NOTE: This page is auto-generated from the MAGNET DBDocs module, Any changes made directly to this page will be lost when it is regenerated. |
Description of the 'game_tele' table for MaNGOSZero
This table contains a list of teleport locations that can be used with the .tele command in-game. Entries in this table can be added/deleted manually or with the .addtele/.deltele commands.
Table Notes
This table uses the 'MyISAM' DB Engine
The Field definitions follow:
Field Name | Field Type | Nullable | Key | Default Value | Attributes | Notes |
id | mediumint(8) unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL | 'auto_increment' | The id of the teleport location. |
position_x | float | NO | '0' | The x location of the teleport location. | ||
position_y | float | NO | '0' | The y location of the teleport location. | ||
position_z | float | NO | '0' | The z location of the teleport location. | ||
orientation | float | NO | '0' | The orientation of the player when teleported to the teleport location. | ||
map | smallint(5) unsigned | NO | '0' | The map id of the teleport location [See map.dbc]. | ||
name | varchar(100) | NO | {Blank String} | The name of the teleport location. |
Description of the fields
id mediumint(8) unsigned
The id of the teleport location.
position_x float
The x location of the teleport location.
position_y float
The y location of the teleport location.
position_z float
The z location of the teleport location.
orientation float
The orientation of the player when teleported to the teleport location.
map smallint(5) unsigned
The map id of the teleport location [See map.dbc].
name varchar(100)
The name of the teleport location
Using spaces and special characters for locations is prohibited.
Table Contents
map | name |
0 | RuinsOfAndorhal |
0 | WesternPlaguelands |
0 | Strahnbrad |
0 | Scholomance |
0 | TheMarrisStead |
0 | DunGarok |
0 | DurnholdeKeep |
0 | TarrenMill |
0 | HillsbradFoothills |
0 | Southshore |
0 | RuinsOfAlterac |
0 | Dalaran |
0 | AlteracMountains |
0 | StromgardeKeep |
0 | GrimBatol |
0 | DunAlgaz |
0 | DunModr |
0 | ArathiHighlands |
0 | Hammerfall |
0 | RefugePointe |
0 | MenethilHarbor |
0 | Wetlands |
1 | RagefireChasm |
1 | Maraudon |
0 | AlgazStation |
0 | Gnomeregan |
0 | Uldaman |
0 | TheLoch |
0 | LochModan |
0 | Thelsamar |
0 | StonewroughtDam |
0 | DunMorogh |
0 | Ironforge |
0 | Kharanos |
0 | BrewnallVillage |
0 | ColdridgeValley |
0 | AngorFortress |
0 | Badlands |
0 | Kargath |
1 | RazorfenDowns |
1 | ValleyOfTrials |
0 | Morgan'sVigil |
0 | TheCauldron |
0 | ThoriumPoint |
1 | Sen'jinVillage |
1 | EchoIsles |
1 | RazorHill |
1 | Orgrimmar |
1 | DurotarZeppelin |
1 | TheCrossroads |
1 | Barrens |
0 | SearingGorge |
1 | Durotar |
1 | WailingCaverns |
1 | CampTaurajo |
30 | AlteracValleyHorde |
1 | RazorfenKraul |
30 | AlteracValley |
1 | ShadyRestInn |
30 | AlteracValleyAlliance |
1 | DustwallowMarsh |
1 | Mudsprocket |
529 | ArathiBasinAlliance |
1 | Onyxia'sLair |
0 | TheGrindingQuarry |
1 | BrackenwallVillage |
1 | Theramore |
1 | ThousandNeedles |
529 | ArathiBasinHorde |
