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Everything posted by seanb

  1. did the best research i could, but I dont see a way to "detect" it without going into the code, and until july, i won't have time to do this. I will however be looking into it at that time. For now you need to rely on your players. Find ones you trust, and offer them rewards for turning in hackers. If someone is reported, go invis, follow them, and then make a public spectacle of them when you find them I will return to this topic in July, unfortunately it's just a really bad month for me. i'm moving at the end of june, and have a LOT to get done. Once that's all settled, this is one topic i really want to do some research on. i have some ideas.
  2. yes, the topic you linked is mine, and is indeed the same problem. i made a new topic when i thought it was a different issue, but it looped back to be the same. I have had to set my Rate.auction.time at a value of 9. anything higher than that appears to bug the client, and really messes it up. The auction works just fine, but the client can't properly see those auctions. EDIT: IDEA! Assuming you run a server in which you want the auctions to never expire on a person (like mine) AND If we could figure out what the maximum time the client wouldn't bug out on AND if someone could write a little SQL command that set all the values to the maximums (based on the current date) THEN you could run that SQL command once a week or something, thereby extending all auctions indefinitely
  3. EDIT: Fixed it. Delete this thread if appropriate, but i'm going to include the fix below for searchability. I started using my auction house last night, putting the first new items on it. I've confirmed that the SQL entries have been made to the database. In total there are 99 items on the auction house. However when somebody goes up to an auctioneer, it makes some odd claims First, i've got no mods, ahbot, or client addons installed at all. When someone goes to an auctioneer and clicks "search" it shows "No Items Found" and nothing gets listed, but if you look at the bottom of the auction window, it says "Showing 1-50 of 99 items". I've tried clearing my cache. I'd like to erase my "Blizzard_AuctionUI" but i'm not sure how i would get another copy, or if that's even the right way to go. This seems like a server error. THE FIX: The problem was my Rate_Auction_Time setting in mangosd.conf I had set that value to high, and the client UI didn't know how to interpret the long auction times it was getting from the SQL. I manually set all the times to expire within 24 hours, and poof, the listings showed up fine. I'm now going to mess around and figure out what the maximum safe limit is.
  4. no that would work perfectly, what Rate.Auction.Time did you use for that? my math would suggest that a setting of 60 would give auctions of 1month/2month/3month, but i'm not sure (hence my little rant about not enough documentation)
  5. I'm trying to find my own answers rather than keep asking questions, but i'm not finding a lot on my own. The forum search often gives me 100 topics that have nothing to do with what i'm searching, i cant find a search on the wiki at all, and the organization on the wiki leaves a LOT to be desired. I'm looking for documentation on mangosd.conf, specifically on how high Rate.Auction.Time can be set (as it appears to be a multiplier to the 12,24,48 hour auctions), but i can't find anything on that subject.
  6. One thing you need to understand is that while you are running a mangos server, you have a UDB database. Anything to do with spawns, drops, quests, and to a certain extent spells and special abilities, is actually part of the database, which is not really discussed here. there's a completely separate team and forum for all of that. however i'm a helpful guy, so i'l guide you in the right direction. Take a look in your SQL database, in the mangos part. There's a creature_loot_template table. the first column is the creature ID#, which you can find at wowhead. The rest should fall in line once you see and understand that. Further questions on this topic should be made here http://udbforums.kicks-ass.net/
  7. i'm testing this software out today. i'l login to a GM lvl0 account and use it, and check my logs. hopefully somethign suspicious will pop up that we can scan for.
  8. can you give me an idea as to what kind of cheats are available? what are the players doing with the newfound power?
  9. so you are saying that one of my players is idling at the character select screen?
