NOTE: This page is auto-generated from the MAGNET DBDocs module, Any changes made directly to this page will be lost when it is regenerated. |
Description of the 'game_tele' table for MaNGOSThree
This table contains a list of teleport locations that can be used with the .tele command in-game. Entries in this table can be added/deleted manually or with the .addtele/.deltele commands.
Table Notes
This table uses the 'InnoDB' DB Engine
The Field definitions follow:
Field Name | Field Type | Nullable | Key | Default Value | Attributes | Notes |
id | mediumint(8) unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL | 'auto_increment' | The id of the teleport location. |
position_x | float | NO | '0' | The x location of the teleport location. | ||
position_y | float | NO | '0' | The y location of the teleport location. | ||
position_z | float | NO | '0' | The z location of the teleport location. | ||
orientation | float | NO | '0' | The orientation of the player when teleported to the teleport location. | ||
map | smallint(5) unsigned | NO | '0' | The map id of the teleport location [See map.dbc]. | ||
name | varchar(100) | NO | {Blank String} | The name of the teleport location. |
Description of the fields
id mediumint(8) unsigned
The id of the teleport location.
position_x float
The x location of the teleport location.
position_y float
The y location of the teleport location.
position_z float
The z location of the teleport location.
orientation float
The orientation of the player when teleported to the teleport location.
map smallint(5) unsigned
The map id of the teleport location [See map.dbc].
name varchar(100)
The name of the teleport location
Using spaces and special characters for locations is prohibited.
Table Contents
map | name |
529 | AB |
530 | AbandonedArmory |
1 | AbyssalSands |
558 | AC |
530 | AccessShaftZeon |
0 | AddlesStead |
0 | AeriePeak |
530 | AerisLanding |
1 | FieldsOfBlood |
0 | AgamandMills |
0 | AgmondsEnd |
0 | AgolWatha |
1 | AlcazIsland |
530 | AldorRise |
1 | Aldrassil |
0 | AlexstonFarmstead |
0 | AlgazStation |
530 | AllerianPost |
530 | AllerianStronghold |
530 | AltarOfShatar |
0 | AltarOfStorms |
0 | AlteracMountains |
30 | AlteracValley |
30 | AlteracValleyAlliance |
30 | AlteracValleyHorde |
0 | AlthersMill |
530 | AmaniCatacombs |
530 | AmaniPass |
0 | Ambermill |
0 | AmberstillRanch |
530 | AmberwebPass |
1 | AmethAran |
530 | AmmenFields |
530 | AmmenFord |
530 | AmmenVale |
530 | AncestralGrounds |
530 | AnDaroth |
530 | AndilienEstate |
0 | AngerfangEncampment |
0 | AngorFortress |
530 | AngoRoshGrounds |
530 | AngoRoshStronghold |
530 | AnOwyn |
530 | AnTelas |
0 | ApocryphansRest |
509 | AQ20 |
531 | AQ40 |
529 | ArathiBasin |
529 | ArathiBasinAlliance |
529 | ArathiBasinHorde |
0 | ArathiHighlands |
552 | Arca |
530 | Area52 |
0 | AridensCamp |
530 | ArklonisRidge |
530 | ArklonRuins |
1 | Ashenvale |
1 | Astranaar |
530 | AtaMalTerrace |
1 | Auberdine |
530 | AuchenaiCrypts |
530 | AuchenaiGrounds |
530 | Auchindoun |
30 | AV |
530 | Axxarien |
1 | Azshara |
37 | AzsharaCrater |
530 | AzurebreezeCoast |
0 | AzurelodeMine |
530 | AzuremystIsle |
530 | AzureWatch |
0 | Badlands |
1 | BaelDunDigsite |
1 | BaelDunKeep |
1 | BaelModan |
0 | BaliaMahRuins |
0 | BallalRuins |
0 | BalnirFarmstead |
1 | BanEthilBarrowDen |
1 | BanEthilHollow |
0 | BaradinBay |
1 | Barrens |
1 | BashalAran |
530 | BashirLanding |
1 | BathransHaunt |
0 | BattleRing |
1 | BayOfStorms |
1 | BearsHead |
1 | BeezilsWreck |
0 | BeggarsHaunt |
0 | BerensPeril |
530 | BerylCoast |
542 | Bf |
48 | Bfd |
1 | BitterReaches |
0 | BlackChannelMarsh |
0 | BlackcharCave |
1 | BlackfathomDeeps |
1 | BlackhoofVillage |
0 | BlackrockDepths |
0 | BlackrockMountain |
0 | BlackrockPass |
0 | BlackrockSpire |
0 | BlackrockStronghold |
530 | BlacksiltShore |
530 | BlackTemple |
1 | BlackthornRidge |
530 | BlackwindLake |
530 | BlackwindValley |
530 | BlackwingCoven |
229 | BlackwingLair |
1 | BlackwolfRiver |
1 | BlackwoodDen |
0 | BlackwoodLake |
530 | BladedGulch |
1 | BladefistBay |
530 | BladesEdgeMountains |
530 | BladespireGrounds |
530 | BladespireHold |
530 | BladesRun |
530 | BladeToothCanyon |
530 | Bladewood |
530 | BladspireOutpost |
