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  •  NOTE:  This page is auto-generated from the MAGNET DBDocs module,
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    Description of the 'game_tele' table for MaNGOSZero

    This table contains a list of teleport locations that can be used with the .tele command in-game. Entries in this table can be added/deleted manually or with the .addtele/.deltele commands.

    Table Notes

    This table uses the 'MyISAM' DB Engine

    The Field definitions follow:

    Field Name Field Type Nullable Key Default Value Attributes Notes
    id mediumint(8) unsigned NO PRI NULL 'auto_increment' The id of the teleport location.
    position_x float NO '0'   The x location of the teleport location.
    position_y float NO '0'   The y location of the teleport location.
    position_z float NO '0'   The z location of the teleport location.
    orientation float NO '0'   The orientation of the player when teleported to the teleport location.
    map smallint(5) unsigned NO '0'   The map id of the teleport location [See map.dbc].
    name varchar(100) NO {Blank String}   The name of the teleport location.

    Description of the fields

    id mediumint(8) unsigned

    The id of the teleport location.

    position_x float

    The x location of the teleport location.

    position_y float

    The y location of the teleport location.

    position_z float

    The z location of the teleport location.

    orientation float

    The orientation of the player when teleported to the teleport location.

    map smallint(5) unsigned

    The map id of the teleport location [See map.dbc].

    name varchar(100)

    The name of the teleport location

    Using spaces and special characters for locations is prohibited.

