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  • ADT File



    ADT Files contain the actual terrain information (height maps, texturing, WMOs, doodads, etc) required by the client to render the static parts of the terrain.
    They use a chunked file structure like WDT Files. Each ADT File contains 256 (16x16) map tiles (or map chunks).
    Each map tile is 33.3333 yards on each side, making the size of the map block in an ADT file 533.3333 yards on each side in total.
    As every WDT File can reference 64x64 ADT map blocks, the whole map is approximately 34133.33 yards on each side. So there will be a few initial data chunks to specify textures, objects, models, etc. followed by 256 MCNK (mapchunk) chunks.
    Each MCNK chunk has a small header of its own, and additional chunks within its data block

    ADT files and blocks

    There is an .adt file for each existing block. If a block is unused it won't have an .adt file. The file will be: World/Maps/{InternalMapName}/<{InternalMapName}{BlockY}{BlockX}.adt.

    {InternalMapName} - The second field in Map.dbc
    {BlockY} - obtained with the following formula: floor((32 - (y / 533.33333)))
    {BlockX} - obtained with the following formula: floor((32 - (x / 533.33333)))

    Chunk Definitions

    Identifier Length Description Notes
    MVER 4 bytes Version This chunk specifies the format version. All ADT Files in 1.12.X have Version 18.
    MHDR 64 bytes Header The Header chunk contains offsets to various other chunks. All offsets are relative to the start of the MHDR data block
    00h uint32 flags;    //Known Values: 1 = contains MFBO
    04h uint32 offsMCIN;
    08h uint32 offsMTEX;
    0Ch uint32 offsMMDX;
    10h uint32 offsMMID;
    14h uint32 offsMWMO;
    18h uint32 offsMWID;
    1Ch uint32 offsMDDF;
    20h uint32 offsMODF;
    24h uint32 offsMFBO; // this is only set if flags &1.
    28h uint32 offsMH2O;
    2Ch uint32 offsMTFX;
    30h uint32[4] unused;
    Identifier Length Description Notes
    MCIN 4096 bytes Chunk Index This is a lookup table containing absolute offsets and sizes for every map tile in the file. There are 16x16 = 256 entries of 16 bytes each:
    00h uint32 offsMCNK // absolute offset.
    04h uint32 size     // the size of the MCNK chunk, this is refering to.
    08h uint32 flags    // these two are always 0. only set in the client.
    0Ch uint32 asyncId
    Identifier Length Description Notes
    MTEX Variable Texture File Names A list of zero-terminated file names for the textures used in this map.
    MMDX Variable Doodad File Names A list of zero-terminated file names for the doodads / models used in this map.
    MMID Variable Doodad File Name Lookup uint32 offsets into the MMDX chunk for every doodad.
    MWMO Variable WMO File Names A list of zero-terminated file names for the WMOs used in this map.
    MWID Variable WMO File Name Lookup uint32 offsets into the MWMO chunk for every doodad.
    MDDF nDoodad * 36 bytes Doodad Definition Placement Information for Doodads.
    00h uint32   mmidEntry; // references an entry in the MMID chunk, specifying the model to use.
    04h uint32   uniqueId;  // this ID should be unique for all ADTs currently loaded. 
                            // Blizzard has these unique for the whole game.
    08h float[3] position;
    14h float[3] rotation;  // degrees.
    20h uint16   scale;     // 1024 is the default size equaling 1.0f.
    22h uint16   flags;     // values from enum MDDFFlags.
    Identifier Length Description Notes
    MODF nWMO * 64 bytes WMO Definition Placement Information for World Map Objects
    00h uint32   mwidEntry;   // references an entry in the MWID chunk, specifying the model to use.
    04h uint32   uniqueId;    // unique ID for the whole map.
    08h float[3] position;
    14h float[3] rotation;    // same as in MDDF.
    20h float[3] lowerBounds; // these two are position plus the wmo bounding box.
    2Ch float[3] upperBounds; // they are used for defining when if they are rendered as well as collision.
    38h uint16   flags;
    3Ah uint16   doodadSet;   // which WMO doodad set is used.
    3Ch uint16   nameSet;     // which WMO name set is used. 
                              // Used for renaming goldshire inn to northshire inn while using the same model.
    3Eh uint16   padding;
    Identifier Length Description Notes
    MCNK 128 byte header + variable data Map Chunk Data After the general information above 256 MCNK chunks follow. Each of these has a header followed by subchunks. Subchunks mostly behave like normal file chunks, except for some flakyness in their chunk size values.