0 | BlastedLands |
530 | BleedingHollowRuins |
530 | BleedingZiggurat |
530 | BloodcurseIsle |
1 | BloodfenBurrow |
1 | BloodhoofVillage |
530 | BloodmaulCamp |
530 | BloodmaulOutpost |
530 | BloodmaulRavine |
530 | BloodmystIsle |
0 | BloodsailCompound |
530 | BloodscaleEnclave |
530 | BloodscaleGrounds |
1 | BloodtoothCamp |
1 | BloodvenomFalls |
1 | BloodvenomPost |
1 | BloodvenomRiver |
530 | BloodWatch |
1 | Bluefen |
0 | BluegillMarsh |
0 | BogensLedge |
530 | BohaMuRuins |
1 | BolgansHole |
530 | BonechewerRuins |
0 | BootyBay |
553 | Bota |
1 | BoughShadow |
0 | BoulderfistHall |
0 | BoulderfistOuspost |
0 | BoulderfistOutpost |
0 | BoulderGor |
1 | BoulderLodeMine |
530 | BoulderMok |
1 | BoulderslideCavern |
1 | BoulderslideRavine |
1 | BrackenwallVillage |
0 | BrackwellPumpkinPatch |
1 | BramblebladeRavine |
1 | Bramblescar |
230 | BRD |
0 | BrewnallVillage |
0 | BrightwaterLake |
0 | BrightwoodGrove |
0 | Brill |
530 | BristlelimbEnclave |
530 | BristlelimbVillage |
1 | BrokenCommons |
530 | BrokenHill |
1 | BrokenPillar |
530 | BrokenWilds |
1 | BronzebeardEncampment |
0 | BrowmanMill |
564 | BT |
1 | BurningBladeCoven |
530 | BurningBladeRuins |
0 | BurningSteppes |
469 | BWL |
0 | CaerDarrow |
1 | CampAparaje |
0 | CampBoff |
0 | CampCagg |
1 | CampEThok |
0 | CampKosh |
1 | CampMojache |
1 | CampNarache |
530 | CampOfBoom |
1 | CampTaurajo |
0 | CampWurg |
0 | Canals |
530 | CarrionHill |
0 | CathedralOfLight |
0 | CathedralSquare |
1 | CavernsOfTime |
530 | CelestialRidge |
1 | CenarioHold |
1 | CenarionEnclave |
1 | CenarionHold |
530 | CenarionPost |
530 | CenarionRefuge |
530 | CenarionThicket |
530 | ChapelYard |
0 | ChillBreezeValley |
0 | ChillwindCamp |
0 | ChillwindPoint |
530 | CircleOfBloodArena |
0 | CircleOfEastBinding |
0 | CircleOfInnerBindindg |
0 | CircleOfOuterBiding |
0 | CircleOfWestBinding |
1 | CleftOfShadow |
1 | CliffspringFalls |
1 | CliffspringRiver |
530 | CoilfangReservoir |
530 | CoilskarCistern |
530 | CoilskarPoint |
0 | ColdHearthManor |
0 | ColdridgeValley |
0 | CorinsCrossing |
0 | CorrahnsDagger |
530 | Cosmowrench |
530 | CourtOfTheSun |
1 | CraftmensTerrace |
1 | CragpoolLake |
530 | CrashSite |
530 | CrimsonWatch |
0 | CrownGuardTower |
0 | CrusadersOutpost |
0 | CrusadersOutpost |
0 | CrushridgeHold |
0 | Crypt |
0 | CrystalLake |
530 | CrystalSpine |
0 | CrystalveinMine |
530 | CursedHollow |
0 | DabyriesFarmstead |
530 | DaggerfenVillage |
530 | DaggermawCanyon |
0 | DalaranCrater |
0 | DalsonsTears |
0 | DandredsFold |
1 | DarkcloudPinnacle |
530 | DarkcrestEnclave |
530 | DarkcrestShore |
1 | DarkmistCavern |
0 | Darkshire |
1 | Darkshore |
1 | DarkspearStrand |
1 | DarkwhisperGorge |
1 | Darnassus |
0 | DarrowHill |
0 | DarrowmereLake |
0 | DarrowShire |
530 | DawningLane |
530 | DawnstarSpire |
1 | DeadeyeShore |
0 | DeadmansCrossing |
36 | Deadmines |
0 | DeadwindPass |
0 | DeadwindRavine |
1 | DeadwoodVillage |
530 | DeathforgeTower |
0 | Deathknell |
0 | Deathnell |
530 | Deatholme |
530 | DeathsDoor |
0 | DeepElemMine |
369 | DeeprunTram |
1 | DemonFallCanyon |
1 | DemonFallRidge |
0 | DemontsPlace |
530 | DenOfHaalEsh |
530 | DerelictCaravan |
1 | Desolace |
0 | DigOne |
0 | DireforgeHill |
1 | DireMaulEast |
1 | DireMaulNorth |
1 | DireMaulWest |
429 | Dmeast |
429 | Dmnorth |
429 | Dmwest |
1 | Dolanaar |
0 | Dracodar |
530 | Draenethystmine |
530 | DragonmawBaseCamp |
530 | DragonmawFortress |
0 | DragonmawGates |
530 | DragonsEnd |
0 | DreadmaulHold |
0 | DreadmaulPost |
0 | DreadmaulRock |
1 | DreadmistDen |
1 | DreadmistPeak |
1 | DreadmurkShore |
1 | DreamBough |
1 | DrygulchRavine |
0 | DrywhiskerGorge |
0 | DunAlgaz |
1 | DunemaulCompound |
0 | DunGarok |
1 | DunMandarr |
0 | DunModr |
0 | DunMorogh |
0 | DurnholdeKeep |
1 | Durotar |
1 | DurotarZeppelin |
530 | DuskwitherGrounds |
530 | DuskwitherSpire |
0 | Duskwood |
0 | DustfireValley |
530 | DustquillRavine |
1 | DustwallowBay |
1 | DustwallowMarsh |
1 | DustwindCave |
0 | DwarvenDistrict |
0 | EasternPlaguelands |
0 | EasternStrand |
1 | EastmoonRuins |
530 | EastSanctum |
0 | EastvaleLoggingCamp |
0 | EastwallGate |
0 | EastwallTower |
1 | EchoIsles |
70 | EchonokCaver |
0 | EchoRidgeMine |
530 | EclipsePoint |
