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  • Spectral Chalice Spawn?

    • Status: Completed
      Main Category: Database
      Sub-Category: Minor
      Version: 22.x (Current Master Branch) Milestone: 22 (Current) Priority: Low
      Implemented Version: 22.xx (Current Master Branch)
      Assigned: Necrovoice

    When looking at the `db_scripts` table, I noticed that `script_guid` 631 spawns "Spectral Chalice". 

    MariaDB [mangos_world1]> SELECT `script_guid`, `id`, `datalong`, `comments` FROM `db_scripts` WHERE `id`=194502;
    | script_guid | id     | datalong | comments               |
    |         631 | 194502 |    19214 | spawn Spectral Chalice |
    1 row in set (0.002 sec)

    The `datalong` has a value of 19214 and indicates that it should spawn the corresponding object from the `gameobject` table.

    When we look at the corresponding guid we get...

    MariaDB [mangos_world1]> SELECT `guid`, `id` FROM `gameobject` WHERE `guid`=19214;
    | guid  | id     |
    | 19214 | 176583 |
    1 row in set (0.001 sec)

    Now the `id` in this table corresponds to an object in the `gameobject_template` table, which brings us to...

    MariaDB [mangos_world1]> SELECT `entry`, `name` FROM `gameobject_template` WHERE `entry`=176583;
    | entry  | name          |
    | 176583 | Golden Sansam |
    1 row in set (0.000 sec)

    -- Wait a second... Golden Sansam? Should be "Spectral Chalice".

    MariaDB [mangos_world1]> SELECT `entry`, `name` FROM `gameobject_template` WHERE `name`="Spectral Chalice";
    | entry  | name             |
    | 164869 | Spectral Chalice |
    1 row in set (0.001 sec)


    Note: I did not confirm whether or not this is odd behaviour in M1 - just noticed it within the db itself.

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    Changed Status to Completed

    Changed Implemented Version to 22.xx (Current Master Branch)

    Changed Milestone to 22 (Current)

    This is now closed for further comments

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