    The header looks like this:

    00h uint32      flags;         // 1h=has MCSH, 2h=impassible, 4h=River, 8h=Ocean, 10h=Magma, 
                                   // 20h=Slime, 40h=has MCCV
    04h uint32      IndexX;
    08h uint32      IndexY;
    0Ch uint32      nLayers;       // maximum 4
    10h uint32      nDoodadRefs;
    14h uint32      ofsMCVT;       // offsets to various chunks. Relative to the beginning of the MCNK Chunk
    18h uint32      ofsMCNR;
    1Ch uint32      ofsMCLY;
    20h uint32      ofsMCRF;
    24h uint32      ofsMCAL;
    28h uint32      sizeAlpha;
    2Ch uint32      ofsMCSH;        // only with flags & 0x1
    30h uint32      sizeShadow;
    34h uint32      areaid;
    38h uint32      nMapObjRefs;
    3Ch uint32      holes;
    40h uint2[8][8] ReallyLowQualityTextureingMap; // the content is the layer being on top, I guess.
    50h uint32      predTex;         // ???
    54h uint32      noEffectDoodad;  // ???
    58h uint32      ofsMCSE;
    5Ch uint32      nSndEmitters;    // will be set to 0 in the client if ofsSndEmitters doesn't point to MCSE!
    60h uint32      ofsMCLQ;
    64h uint32      sizeLiquid;      // 8 when not used; only read if >8.
    68h float[3]    position;
    74h uint32      ofsMCCV;         // only with flags & 0x20, had uint32 textureId;
    78h uint32      ofsMCLV;         // introduced in Cataclysm
    7Ch uint32      unused;          // currently unused

    About the holes in the terrain: This is a bitmapped field, the least significant 16 bits are used row-wise in the following arrangement with a 1 bit meaning that the map chunk has a hole in that part of its area: 0x1 0x2 0x4 0x8 0x10 0x20 0x40 0x80 0x100 0x200 0x400 0x800 0x1000 0x2000 0x4000 0x8000

    Identifier Length Description Notes
    MCVT 580 bytes Subchunk These are the actual height values for the 9x9+8x8 vertices. 145 floats in the following order/arrangement:. The values in here are only relative to the position given in the corresponding MCNK chunk.
      1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
       10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17
     18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26
       27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34
     35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43
       44  45  46  47  48  49  50  51
     52  53  54  55  56  57  58  59  60
       61  62  63  64  65  66  67  68
     69  70  71  72  73  74  75  76  77
       78  79  80  81  82  83  84  85
     86  87  88  89  90  91  92  93  94
       95  96  97  98  99 100 101 102
    103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111
      112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119
    120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128
      129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136
    137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145

    WoW uses Squares out of 4 of the Outer(called NoLoD)-Vertices with one of the Inner(called LoD)-Vertices in the Center:

     1  2
    18 19
    Identifier Length Description Notes
    MCNR 435 bytes + 13 bytes of unknown data Subchunk - Normals 9x9 + 8x8 surface normals, laid out as in the MCVT chunk.
    int8[3] normal; // normalized. X, Y, Z. 127 == 1.0, -127 == -1.0.
    This chunk has 13 bytes of unknown data at the end. The chunk size only covers the normals, though.


    Identifier Length Description Notes
    MCLY 1-4 layers * 16 bytes Subchunk - Texture Layers See Below.