530 | EcoDomeFarfield |
530 | EcoDomeMidrealm |
530 | EcoDomeSutheron |
1 | ElderRise |
1 | EldrethRow |
530 | ElementalPlateau |
530 | ElrendarFalls |
530 | ElrendarRiver |
0 | ElwynnForest |
1 | EmberstrifesDen |
1 | EmeraldSanctuary |
566 | EOTS |
1 | EthelRethor |
530 | EthereumStagingGrounds |
530 | Evergrove |
1 | Everlook |
530 | EversongWoods |
0 | ExcavationCenter |
530 | ExpeditionArmory |
530 | ExpeditionPoint |
550 | Eye |
566 | EyeOfTheStorm |
566 | EyeOfTheStormAlliance |
566 | EyeOfTheStormHorde |
530 | FairbreezeVillage |
530 | FairbridgeStrand |
530 | FalconWatch |
530 | FalconwingSquare |
0 | FaldirsCove |
1 | FalfarrenRiver |
1 | FallenSkyLake |
530 | FallenSkyRidge |
0 | FallowSanctuary |
530 | FalthrienAcademy |
0 | FargodeepMine |
530 | farstriderEnclave |
0 | FarstriderLodge |
530 | FarstriderRetrear |
530 | FarstridersSquare |
1 | FarWatchPost |
1 | FearScarVale |
0 | FeatherbeardsHovel |
1 | FeathermoonStronghold |
1 | FelfireHill |
1 | FelpawVillage |
1 | FelRock |
0 | FelstoneField |
1 | Felwood |
0 | FenrisIsle |
1 | Feralas |
530 | FeralfenVillage |
530 | FethsWay |
1 | FieldOfGiants |
1 | FirePlumeRidge |
1 | FireScarShrine |
0 | FirewachtRidge |
530 | FirewingPoint |
0 | FlameCrest |
0 | ForestsEdge |
1 | ForestSong |
530 | ForgeBaseGehenna |
530 | ForgeBaseOblivion |
530 | ForgeCampAnger |
530 | ForgeCampFear |
530 | ForgeCampHate |
530 | ForgeCampMageddon |
530 | ForgeCampRage |
530 | ForgeCampTerror |
530 | ForgeCampWrath |
1 | ForlornRidge |
1 | FrayfeatherHighlands |
1 | FreewindPost |
1 | FrostfireHotSprings |
0 | FrostmaneHold |
1 | FrostsaberRock |
1 | FrostwhisperGorge |
1 | FungalRock |
530 | FunggorCavern |
0 | FurlbrowsPumpkinFarm |
530 | FurywingsPerch |
1 | Gadgetzan |
0 | GahrronsWithering |
0 | GallowsCorner |
530 | Garadar |
0 | GarrensHaunt |
0 | GarrisonArmory |
1 | GateOfAhnQiraj |
0 | GateOfIronforge |
1 | GatesOfAhnQiraj |
0 | GavinsNaze |
530 | GeezlesCamp |
1 | GelkisVillage |
530 | Ghostlands |
1 | GhostWalkerPost |
1 | GMIsland |
1 | GnarlpineHold |
90 | Gnome |
0 | Gnomeregan |
1 | GolakkaHotSprings |
0 | GolBolarQuarry |
0 | GoldCoastQuarry |
530 | GoldenboughPass |
530 | GoldenmistVillage |
530 | GoldenStrand |
1 | GoldRoad |
0 | Goldshire |
1 | GordunniOutpost |
530 | GorGazOutpost |
0 | GoShekFarm |
530 | GrangolvarVillage |
1 | GreatwoodVale |
1 | GreenpawVillage |
0 | GrimBatol |
0 | GrimesiltDigSite |
1 | GrimtotemCompound |
1 | GrimtotemPost |
530 | Grishnath |
0 | GrizzlepawRidge |
1 | GroldomFarm |
0 | GromgolBaseCamp |
1 | GrommashHold |
0 | GrongolbaseCamp |
0 | GroshgokCompound |
1 | GroveOfTheAncients |
0 | GrowlessCave |
571 | AzjolNerub |
565 | Gruul |
530 | GruulsLair |
0 | GurubashiArena |
530 | GyroPlankBridge |
530 | HaalEshiGorge |
530 | Halaa |
530 | HalaaniBasin |
1 | HaldarrEncampment |
229 | HallOfBlackhand |
0 | HallOfExplorers |
450 | HallOfLegends |
1 | HallOfTheBrave |
70 | HallOfTheCrafters |
70 | HallOfTheKeepers |
0 | Hammerfall |
0 | HammertoesDigsite |
530 | HatchetHills |
0 | Hearthglen |
530 | HellfireCitadel |
530 | HellfirePeninsula |
530 | HellfireRamparts |
0 | HelmsBedLake |
0 | HeroesVigil |
1 | HetaerasClutch |
530 | HewnBog |
1 | HiddenPath |
1 | Highperch |
1 | HighWilderness |
0 | HillsbradFields |
0 | HillsbradFoothills |
0 | HiriWatha |
1 | HiveAshi |
1 | HiveRegal |
1 | HiveZora |
530 | HonorHold |
1 | HonorsStand |
530 | HowlingZiggurat |
1 | HunterRise |
530 | HuntressOfTheSun |
1 | HyjalSummit |
0 | IceflowLake |
1 | IceThistleHills |
530 | IllidariPoint |
530 | InsidionsPerch |
530 | InvasionPointAnnihilator |
530 | InvasionPointCataclysm |
530 | InvasionPointOverlord |
1 | IrisLake |
0 | IronbandsCompound |
0 | IronbandsExcavationSite |
0 | IronbeardsTomb |
0 | Ironforge |
1 | IronstoneCamp |
1 | IronstonePlateau |
1 | IrontreeCavern |
1 | IrontreeWoods |
1 | IsleOfDread |
530 | IsleOfQuelDanas |
530 | IsleOfTribulations |
0 | IthariussCave |
1 | JadefireGlen |
1 | JadefireRun |
1 | JademirLake |
1 | Jaedenar |
1 | JaggedReef |
530 | JaggedRidge |
1 | JaggedswineFarm |
0 | JagueroIsle |
0 | JaneirosPoint |
0 | JangolodeMine |
0 | JasperlodeMine |
0 | JinthaAlor |
0 | JoredsLanding |
0 | KalaiRuins |
532 | Kara |
0 | Karazhan |
