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Posts posted by SilverIce

  1. They Jump??? Never seen a creature jump before this is gonna be cool. But what kind of mobs jump anyway or do they jump from Height A Height B?. Anyway this is some cool feature.

    it can be used by spells, but some creatures can jump without any spells

    PS it is only animation fix, need move creature at server side

  2. confirmed

    these packet its not self-send packets


    ------ CMSG_SET_ACTIVE_MOVER ------ 
    1655160100000007        my guid(unpacked)
    ------ MSG_CHANNEL_START ------ 
    8F1655160107        my packed guid    
    5EA70000            spell id    
    CB080000            duration    
    ------ MSG_CHANNEL_UPDATE ------ 
    DB0210BE5030F1        other packed guid
    00000000            cast time?
    ------ MSG_CHANNEL_START ------ 
    DB0210BE5030F1        other packed guid      
    638A0000            spell id    
    D0070000            duration    

    as you can see in example - i can receive these packets from other units


    lets look at packed guid DB0210BE5030F1, 02 10 00 BE 50 00 30 F1 - it is unpacked version, "30 F1" - guid hightpart - HIGHGUID_UNIT (look at HighGuid enums)

    enum HighGuid
       HIGHGUID_ITEM           = 0x4000,                       // blizz 4000
       HIGHGUID_CONTAINER      = 0x4000,                       // blizz 4000
       HIGHGUID_PLAYER         = 0x0000,                       // blizz 0000
       HIGHGUID_GAMEOBJECT     = 0xF110,                       // blizz F110
       HIGHGUID_TRANSPORT      = 0xF120,                       // blizz F120 (for GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_TRANSPORT)
       HIGHGUID_UNIT           = 0xF130,                       // blizz F130
       HIGHGUID_PET            = 0xF140,                       // blizz F140
       HIGHGUID_VEHICLE        = 0xF150,                       // blizz F550
       HIGHGUID_DYNAMICOBJECT  = 0xF100,                       // blizz F100
       HIGHGUID_CORPSE         = 0xF101,                       // blizz F100
       HIGHGUID_MO_TRANSPORT   = 0x1FC0,                       // blizz 1FC0 (for GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_MO_TRANSPORT)

    that mean, like pasdVn said, that not only players can be source of these packets

  3. Check 2 chars in one group trevel at boat.

    Client in past has been sometime unhappy when data send in different order.

    Also what about cases when one player in tick see another char but another not see first yet (update will send at next tick) and first char start attack another char.

    In case one player don't see another player(i.e. that player is not in visible guids) update fields data won't be created

  4. deleted some unused and old functions

    changed logic of Object::SendUpdateToPlayer function - no sense update object fields for all players around

    (at SendUpdateObjectToAllExcept), because its already doing every world tick in ObjectAccessor::Update, so only create update packet building for object's viewer

    at Player::UpdateVisibilityOf

               target->BuildCreateUpdateBlockForPlayer(&data, this);


    why not delete that function? it will call changed fields data building for all players around (here we must build only create data for viewer)


  5. this patch will correct show spell charges/stack amount

    Who has been writing this patch? Me

    SMSG_AURA_UPDATE_ALL and SMSG_AURA_UPDATE packets has almost same structure, but SMSG_AURA_UPDATE_ALL used to send all existing auras.

    It used when some unit became visible for player.

    that format was already corrected at [8029] - i just make the same changes for SMSG_AURA_UPDATE_ALL

    --- a/src/game/Player.cpp
    +++ b/src/game/Player.cpp
    @@ -18480,7 +18480,10 @@ void Player::SendAurasForTarget(Unit *target)
                        // level
                        data << uint8(aura->GetAuraLevel());
                        // charges
    -                    data << uint8(aura->GetAuraCharges());
    +                    if (aura->GetAuraCharges())
    +                        data << uint8(aura->GetAuraCharges() * aura->GetStackAmount());
    +                    else
    +                        data << uint8(aura->GetStackAmount());
                        if(!(auraFlags & AFLAG_NOT_CASTER))

  6. What bug does the patch fix?

    This patch fixes incorrect cell calculation: since player has viewPoint we need compute cells using that point.

    Who has been writing this patch? Me

    diff --git a/src/game/ObjectAccessor.cpp b/src/game/ObjectAccessor.cpp
    index 79b9d9c..268e07c 100644
    --- a/src/game/ObjectAccessor.cpp
    +++ b/src/game/ObjectAccessor.cpp
    @@ -451,7 +451,8 @@ ObjectAccessor::UpdateObjectVisibility(WorldObject *obj)
    void ObjectAccessor::UpdateVisibilityForPlayer( Player* player )
    -    CellPair p = MaNGOS::ComputeCellPair(player->GetPositionX(), player->GetPositionY());
    +    WorldObject* viewPoint = player->GetViewPoint();
    +    CellPair p(MaNGOS::ComputeCellPair(viwPoint->GetPositionX(), viwPoint->GetPositionY()));
        Cell cell(p);
        Map* m = player->GetMap();

  7. What bug does the patch fix? What features does the patch add?

    used more correct Player::Setposition instead of Map::Relocation at player's relocation in Traveller

    every relocation tick we need call CheckExploreSystem, update underwater state, update player position on minimap, etc. All that things doing in Player::SetPosition

    diff --git a/src/game/Traveller.h b/src/game/Traveller.h
    index dd58976..0116bea 100644
    --- a/src/game/Traveller.h
    +++ b/src/game/Traveller.h
    @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ inline float Traveller<Player>::GetMoveDestinationTo(float x, float y, float z)
    inline void Traveller<Player>::Relocation(float x, float y, float z, float orientation)
    -    i_traveller.GetMap()->PlayerRelocation(&i_traveller, x, y, z, orientation);
    +    i_traveller.SetPosition(x, y, z, orientation);

  8. Here is my version of blink :


    How should it work:

    - This system creates horizontal line between unit and point (this point placed at same altitude, but 20 yards forward) and starts search intersection point with terrain map first. If that line not intersects with terrain it returns ending point

    - After that point have been found, system will attempt to find new intersection point with terrain vmap (such as buildings, etc.)

    - In case unit has specified movement flags like falling/flying/swimming, system will not perform hole and pit search on terrain. So, if player falls down the terrain and his falling time is lesser than 2.5 secs he will be teleported back to his previous safe location. Therefore, if unit's falling time is longer than 2.5 secs, this unit will be teleported forward, to his ending point.

    - In case unit hasn't specified movement flags like falling, flying or swimming (which means that unit walks especially on surface), system will scan terrain in attempt to find holes, pits and caves. When the hole, pit or cave is found, system should stop unit near this object .

    updated to 8072

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