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    Description of the 'characters' table for MaNGOSOne

    This table holds vital static information for each character. This information loaded and used to create the player objects in-game.

    Table Notes

    This table uses the 'MyISAM' DB Engine

    The Field definitions follow:

    Field Name Field Type Nullable Key Default Value Attributes Notes
    guid int(11) unsigned NO PRI '0'   The character global unique identifier.
    account int(11) unsigned NO MUL '0'   The account ID in which this character resides [See account.id] in the realm db.
    name varchar(12) NO MUL {Blank String}   The name of the character.
    race tinyint(3) unsigned NO '0'   The race of the character.
    class tinyint(3) unsigned NO '0'   The Class Id of the character [See chrclasses.dbc].
    gender tinyint(3) unsigned NO '0'   The Sex/Gender of the character.
    level tinyint(3) unsigned NO '0'   The current level of the designated player.
    xp int(10) unsigned NO '0'   The total amount of xp that the signified player has.
    money int(10) unsigned NO '0'   This is the amount of copper the character possesses.
    playerBytes int(10) unsigned NO '0'   This defines the physical attributes of the character.
    playerBytes2 int(10) unsigned NO '0'   This defines the facial hair physical attribute of the character.
    playerFlags int(10) unsigned NO '0'   These are the player flags, such as GM mode on or off.
    position_x float NO '0'   The x position of the character's location.
    position_y float NO '0'   The y position of the character's location.
    position_z float NO '0'   The z position of the character's location.
    map int(11) unsigned NO '0'   The map ID the character is in [See maps.dbc]
    dungeon_difficulty tinyint(1) unsigned NO '0'    
    orientation float NO '0'   The orientation the character is facing. (North = 0.0, South = 3.14159)
    taximask longtext YES NULL    
    online tinyint(3) unsigned NO MUL '0'   Records whether the character is online (1) or offline (0).
    cinematic tinyint(3) unsigned NO '0'   Boolean 1 or 0 controlling whether the start cinematic has been shown or not.
    totaltime int(11) unsigned NO '0'   The total time that the character has been active in the world.
    leveltime int(11) unsigned NO '0'   The total time the character has spent in the world at the current level.
    logout_time bigint(20) unsigned NO '0'   The time when the character last logged out, measured in Unix time.
    is_logout_resting tinyint(3) unsigned NO '0'   Boolean 1 or 0 controlling if the character is currently in a resting zone.
    rest_bonus float NO '0'   This is the rest bonus for the character.
    resettalents_cost int(11) unsigned NO '0'   The cost for the character to reset its talents, measured in copper.
    resettalents_time bigint(20) unsigned NO '0'    
    trans_x float NO '0'   The X coordinate of the character on the transport it is travelling on.
    trans_y float NO '0'   The Y coordinate of the character on the transport it is travelling on.
    trans_z float NO '0'   The Z coordinate of the character on the transport it is travelling on.
    trans_o float NO '0'   The orientation of the character on the transport it is travelling on.
    transguid bigint(20) unsigned NO '0'   This is the transprt the character is currently travelling on.
    extra_flags int(11) unsigned NO '0'   These flags control certain player specific attributes, mostly GM features.
    stable_slots tinyint(1) unsigned NO '0'   The number of stable slots the player has available. Maximum is 2.
    at_login int(11) unsigned NO '0'   The status of the character.
    zone int(11) unsigned NO '0'   The zone ID the character is in.
    death_expire_time bigint(20) unsigned NO '0'   Time when a character can be resurrected.
    taxi_path text YES NULL   Stores the players current taxi path (TaxiPath.dbc) if logged off while on one.
    arenaPoints int(10) unsigned NO '0'    
    totalHonorPoints int(10) unsigned NO '0'    
    todayHonorPoints int(10) unsigned NO '0'    
    yesterdayHonorPoints int(10) unsigned NO '0'    
    totalKills int(10) unsigned NO '0'    
    todayKills smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'    
    yesterdayKills smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'    
    chosenTitle int(10) unsigned NO '0'    
    watchedFaction int(10) unsigned NO '0'   The faction whose rep is being followed on the experience bar.
    drunk smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   This represents the alcoholic strength of the drink.
    health int(10) unsigned NO '0'   The character's health when logging out.
    power1 int(10) unsigned NO '0'   If a mana user, then this is a character's mana level when logging out.
    power2 int(10) unsigned NO '0'   If a warrior, then this is a character's rage level when logging out.
    power3 int(10) unsigned NO '0'   This is a hunter pet's focus level.
    power4 int(10) unsigned NO '0'   If a rogue, then this is a character's energy level when logging out.
    power5 int(10) unsigned NO '0'   This is the current active pet's happiness level.
    exploredZones longtext YES NULL   This is a record of all areas discovered by the character.
    equipmentCache longtext YES NULL   This is a record of all items that are currently equipped.
    ammoId int(10) unsigned NO '0'   This is the item_template Entry ID of the ammo currently equipped.
    knownTitles longtext YES NULL    
    actionBars tinyint(3) unsigned NO '0'   This represents which action bars are currently active.
    deleteInfos_Account int(11) unsigned YES NULL   This is the account number from the characters table.
    deleteInfos_Name varchar(12) YES {Blank String}   The is the name of the character being deleted.
    deleteDate bigint(20) unsigned YES NULL   This is the date the character was deleted,

