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  •  NOTE:  This page is auto-generated from the MAGNET DBDocs module,
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    Description of the 'groups' table for MaNGOSThree

    This table holds basic info about groups.

    Table Notes

    This table uses the 'InnoDB' DB Engine

    The Field definitions follow:

    Field Name Field Type Nullable Key Default Value Attributes Notes
    groupId int(11) unsigned NO PRI NULL   Uniquie ID for the group.
    leaderGuid int(11) unsigned NO UNI NULL   Guid of the group's leader
    mainTank int(11) unsigned NO NULL   Guid of the character who is that main tank.
    mainAssistant int(11) unsigned NO NULL   Guid of the character who is that main assist.
    lootMethod tinyint(4) unsigned NO NULL   This is the loot method used by the group.
    looterGuid int(11) unsigned NO NULL   Guid of the character who retrieves the loot.
    lootThreshold tinyint(4) unsigned NO NULL   The quality of the items in the loot to be rolled for.
    icon1 int(11) unsigned NO NULL   Guid of the target that has the star raid target on it.
    icon2 int(11) unsigned NO NULL   Guid of the target that has the circle raid target on it.
    icon3 int(11) unsigned NO NULL   Guid of target that has the dimond raid target on it.
    icon4 int(11) unsigned NO NULL   Guid of the target that has the triangler raid target on it.
    icon5 int(11) unsigned NO NULL   Guid of the target that has the moon raid target on it.
    icon6 int(11) unsigned NO NULL   Guid of the target that has the square raid target on it.
    icon7 int(11) unsigned NO NULL   Guid of the target that has the cross raid target on it.
    icon8 int(11) unsigned NO NULL   Guid of the target that has the skull raid target on it.
    groupType tinyint(1) unsigned NO NULL    
    difficulty tinyint(3) unsigned NO '0'    
    raiddifficulty int(11) unsigned NO '0'    

    Description of the fields

    groupId int(11) unsigned

    Uniquie ID for the group.

    leaderGuid int(11) unsigned

    Guid of the group's leader, from the characters table.

    mainTank int(11) unsigned

    Guid of the character who is that main tank.

    mainAssistant int(11) unsigned

    Guid of the character who is that main assit.

    This group member calls the shots as to the order in which mobs are taken on.

    lootMethod tinyint(4) unsigned

    This is the loot method used by the group.

    Method Value

    looterGuid int(11) unsigned

    Guid of the character who retrieves the loot.

    lootThreshold tinyint(4) unsigned

    The quality of theitems in the loot to be rolled for. This will be the minimum quality level to throw for, any loot below that will not be thrown for.

    Quality Value Colour

    icon1 int(11) unsigned

    Guid of the target that has the star raid target on it.

    These are placed on playesr and mobs, and can be used for controlling kill orders, crowd control, and assigning players to mobs.

    icon2 int(11) unsigned

    Guid of the target that has the circle raid target on it.

    These are placed on playesr and mobs, and can be used for controlling kill orders, crowd control, and assigning players to mobs.

    icon3 int(11) unsigned

    Guid of target that has the dimond raid target on it.

    These are placed on playesr and mobs, and can be used for controlling kill orders, crowd control, and assigning players to mobs.

    icon4 int(11) unsigned

    Guid of the target that has the triangler raid target on it.

    These are placed on playesr and mobs, and can be used for controlling kill orders, crowd control, and assigning players to mobs.

    icon5 int(11) unsigned

    Guid of the target that has the moon raid target on it.

    These are placed on playesr and mobs, and can be used for controlling kill orders, crowd control, and assigning players to mobs.

    icon6 int(11) unsigned

    Guid of the target that has the square raid target on it.

    These are placed on playesr and mobs, and can be used for controlling kill orders, crowd control, and assigning players to mobs.

    icon7 int(11) unsigned

    Guid of the target that has the cross raid target on it.

    These are placed on playesr and mobs, and can be used for controlling kill orders, crowd control, and assigning players to mobs.

    icon8 int(11) unsigned

    Guid of the target that has the skull raid target on it.

    These are placed on playesr and mobs, and can be used for controlling kill orders, crowd control, and assigning players to mobs.

    groupType tinyint(1) unsigned

    difficulty tinyint(3) unsigned

    raiddifficulty int(11) unsigned

    auto-generated by the getMaNGOS.eu MAGNET dbdocs module

    Edited by Antz

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