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  • creature_addon

     NOTE:  This page is auto-generated from the MAGNET DBDocs module,
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    Description of the 'creature_addon' table for MaNGOSZero

    The creature_addon and creature_template_addon tables define different things that are applied on creatures when they are loaded. These "different things" can be for example to have the creature be mounted, to have it emote something, to have it display an aura effect, etc. Through the use of the fields in this table, many things can be changed about the outward visual appearance of the creature. The creature_template_addon table affects all creatures with that creature template ID while the creature_addon table affects individually spawned creatures (so that two creatures using the same template can look different). NOTES: A creature_addon record will override a creature_template_addon record should they overlap on the same creature.

    The data for this table is largely incomplete and is mostly just a regurgitation of what the client receives from the server. This article is a WIP as to what all the possible values are.

    Table Notes

    This table uses the 'MyISAM' DB Engine

    The Field definitions follow:

    Field Name Field Type Nullable Key Default Value Attributes Notes
    guid int(10) unsigned NO PRI '0'   Signifies a unique creature guid [See creature.guid].
    mount mediumint(8) unsigned NO '0'   The model ID of the mount to be used to make the creature appear mounted.
    bytes1 int(10) unsigned NO '0'   The value here overrides the value for the creature's unit field UNIT_FIELD_BYTE
    b2_0_sheath tinyint(3) unsigned NO '0'   SheathState.
    b2_1_flags tinyint(3) unsigned NO '0'   The value here overrides the value for the creature's unit field UNIT_FIELD_BYTE
    emote int(10) unsigned NO '0'   Emote ID that the creature should continually perform.
    moveflags int(10) unsigned NO '0'   Flags controlling how the creature will behave animation-wise while moving.
    auras text YES NULL   This field controls any auras to be applied on the creature.

    Description of the fields

    guid int(10) unsigned

    Signifies a unique creature guid [See creature.guid]. It will affect just that creature whose GUID matches the one specified here.

    mount mediumint(8) unsigned

    The model ID of the mount to be used to make the creature appear mounted [See creature_model_info.modelid]. The value here overrides the value for the creature's unit field UNIT_FIELD_MOUNTDISPLAYID.

    bytes1 int(10) unsigned

    The value here overrides the value for the creature's unit field UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_1. List of known values and what their visual effects on the creature

    Value Meaning
    1Sitting on Ground
    2Creature that can fly and are not on the ground appear to have this flag. If they are on the ground, flag is not present.
    7Makes the mob lying dead (combined with empty health bar (dynamicflags = 32) and gray name (dynamicflags = 4) makes the mob to appear dead)
    8Makes the mob kneel (need bytes2 = 1)
    9Submerges the creature below the ground

    b2_0_sheath tinyint(3) unsigned


    Value1 State
    0All Weapons Sheathed by Default
    1Melee Weapon NOT Sheathed by Default (Melee Weapon In Hand)
    2Ranged Weapon NOT Sheathed by Default (Ranged Weapon In Hand)

    b2_1_flags tinyint(3) unsigned

    The value here overrides the value for the creature's unit field UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_2.

    emote int(10) unsigned

    Emote ID that the creature should continually perform.

    List of often used emote IDs and what they do ie. 65 Makes the creature look dead by lying on the ground.

    Value Emote Name

    moveflags int(10) unsigned

    Flags controlling how the creature will behave animation-wise while moving. This table is 100% wrong as of 3.1. It is still here for a period of time for reference and to convert values in DB. See the proper table under this one

    Value Name Comment
    1MOVEMENTFLAG_FORWARDinstantly teleport creature, then creature move forward animation but no real movement
    2MOVEMENTFLAG_BACKWARDinstantly teleport creature, then creature move back animation but no real movement
    4MOVEMENTFLAG_STRAFE_LEFTinstantly teleport creature, then creature move left animation but no real movement
    8MOVEMENTFLAG_STRAFE_RIGHTinstantly teleport creature, then creature move right animation but no real movement
    16MOVEMENTFLAG_LEFTcreature spin left animation
    32MOVEMENTFLAG_RIGHTthen creature spin right animation
    64MOVEMENTFLAG_PITCH_UPno effect on creature
    128MOVEMENTFLAG_PITCH_DOWNno effect on creature
    256MOVEMENTFLAG_WALK_MODEIf flag is not set then player runs
    512MOVEMENTFLAG_ONTRANSPORTcauses creatures to fly while moving (not include standing)
    1024MOVEMENTFLAG_LEVITATINGhovering animation at stand (not include moving)
    4096MOVEMENTFLAG_JUMPINGJump animation
    8192MOVEMENTFLAG_FALLINGFalling animation
    16384MOVEMENTFLAG_FALLINGFARFalling Great distance animation
    1048576MOVEMENTFLAG_UNK7Causes creature to instantly appear at new position
    2097152MOVEMENTFLAG_SWIMMINGappears with fly flag also (causes creatures to fall to ground at stand state)
    4194304MOVEMENTFLAG_ASCENDINGno effect on creature
    8388608MOVEMENTFLAG_CAN_FLYno effect on creature
    16777216MOVEMENTFLAG_FLYINGno effect on creature
    33554432MOVEMENTFLAG_ONTRANSPORTCreature flying (not hover at stop moving)
    67108864MOVEMENTFLAG_SPLINEprobably wrong name (no effect on creature)
    134217728MOVEMENTFLAG_SPLINE2no effect on creature
    268435456MOVEMENTFLAG_WATERWALKINGalso prevent creature from falling under water
    536870912MOVEMENTFLAG_SAFE_FALLactive rogue safe fall spell (passive) (no effect on creature)
    1073741824MOVEMENTFLAG_HOVERCauses creature to hover at stand state (not include moving)
    2147483648MOVEMENTFLAG_UNK10Causes creature to roll to strange angle Note: MONSTER_MOVE_SPLINE_FLY = MONSTER_MOVE_WALK + MONSTER_MOVE_SPLINE and makes creature fly by points.
    Note: MONSTER_MOVE_SPLINE_FLY = MONSTER_MOVE_WALK + MONSTER_MOVE_SPLINE and makes creature fly by points.

    auras text

    This field controls any auras to be applied on the creature (both in effect and visually). The syntax for for an individual aura entry is "<spell ID> <index>". An aura is defined not just by the spell that applies it but also by the individual spell affect that applies it. Therefore, the effect index must be specified along with the spell ID. Each spell can have a maximum of three spell effects, so the effect index can only be 0, 1, or 2. To apply multiple auras, you can add more aura entries, separating each entry by a space. Remember that if a spell applies multiple auras, you need to specify an aura entry for each effect index if you want to apply more than one aura from the same spell. List of useful aura entries:

    Aura Entry Meaning
    16380 0Makes the creature invisible.
    18950 0 18950 1Makes the creature detect other invisible units (players or creatures).

    auto-generated by the getMaNGOS.eu MAGNET dbdocs module

    Edited by Antz

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