1 | Thalanaar |
529 | ArathiBasin |
1 | FreewindPost |
0 | BlackrockDepths |
1 | MirageRaceway |
489 | WarsongGulchAlliance |
1 | Gadgetzan |
1 | Tanaris |
1 | SteamwheedlePort |
489 | WarsongGulch |
1 | Zul'Farrak |
1 | Un'GoroCrater |
0 | TheMoltenSpan |
489 | WarsongGulchHorde |
1 | Marshal'sRefuge |
1 | Valor'sRest |
1 | CenarionHold |
0 | OrbOfCommand |
0 | BlackrockSpire |
1 | Silithus |
229 | BlackwingLair |
0 | BlackrockMountain |
1 | TheScarabWall |
0 | BlackrockStronghold |
1 | GatesOfAhn'Qiraj |
1 | TheRuinsOfAhn'Qiraj |
1 | TheTempleOfAhn'Qiraj |
0 | BurningSteppes |
230 | MoltenCore |
1 | CavernsOfTime |
1 | CampMojache |
1 | Feralas |
1 | DireMaulEast |
0 | ScarletMonastery |
1 | DireMaulWest |
0 | FlameCrest |
1 | DireMaulNorth |
1 | TheForgottenCoast |
0 | TheBulwark |
0 | Deathknell |
0 | Brill |
0 | TirisfalGlades |
0 | TirisfalGladesZeppelin |
0 | Undercity |
0 | SilverpineForest |
1 | FeathermoonStronghold |
0 | Ambermill |
1 | Desolace |
1 | MaraudonOrange |
0 | ShadowFangKeep |
1 | MaraudonPurple |
0 | PyrewoodVillage |
1 | ShadowpreyVillage |
0 | TheSepulcher |
1 | GhostWalkerPost |
0 | DreadmaulRock |
0 | FenrisIsle |
0 | TowerOfIlgalar |
0 | Stonewatch |
1 | Nijel'sPoint |
0 | Lakeshire |
0 | RedridgeMountains |
0 | NorthshireValley |
0 | Goldshire |
0 | Stormwind |
1 | StonetalonPeak |
1 | StonetalonMountains |
1 | SunRockRetreat |
0 | Seradane |
0 | SkulkRock |
1 | CampAparaje |
1 | Mor'shanBaseCamp |
1 | Ashenvale |
0 | RevantuskVillage |
0 | Jintha'Alor |
0 | ElwynnForest |
0 | TheAltarOfZul |
1 | SplintertreePost |
0 | Quel'DanilLodge |
0 | TheTaintedScar |
0 | NethergardeKeep |
0 | TheDarkPortal |
0 | AeriePeak |
0 | TheHinterlands |
1 | Astranaar |
0 | Terrordale |
0 | Stratholme |
1 | BlackfathomDeeps |
0 | Naxxramas |
1 | EmeraldSanctuary |
0 | Plaguewood |
0 | EastwallGate |
1 | Felwood |
0 | DreadmaulHold |
0 | Light'sHopeChapel |
0 | EasternPlaguelands |
1 | TalonbranchGlade |
1 | TimbermawHold |
0 | BlastedLands |
0 | Tyr'sHand |
0 | Corin'sCrossing |
0 | TheFungalVale |
0 | CaerDarrow |
0 | Hearthglen |
1 | BloodvenomPost |
0 | TheDeadmines |
1 | Moonglade |
1 | Nighthaven |
1 | Winterspring |
1 | Everlook |
1 | Valormok |
0 | StranglethornVale |
1 | Azshara |
0 | Duskwood |
1 | TalrendisPoint |
1 | Mulgore |
0 | TheSunkenTemple |
1 | BloodhoofVillage |
0 | Westfall |
1 | CampNarache |
0 | SentinelHill |
0 | Moonbrook |
0 | RavenHill |
0 | Beggar'sHaunt |
0 | Darkshire |
1 | ThunderBluff |
0 | TempleOfAtal'Hakkar |
0 | TwilightGrove |
1 | Darkshore |
0 | Stonard |
1 | Auberdine |
0 | RebelCamp |
1 | Dolanaar |
0 | Zul'Gurub |
0 | BootyBay |
1 | Shadowglen |
0 | TheHarborage |
0 | GurubashiArena |
0 | Grom'golBaseCamp |
1 | Teldrassil |
0 | SwampOfSorrows |
0 | TheVice |
1 | Zoram'garOutpost |
0 | DeadwindPass |
1 | Darnassus |
1 | TheBlackMorass |
1 | GMIsland |
37 | AzsharaCrater |
0 | Crypt |
1 | Ratchet |
0 | TheStockades |
0 | Chillwind Camp |
0 | ChillwindPoint |
auto-generated by the MAGNET dbdocs module
Edited by Antz
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