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Everything posted by rilex

  1. Changeset 31084 has replaced Accounts.aspx, Characters.aspx, and Online Characters on Default.aspx with ListViews instead of GridViews. Performance with large numbers of accounts or characters is greatly improved. I also brought back "# Characters" on Accounts.aspx as well as the Rank Icons on Characters.aspx/Online Characters. Also fixed some other minor issues (icon pathing issues on CharacterReputation.aspx and Guild.aspx; Mail.aspx not functioning properly if your Characters database was not named "Characters"). In the previous changeset (31078), Gabriele1021 provided a patch that adds a "Use Hearthstone" button to the My Account -> Edit My Acccount page. This allows a player to use the Hearthstone against one of their characters. Thanks to both Gabriele1021 and Voldemmort for their help!
  2. rilex

    MAC Address Logging

    This reminds me of people who think that MAC address filtering is an effective 'security' method on wireless networks (along with hiding the SSID, of course!).
  3. The documents for IIS6/7 are at: http://micromanager.codeplex.com/Release/ProjectReleases.aspx?ReleaseId=24818 I made some pretty quick edits to the IIS6 document. If you have any questions, let me know. The process isn't terribly difficult (though I've been working on IIS for eons now).
  4. Let me make sure the IIS6 guide is up-to-date and I'll post it tonight.
  5. I have a guide for IIS6 up (Server 2003/XP x64). What OS are you using?
  6. Great! I've added you to the project. We use the TFS Client. Let me know if you need help locating it. FYI here are the LCIDs for Chinese: Chinese - China zh-cn Chinese - Hong Kong SAR zh-hk Chinese - Macau SAR zh-mo Chinese - Singapore zh-sg Chinese - Taiwan zh-tw So, for example, copy Resource.resx to Resource.zh-cn.resx. Obviously if you're using a different culture, use that LCID (a full listing of LCIDs can be found here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/0h88fahh(VS.85).aspx). You can test the culture in IE by going to Internet Options, then on the first tab, clicking Languages. Set one of the above cultures, if not already set, as your primary culture and the site will automatically pick up on that culture. Any text that you do not change, or say I add a new key to Resource.resx, will be displayed in en-US. Let me know if you need any other help.
  7. It is pretty easy. Load up the project in Visual Studio. Next, in Solution Explorer, expand the App_GlobalResources. You'll see a couple files in there ending in resx. For your language, you would just copy Resource.resx a to Resource.lang-locale.resx file. Resource.resx is the base (en-US) file. You must use the same key (the keys are in the column named "Name"), then the Value is in your language. What language are you looking to translate to? Also, if you want to do this, you'll need to create an account at codeplex.com and let me know what it is so I can add you as a dev to the project.
  8. It takes time to review patches, even the one-liners.
  9. Agreed. On servers with a large number of accounts, the JOIN will slow down any query between the account and realmcharacters table (on a test db I have with ~8400 accounts, we're talking about a 2 1/2 minute query). Not a good thing.
  10. 28593 resolves the performance issue for Accounts.aspx by dropping the "# Characters" column. Hopefully the MaNGOS team is willing to add an index on realmcharacters.acctid, because I really find that column useful. It also helps, but does not 100% resolve the performance with Online Characters gridview on Default.aspx. Still working on Characters.aspx performance.
  11. leak, do you have any idea why the index wouldn't be used? It is used in a JOIN/RIGHT JOIN. EDIT: Oh, I get it. 'acctid' cannot be a PK. It is marked as such, but it can (and in this particular database, does) contain duplicate ids. So this should probably be marked as a bug.
  12. Are you eventually going to do away with `data`? Or are you waiting until all data contained within the data blob is moved out to individual columns?
  13. If you do a LEFT JOIN between acctid and account.id, it doesn't use an index. Putting an explicit index on acctid resolves the issue.
  14. What features does the patch add? An index on acctid in the realmcharacters table on the realmd database For which repository revision was the patch created? I don't think it matters, but the 0.14 branch. Who has been writing this patch? Rilex create index idx_acctid ON realmcharacters (acctid) This will put an index on acctid, so when doing joins between account.id and realmcharacters.id on a database with a large number of accounts (>8K tested), the performance isn't abysmal.