    Description of the fields

    guid int(11) unsigned

    The character global unique identifier. This number must be unique and is the best way to identify separate characters.

    account int(11) unsigned

    The account ID in which this character resides. [See account.id] in the realm database.

    name varchar(12)

    The name of the character.

    race tinyint(3) unsigned

    The race of the character.

    Index Value Race Name
    1 1 Human
    2 2 Orc
    3 4 Dwarf
    4 8 Night Elf
    5 16 Undead
    6 32 Tauren
    7 64 Gnome
    8 128 Troll

    class tinyint(3) unsigned

    The Class Id of the character [See chrclasses.dbc]

    gender tinyint(3) unsigned

    The Sex/Gender of the character.

    Value Gender
    0 Male
    1 Female

    level tinyint(3) unsigned

    The current level of the designated player.

    xp int(10) unsigned

    The total amount of xp that the signified player has.

    money int(10) unsigned

    This is the amount of copper the character possesses.

    playerBytes int(10) unsigned

    This defines the following physical attributes of the character:
    skin, face, hairstyle, hair colour

    Attribute Offset Bits
    skin 0 0 - 7
    face 8 8 - 15
    hairStyle 16 16 - 23
    hairColor 24 24 - 31

    TODO (an example of setting an attribute)

    playerBytes2 int(10) unsigned

    This defines the facial hair physical attribute of the character.

    As with playerBytes, playerBytes2's bits (0 to 7) are used to change the character's facial hair

    TODO (an example of setting this attribute)

    playerFlags int(10) unsigned

    These are the player flags. They are represented as decimal values in the database table, and hexidecimal values in the table below.

    Flag Value Description
    PLAYER_FLAGS_NONE 0x00000000  
    PLAYER_FLAGS_AFK 0x00000002 Player is away from keyboard
    PLAYER_FLAGS_DND 0x00000004 Player has do not disturb set
    PLAYER_FLAGS_GM 0x00000008 GM mode is on
    PLAYER_FLAGS_GHOST 0x00000010  
    PLAYER_FLAGS_RESTING 0x00000020 Player is in a rest area, such as a town
    PLAYER_FLAGS_UNK7 0x00000040 admin?
    PLAYER_FLAGS_FFA_PVP 0x00000080  
    PLAYER_FLAGS_CONTESTED_PVP 0x00000100 Player has been involved in a PvP combat and will be attacked by contested guards
    PLAYER_FLAGS_IN_PVP 0x00000200  
    PLAYER_FLAGS_HIDE_HELM 0x00000400 Player has hide helm set
    PLAYER_FLAGS_HIDE_CLOAK 0x00000800 Player has hide cloak set
    PLAYER_FLAGS_PARTIAL_PLAY_TIME 0x00001000 played long time
    PLAYER_FLAGS_NO_PLAY_TIME 0x00002000 played too long time
    PLAYER_FLAGS_UNK15 0x00004000  
    PLAYER_FLAGS_UNK16 0x00008000 strange visual effect (2.0.1), looks like PLAYER_FLAGS_GHOST flag
    PLAYER_FLAGS_SANCTUARY 0x00010000 player entered sanctuary
    PLAYER_FLAGS_TAXI_BENCHMARK 0x00020000 taxi benchmark mode (on/off) (2.0.1)
    PLAYER_FLAGS_PVP_TIMER 0x00040000  

    position_x float

    The x position of the character's location.

    position_y float

    The y position of the character's location.

    position_z float

    The z position of the character's location.

    map int(11) unsigned

    The map ID the character is in. [See map.dbc]

    dungeon_difficulty tinyint(1) unsigned

    orientation float

    The orientation the character is facing. (North = 0.0, South = 3.14159)

    taximask longtext

    online tinyint(3) unsigned

    Records whether the character is online (1) or offline (0).

    cinematic tinyint(3) unsigned

    Boolean 1 or 0 controlling whether the start cinematic has been shown or not.

    totaltime int(11) unsigned

    The total time that the character has been active in the world, measured in seconds.

    leveltime int(11) unsigned

    The total time the character has spent in the world at the current level, measured in seconds.