    Table Contents

      0  RuinsOfAndorhal
      0  WesternPlaguelands
      0  Strahnbrad
      0  Scholomance
      0  TheMarrisStead
      0  DunGarok
      0  DurnholdeKeep
      0  TarrenMill
      0  HillsbradFoothills
      0  Southshore
      0  RuinsOfAlterac
      0  Dalaran
      0  AlteracMountains
      0  StromgardeKeep
      0  GrimBatol
      0  DunAlgaz
      0  DunModr
      0  ArathiHighlands
      0  Hammerfall
      0  RefugePointe
      0  MenethilHarbor
      0  Wetlands
      1  RagefireChasm
      1  Maraudon
      0  AlgazStation
      0  Gnomeregan
      0  Uldaman
      0  TheLoch
      0  LochModan
      0  Thelsamar
      0  StonewroughtDam
      0  DunMorogh
      0  Ironforge
      0  Kharanos
      0  BrewnallVillage
      0  ColdridgeValley
      0  AngorFortress
      0  Badlands
      0  Kargath
      1  RazorfenDowns
      1  ValleyOfTrials
      0  Morgan'sVigil
      0  TheCauldron
      0  ThoriumPoint
      1  Sen'jinVillage
      1  EchoIsles
      1  RazorHill
      1  Orgrimmar
      1  DurotarZeppelin
      1  TheCrossroads
      1  Barrens
      0  SearingGorge
      1  Durotar
      1  WailingCaverns
      1  CampTaurajo
      30  AlteracValleyHorde
      1  RazorfenKraul
      30  AlteracValley
      1  ShadyRestInn
      30  AlteracValleyAlliance
      1  DustwallowMarsh
      1  Mudsprocket
      529  ArathiBasinAlliance
      1  Onyxia'sLair
      0  TheGrindingQuarry
      1  BrackenwallVillage
      1  Theramore
      1  ThousandNeedles
      529  ArathiBasinHorde
      1  Thalanaar
      529  ArathiBasin
      1  FreewindPost
      0  BlackrockDepths
      1  MirageRaceway
      489  WarsongGulchAlliance
      1  Gadgetzan
      1  Tanaris
      1  SteamwheedlePort
      489  WarsongGulch
      1  Zul'Farrak
      1  Un'GoroCrater
      0  TheMoltenSpan
      489  WarsongGulchHorde
      1  Marshal'sRefuge
      1  Valor'sRest
      1  CenarionHold
      0  OrbOfCommand
      0  BlackrockSpire
      1  Silithus
      229  BlackwingLair
      0  BlackrockMountain
      1  TheScarabWall
      0  BlackrockStronghold
      1  GatesOfAhn'Qiraj
      1  TheRuinsOfAhn'Qiraj
      1  TheTempleOfAhn'Qiraj
      0  BurningSteppes
      230  MoltenCore
      1  CavernsOfTime
      1  CampMojache
      1  Feralas
      1  DireMaulEast
      0  ScarletMonastery
      1  DireMaulWest
      0  FlameCrest
      1  DireMaulNorth
      1  TheForgottenCoast
      0  TheBulwark
      0  Deathknell
      0  Brill
      0  TirisfalGlades
      0  TirisfalGladesZeppelin
      0  Undercity
      0  SilverpineForest
      1  FeathermoonStronghold
      0  Ambermill
      1  Desolace
      1  MaraudonOrange
      0  ShadowFangKeep
      1  MaraudonPurple
      0  PyrewoodVillage
      1  ShadowpreyVillage
      0  TheSepulcher
      1  GhostWalkerPost
      0  DreadmaulRock
      0  FenrisIsle
      0  TowerOfIlgalar
      0  Stonewatch
      1  Nijel'sPoint
      0  Lakeshire
      0  RedridgeMountains
      0  NorthshireValley
      0  Goldshire
      0  Stormwind
      1  StonetalonPeak
      1  StonetalonMountains
      1  SunRockRetreat
      0  Seradane
      0  SkulkRock
      1  CampAparaje
      1  Mor'shanBaseCamp
      1  Ashenvale
      0  RevantuskVillage
      0  Jintha'Alor
      0  ElwynnForest
      0  TheAltarOfZul
      1  SplintertreePost
      0  Quel'DanilLodge
      0  TheTaintedScar
      0  NethergardeKeep
      0  TheDarkPortal
      0  AeriePeak
      0  TheHinterlands
      1  Astranaar
      0  Terrordale
      0  Stratholme
      1  BlackfathomDeeps
      0  Naxxramas
      1  EmeraldSanctuary
      0  Plaguewood
      0  EastwallGate
      1  Felwood
      0  DreadmaulHold
      0  Light'sHopeChapel
      0  EasternPlaguelands
      1  TalonbranchGlade
      1  TimbermawHold
      0  BlastedLands
      0  Tyr'sHand
      0  Corin'sCrossing
      0  TheFungalVale
      0  CaerDarrow
      0  Hearthglen
      1  BloodvenomPost
      0  TheDeadmines
      1  Moonglade
      1  Nighthaven
      1  Winterspring
      1  Everlook
      1  Valormok
      0  StranglethornVale
      1  Azshara
      0  Duskwood
      1  TalrendisPoint
      1  Mulgore
      0  TheSunkenTemple
      1  BloodhoofVillage
      0  Westfall
      1  CampNarache
      0  SentinelHill
      0  Moonbrook
      0  RavenHill
      0  Beggar'sHaunt
      0  Darkshire
      1  ThunderBluff
      0  TempleOfAtal'Hakkar
      0  TwilightGrove
      1  Darkshore
      0  Stonard
      1  Auberdine
      0  RebelCamp
      1  Dolanaar
      0  Zul'Gurub
      0  BootyBay
      1  Shadowglen
      0  TheHarborage
      0  GurubashiArena
      0  Grom'golBaseCamp
      1  Teldrassil
      0  SwampOfSorrows
      0  TheVice
      1  Zoram'garOutpost
      0  DeadwindPass
      1  Darnassus
      1  TheBlackMorass
      1  GMIsland
      37  AzsharaCrater
      0  Crypt
      1  Ratchet
      0  TheStockades
      0  Chillwind Camp
      0  ChillwindPoint

    auto-generated by the getMaNGOS.eu MAGNET dbdocs module

    Edited by Antz

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