  15. I sent you a PM, hopefully we can get this figured out
  16. How many accounts/characters do you have? What OS are you running micromanager on? Is it an x64 or x86 OS?
  17. Please go to Tools -> ErrorLog. That same error should be logged (against Accounts.aspx) but can you provide the "Message" section? EDIT: With 146 characters, that might be the reason it is taking 15 seconds. The query ran to populate that gridview is: SELECT characters.guid,characters.`name`,characters.race,characters.class,characters.zone,characters.map, CAST( SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(`data`, ' ', " & charDataOffset("CHAR_DATA_OFFSET_HONOR_POINTS") + 1 & "), ' ', -1) AS UNSIGNED) AS highest_rank, MID(LPAD(HEX(CAST( SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(`data`, ' ', " & charDataOffset("CHAR_DATA_OFFSET_GENDER") + 1 & "), ' ', -1) AS UNSIGNED)),8,'0'),4,1) AS gender, online,CAST( SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(`data`, ' ', " & charDataOffset("CHAR_DATA_OFFSET_LEVEL") + 1 & "), ' ', -1) AS UNSIGNED) AS `level`, guild_member.guildid, guild.name AS Guild FROM(guild_member) RIGHT JOIN characters on characters.guid = guild_member.guid LEFT JOIN guild ON guild_member.guildid = guild.guildid WHERE characters.online = 1" Obviously the above code has some of the VB.NET elements in it, but basically you're seeing 7 queries in the above query (one query per "charDataOffset" function to select the version you're running (2.4.3, 3.0.3, 3.1.3) and then another query for the "CHAR_DATA_OFFSET_*" value).
  18. If you recycle the Application Pool or make any changes to the /bin and/or web.config, yes, because the .NET Framework has to reload. However, if you just have the site up there on a web server and run it without making changes to /bin or web.config, and the app pool hasn't recycled since you last used it, it is very quick. Also make sure your SQL connections are set up properly. EDIT: If you create an account at the demo site (http://micromanager.nauplius.net - requires a valid email address to activate your acct), you'll see that Default.aspx loads very quickly with F5, though I've never timed it EDIT2: Also make sure your IPs and ports are correct in Tools -> Setup for your realmd/mangos server information.
  19. I've uploaded a development version here: 0.8-dev If you want to compile it with the Express editions of VS, I believe you'll have to use the VS Web edition. This is a .NET project, so the C++ edition won't compile it.
  20. Looks nice! Landing page is actually useful now As for the Wiki, do you guys have any concerns about users posting about external projects on it?
  21. Rev 25616 fixes the character level on Guild.aspx. It was previously usinga hard-coded value. This revision also contains the first of the layout changes to Character.aspx. I did not like the slots being laid out so far apart from each other, so this condenses all of the elements more towards the middle. It also compresses the player values in the middle. That part still needs work... but all of the appropriate information is still there. Also, the Talents tab was removed, since it still requires a lot of work.
  22. Build 25524 now supports deleting multiple acounts via Accounts.aspx. There are checkboxes along the right hand side. Check the accounts you want to delete, then hit Delete Accounts. The checkbox will not be visible for accounts that have a GM level equal to, or greater than your own. For example, a gm level 3 cannot delete other gm level 3, 4, or 5 accounts. A gm level 5 account can delete all accounts except for gm level 5. This has the nice side effect from preventing you from deleting your own account accidentially
  23. FYI you can also do a: git pull git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git master git pull git://github.com/Naicisum/mangos.git ahbot That will merge the two pulls together.
  24. Build 25431 now supports patch level 3.1.3 (MaNGOS 0.14.0). You must import 2009-06-10_offset_313.sql in the Setup\\Updates\\Global_Updates\\ folder to your microManager database. After importing, you can use the Setup page to change your patch level over to 3.1.3. If you notice any incorrect data with a 3.1.3 server, please let me know!
  25. Ok, a couple days late, but 25395 now has a sort arrow on the Accounts gridview. Sort arrow only appears after you sort a column, it does not appear on page load. Now, hopefully with that one out of the way, I can move onto the other Repeater tables and convert them to gridviews...
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