0 | Kargath |
1 | KargathiaKeep |
530 | KesselsCrossing |
0 | Kharanos |
530 | KilsorrowFortress |
530 | KirinVarVillage |
1 | KodoGraveyard |
1 | KodoRock |
1 | KolgarCrag |
1 | KolgarVillage |
1 | KormeksHut |
0 | KurzensCompound |
1 | LakeAlAmeth |
530 | LakeElrendar |
1 | LakeEluneAra |
530 | LakeEreNoru |
0 | LakeEverstill |
1 | LakeFalathim |
530 | LakeJorune |
1 | LakeKelTheril |
1 | LakeMennar |
0 | LakeMereldar |
0 | LakeNazferiti |
0 | LakeridgeHighway |
0 | Lakeshire |
530 | LakeSunspring |
1 | Lakkari TarPits |
1 | LakkariTarPits |
1 | LandsEndBeach |
1 | LarissPavilion |
530 | LaughingSkullRuins |
229 | LBRS |
1 | LegashEncampment |
530 | LegionHold |
0 | LethlorRavine |
0 | LightsHopeChapel |
0 | LochModan |
0 | Longshore |
0 | LordamareLake |
0 | LordamereInternmentCamp |
1 | LostPoint |
1 | LostRiggerCove |
0 | LothosRiftwaker |
530 | LowerCity |
530 | LowerVeilShilAk |
1 | LowerWilds |
1 | LushwaterOasis |
1 | MaestrasPost |
0 | MageQuarter |
530 | MagHarGrounds |
530 | MagHariProcession |
530 | MagharPost |
0 | MagicQuarter |
530 | MagistersTerrace |
530 | MagmaFields |
1 | MagramVillage |
544 | magtheridon |
530 | MagtheridonsLair |
1 | MalakaJin |
0 | MaldensOrchard |
530 | ManaforgeAra |
530 | ManaforgeBnaar |
530 | ManaforgeCoruu |
530 | ManaforgeDuro |
530 | ManaforgeUltris |
530 | ManaTombs |
1 | MannorocCoven |
0 | ManorMistmantle |
70 | MapChamber |
349 | Maraorange |
349 | Marapurple |
1 | Maraudon |
1 | MaraudonOrange |
1 | MaraudonPurple |
0 | MardenholdeKeep |
1 | MarshalsRefuge |
530 | MarshlightLake |
0 | MazraAlor |
1 | Mazthoril |
409 | MC |
554 | Mech |
530 | MenagerieWreckage |
0 | MenethilBay |
0 | MenethilHarbor |
585 | Mgt |
530 | Middenvale |
530 | MidrealmPost |
0 | MirageFlats |
1 | MirageRaceway |
1 | MirkfallonLake |
0 | MirrorLake |
0 | MirrorLakeOrchard |
1 | MistsEdge |
0 | MistvaleValley |
0 | MistyPineRefuge |
0 | MistyReedPost |
0 | MistyReedStrand |
0 | MistyShore |
0 | MistyValley |
0 | MizjahRuins |
0 | MogroshStronghold |
530 | MokNathalVillage |
230 | MoltenCore |
0 | Moonbrook |
1 | Moonglade |
1 | MoongladeHordeFlypoint |
530 | MoongrazeWoods |
530 | MoonwingDen |
0 | MorgansVigil |
1 | MorlosAran |
1 | MorshanBaseCamp |
0 | MoshoggOgreMound |
0 | MosshideFen |
557 | MT |
1 | Mudsprocket |
530 | MuerderRow |
1 | Mulgore |
530 | MurderEow |
1 | MystralLake |
530 | Mystwood |
530 | Nagrand |
1 | NatsLanding |
533 | Nax |
571 | Naxxramas |
530 | Nazzivian |
0 | NekManiWellspring |
530 | NesingwarySafari |
0 | NesingwarysExpedition |
530 | NestlewoodHills |
530 | NestlewoodThicket |
0 | NethanderStead |
0 | NethergardeKeep |
530 | Netherstone |
530 | Netherstorm |
530 | NetherwebRidge |
530 | NetherwingFields |
530 | NetherwingLedge |
530 | NetherwingMines |
530 | NetherwingPass |
1 | Nighthaven |
0 | NightmareVale |
1 | NightRun |
1 | NightsongWoods |
0 | NightWebsHollow |
1 | NijelsPoint |
1 | NoonshadeRuins |
0 | Northdale |
0 | NorthfoldManor |
0 | NorthGateOutpost |
0 | NorthGatePass |
0 | NorthpassTower |
1 | NorthPointTower |
0 | NorthridgeLumberCamp |
530 | NorthSanctum |
0 | NorthshireValley |
0 | NorthshireVineyards |
0 | NorthTidesHollow |
0 | NorthTidesRun |
1 | NorthwatchHold |
530 | NorthwindCleft |
530 | ObsidiasPerch |
530 | OdesyuLanding |
530 | Ogrila |
1 | OldHillsbradFoothills |
0 | OldTown |
0 | OlsensFarthing |
1 | Oneiros |
249 | onyxia |
1 | OnyxiasLair |
0 | OrbOfCommand |
530 | OreborHarborage |
1 | Orgrimmar |
530 | OronoksFarm |
1 | OrtellsHideout |
530 | Oshugun |
1 | OwlWingThicket |
1 | PalemaneRock |
0 | PestilentScar |
0 | PlaguemistRavine |
0 | Plaguewood |
0 | PlaguewoodTower |
530 | PodCluster |
530 | PodWreckage |
0 | PoolOfTears |
530 | PoolsOfAggonar |
1 | PoolsOfArlithrien |
530 | PortalClearing |
530 | ProtectorateWatchPost |
0 | PurgationIsle |
0 | PyrewoodVillage |
530 | QuaggRidge |
0 | QuelDanilLodge |
0 | QuelLithienLodge |
530 | RagefeatherRidge |
1 | RagefireChasm |
1 | RageScarHold |
543 | Ramp |
1 | RanazjarIsle |
1 | RaptorGrounds |
0 | RaptorRidge |
1 | Ratchet |
1 | RavagedCaravan |
1 | RavagedTwilightCamp |
1 | RavagedTwilightCapm |
1 | RavencrestMonument |
0 | RavenHill |
0 | RavenHillCemetery |
0 | RavenholdtManor |
530 | RavensWood |
