NOTE: This page is auto-generated from the MAGNET DBDocs module, Any changes made directly to this page will be lost when it is regenerated. |
Description of the 'character_pet' table for MaNGOSOne
This table holds the pet data for each pet summoned by anyone in the game.
Table Notes
This table uses the 'MyISAM' DB Engine
The Field definitions follow:
Field Name | Field Type | Nullable | Key | Default Value | Attributes | Notes |
id | int(11) unsigned | NO | PRI | '0' | The special pet ID. This is a unique identifier among all pets. | |
entry | int(11) unsigned | NO | '0' | The creature entry of this pet. [See creature_template.entry]. | ||
owner | int(11) unsigned | NO | MUL | '0' | The GUID of the pet's owner. [See character.guid]. | |
modelid | int(11) unsigned | YES | '0' | The model ID to use to display the pet. | ||
CreatedBySpell | int(11) unsigned | NO | '0' | The ID of the spell that has created this pet. | ||
PetType | tinyint(3) unsigned | NO | '0' | The type of pet that this is. 0 = summoned pet, 1 = tamed pet | ||
level | int(11) unsigned | NO | '1' | The current level of the pet. | ||
exp | int(11) unsigned | NO | '0' | The current experience that this pet has. | ||
Reactstate | tinyint(1) unsigned | NO | '0' | The current reaction state of the pet (passive, aggressive, etc). | ||
loyaltypoints | int(11) | NO | '0' | The current amount of loyalty points the pet has. | ||
loyalty | int(11) unsigned | NO | '0' | The pet's loyalty level. | ||
trainpoint | int(11) | NO | '0' | Total training points available to spend. | ||
name | varchar(100) | YES | 'Pet' | The pet's name. | ||
renamed | tinyint(1) unsigned | NO | '0' | Boolean 1 or 0. 1 = Pet has been renamed. | ||
slot | int(11) unsigned | NO | '0' | The pet slot that the pet is in. The slot is a number between 0 and 3 inclusive. | ||
curhealth | int(11) unsigned | NO | '1' | The current pet health at the time it was saved to DB. | ||
curmana | int(11) unsigned | NO | '0' | The current pet mana at the time it was saved to DB. | ||
curhappiness | int(11) unsigned | NO | '0' | The current pet happiness. | ||
savetime | bigint(20) unsigned | NO | '0' | The time when the pet was last saved, in Unix time. | ||
resettalents_cost | int(11) unsigned | NO | '0' | This is the cost to "untrain" the pet talents. | ||
resettalents_time | bigint(20) unsigned | NO | '0' | How many times the pets talents have been reset. | ||
abdata | longtext | YES | NULL | Data about pet action bar and action type ten pairs of action bar entry. | ||
teachspelldata | longtext | YES | NULL | This field holds IDs of spells that have been taught to this pet. |
Description of the fields
id int(11) unsigned
The special pet ID. This is a unique identifier among all pets.
entry int(11) unsigned
The creature entry of this pet. [See creature_template.entry].
owner int(11) unsigned
The GUID of the pet's owner. [See character.guid].
modelid int(11) unsigned
The model ID to use to display the pet.
CreatedBySpell int(11) unsigned
The ID of the spell that has created this pet. For hunters, this is usually the Tame Beast spell. For warlocks or other classes (mages), it is the spell ID that summoned the creature. [See Spell.dbc column 1]
PetType tinyint(3) unsigned
The type of pet that this is. 0 = summoned pet, 1 = tamed pet
level int(11) unsigned
The current level of the pet.
exp int(11) unsigned
The current experience that this pet has. For summoned pets, this field is always 0.
Reactstate tinyint(1) unsigned
The current reaction state of the pet (passive, aggressive, etc).
loyaltypoints int(11)
The current amount of loyalty points the pet has.
loyalty int(11) unsigned
The pet's loyalty level.
Loyalty | Value |
UNRULY | 2 |
trainpoint int(11)
Total training points available to spend.
name varchar(100)
The pet's name.
renamed tinyint(1) unsigned
Boolean 1 or 0. 1 = Pet has been renamed, 0 = Pet has never been renamed and still uses the same name as the creature that was tamed.
slot int(11) unsigned
The pet slot that the pet is in. The slot is a number between 0 and 3 inclusive.
curhealth int(11) unsigned
The current pet health at the time it was saved to DB.
curmana int(11) unsigned
The current pet mana at the time it was saved to DB.
curhappiness int(11) unsigned
The current pet happiness.
savetime bigint(20) unsigned
The time when the pet was last saved, in Unix time.
resettalents_cost int(11) unsigned
This is the cost to "untrain" the pet talents.
resettalents_time bigint(20) unsigned
How many times the pets talents have been reset.
abdata longtext
data about pet action bar and action type ten pairs of action bar entry (from 1 to 10) and action or spell IDs
teachspelldata longtext
This field holds IDs of spells that have been taught to this pet, abilities that this pet has.
auto-generated by the MAGNET dbdocs module
Edited by Antz
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