    These are texture layer definitions for this map chunk. 16 bytes per layer, up to 4 layers. Every texture layer other than the first will have an alpha map to specify blending amounts. The first layer is rendered with full opacity. To know which alphamap is used, there is an offset into the MCAL chunk. That one is relative to MCAL. You can animate these by setting the flags. Only simple linear animations are possible. You can specify the direction in 45° steps and the speed. The textureId is just the array index of the filename array in the MTEX chunk. The effectId links to GroundEffectTexture.dbc. It defines the little detaildoodads as well as the footstep sounds and if footprints are visible.

    00h uint32 textureId;
    04h uint32 flags;
    08h uint32 offsetInMCAL;
    0Ch int32  effectId;    // (actually int16 and padding)


    Flag  Description
    0x001 Animation: Rotate 45° clockwise.
    0x002 Animation: Rotate 90° clockwise.
    0x004 Animation: Rotate 180° clockwise.
    0x008 Animation: Make this faster.
    0x010 Animation: Faster!!
    0x020 Animation: Even Faster!!
    0x040 Animation: Animate this texture as told in the other bits.
    0x080 This will make the texture way brighter. Used for lava to make it "glow".
    0x100 Use alpha map - set for every layer after the first
    0x200 Alpha map is compressed
    Identifier Length Description Notes
    MCRF Variable Subchunk See #1 Below.
    MCSH 512 bytes Subchunk See #2 Below.
    MCAL 0-3 layers * 2048 bytes Subchunk - Alpha maps See #3 Below.
    MCLQ ???? Unknown Subchunk - Liquids See #4 Below.

    #1. A uint32 list of with MCNK.nDoodadRefs + MCNK.nMapObjRefs indices into the file's MDDF and MODF chunks, saying which MCNK subchunk those particular doodads and objects are drawn within. This MCRF list contains duplicates for map doodads that overlap areas. As both, WMOs and M2s are referenced here, they get doodad indices first, then WMOs. If you have a doodad and a WMO in the ADT as well as the MCNK, you will have a {0,0} in MCRF with nDoodadRefs and MCNK.nMapObjRefs being 1.

    #2. Shadow map for static shadows on the terrain. Can be left out with the chunk&1 flag not set. The shadow maps work as follows: the shadows are stored per bit as 0 or 1 (off or on) so we have 8 bytes (which equates to 64 values) X 64 bytes (64 values in this case) which ends up as a square 64x64 shadowmap with either white or black. Note that the shadow values come LSB first.

    #3. These are alpha maps for additional texture layers beside the base layer. Each layer contains a 64x64 alpha map. There are 2 alpha values per byte, first 4 bits and second 4 bits. Results in 2048 bytes per layer.

    #4. The size of the chunk is in the mapchunk header. The type of liquid is given in the mapchunk flags, also in the header. This information is old and incomplete as well as maybe wrong. The first two floats specify the minimum and maximum liquid height level. After them comes a 9x9 height map for the water with the following format per vertex:

    0x00 int16 ?
    0x02 int16 ?
    0x04 float height value

    The unknown int values might be color or transparency info, or something entirely different... Most frequently they are 0. Followed by 8x8 bytes of flags for every liquid "tile" between the 9x9 vertex grid. The value 0x0F means do not render. (the specific flag for this seems to be 8 but I'm not sure - but it fixes some places where there was extra "water" sticking into the rest of the scenery) Finally, 0x54 bytes of additional data, no idea what it's used for.

    Identifier Length Description Notes
    MCSE ???? Unknown, See Below. Subchunk - Sound Emitters This is not well understood. Struct from WoWDev Wiki below.
    00h uint32 soundPointID;
    04h uint32 soundNameID;
    08h float[3] pos;
    14h float minDistance;
    18h float maxDistance;
    1Ch float cutoffDistance;
    20h uint16 startTime;
    22h uint16 endTime;
    24h uint16 groupSilenceMin;
    26h uint16 groupSilenceMax;
    28h uint16 playInstancesMin;
    2Ah uint16 playInstancesMax;
    2Ch uint16 loopCountMin;
    2Eh uint16 loopCountMax;
    30h uint16 interSoundGapMin;
    32h uint16 interSoundGapMax;

    Edited by antz

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