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  • Inspecting the server process


    You can better identify problems that affect the world server (mangosd) using this process.

    Do this by attaching to the running process from a Microsoft Visual Studio (MSVS) instance with the code project repository downloaded, configured, and the Solution (sln) file opened.
    The keyboard shortcut for this should be "Ctrl+Alt+P", and other instructions for performing this in the IDE can be viewed here: Microsoft - Attach to running processes with the Visual Studio debugger

    I'm not sure that you can do this with any other IDE yet, but there have been several similar packages that accomplish this function for the now unsupported Atom editor, with examples such as PHP xdebug functionality.  Also unsure if this can be accomplished using Visual Studio Code or not.

    If this does not work, or seems strange, make sure the version of the project matches the server, and the server has the associated symbol (pdb) files that match the executable you want to inspect.

    Once connected, you can set breakpoints and view the process state when those are encountered.


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