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  • Honor update system broken...

    • Status: Completed
      Main Category: Core / Mangos Daemon
      Sub-Category: Show Stopper
      Version: 21.0 Milestone: 21 Priority: New
      Implemented Version: 21.5.x

    Honor update system broken...

    The honor update which happens during system maintenance crashes the server. One player on the entire server has two dishonorable kills, my troll hunter. Now when starting the server I get this every time.
    Loading Warden Action Overrides...
    >> Loaded 0 Warden action overrides. DB table `warden_action` is empty!

    Deleting expired bans...

    Starting server Maintenance system...
    [ ] 0%
    SQL ERROR: wrong amount of parameters (2 instead of 0)
    SQL ERROR: statement: UPDATE characters SET stored_honorable_kills = stored_honorable_kills + %u WHERE guid = %u
    /usr/src/zero/server/src/shared/Database/SqlPreparedStatement.cpp:68: Error: Assertion in Execute failed: false
    Stack Trace:
    /home//zero/bin/mangosd(_ZN9ObjectMgr15FlushRankPointsEj+0x23a) [0xaaa654]
    /home//zero/bin/mangosd(_ZN5World22ServerMaintenanceStartEv+0x68) [0xd644aa]
    /home//zero/bin/mangosd(_ZN5World26InitServerMaintenanceCheckEv+0x114) [0xd646f0]
    /home//zero/bin/mangosd(_ZN5World23SetInitialWorldSettingsEv+0x1684) [0xd626be]
    /home//zero/bin/mangosd(_ZN6Master3RunEv+0x100) [0xa37028]
    /home//zero/bin/mangosd(main+0x433) [0xa3aa04]
    /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xfd) [0x7ffff5b67ead]
    /home/ryana/zero/bin/mangosd() [0xa2e6b9]
    mangosd: /usr/src/zero/server/src/shared/Database/SqlPreparedStatement.cpp:68: bool SqlStatement::Execute(): Assertion `"false" && 0' failed.

    Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
    0x00007ffff5b7b165 in raise () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
    The quick fix is to truncate the "character_honor_cp" table, but that just gets it up until somebody gets an honorable or dishonorable kill and maintenance runs.

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    This should now be resolved, can you confirm ?

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