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  • [Covenant] Multiple server startup DB / Script / SD3 errors from living world

    • Status: Confirmed
      Main Category: Database
      Sub-Category: Code Enhancement
      Version: 21.11 Milestone: 21 Priority: Normal
      Implemented Version: Unset
      Assigned: Necrovoice

    Log below, click spoiler to view it. Some information has been removed that might be sensitive to the Covenant servers.

    2016-09-23 23:30:52 21000 [world-daemon]
    2016-09-23 23:30:52 <Ctrl-C> to stop.
      __  __      _  _  ___  ___  ___                        
     |  \/  |__ _| \| |/ __|/ _ \/ __|     We Love the    
     | |\/| / _` | .` | (_ | (_) \__ \   Burning Crusade  
     |_|  |_\__,_|_|\_|\___|\___/|___/                   
     For help and support please visit:     / _ \ _ _  ___  
          Website: https://getmangos.eu    | (_) | ' \/ -_) 
     Forum / Wiki: https://getmangos.eu     \___/|_||_\___|
    2016-09-23 23:30:52 Using configuration file mangosd.conf.
    2016-09-23 23:30:52 Daemon PID: 5752
    15 LINES REMOVED - Internal Covenant-WoW getMaNGOS Data. Line removed for security reasons.
    2016-09-23 23:30:52 Internal Covenant-WoW getMaNGOS Data. Line removed for security reasons.
    2016-09-23 23:30:52 Internal Covenant-WoW getMaNGOS Data. Line removed for security reasons.
    2016-09-23 23:30:52 Internal Covenant-WoW getMaNGOS Data. Line removed for security reasons.
    2016-09-23 23:30:52 Internal Covenant-WoW getMaNGOS Data. Line removed for security reasons.
    2016-09-23 23:30:52 
    2016-09-23 23:30:52 Internal Covenant-WoW getMaNGOS Data. Line removed for security reasons.
    2016-09-23 23:30:52 
    2016-09-23 23:30:52 Internal Covenant-WoW getMaNGOS Data. Line removed for security reasons.
    2016-09-23 23:30:52 
    2016-09-23 23:30:52 Internal Covenant-WoW getMaNGOS Data. Line removed for security reasons.
    2016-09-23 23:30:52 Internal Covenant-WoW getMaNGOS Data. Line removed for security reasons.
    2016-09-23 23:30:52 Internal Covenant-WoW getMaNGOS Data. Line removed for security reasons.
    2016-09-23 23:30:52 Internal Covenant-WoW getMaNGOS Data. Line removed for security reasons.
    2016-09-23 23:30:52 Internal Covenant-WoW getMaNGOS Data. Line removed for security reasons.
    2016-09-23 23:30:53 Using DataDir ./
    2016-09-23 23:30:53 WORLD: VMap support included. LineOfSight:1, getHeight:1, indoorCheck:1
    2016-09-23 23:30:53 WORLD: VMap data directory is: ./vmaps
    2016-09-23 23:30:53 WORLD: MMap pathfinding enabled
    2016-09-23 23:30:53 
    2016-09-23 23:30:53 Loading MaNGOS strings...
    2016-09-23 23:30:53 Loading texts from mangos_string
    2016-09-23 23:30:53 >> Loaded 856 MaNGOS strings from table mangos_string
    2016-09-23 23:30:53 
    2016-09-23 23:30:53 Initialize DBC data stores...
    2016-09-23 23:30:53 >> Initialized 66 data stores
    2016-09-23 23:30:53 
    2016-09-23 23:30:53 Internal Covenant-WoW getMaNGOS Data. Line removed for security reasons.
    Internal Covenant-WoW getMaNGOS Data. Line removed for security reasons.
    2016-09-23 23:30:53 
    2016-09-23 23:30:53 Loading SpellTemplate...
    2016-09-23 23:30:53 >> Loaded 26 spell definitions
    2016-09-23 23:30:53 
    2016-09-23 23:30:53 Loading Script Names...
    2016-09-23 23:30:54 >> Loaded 732 unique Script Names
    2016-09-23 23:30:54 
    2016-09-23 23:30:54 Loading InstanceTemplate...
