not sure that these containers are able to be used by more than one thread
  15. mobs its not active objects, so when you left instance, update not called for instance map and objects inside it, all timers became frozen
  16. what about the case when some guid re-used again and some aura's guid(m_caster guid for example) became point to wrong unit? or it will be used only for low guid generation?
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