server: rel21_16_016
db_structure: rel21_16_44
There is a visible object (I suppose since test-period) that is connected with a quest "King of the Foulweald". It indicates a place where a player should place the banner to start the event. (see Pic.1)
According to @Necrovoice comits (see Talon_Den object) I suppose the item displayId could be change to invisible trap (and this should not ruin the quest flow):
MariaDB [zero_world]> update gameobject_template set displayId=1287 where entry=300131;
After this quest still working as intended + there are no annoying object (Pic.2)
P.S.: there are another objects with apple model, but idk if they are need fixing or not
entry=19550 "Starbreeze Village Moonwell"
entry=300138 "TEMP Equinex Monolith"
entry=300139 "TEMP Shards of Myzrael"
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