    2016-09-23 23:30:54 >> Loaded 58 Instance Template definitions
    2016-09-23 23:30:54 
    2016-09-23 23:30:54 Loading SkillLineAbilityMultiMap Data...
    2016-09-23 23:30:54 >> Loaded 7025 SkillLineAbility MultiMap Data
    2016-09-23 23:30:54 
    2016-09-23 23:30:54 Loading SkillRaceClassInfoMultiMap Data...
    2016-09-23 23:30:54 >> Loaded 168 SkillRaceClassInfo MultiMap Data
    2016-09-23 23:30:54 
    2016-09-23 23:30:54 Cleaning up instances...
    2016-09-23 23:30:54 >> Instances cleaned up
    2016-09-23 23:30:54 
    2016-09-23 23:30:54 Packing instances...
    2016-09-23 23:30:54 >> Instance numbers remapped, next instance id is 1
    2016-09-23 23:30:54 
    2016-09-23 23:30:54 Packing groups...
    2016-09-23 23:30:54 >> Group Ids remapped, next group id is 4
    2016-09-23 23:30:54 
    2016-09-23 23:30:54 
    2016-09-23 23:30:54 Loading Page Texts...
    2016-09-23 23:30:54 >> Loaded 1429 page texts
    2016-09-23 23:30:54 
    2016-09-23 23:30:54 Loading Game Object Templates...
    2016-09-23 23:30:55 >> Loaded 13656 game object templates
    2016-09-23 23:30:55 
    2016-09-23 23:30:55 Loading GameObject models...
    2016-09-23 23:30:55 
    2016-09-23 23:30:55 Loading Spell Chain Data...
    2016-09-23 23:30:55 >> Loaded 3603 spell chain records (2300 from DBC data with 2 req field updates, and 1303 loaded from table)
    2016-09-23 23:30:55 
    2016-09-23 23:30:55 Loading Spell Elixir types...
    2016-09-23 23:30:55 >> Loaded 106 spell elixir definitions
    2016-09-23 23:30:55 
    2016-09-23 23:30:55 Loading Spell Learn Skills...
    2016-09-23 23:30:55 >> Loaded 78 Spell Learn Skills from DBC
    2016-09-23 23:30:55 
    2016-09-23 23:30:55 Loading Spell Learn Spells...
    2016-09-23 23:30:55 >> Loaded 17 spell learn spells + 477 found in DBC
    2016-09-23 23:30:55 
    2016-09-23 23:30:55 Loading Spell Proc Event conditions...
    2016-09-23 23:30:55 >> Loaded 332 extra spell proc event conditions +13 custom proc (inc. +8 custom ranks)
    2016-09-23 23:30:55 
    2016-09-23 23:30:55 Loading Spell Bonus Data...
    2016-09-23 23:30:55 >> Loaded 157 extra spell bonus data
    2016-09-23 23:30:55 
    2016-09-23 23:30:55 Loading Spell Proc Item Enchant...
    2016-09-23 23:30:55 >> Loaded 4 proc item enchant definitions
    2016-09-23 23:30:55 
    2016-09-23 23:30:55 Loading Aggro Spells Definitions...
    2016-09-23 23:30:56 >> Loaded 107 spell threat entries
    2016-09-23 23:30:56 
    2016-09-23 23:30:56 Loading NPC Texts...
    2016-09-23 23:30:56 >> Loaded 5861 npc texts
    2016-09-23 23:30:56 
    2016-09-23 23:30:56 Loading Item Random Enchantments Table...
    2016-09-23 23:30:56 >> Loaded 28408 Item Enchantment definitions
    2016-09-23 23:30:56 
    2016-09-23 23:30:56 Loading Disables...
    2016-09-23 23:30:56 >> Loaded 0 disables. DB table `disables` is empty!
    2016-09-23 23:30:56 Loading Item Templates...
    2016-09-23 23:30:57 >> Loaded 24076 item prototypes
    2016-09-23 23:30:57 
    2016-09-23 23:30:57 Loading Item Texts...
    2016-09-23 23:30:57 >> Loaded 412 item texts
    2016-09-23 23:30:57 
    2016-09-23 23:30:57 Loading Creature Model Based Info Data...
    2016-09-23 23:30:57 >> Loaded 17001 creature model based info
    2016-09-23 23:30:57 
    2016-09-23 23:30:57 Loading Equipment templates...