  10. My server is usually idle at night, since it's only my friends who play on it, and they all have day jobs. But i keep it on just incase. Most often i wake up to find the log filled only with battleground timer reset messages, and other things that happen on a timer. This morning i found what you see below. WorldSocket::handle_input_header: client sent malformed packet size = 18245 , cmd = 1952981076 WorldSocket::handle_input: Peer error closing connection errno = Invalid argument WorldSocket::handle_input_header: client sent malformed packet size = 1025 , cmd = -381661184 WorldSocket::handle_input: Peer error closing connection errno = Invalid argument WorldSocket::handle_input: Peer error closing connection errno = connection reset WorldSocket::handle_input_header: client sent malformed packet size = 18245 , cmd = 1952981076 WorldSocket::handle_input: Peer error closing connection errno = Invalid argument WorldSocket::handle_input_header: client sent malformed packet size = 1025 , cmd = 2102022144 WorldSocket::handle_input: Peer error closing connection errno = Invalid argument WorldSocket::handle_input: Peer error closing connection errno = connection aborted WorldSocket::handle_input_header: client sent malformed packet size = 18245 , cmd = 1952981076 WorldSocket::handle_input: Peer error closing connection errno = Invalid argument WorldSocket::handle_input_header: client sent malformed packet size = 1025 , cmd = -381661184 WorldSocket::handle_input: Peer error closing connection errno = Invalid argument WorldSocket::handle_input: Peer error closing connection errno = connection reset There are pages and pages of this stuff, all within the last 8 hours. Can anyone tell me what it means?
  11. looks like you would put that in your code bin before you compiled the server, but i'm not at home right now so i can't be sure. However temporary's tutorial has an AHBOT in it as well, is this the same one? if so, then maybe you should use his tutorial.
  12. I'm sure it's in the SQL somwhere, but i cant for the life of me find it right now. However i will say this. In your mangosd.conf there's an option to disable the intro movie for new characters. You know, the flyby with the narrator telling the racial history? Your going to want to disable those movies and restart the server BEFORE you mess around with start locations. (sorry my info isn't more helpful, i'm at work right now, so i don't have my server data)
  13. That's awesome guys. I got the vmaps all sorted out and enabled. Can anyone take a stab at one of the 3 other questions in my post?
  14. you want to turn off password encryption? Why? To find out what passwords they are using, so you can try them on other sites? And no, i don't think this is possible. If i found out someone was doing this, i would not play on the server. It's careless and irresponsible.
  15. I think he's refering to a web based client for interacting with the DB. Allows players to see what characters they have on the account, control donations, etc.
  16. AHA! I had the vmaps, but the default was supposed to be enabled. For some reason mine was not. It's enabled now! Thanks!
  17. (Edited post for simplicity) I have some questions. Please keep in mind though that I am not the kind of person who wants everything handed to me. If you can answer a question by giving me some keywords or phrases to search with, that will probably be enough. Most of the time if i have a question, it's because I don't know what i'm looking for, so my searches aren't turning up useful information. Sometimes my problem is just knowing if it's a mangos problem, a UDB problem, etc etc. Using Mangos, UDB, SD2, and ACID, all fully up to date. 1) Near the .teleport point "lordamere internment camp", there's a large building with a skull on it. I'm pretty sure the building isn't supposed to be there at all, because you can actually see it "spawn" when you approach it for the first time after each server reset. Worse yet, if you get too close to it, your controls get messed up. Walking away from this building is nearly impossible, and sometimes requires a GM to pull you away from it. How do i get rid of this thing? i'm pretty sure it's not supposed to be there at all. 2) Sometimes people are getting stuck in buildings. The Inn at tarren mill is a good example. My wife has gotten stuck inside that building a number of times. She's able to move around inside the building just fine, but when she tries to walk out, it's like there's a forcefield across the door. Logging out and back in sometimes fixes this, but not always. It happens in other places as well. What causes this bug? 3) (sorted) 4) I've only seen this twice so far, but it's rather odd when it does occur. We're in an instance, and a player dies. The ENTIRE ZONE's population immediately attacks the remaining players. Bosses, mobs, everything immediately converges on them. Something tells me this is a bug. Thanks for any help you guys can provide. Remember, I'm not asking you to fix my problems, just point me in the right directions. Sean
  18. nope, it was ripped out of MicroXP to save on memory or something. Right now i'm running on Windows 7 x64, and it seems fine with a hanful of people, i just didnt' know if it was going to keep workign that well with many more people. I havn't used linux in 9 years (remember the cartman release of redhat? Yeah, that was the last one i used) so i'm not sure i'm ready to learn that much just yet. As far as the service goes, i'm going to ask a REALLY noobish question. When i run other programs (like dnetc) as services, they're "invisible" (meaning they don't have a window). If my mangosd.exe is invisible, how do i execute console commands without loging into the game? I'm eventually going to write some php for things like account creation and modification, but until then?
