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Posts posted by rilex

  1. I'm wary of anything MS pushes as a "standard". Past examples include their attempts to co-opt Java and C++ with their own "brands". Anytime you're dealing with matters of software patents, it's a minefield that can leave developers out on the proverbial limb. I'd say D seems to be a better choice if you're looking for an open source alternative to C#.

    Nonetheless, I'm glad to see development and improvement of SpellWork continue. I've only just toyed with this tool, but it seems to be very useful for any MaNGOS developer. I look forward to learning more with SpellWork C# Edition. :)

    C# is an ECMA standard (ECMA-334) and has been for years now.

  2. 50330 is now using a Visual Studio 2010 project, however it is still at .NET 3.5 SP1 (need to read some more about .NET 4 before upgrading the project).

    50331 effectively disables Ingame Mail and Player Mail from functioning. Need to do this until I figure out how to display items properly with mail given the changes in 9692.

  3. 49951 is now compatible with MaNGOS rev 9680 and higher. This change adds the ability to pull from the character_stats table. In order to save character stats to this table, you must first add the following lines to your mangos.conf:

    PlayerSave.Stats.MinLevel = 1

    PlayerSave.Stats.SaveOnlyOnLogout = 1

    The default for PlayerSave.Stats.MinLevel is set to 0 by default which means the stats are not saved. Note that any character that has not been saved to the table will have "0" for the stats.

  4. 49664 is now compatible with MaNGOS 9630 and higher. Only issue that I'm aware of is that none of the stats (STR, AGL, etc.) are available without calculating it manually -- I haven't done any work to move forward with that. Note that you need to set your MaNGOS version to 9630 or higher in Setup.aspx then restart the Application Pool in IIS for the new queries for 9630 or higher to take effect. Please let me know if any of the queries don't work properly.
  5. As of 40589, the news slider on Default.aspx is driven by a news table. Import 2009-11-29_news.sql. Go to Tools -> News as Administrator or SysOp to import headlines/body/URI/image. Note supported formats are jpg, jpeg, jpe, png, and gif. Images are scaled to 425x240px (up or down) -- so I recommend you start off with 420x240 in the first place. Deletion of news items is not supported, yet, so in the mean time delete news items in the news table by using Sqlyog or something similar.

    EDIT: Please use commit 40590 instead.

  6. In 38762 I've added a new option under the Tools menu named Process Remoting. This allows you to remotely start/stop Mangosd and Realmd for those who do not run Mangos as a Windows Service. First, import 2009-11-08_globalconfiguration.sql in the Setup\\Updates folder. Next, go to Tools -> Setup and set the options for the path to Realmd/Mangosd (must end in a "\\"!) and the name of the executables. Example values have been inserted into the database.

    Next, go to Tools -> Process Remoting. This will tell you if the processes are runnning as well as give you the ability to start/stop them. Note that the status may not update right after you start or stop a process; you may have to select Tools -> Process Remoting again.

  7. 37346 has the changes necessary to support Rev 8728 or higher (where the account.online column was renamed). You must set your MaNGOS verison properly in microManager otherwise improper results will be returned and account creations will fail. You can set the version under Tools -> MaNGOS Configuration or Tools -> Setup.
  8. Added a remote terminal feature in 36816. To use it:

    A) Install the Adobe Flash Policy Server located in Setup\\AdobeFlashPolicyServer (requires .NET 2.0).

    B) Edit the address= line in Tools\\settings.xml appropriately.

    C) As a SysOp in MicroManager, go to Tools -> Remote Terminal. A new window will pop up. Click on Connect.

    Note that characters that you type in will not be echo'ed back to you. So enter the following:

    USER USERNAME <enter>

    PASS password <enter>

    That should bring you to a mangos> prompt.

  9. Big update in 35691.

    Implemented a Mangos Role/Member provider.

    Implemented a SiteMap (at the root of the site) to hold the menu system. The site map is also localized so you can have localized menu items now!

    Implemented ASP.NET authorization elements. You'll find a web.config in /Database, /MyAccount, /Tools, and /Users with location elements indicating what roles can access the page. Adjust as desired. Roles are implemented by NAME not by numeral.

    Each page has a new authentication mechnism. Pages that require the user be authenticated check for valid authentication at Page_Load.

    Due to the numerous changes in the web.config at the root of the web app, I'd recommend comparing values or simply copying your connection strings out of your existing web.config into this new one (connection string elements have not changed).

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