    2016-09-23 23:30:57 >> Loaded 249 equipment template
    2016-09-23 23:30:57 
    2016-09-23 23:30:57 ERROR:Table 'creature_equip_template_raw` have redundant data for ID 1105 ('creature_equip_template` already have data)
    2016-09-23 23:30:57 >> Loaded 1574 equipment template (deprecated format)
    2016-09-23 23:30:57 
    2016-09-23 23:30:57 Loading Creature Stats...
    2016-09-23 23:30:57 >> Found 219 creature stats definitions.
    2016-09-23 23:30:57 
    2016-09-23 23:30:57 Loading Creature templates...
    2016-09-23 23:30:58 >> Loaded 18786 creature definitions
    2016-09-23 23:30:58 
    2016-09-23 23:30:58 Loading Creature template spells...
    2016-09-23 23:30:58 >> Loaded 4390 creature_template_spells definitions
    2016-09-23 23:30:58 
    2016-09-23 23:30:58 Loading Creature Model for race...
    2016-09-23 23:30:58 >> Loaded 9 creature_model_race entries
    2016-09-23 23:30:58 
    2016-09-23 23:30:58 Loading SpellsScriptTarget...
    2016-09-23 23:30:58 >> Loaded 925 spell_script_target definitions
    2016-09-23 23:30:58 
    2016-09-23 23:30:58 Loading ItemRequiredTarget...
    2016-09-23 23:30:58 >> Loaded 57 Item required targets
    2016-09-23 23:30:58 
    2016-09-23 23:30:58 Loading Reputation Reward Rates...
    2016-09-23 23:30:58 >> Loaded 3 reputation_reward_rate
    2016-09-23 23:30:58 
    2016-09-23 23:30:58 Loading Creature Reputation OnKill Data...
    2016-09-23 23:30:58 >> Loaded 1401 creature award reputation definitions
    2016-09-23 23:30:58 
    2016-09-23 23:30:58 Loading Reputation Spillover Data...
    2016-09-23 23:30:59 >> Loaded 16 reputation_spillover_template
    2016-09-23 23:30:59 
    2016-09-23 23:30:59 Loading Points Of Interest Data...
    2016-09-23 23:30:59 >> Loaded 374 Points of Interest definitions
    2016-09-23 23:30:59 
    2016-09-23 23:30:59 Loading Pet Create Spells...
    2016-09-23 23:30:59 
    2016-09-23 23:30:59 >> Loaded 8 pet create spells from table and 473 from DBC
    2016-09-23 23:30:59 Loading Creature Data...
    2016-09-23 23:31:00 ERROR:Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 67037 Entry: 18759) with `MovementType`=0 (idle) have `spawndist`<>0, set to 0.
    2016-09-23 23:31:00 ERROR:Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 67038 Entry: 18759) with `MovementType`=0 (idle) have `spawndist`<>0, set to 0.
    2016-09-23 23:31:00 ERROR:Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 67039 Entry: 18759) with `MovementType`=0 (idle) have `spawndist`<>0, set to 0.
    2016-09-23 23:31:00 ERROR:Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 82534 Entry: 16314) with `MovementType`=0 (idle) have `spawndist`<>0, set to 0.
    2016-09-23 23:31:01 ERROR:Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 151209 Entry: 16314) with `creature_template`.`RegenerateStats` & REGEN_FLAG_HEALTH and low current health (328), `creature_template`.`MinLevelHealth`=340.
    2016-09-23 23:31:01 >> Loaded 98660 creatures
    2016-09-23 23:31:01 
    2016-09-23 23:31:01 Loading Creature Addon Data...
    2016-09-23 23:31:01 >> Loaded 10202 creature template addons
    2016-09-23 23:31:01 >> Loaded 57857 creature addons
    2016-09-23 23:31:01 >>> Creature Addon Data loaded
    2016-09-23 23:31:01 
    2016-09-23 23:31:01 Loading Gameobject Data...
    2016-09-23 23:31:02 >> Loaded 78772 gameobjects
    2016-09-23 23:31:02 
    2016-09-23 23:31:02 Loading CreatureLinking Data...