  19. Hey there. First, thanks to everyone who has helped me get things as far as they are. My system is running, but right now it's running on the same computer i actually play wow on. Surprisingly enough, this isn't a problem. I can play wow on my server, with a handful of friends, and none of us get's an ounce of lag or any other problems. Of course before too long i want to move the server to another computer and get it on a better line. So i'm going to build a rig for it. The only question i have about that is OS. In the past i've used an XP variant called "MicroXP". It's nice for stripped down office computers that don't need to do much, but need to do it all the time with a minimum of hassles, etc. The only thing MicroXP does not have that i think might be handy is "Scheduler". You can't use any program that relies on the windows scheduler program to run at a specified time, like backup programs, etc. Think i can make MicroXP work for me? If not, what's a stable OS for mangos, an sql server, and everything else i'l need (a C++ compiler)? My second question is how to keep the server running all the time. Things happen, and programs crash. So far i've never seen mangosd.exe crash, but i'm sure it will sometime. Also, there's the pesky task of restarting the server to allow changes from mangosd.conf to take effect. The .server restart command does the same thing as the .server shutdown command, it just shuts it down (kinda misnamed IMO). Is there a way to initiate a true "restart", and is there a way to watch the process and re-run it if it looks like it's crashed? Thanks again guys, you've been awesome!
  20. I've been following temporary's guide, and WOW do i love him/her for it. This is more a learning experience for me than anything. I dont expect to get rich or popular running a private wow server It does leave me with a question though. I have a 64bit processor, and i'm using 64bit windows 7. When i downloaded everything, i was never given any options for 32 or 64 bit. Which did i compile, and does it really matter? Also, what about multi-cores? Does this emulator benefit from them at all? Or if i was building a machine to run a server dedicated, would i just find the fastest single core system i could find? (probably 3ghz)
  21. I was having problem getting mangosd.exe to run (it showed sql errors, then crashed), so i dumped my sql tables (emptied them actually), and started the sql over again. I think the problem i'm having is understanding the update process. If you ever wanted to re-word something, the step with the SQL updates might be one area you could improve. Please don't think i'm trying to criticize you though, the entire tutorial is awesome! i just think that area is a little fuzzy for first timers. You say to choose your updates, either from c:\\mangos\\sql\\updates, OR the update packs. Does that mean that the information in both areas is the same, just in different forms? Right now i have the following in my SQL. Characters - 9849 Mangos - 9590, 388 Realmd - 9748 When i look at the C:\\mangos\\sql\\updates, i cant find any sql files for realmd or characters with a higher number, but i can find some for mangos. If i go one step further, to c:\\mangos\\sql\\updates\\0.16 i can find some more sql files for mangos, with numbers inbetween the other two groups. It looks like i should install the updates from /0.16 folder, then the ones in the /updates folder. Then if i look at the updatepacks URL, i find some 389 and 390 updates. you say to only update to those after i've updated my core. I'm not sure what that means either. So what should i do? i did it once last night, and obviously messed it up, because mangosd.exe would not run (realmd.exe did though!)
  22. can you be more specific? Is this a cheat program for live servers, for mangos servers, and what exactly is it doing? is it simulating the .add command, but for level gmlevel 0 accounts? or is this just an addon with a bunch of .add commands programmed into it, meaning it's useless unless you have a gmlevel capable of using .add i'm very interested in it, so i know what to watch for in my logs if people ever use it on my server (which i don't run, since public servers are illegal)
  23. wow, that's not hard at all. i even understood it and i've never worked with mangos. Seems like mangos is structured much like a lot of PHP programs i've used, which are also open source. THANKS!
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