NOTE: This page is auto-generated from the MAGNET DBCDocs module, Any changes made directly to this page will be lost when it is regenerated. |
Description of the DBC file 'AreaTable' for MaNGOSTwo
The area table contains definitions for distinct areas in a zone.
The file contents is read and mapped into the struct areatableEntry in the MaNGOS core.
The field types and usage is defined in areatablefmt in the MaNGOS core.
The File is currently *NOT USED* by the MaNGOS core.
The Field definitions follow, No. of fields: 36 strong>
Field Name | Field Type | Notes |
AreaTableId | INT(11) | Unique Id |
MapId | INT(11) | The map on which the area is located. |
ParentAreaTableId | INT(11) | Reference to the parent Area if set. |
AreaBit | INT(11) | See below. |
Flags | FLOAT | See below. |
SoundPreferencesId | INT(11) | Sound settings when moving while in this area. |
SoundPreferencesIdUnderWater | INT(11) | Sound settings when moving in water in this area. |
SoundAmbienceId | INT(11) | Background sounds which play while in this area ie. birds, falling leaves etc. |
ZoneMusicId | INT(11) | The background music that plays when in this area. |
ZoneIntroMusicTableId | INT(11) | The music played upon entering the area. |
ExplorationLevel | INT(11) | The Suggested character level for exploring this area. |
AreaName | TEXT | The Name of the Area |
AreaName1 | TEXT | The Localised Korean version of the above. |
AreaName2 | TEXT | The Localised French version of the above. |
AreaName3 | TEXT | The Localised German version of the above. |
AreaName4 | TEXT | The Localised Chinese version of the above. |
AreaName5 | TEXT | The Localised Taiwanese version of the above. |
AreaName6 | TEXT | The Localised Spanish (Traditional) version of the above. |
AreaName7 | TEXT | The Localised Spanish (Latin America) version of the above. |
AreaName8 | TEXT | |
AreaName9 | TEXT | |
AreaName10 | TEXT | |
AreaName11 | TEXT | |
AreaName12 | TEXT | |
AreaName13 | TEXT | |
AreaName14 | TEXT | |
AreaName15 | TEXT | |
TEXTCHECKSUM1 | FLOAT | A checksum value for the preceeding text fields. |
FactionGroupId | INT(11) | References the faction which owns the area. |
LiquidTypeId | INT(11) | References the type of liquid to be found is this area. |
col30 | TEXT | |
col31 | TEXT | |
col32 | INT(11) | |
MinElevation | FLOAT | Lowest possible Z coordinate for this area. |
AmbientMultiplier | FLOAT | |
LightId | INT(11) | References the type of lighting to be seen in this area. |
Description of the fields
AreaTableId INT(11)
References an area ID from [AreaTable.dbc#AreaTableId].
MapId INT(11)
References the primary key of [Map.dbc].
ParentAreaTableId INT(11)
References an area ID from [AreaTable.dbc#AreaTableId].
AreaBit INT(11)
We have not investigated the purpose of these bit flags. The current assumption is that these bit flags provide meta information for a zone, e.g. hinting at an instanced or non-instanced zone, or a dungeon, or battleground, etc.
`flags` seem to directly relate to the state of a zone, e.g. is it a city, or is it a winter area, or can I duel there. Thus we assume these are interaction related flags.
Bit Masks | Value | Enum Name | Notes |
0000 0000 0000 0001 | 1 | AREA_FLAG_SNOW | Seems to indicate zones which have winter maps with snow on the ground. |
0000 0000 0000 0010 | 2 | AREA_FLAG_UNK | |
0000 0000 0000 0100 | 4 | AREA_FLAG_DEVELOPMENT | Indicates a map only available during development. |
0000 0000 0000 1000 | 8 | AREA_FLAG_UNK2 | |
0000 0000 0001 0000 | 16 | AREA_FLAG_UNK3 | |
0000 0000 0010 0000 | 32 | AREA_FLAG_CITY_SLAVE | |
0000 0000 0100 0000 | 64 | AREA_FLAG_ALLOW_DUELS | |
0000 0000 1000 0000 | 128 | AREA_FLAG_UNK4 | |
0000 0001 0000 0000 | 256 | AREA_FLAG_CITY | |
0000 0010 0000 0000 | 512 | AREA_FLAG_TEST |
SoundPreferencesId INT(11)
References the primary key of [SoundProviderPreferences.dbc].
SoundPreferencesIdUnderWater INT(11)
References the primary key of [SoundProviderPreferences.dbc].
SoundAmbienceId INT(11)
References the primary key of [SoundAmbience.dbc].
ZoneMusicId INT(11)
References the primary key of [ZoneMusic.dbc].
ZoneIntroMusicTableId INT(11)
References the primary key of [ZoneIntroMusicTable.dbc].
ExplorationLevel INT(11)
The Suggested character level for exploring this area.
AreaName TEXT
The Name of the Area.
AreaName1 TEXT
The Name of the Area.
AreaName2 TEXT
The Name of the Area.
AreaName3 TEXT
The Name of the Area.
AreaName4 TEXT
The Name of the Area.
AreaName5 TEXT
The Name of the Area.
AreaName6 TEXT
The Name of the Area.
AreaName7 TEXT
The Name of the Area.
AreaName8 TEXT
The Name of the Area.
AreaName9 TEXT
The Name of the Area.
AreaName10 TEXT
The Name of the Area.
AreaName11 TEXT
The Name of the Area.
AreaName12 TEXT
The Name of the Area.
AreaName13 TEXT
The Name of the Area.
AreaName14 TEXT
The Name of the Area.
AreaName15 TEXT
The Name of the Area.
A checksum value for the preceeding text fields.
FactionGroupId INT(11)
References the primary key of [FactionGroup.dbc].
LiquidTypeId INT(11)
References the primary key of [LiquidType.dbc].
col30 TEXT
col31 TEXT
col32 INT(11)
MinElevation FLOAT
Lowest possible Z coordinate for this area.
AmbientMultiplier FLOAT
LightId INT(11)
References the primary key of [Light.dbc].
auto-generated by the MAGNET dbcdocs module
Edited by Antz
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