1 | RaynewoodRetreat |
530 | RazaansLanding |
1 | RazorfenDowns |
1 | RazorfenKraul |
1 | RazorHill |
1 | RazormaneGrounds |
530 | RazorRidge |
530 | RazorthornRise |
530 | RazorthornShelf |
530 | RazorthornTrail |
1 | RazorwindCanyon |
530 | ReaversFall |
0 | RebelCamp |
1 | RedCloudMesa |
0 | RedridgeCanyons |
0 | RedridgeMountains |
1 | RedRocks |
530 | RefugeeCaravan |
0 | RefugePointe |
1 | RemtravelsExcavation |
0 | RendersValley |
0 | RethbanCaverns |
0 | RevantuskVillage |
389 | RFC |
129 | RFD |
47 | RFK |
0 | RidgepointTower |
530 | RingOfObservance |
0 | RiseOfTheDefiler |
530 | RivendarksPerch |
1 | RoguefeatherDen |
0 | RoguesQuarter |
0 | RoyalQuarter |
0 | RuinsOfAboraz |
0 | RuinsOfAlterac |
0 | RuinsOfAndorhal |
530 | RuinsOfBaaRi |
1 | RuinsOfConstellas |
1 | RuinsOfEldarath |
530 | RuinsOfEnkaat |
530 | RuinsOfFarahlon |
1 | RuinsOfIsildien |
0 | RuinsOfJubuwal |
530 | RuinsOfKarabor |
0 | RuinsOfLordaeron |
530 | RuinsOfLorethAran |
1 | RuinsOfMathystra |
1 | RuinsOfRavenwind |
530 | RuinsOfShaNaar |
530 | RuinsOfSilvermoon |
1 | RuinsOfSolarsal |
0 | RuinsOfThaurissan |
0 | RuinsOfZulKunda |
0 | RuinsOfZulMamwe |
0 | RuinsOfZulManwe |
530 | RunestoneFalithas |
530 | RunestoneShandor |
1 | RutTheranVillage |
530 | RuuanWeald |
0 | SaldeansFarm |
530 | SaltherilsHaven |
0 | SaltsprayGlen |
530 | SanctumOfTheMoon |
530 | SanctumOfTheStars |
530 | SanctumOfTheSun |
1 | SandsorrowWatch |
1 | SardorIsle |
1 | Sargeron |
1 | SarTherisStrand |
1 | Satyrnaar |
1 | ScalebeardsCave |
530 | ScalewingShelf |
0 | ScarletBaseCamp |
0 | ScarletMonastery |
0 | ScarletWatchPost |
0 | Scholomance |
13 | ScottTest |
1 | ScrabblescrewsCamp |
530 | ScryersTier |
1 | ScuttleCoast |
0 | SearingGorge |
530 | SeatOfTheNaaru |
1 | SenjinVillage |
0 | SentinelHill |
0 | SentinelTower |
1 | SentryPoint |
0 | Seradane |
0 | SerpentsCoil |
530 | SerpentshrineCavern |
556 | Sethekk |
530 | SethekkHalls |
0 | Sewers |
33 | SFK |
540 | SH |
1 | ShadowbreakRavine |
0 | ShadowFangKeep |
1 | Shadowglen |
0 | ShadowGrave |
1 | ShadowHold |
530 | ShadowLabyrinth |
530 | ShadowmoonVillage |
1 | ShadowpreyVillage |
1 | ShadowsongShrine |
1 | ShadowthreadCave |
530 | ShadowTomb |
0 | ShadraAlor |
1 | ShadyRestInn |
530 | ShalandisIsle |
1 | ShalzarusLair |
530 | ShaNaariWastes |
0 | ShaolWatha |
530 | ShartuulsTransporter |
530 | ShaTariBaseCamp |
530 | ShatteredPlains |
530 | ShatteredSunStaging |
530 | ShatterPoint |
1 | ShatterScarVale |
1 | ShatterspearVillage |
530 | Shattrath |
0 | ShimmerRidge |
0 | ShindiggersCamp |
0 | ShouthernSavageCoast |
530 | ShrineOfDathremar |
1 | ShrineOfRemulos |
1 | ShrineOfTheDeceiver |
1 | ShrineOfTheDormantFlame |
1 | Silithus |
530 | SiltingShore |
530 | SilvermoonCity |
530 | SilvermystIsle |
0 | SilverpineForest |
0 | SilverStreamMine |
1 | SilverwindRefuge |
1 | SilverwingGrove |
1 | SilverwingOutpost |
530 | SingingRidge |
1 | SishirCanyon |
530 | Skald |
530 | SkethLonBaseCamp |
530 | SkethLonWreckage |
530 | SkethylMountains |
530 | Skettis |
530 | SkulkingRow |
0 | SkulkRock |
1 | SkullRock |
530 | SkyguardOutpost |
555 | SL |
530 | SlagWatch |
0 | SlaughterHollow |
0 | SleepingGorge |
0 | SlitherRock |
189 | SMArmory |
189 | SMCath |
189 | SMGY |
189 | SMLib |
530 | SocretharsSeat |
0 | SollidenFarmstead |
0 | SorrowHill |
0 | Sorrowmurk |
530 | SorrowWingPoint |
530 | SoulgrindersBarrow |
1 | SouthbreakShore |
1 | SouthernBarrens |
1 | SouthernGoldRoad |
530 | SouthernRampart |
0 | SouthernSavageCoast |
1 | SouthfuryRiver |
0 | SouthGateOutpost |
0 | SouthGatePass |
1 | SouthmoonRuins |
0 | SouthpointTower |
1 | SouthridgeBeach |
0 | RuinsOfSouthshore |
530 | SouthwindCleft |
1 | SouthwindVillage |
547 | SP |
530 | SpinebreakerPost |
0 | SpiritDen |
530 | SpiritFields |
1 | SpiritRise |
1 | SpiritRock |
0 | SplinterspearJunction |
1 | SplintertreePost |
1 | SplithoofCrag |
1 | SplithoofHold |
530 | Sporeggar |
548 | SSC |
109 | ST |
0 | StagalbogCave |
1 | StaghelmPoint |
1 | StarbreezeVillage |
1 | StarfallVillage |
1 | SteamwheedlePort |
0 | SteelgrillsDepot |
0 | StendelsPond |
530 | StillpineHold |
0 | StillwaterPond |
530 | StillwhisperPond |
0 | Stonard |
530 | StonebreakerHold |
1 | StonebullLake |