    2016-09-23 23:31:02 > Loading table `creature_linking_template`
    2016-09-23 23:31:02 >> Loaded creature linking for 167 creature-entries
    2016-09-23 23:31:02 
    2016-09-23 23:31:02 > Loading table `creature_linking`
    2016-09-23 23:31:02 >> Loaded creature linking for 8 creature-Guids
    2016-09-23 23:31:02 
    2016-09-23 23:31:02 Loading Objects Pooling Data...
    2016-09-23 23:31:03 
    2016-09-23 23:31:03 >> Loaded 6127 objects pools
    2016-09-23 23:31:03 
    2016-09-23 23:31:03 >> Loaded 36 creatures in pools from `pool_creature`
    2016-09-23 23:31:03 
    2016-09-23 23:31:03 >> Loaded 1065 creatures in pools from `pool_creature_template`
    2016-09-23 23:31:03 
    2016-09-23 23:31:03 >> Loaded 26682 gameobject in pools from `pool_gameobject`
    2016-09-23 23:31:03 
    2016-09-23 23:31:03 >> Loaded 210 gameobject in pools from `pool_gameobject_template`
    2016-09-23 23:31:03 
    2016-09-23 23:31:03 >> Loaded 5862 pools in mother pools
    2016-09-23 23:31:03 Loading Weather Data...
    2016-09-23 23:31:03 >> Loaded 35 weather definitions
    2016-09-23 23:31:03 
    2016-09-23 23:31:03 Loading Quests...
    2016-09-23 23:31:04 >> Loaded 6521 quests definitions
    2016-09-23 23:31:04 
    2016-09-23 23:31:04 Loading Quests Relations...
    2016-09-23 23:31:04 
    2016-09-23 23:31:04 >> Loaded 280 quest relations from gameobject_questrelation
    2016-09-23 23:31:04 
    2016-09-23 23:31:04 >> Loaded 222 quest relations from gameobject_involvedrelation
    2016-09-23 23:31:04 
    2016-09-23 23:31:04 >> Loaded 5459 quest relations from creature_questrelation
    2016-09-23 23:31:04 ERROR:Table `creature_questrelation` have data for nonexistent creature entry (56899) and existing quest 27469
    2016-09-23 23:31:04 
    2016-09-23 23:31:04 >> Loaded 5684 quest relations from creature_involvedrelation
    2016-09-23 23:31:04 >>> Quests Relations loaded
    2016-09-23 23:31:04 
    2016-09-23 23:31:04 Checking Quest Disables...
    2016-09-23 23:31:04 >> Checked 0 quest disables.
    2016-09-23 23:31:04 Loading Game Event Data...
    2016-09-23 23:31:04 
    2016-09-23 23:31:04 >> Loaded 57 game events
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 >> Loaded 2858 creatures in game events
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 >> Loaded 16057 gameobjects in game events
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 >> Loaded 90 creature reactions at game events
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 >> Loaded 11 quest additions in game events
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 >> Loaded 24 start/end game event mails
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 >>> Game Event Data loaded
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 Loading Conditions...
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 >> Loaded 62 Condition definitions
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 Creating map persistent states for non-instanceable maps...
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 Loading Creature Respawn Data...
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 >> Loaded 13 creature respawn times
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 Loading Gameobject Respawn Data...
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 >> Loaded 0 gameobject respawn time.
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 Loading SpellArea Data...
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 >> Loaded 89 spell area requirements
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 Loading AreaTrigger definitions...
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 >> Loaded 163 area trigger teleport definitions
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 Loading Quest Area Triggers...
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 >> Loaded 48 quest trigger points
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 Loading Tavern Area Triggers...
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 >> Loaded 79 tavern triggers
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 Loading all script bindings...
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 Of the total 1024 script bindings, loaded succesfully:
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 .. type 0: 671 binds
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 .. type 1: 138 binds
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 .. type 2: 6 binds
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 .. type 3: 48 binds
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 .. type 4: 71 binds
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 .. type 5: 15 binds
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 .. type 6: 29 binds
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 .. type 7: 3 binds
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 .. type 10: 43 binds
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 Thus, 0 script binds are found bad.
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 Loading Graveyard-zone links...
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 >> Loaded 525 graveyard-zone links
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 Loading spell target destination coordinates...