    logout_time bigint(20) unsigned

    The time when the character last logged out, measured in Unix time.

    is_logout_resting tinyint(3) unsigned

    Boolean 1 or 0 controlling if the character is currently in a resting zone or not.

    rest_bonus float

    This is part of the rest system, and is used to calculate how much rest bonus to give the player when they have been offline. Rest bonus affects the amount of experience the character can earn,

    resettalents_cost int(11) unsigned

    The cost for the character to reset its talents, measured in copper.

    resettalents_time bigint(20) unsigned

    trans_x float

    The X coordinate of the character on the transport it is travelling on at the point of logging off.

    trans_y float

    The Y coordinate of the character on the transport it is travelling on at the point of logging off.

    trans_z float

    The Z coordinate of the character on the transport it is travelling on at the point of logging off.

    trans_o float

    The orientation of the character on the transport it is travelling on at the point of logging off.

    transguid bigint(20) unsigned

    This is the transprt the character is currently travelling on.

    It's the entry ID from the transports table.

    extra_flags int(11) unsigned

    These flags control certain player specific attributes, mostly GM features

    Bit Name Description
    1 PLAYER_EXTRA_GM_ON Defines GM state
    2 PLAYER_EXTRA_GM_ACCEPT_TICKETS Defines if tickets are accepted
    4 PLAYER_EXTRA_ACCEPT_WHISPERS Defines if whispers are accepted
    8 PLAYER_EXTRA_TAXICHEAT Sets taxicheat
    16 PLAYER_EXTRA_GM_INVISIBLE Control's GM's invisibly
    32 PLAYER_EXTRA_GM_CHAT Show GM badge in chat messages
    64 PLAYER_EXTRA_PVP_DEATH Store PvP death status until corpse creating

    stable_slots tinyint(1) unsigned

    The number of stable slots the player has available. Maximum is 2.

    at_login int(11) unsigned

    The status of the character.

    Value Meaning
    1 Force character to change name
    2 Reset spells (professions as well)
    4 Reset talents
    8 Character Customization enabled

    zone int(11) unsigned

    The zone ID the character is in.

    death_expire_time bigint(20) unsigned

    Time when a character can be resurrected in case of a server crash or client exit while in ghost form.

    taxi_path text

    Stores the players current taxi path (TaxiPath.dbc) if logged off while on one.

    arenaPoints int(10) unsigned

    totalHonorPoints int(10) unsigned

    todayHonorPoints int(10) unsigned

    yesterdayHonorPoints int(10) unsigned

    totalKills int(10) unsigned

    todayKills smallint(5) unsigned

    yesterdayKills smallint(5) unsigned

    chosenTitle int(10) unsigned

    watchedFaction int(10) unsigned

    The faction whose rep is being followed on the experience bar.

    Only one faction at a time can be followed.

    The ID of the faction being followed will appear in this field, e.g.
    18 for Gnomeragan Exiles
    20 for Ironforge
    21 for Darnassus

    These are not the same as the Faction IDs from the DBC file.

    drunk smallint(5) unsigned

    This represents the alcoholic strength of the drink. The stronger the drinker, the longer your character is drunk for

    health int(10) unsigned

    The character's health when logging out.

    power1 int(10) unsigned

    The character's mana level when logging out.

    power2 int(10) unsigned

    If a warrior, then this is character's rage level when logging out.

    power3 int(10) unsigned

    This is a hunter pet's focus level at point of logging off.

    power4 int(10) unsigned

    If a rogue, then this is character's energy level when logging out.

    power5 int(10) unsigned

    This is the current active pet's happiness level at the point of logging off.

    exploredZones longtext

    This is a record of all areas discovered by the character.

    equipmentCache longtext

    This is a record of all items that are currently equipped.

    Changing this information does not affect what is equipped. It will just revert back to what was originally equipped.

    ammoId int(10) unsigned

    This is the item_template Entry ID of the ammo currently equipped.

    e.g. 2516 light shot

    knownTitles longtext

    actionBars tinyint(3) unsigned

    This represents which action bars are currently active.

    Value Action bar
    1 bottom left
    2 bottom right
    4 right action bar
    12 right action bar and action bar2

    A combination of the above gives you which action bars are currently active, e.g. 3 will be bottom left and bottom right, 7 will be bottom left and right bars and the right action bar, and 19 will be all action bars active.

    deleteInfos_Account int(11) unsigned

    This is the account number from the characters table, that the deleted character is on.

    deleteInfos_Name varchar(12)

    The is the name of the character being deleted.

    deleteDate bigint(20) unsigned

    This is the date the character was deleted,

    auto-generated by the getMaNGOS.eu MAGNET dbdocs module

    Edited by Antz

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