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  • Summary of 2015

    As such we didn't have a formal roadmap in 2015 as it was a year of proper transition and rebuilding for MaNGOS.

    Much of the project foundations have been rebuilt and redesigned to allow us to be able to move forward easier in the future.

    I would like to make a special acknowledgement of the efforts of the following people who contributed massively over the last year:

    • FoeReaper - Who worked tirelessly with me to get things cleaned up, especially on the cmake and build system side of things.
    • Olion - Who helped reshape SD2 into SD2+, which became the foundation of SD3
    • Chuck5ta - Who's constant eagerness to fix any DB data issues I uncovered, has been a great help

    There have also been hundreds of other people who have also contributed in various amounts throughout the year and I would like to take the time to thank everyone who contributed  !! - MaNGOS is our project, it belongs to all of us

    Some of the key changes made to the codebase to make it a little bit more coherent were:-

    • Replacing the ageing SD2 libraries in each core with a single cross-core SD3 submodule
    • Replacing the separate extraction tools on Zero, One and Two with a Unified Extractor submodule.
    • Moving the RealmD code to a submodule

    My push to get MaNGOS properly documented has started to pay off. Several sub-projects were created to help achieve this:

    • dbDocs system for the Wiki has helped us create one of the most complete database documentation of any project.
    • dbcDocs for documenting the DBC files is still a work in progress but has come on a long way this year
    • packetDocs for documentation the packets and their structure is well into development
    • codeDocs this is still in a prototype phase atm, but the idea behind it is to allow full API documentation of the codebase

    These four projects use a semi-automatic system for creating the information. In principle the key information is pulled from the source material whether that be the database, dbc files or the mangos source code - This information is then mapped onto a documentation layer which allows anyone to add information and notes freely.

    In the contrib folder of the mangos 'repos' is a tool called dbDocs Editor, this allows for documentation to be created and/or edited relating to the database.


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