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 >> Loaded 416 spell target destination coordinates
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 Loading SpellAffect definitions...
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 >> Loaded 1201 spell affect definitions
    2016-09-23 23:31:05 Loading spell pet auras...
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 >> Loaded 34 spell pet auras
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 Loading Player Create Info & Level Stats...
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 >> Loaded 52 player create definitions
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 >> Loaded 0 custom player create items
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 >> Loaded 1956 player create spells
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 >> Loaded 281 player create actions
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 >> Loaded 630 level health/mana definitions
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 >> Loaded 3640 level stats definitions
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 >> Loaded 69 xp for level definitions
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 >>> Player Create Info & Level Stats loaded
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 Loading Exploration BaseXP Data...
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 >> Loaded 71 BaseXP definitions
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 Loading Pet Name Parts...
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 >> Loaded 260 pet name parts
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 Cleaning character database...
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 Loading the max pet number...
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 >> Loaded the max pet number: 3436
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 Loading pet level stats...
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 >> Loaded 1470 level pet stats definitions
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 Loading Player Corpses...
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 >> Loaded 0 corpses
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 Loading Player level dependent mail rewards...
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 >> Loaded 10 level dependent mail rewards,
    2016-09-23 23:31:06 Loading Loot Tables...
    2016-09-23 23:31:07 >> Loaded 264017 loot definitions (6244 templates) from table creature_loot_template
    2016-09-23 23:31:07 
    2016-09-23 23:31:07 >> Loaded 195 loot definitions (178 templates) from table fishing_loot_template
    2016-09-23 23:31:07 
    2016-09-23 23:31:07 >> Loaded 18110 loot definitions (787 templates) from table gameobject_loot_template
    2016-09-23 23:31:07 
    2016-09-23 23:31:07 >> Loaded 4755 loot definitions (220 templates) from table item_loot_template
    2016-09-23 23:31:07 
    2016-09-23 23:31:07 >> Loaded 84 loot definitions (83 templates) from table mail_loot_template
    2016-09-23 23:31:07 
    2016-09-23 23:31:07 >> Loaded 10602 loot definitions (2445 templates) from table pickpocketing_loot_template
    2016-09-23 23:31:07 
    2016-09-23 23:31:07 >> Loaded 3314 loot definitions (925 templates) from table skinning_loot_template
    2016-09-23 23:31:07 
    2016-09-23 23:31:07 >> Loaded 102 loot definitions (46 templates) from table disenchant_loot_template
    2016-09-23 23:31:07 
    2016-09-23 23:31:07 >> Loaded 60 loot definitions (7 templates) from table prospecting_loot_template
    2016-09-23 23:31:07 
    2016-09-23 23:31:07 >> Loaded 6754 loot definitions (324 templates) from table reference_loot_template
    2016-09-23 23:31:07 
    2016-09-23 23:31:07 >>> Loot Tables loaded
    2016-09-23 23:31:07 
    2016-09-23 23:31:07 Loading Skill Discovery Table...
    2016-09-23 23:31:07 
    2016-09-23 23:31:07 >> Loaded 17 skill discovery definitions
    2016-09-23 23:31:07 Loading Skill Extra Item Table...
    2016-09-23 23:31:08 
    2016-09-23 23:31:08 >> Loaded 160 spell specialization definitions
    2016-09-23 23:31:08 Loading Skill Fishing base level requirements...
    2016-09-23 23:31:08 >> Loaded 80 areas for fishing base skill level
    2016-09-23 23:31:08 
    2016-09-23 23:31:08 Loading Npc Text Id...
    2016-09-23 23:31:08 >> Loaded 2508 NpcTextId
    2016-09-23 23:31:08 
    2016-09-23 23:31:08 Loading Gossip scripts...
    2016-09-23 23:31:08 >> Loaded 173 script definitions from table dbscripts_on_gossip
    2016-09-23 23:31:08 
    2016-09-23 23:31:08 (Re)Loading Gossip menus...
    2016-09-23 23:31:08 >> Loaded 3493 gossip_menu entries
    2016-09-23 23:31:08 
    2016-09-23 23:31:08 (Re)Loading Gossip menu options...