0 | StoneCairnLake |
1 | StonemaulRuins |
0 | StonesplinterValley |
1 | StonetalonMountains |
1 | StonetalonPeak |
530 | StonewallCanyon |
0 | Stonewatch |
0 | StonewatchFalls |
0 | StonewatchKeep |
0 | StonewatchTower |
0 | StonewroughtDam |
1 | StormrageBarrowDens |
0 | Stormwind |
0 | Strahnbrad |
0 | StranglethornVale |
329 | Strat |
0 | Stratholme |
0 | StromgardeKeep |
530 | SuncrownVillage |
530 | SunctumOfTheSun |
0 | SundownMarsh |
530 | SunfuryHold |
530 | SunfurySpire |
530 | SungrazePeak |
1 | SunRockRetreat |
530 | SunsailAnchorage |
530 | SunspringPost |
530 | SunstriderIsle |
530 | SunwellPlateau |
545 | SV |
1 | SwamplightManor |
0 | SwampOfSorrows |
530 | SwampratPost |
580 | SWP |
530 | Sylvanaar |
1 | TahondaRuins |
1 | TalonbranchGlade |
530 | TalonStand |
1 | TalrendisPoint |
1 | Tanaris |
0 | TannerCamp |
0 | TarrenMill |
530 | Telaar |
530 | TelaariBasin |
530 | TelathionsCamp |
1 | Teldrassil |
530 | Telredor |
530 | TempestKeep |
1 | TempleOfArkkoran |
0 | TempleOfAtalHakkar |
530 | TempleOfTelhamat |
1 | TempleOfTheMoon |
1 | TempleOfZinMalor |
530 | TerokkarForest |
530 | TerokksRest |
530 | TerraceOfLight |
0 | TerraceOfRepose |
0 | Terrordale |
1 | TerrorRun |
0 | TerrorwebTunnel |
0 | TerrorWingPath |
1 | TethrisAran |
1 | Thalanaar |
1 | ThalassianBaseCamp |
530 | ThalassianPass |
0 | ThandolSpan |
530 | TheAltarOfDamnation |
530 | TheAltarOfShadows |
0 | TheAltarOfZul |
0 | TheApothecarium |
530 | TheArcatraz |
1 | TheBarrens |
530 | TheBarrierHills |
530 | TheBazaar |
1 | TheBlackMorass |
530 | TheBloodcursedReff |
530 | TheBloodFurnace |
530 | TheBoneWastes |
530 | TheBotanica |
0 | TheBulwark |
0 | TheCapeOfStranglethorn |
0 | TheCauldron |
1 | TheCharredValed |
1 | TheCleft |
0 | TheCorners |
0 | TheCreepingRuin |
530 | TheCrimsonReach |
1 | TheCrossroads |
530 | TheCryocore |
530 | TheCrystalHall |
0 | TheCrystalShore |
1 | TheCrystalVale |
0 | TheDaggerHills |
0 | TheDarkenedBank |
0 | TheDarkPortal |
530 | TheDarkPortalOutland |
0 | TheDawningIsles |
0 | TheDeadAcre |
0 | TheDeadField |
0 | TheDeadmines |
530 | TheDeadMire |
530 | TheDeadScar |
530 | TheDeathforge |
0 | TheDecrepitFerry |
1 | TheDen |
1 | TheDenOfFlame |
1 | TheDorDanilBarrowDen |
1 | TheDrag |
1 | TheDragonmurk |
0 | TheDrownedReef |
1 | TheDryHills |
0 | TheDustbowl |
0 | TheDustPlains |
530 | TheExodar |
530 | TheEye |
530 | TheFelPits |
530 | TheFetidPool |
1 | TheForgottenCoast |
1 | TheForgottenPools |
0 | TheForlornCavern |
0 | TheFungalVale |
1 | TheGapingChasm |
1 | TheGoldenPlains |
0 | TheGrandVestibule |
0 | TheGreatArena |
530 | TheGreatFissure |
0 | TheGreatForge |
1 | TheGreatLift |
0 | TheGreenBelt |
0 | TheGreynameWall |
0 | TheGrindingQuarry |
0 | TheGrizzledDen |
530 | TheHandOfGulDan |
0 | TheHarborage |
0 | TheHeadland |
530 | TheHeap |
1 | TheHiddenCove |
0 | TheHinterlands |
1 | TheHowlingVale |
0 | TheHushedBank |
0 | TheInfectisScar |
0 | TheIvarPatch |
0 | TheJansenStead |
530 | TheLagoon |
530 | TheLegionFront |
0 | ThelgenRock |
530 | TheLivingGrove |
530 | TheLivingWood |
0 | TheLoch |
1 | TheLongWash |
0 | TheLostFleet |
530 | TheLowPath |
0 | Thelsamar |
0 | TheMaclureVineyards |
0 | TheMakersTerrace |
0 | TheMarrisStead |
1 | TheMarshlands |
1 | TheMastersGlaive |
1 | TheMaul |
530 | TheMechanar |
1 | TheMerchantCoast |
0 | TheMilitaryWard |
0 | TheMistyWard |
0 | TheMolsenFarm |
0 | TheMoltenSpan |
1 | TheMorShanRampart |
0 | TheNorthCoast |
0 | TheNoxiousGlade |
1 | TheNoxiousLair |
1 | TheOracleGlade |
530 | TheOverlook |
0 | TheOverlookCliffs |
0 | ThePark |
530 | ThePathOfConquest |
530 | ThePathOfGlory |
0 | ThePillarOfAsh |
1 | ThePoolsOfVision |
530 | TheProvingGrounds |
1 | TheQuagmire |
1 | Theramore |
1 | TheramoreIsle |
530 | TheRingOfBlood |
530 | TheRingOfTrials |
1 | TheRingOfValor |
1 | TheRollingPlains |
0 | TheRottingOrchard |
530 | TheRoyalExhange |
1 | TheRuinedReaches |
1 | TheRuinsOfAhnQiraj |
1 | TheRuinsOfKelTheril |
1 | TheRuinsOfOrdilAran |
1 | TheRuinsOfStardust |
1 | TheRustmaulDigSite |
530 | TheSanctum |
0 | TheSavageCoast |
1 | TheScarabDais |
1 | TheScarabWall |
1 | TheScaradWalp |
0 | TheScarletBasilica |
530 | TheScorchedGrove |
530 | TheScrapField |
1 | TheScreechingCanyon |