    2016-09-23 23:31:08 >> Loaded 2604 gossip_menu_option entries
    2016-09-23 23:31:08 
    2016-09-23 23:31:08 Loading Vendors...
    2016-09-23 23:31:08 >> Loaded 3342 vendor template items
    2016-09-23 23:31:08 
    2016-09-23 23:31:08 >> Loaded 6158 vendor items
    2016-09-23 23:31:08 
    2016-09-23 23:31:08 Loading Trainers...
    2016-09-23 23:31:08 >> Loaded 5622 trainer template spells
    2016-09-23 23:31:08 
    2016-09-23 23:31:08 >> Loaded 920 trainer spells
    2016-09-23 23:31:08 
    2016-09-23 23:31:08 Loading Waypoint scripts...
    2016-09-23 23:31:08 >> Loaded 336 script definitions from table dbscripts_on_creature_movement
    2016-09-23 23:31:08 
    2016-09-23 23:31:08 Loading Waypoints...
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 >> Loaded 2329 paths, 49492 nodes and 483 behaviors from waypoints
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 >> Loaded 90 path templates with 2199 nodes and 24 behaviors from waypoint templates
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 Modifying in-memory dbc spell attributes...
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 Loading ReservedNames...
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 >> Loaded 0 reserved player names
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 Loading GameObjects for quests...
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 >> Loaded 948 GameObjects for quests
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 Loading BattleMasters...
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 >> Loaded 71 battlemaster entries
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 Loading BattleGround event indexes...
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 >> Loaded 1236 battleground eventindexes
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 Loading GameTeleports...
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 >> Internal Covenant-WoW getMaNGOS Data. Line removed for security reasons.
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 Loading Localization strings...
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 >> Loaded 0 creature locale strings. DB table `locales_creature` is empty.
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 >> Loaded 0 gameobject locale strings. DB table `locales_gameobject` is empty.
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 >> Loaded 0 Item locale strings. DB table `locales_item` is empty.
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 >> Loaded 0 Quest locale strings. DB table `locales_quest` is empty.
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 >> Loaded 0 Quest locale strings. DB table `locales_npc_text` is empty.
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 >> Loaded 0 PageText locale strings. DB table `locales_page_text` is empty.
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 >> Loaded 0 gossip_menu_option locale strings. DB table `locales_gossip_menu_option` is empty.
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 >> Loaded 0 points_of_interest locale strings. DB table `locales_points_of_interest` is empty.
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 >>> Localization strings loaded
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 Loading Auctions...
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 >> Internal Covenant-WoW getMaNGOS Data. Line removed for security reasons.
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 >> Internal Covenant-WoW getMaNGOS Data. Line removed for security reasons.
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 >>> Auctions loaded
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 Loading Guilds...
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 >> Loaded 4 guild definitions
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 Loading ArenaTeams...
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 >> Loaded 0 arenateam definitions
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 Loading Groups...
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 >> Loaded 3 group definitions
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 >> Loaded 0 group-instance binds total
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 >> Loaded 0 group members total
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 Returning old mails...
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 >> Only expired mails (need to be return or delete) or DB table `mail` is empty.
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 Loading GM tickets...
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 >> Internal Covenant-WoW getMaNGOS Data. Line removed for security reasons.
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 Loading DB-Scripts Engine...
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 >> Loaded 231 script definitions from table dbscripts_on_quest_start
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 >> Loaded 284 script definitions from table dbscripts_on_quest_end
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 >> Loaded 10 script definitions from table dbscripts_on_spell
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 >> Loaded 56 script definitions from table dbscripts_on_go_use
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 >> Loaded 18 script definitions from table dbscripts_on_go_template_use
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 >> Loaded 498 script definitions from table dbscripts_on_event
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 >> Loaded 5 script definitions from table dbscripts_on_creature_death
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 >>> DB Scripts loaded
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 Loading Scripts text locales...
    2016-09-23 23:31:09 Loading texts from db_script_string, with additional data
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 >> Loaded 454 text templates from db_script_string
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 Loading CreatureEventAI Texts...
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 Loading texts from creature_ai_texts, with additional data
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 >> Loaded 1010 text templates from creature_ai_texts
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 Loading CreatureEventAI Summons...
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 >> Loaded 26 CreatureEventAI summon definitions
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 Loading CreatureEventAI Scripts...
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 ERROR CreatureEventAI: Event 1690505 Action 1. Cannot set instance data without difficulty event flags.
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 ERROR CreatureEventAI: Creature 16905 are using percentage event(1690504) with param1 <= param2 (MaxPercent <= MinPercent). Event will never trigger! 
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 ERROR CreatureEventAI: Creature 16905 has param3 and param4=0 (RepeatMin/RepeatMax) but can not be repeatable without timers. Removing EFLAG_REPEATABLE for event 1690504.
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 ERROR CreatureEventAI: Event 1690504 Action 1 is incrementing phase by 0. Was this intended?
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 ERROR CreatureEventAI: Event 1696401 Action 1 currently unused ACTION type. Did you forget to update database?
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 >> Loaded 20516 CreatureEventAI scripts
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 Initializing Scripts...
    2016-09-23 23:31:10    ___         _      _   ___            ____
    2016-09-23 23:31:10   / __| __ _ _(_)_ __| |_|   \ _____ __ |__ /
    2016-09-23 23:31:10   \__ \/ _| '_| | '_ \  _| |) / -_) V /  |_ \
    2016-09-23 23:31:10   |___/\__|_| |_| .__/\__|___/\___|\_/  |___/
    2016-09-23 23:31:10                 |_|                          
    2016-09-23 23:31:10                      https://getmangos.eu/
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 [SD3]: Using configuration file mangosd.conf
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 [SD3]: Loading Script Texts...
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 Loading texts from script_texts, with additional data
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 >> Loaded 2447 text templates from script_texts
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 [SD3]: Loading Custom Texts...
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 Loading texts from custom_texts, with additional data
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 >> Loaded 0 string templates. DB table `custom_texts` is empty.
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 [SD3]: Loading Gossip Texts...
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 Loading texts from gossip_texts
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 >> Loaded 64 string templates from gossip_texts
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 [SD3]: Loading Script Waypoints for 81 creature(s)...
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 >> Loaded 2430 Script Waypoint nodes.
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 [SD3]: Loading C++ scripts
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 <SD3 ERROR>: Script registering but ScriptName npc_phalanx is not assigned in database. Script will not be used.
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 <SD3 ERROR>: Script registering but ScriptName npc_mistress_nagmara is not assigned in database. Script will not be used.
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 <SD3 ERROR>: Script registering but ScriptName npc_hurley_blackbreath is not assigned in database. Script will not be used.
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 <SD3 ERROR>: Script registering but ScriptName npc_ironhand_guardian is not assigned in database. Script will not be used.
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 <SD3 ERROR>: Script registering but ScriptName npc_spectral_tutor is not assigned in database. Script will not be used.
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 <SD3 ERROR>: Script registering but ScriptName npc_kolkar_invader is not assigned in database. Script will not be used.
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 <SD3 ERROR>: Script registering but ScriptName npc_warlord_kromzar is not assigned in database. Script will not be used.
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 >> Loaded 733 C++ Scripts.
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 Scripting library loaded.
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 Initialize game time and timers
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 Starting Map System
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 Starting BattleGround System
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 >> Loaded 8 battlegrounds
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 Starting Outdoor PvP System
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 >> Loaded 6 Outdoor PvP zones
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 Loading Transports...
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 >> Loaded 9 transports
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 Loading Warden Checks...
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 Loading Warden Action Overrides...
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 Deleting expired bans...
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 Calculate next daily quest reset time...
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 Starting Game Event system...
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 
    2016-09-23 23:31:10 Loading grids for active creatures or transports...