0 | TheSeaOfCinders |
0 | TheSepulcher |
530 | TheShadowStair |
1 | TheShadyNook |
530 | TheShatteredHalls |
1 | TheShatteredStrand |
0 | TheShiftingMire |
1 | TheShimmeringFlats |
0 | TheShiningStrand |
1 | TheShrineOfAessina |
0 | TheSkitteringDark |
0 | TheSlagPit |
530 | TheSlavePens |
1 | TheSlitheringScar |
1 | TheSludgeFen |
530 | TheSpawningGlen |
530 | TheStadium |
1 | TheStagnantOasis |
530 | TheStairOfDestiny |
530 | TheSteamvault |
0 | TheStockpile |
0 | THeStonefieldFarm |
530 | TheStormspire |
0 | TheSunkenTemple |
530 | TheSunspire |
1 | TheSwarmingPillar |
0 | TheTaintedScar |
1 | TheTalondeepPath |
1 | TheTalonDen |
1 | TheTempleGardens |
1 | TheTempleOfAhnQiraj |
0 | TheTempleOfAtalHakkar |
0 | TheTempleOfTears |
0 | TheTundridHills |
530 | TheTwilightRidge |
1 | TheTwinColossals |
530 | TheUnderbog |
0 | TheUndercroft |
0 | TheUplands |
530 | TheVaultOfLights |
530 | TheVectorCoil |
530 | TheVeiledSea |
1 | TheVentureCoMine |
0 | TheVice |
0 | TheVileReef |
530 | TheVioletTower |
530 | TheVortexFields |
1 | TheWailingCaverns |
530 | TheWarpFields |
530 | TheWarpPiston |
1 | TheWeatheredNook |
0 | TheWeepingCave |
1 | TheWrithingDeep |
0 | TheWrithingHaunt |
0 | TheYorgenFarmstead |
1 | TheZoramStrand |
1 | ThistleshrubValley |
0 | ThondrorilRiver |
0 | ThoradinsWall |
0 | ThoriumPoint |
530 | ThornfangHill |
1 | ThornHill |
1 | ThousandNeedles |
530 | Thrallmar |
530 | ThrallmarMine |
530 | ThroneOfKiljaeden |
530 | ThroneOfTheElements |
1 | ThunderAxeFortress |
1 | ThunderBluff |
0 | ThunderFalls |
1 | ThunderhornWaterWell |
530 | ThunderlordStronghold |
1 | ThunderRidge |
530 | ThuronsLivery |
1 | TidefuryCove |
1 | TimbermawHold |
1 | TimbermawPost |
0 | TinkerTown |
1 | TiragardeKeep |
0 | TirisfalGlades |
0 | TirisfalGladesZeppelin |
0 | TkashiRuins |
530 | TombOfLights |
1 | TorKrenFarm |
530 | TorWatha |
530 | ToshleysStation |
1 | TowerOfAlthalaxx |
1 | TowerOfEldara |
0 | TowerOfIlgalar |
0 | TowerOfLlgalar |
530 | TownSquare |
0 | TradeDistrict |
0 | TradeQuarter |
530 | TradersTier |
530 | TraitorsCove |
0 | TranquilGardensCemetery |
530 | Tranquillien |
530 | TranquilShore |
530 | TrelleumMine |
530 | TrogmasClaim |
530 | TulumansLanding |
530 | Tuurem |
1 | TwilightBaseCamp |
0 | TwilightGrove |
1 | TwilightOutpost |
1 | TwilightPost |
1 | TwilightShore |
1 | TwilightsRun |
1 | TwilightVale |
530 | TwinSpireRuins |
0 | TyrsHand |
0 | TyrsHandAbbey |
229 | UBRS |
70 | Ulda |
0 | Uldaman |
1 | Uldum |
530 | UmbrafenLake |
530 | UmbrafenVillage |
546 | underbog |
0 | Undercity |
530 | UnderlightMines |
1 | UnGoroCrater |
530 | UpperVeilShilAk |
1 | Ursolan |
0 | UthersTomb |
0 | ValgansField |
530 | ValleyOfBones |
0 | ValleyOfFangs |
1 | ValleyOfHonor |
0 | ValleyOfKings |
1 | ValleyOfSpears |
1 | ValleyOfSpirits |
1 | ValleyOfStrength |
1 | ValleyOfTheWatchers |
1 | ValleyOfTrials |
1 | ValleyOfWisdom |
1 | Valormok |
1 | ValorsRest |
0 | ValorwindLake |
530 | VeilAlaRak |
530 | VeilHarrIk |
530 | VeilLashh |
530 | VeilLithic |
530 | VeilRhaze |
530 | VeilRuuan |
530 | VeilShalas |
530 | VeilShienor |
530 | VeilSkith |
530 | VeilVekh |
530 | VekhaarStand |
0 | VenomwebVale |
0 | VentureCoBaseCamp |
1 | VerdantisRiver |
530 | VeridianPoint |
530 | VimGolsCircle |
530 | VindicatorsRest |
530 | VoidwindPlateau |
530 | VortexPinnacle |
0 | VulgolOgreMound |
1 | WailingCaverns |
530 | WalkOfElders |
530 | WardensCage |
530 | WarmaulHill |
0 | WarQuarter |
1 | WarriorsTerrace |
489 | WarsongGulch |
489 | WarsongGulchAlliance |
489 | WarsongGulchHorde |
1 | WarsongLaborCamp |
1 | WarsongLumberCamp |
1 | WaterspringField |
1 | WavestriderBeach |
43 | WC |
1 | WeazelsCrater |
1 | WebwinderPath |
1 | WellspringLake |
1 | WellspringRiver |
0 | WestbrookGarrison |
0 | WesternPlaguelands |
0 | WesternStrand |
0 | Westfall |
0 | WestfallLighthouse |
530 | WestSanctum |
0 | Wetlands |
0 | WhelgarsExcavationSite |
0 | WhisperingGardens |
0 | WhisperingShore |
1 | WhitereachPost |
1 | WildbendRiver |
0 | WildhammerKeep |
530 | WildhammerStronghold |
1 | WildmaneWaterWell |
0 | WildShore |
1 | WindbreakCanyon |
1 | WindfuryRidge |
530 | WindrunnerSpire |
530 | WindrunnerVillage |
1 | WindshearCrag |
1 | WindshearMine |
1 | WinterfallVillage |
1 | Winterspring |
1 | WitchHill |
0 | WitherbarkVillage |
530 | WizardRow |
1 | WoodpawHills |
530 | WorldsEndTavern |
530 | WrathscaleLair |
530 | WrathscalePoint |
530 | WrithingMound |
489 | WSG |
1 | Wyrmbog |
530 | WyrmscarIsland |
530 | WyrmskullBridge |
530 | WyrmskullTunnel |
1 | Xavian |
0 | YojambaIsle |
568 | ZA |
530 | Zabrajin |
1 | ZalashjisDen |
530 | Zangarmarsh |
530 | ZangarRidge |
530 | ZebNowa |
530 | ZebSora |
530 | ZebTela |
530 | ZebWatha |
530 | ZeppelinCrash |
530 | ZethGor |
0 | ZiatajaiRuins |
1 | ZoramgarOutpost |
530 | ZulAman |
1 | ZulFarrak |
0 | ZulGurub |
0 | Zulmashar |
0 | ZunWatha |
0 | ZuuldaiaRuins |
0 | StormwindHarbor |
571 | Valgarde |
571 | NewAgamand |
571 | Kamagua |
571 | WestguardKeep |
571 | VengeanceLanding |
571 | FortWildervar |
571 | CampWinterhoof |
571 | UtgardePinnacle |
571 | UtgardeKeep |
571 | ValianceKeep |
571 | WarsongHold |
571 | FizzcrankAirstrip |
571 | TheNexus |
571 | BorgorokOutpost |
571 | Kaskala |
571 | Unupe |
571 | TaunkaleVillage |
571 | Dalaran |
571 | Dragonblight |
571 | BoreanTundra |
571 | HowlingFjord |
571 | GrizzlyHills |
571 | ZulDrak |
571 | Gundrak |
571 | StormPeaks |
571 | Ulduar |
571 | Icecrown |
0 | StormwindKeep |
0 | WizardsSanctum |
571 | VaultOfArchavon |
571 | DrakTharonKeep |
571 | Wintergrasp |
571 | SholazarBasin |
571 | ArgentTournament |
571 | TheVioletHold |
571 | AmberpineLodge |
571 | WintergardeKeep |
571 | IcecrownCitadelRaid |
571 | TheFrozenHalls |
571 | TheShadowVault |
571 | ChamberOfAspects |
571 | BloodmoonIsle |
0 | TheMendersStead |
0 | AcherusTheEbonHold |
0 | ForsakenHighCommand |
0 | ForsakenRearGuard |
0 | TheSludgeFields |
0 | WhelgarsRetreat |
0 | GreenwardensGrove |
0 | SlabchiselsSurvey |
0 | Thundermar |
0 | Kirthaven |
0 | VictorsPoint |
0 | FirebeardsPatrol |
0 | Highbank |
0 | NewTinkertown |
0 | DragonsMouth |
0 | DustwindDig |
0 | Fuselight |
0 | CampEverstill |
0 | ShalewindCanyon |
0 | MarshtideWatch |
0 | Surwich |
0 | NorthStranglethorn |
0 | FortLivingston |
0 | ExplorersLeagueDigsite |
732 | TolBaradPeninsula |
732 | BaradinHold |
0 | TheForsakenFront |
0 | GilneasCity |
0 | RuinsOfGilneas |
0 | ForsakenForwardCommand |
974 | DarkmoonFaire |
0 | TwilightHighlands |
0 | VermillionRedoubt |
0 | GlopgutsHollow |
0 | Bloodgulch |
0 | TheKrazzworks |
0 | DragonmawPort |
0 | Crushblow |
0 | EastpointTower |
0 | SouthpointGate |
0 | BloodwatcherPoint |
0 | NewKargath |
0 | FlamestarPost |
0 | Chiselgrip |
0 | Bambala |
0 | HardwrenchHideaway |
0 | SunveilExcursion |
1 | SchnottzsLanding |
1 | Ramkahen |
1 | DawnriseExpedition |
1 | MarshalsStand |
1 | WestreachSummit |
1 | Fizzle&PozziksSpeedbarge |
1 | StonemaulHold |
1 | CampAtaya |
1 | FuriensPost |
1 | CenarionWildlands |
1 | DesolationHold |
1 | VendettaPoint |
1 | HuntersHill |
1 | NorthernBarrens |
1 | NozzlepotsOutpost |
1 | KromgarFortress |
1 | TheSludgewerks |
1 | CliffwalkerPost |
1 | HellscreamsWatch |
1 | WildheartPoint |
1 | WhisperwindGrove |
1 | IrontreeClearing |
1 | Nordrassil |
1 | MountHyjal |
1 | ShrineOfAviana |
1 | GroveOfAessina |
1 | SanctuaryOfMalorne |
1 | GatesOfSothann |
1 | BilgewaterHarbor |
1 | SouthernRocketway |
1 | MossyPile |
1 | OasisOfVirsar |
1 | FortTriumph |
1 | NorthwatchExpeditionBaseCamp |
1 | WindshearHold |
1 | MirkfallonPost |
1 | FarwatchersGlen |
1 | ThaldarahOverlook |
1 | BlackfathomCamp |
1 | StardustSpire |
648 | Kezan |
0 | LegionsRest |
0 | SilverTideHollow |
0 | ShimmeringExpanse |
0 | SmugglersScar |
0 | KelptharForest |
0 | TenebrousCavern |
0 | AbyssalDepth |
646 | Deepholm |
730 | TheMaelstrom |
1 | Firelands |
571 | TrialOfTheCrusader |
571 | TrialOfTheChampion |
0 | BlackrockCaverns |
0 | BlackwingDescent |
0 | TheBastionofTwilight |
0 | GrimBatol |
0 | ThroneoftheTides |
1 | EndTime |
1 | HallsofOrigination |
1 | HourofTwilight |
1 | LostCityoftheTol'vir |
646 | TheStonecore |
1 | TheVortexPinnacle |
1 | WellofEternity |
732 | BaradinHold |
1 | DragonSoul |
1 | ThroneoftheFourWinds |
0 | Vashj'irAbyssalDepths |
0 | Vashj'irKelp'tharForest |
0 | Vashj'irShimmeringExpanse |
auto-generated by the MAGNET dbdocs module
Edited by Antz
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