    2016-09-23 23:31:12 ERROR:Spell entry 29705, effect 0 has EffectImplicitTargetA/EffectImplicitTargetB = TARGET_SCRIPT, but creature are not defined in `spell_script_target`
    2016-09-23 23:31:26 ERROR:Spell entry 38966, effect 0 has EffectImplicitTargetA/EffectImplicitTargetB = TARGET_SCRIPT, but creature are not defined in `spell_script_target`
    2016-09-23 23:31:26 ERROR:Spell entry 38966, effect 0 has EffectImplicitTargetA/EffectImplicitTargetB = TARGET_SCRIPT, but creature are not defined in `spell_script_target`
    2016-09-23 23:31:26 ERROR:Spell entry 38966, effect 0 has EffectImplicitTargetA/EffectImplicitTargetB = TARGET_SCRIPT, but creature are not defined in `spell_script_target`
    2016-09-23 23:31:28 ERROR:Spell entry 36241, effect 0 has EffectImplicitTargetA/EffectImplicitTargetB = TARGET_SCRIPT, but creature are not defined in `spell_script_target`
    2016-09-23 23:31:28 ERROR:Spell entry 36241, effect 0 has EffectImplicitTargetA/EffectImplicitTargetB = TARGET_SCRIPT, but creature are not defined in `spell_script_target`
    2016-09-23 23:31:29 <SD3 ERROR>: DoScriptText with source Creature (Entry: 22972 Guid: 78965) could not find text entry -1000963.
    2016-09-23 23:31:31 <SD3 ERROR>: npc_ancestral_wolf can not obtain owner or owner is not a player.
    2016-09-23 23:31:31 
    2016-09-23 23:31:31 Initialize AuctionHouseBot...
    2016-09-23 23:31:31 AHBot using configuration file ahbot.conf
    2016-09-23 23:31:31 ERROR:AHBot uses an invalid character name `AHBot`
    2016-09-23 23:31:31 AHBot seller filters:
    2016-09-23 23:31:31 
    2016-09-23 23:31:31 Forced Inclusion 0 items
    2016-09-23 23:31:31 Forced Exclusion 0 items
    2016-09-23 23:31:31 
    2016-09-23 23:31:31 Loading npc vendor items for filter..
    2016-09-23 23:31:31 Npc vendor filter has 3496 items
    2016-09-23 23:31:31 
    2016-09-23 23:31:31 Loading loot items for filter..
    2016-09-23 23:31:31 Loot filter has 9389 items
    2016-09-23 23:31:31 
    21 LINES REMOVED - Internal Covenant-WoW getMaNGOS Data. Line removed for security reasons.
    2016-09-23 23:31:31 
    2016-09-23 23:31:31 ------------------------
    2016-09-23 23:31:31 WORLD: World initialized
    2016-09-23 23:31:31 ------------------------
    2016-09-23 23:31:31 
    2016-09-23 23:31:31 SERVER STARTUP TIME: 0 minutes 39 seconds
    2016-09-23 23:31:31 
    2016-09-23 23:31:31 
    2016-09-23 23:31:31 mangosd process priority class set to HIGH
    2016-09-23 23:31:31 
    2016-09-23 23:31:31 Internal Covenant-WoW getMaNGOS Data. Line removed for security reasons.
    2016-09-23 23:31:32 ERROR CreatureEventAI: NULL target for ACTION_T_CAST Creature (Entry: 1784 Guid: 47243) casting spell id 9672
    2016-09-23 23:31:32 ERROR CreatureEventAI: Event 567901 - NULL target for ACTION_T_SUMMON(12), target-type 1
    2016-09-23 23:31:32 ERROR CreatureEventAI: Event 566101 - NULL target for ACTION_T_SUMMON(12), target-type 1
    2016-09-23 23:31:33 ERROR CreatureEventAI: NULL target for ACTION_T_CAST Creature (Entry: 14393 Guid: 54003) casting spell id 9734
    2016-09-23 23:31:33 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1490101, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 14901 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:31:33 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485701, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 14857 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 4661) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 4661) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 11614) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6250) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6250) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6250) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6250) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6250) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6250) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6250) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6250) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6250) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6250) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6250) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 3939) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 3939) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 3939) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 3939) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 3939) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 3939) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 3939) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6250) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6250) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6250) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6250) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6250) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6250) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6250) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 1039) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6412) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6412) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6412) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6412) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6412) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6412) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6412) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6412) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6412) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6412) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6412) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6412) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6412) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6412) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6412) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6412) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6412) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6412) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6412) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6412) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 1039) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 1039) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6250) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6250) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6250) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6250) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6250) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6250) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 3939) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6250) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6250) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 3939) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6250) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6250) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6250) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6250) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6250) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 4196) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 4196) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 4196) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 4196) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 4196) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 4196) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 4196) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 4196) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 4196) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 4196) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 4196) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 4196) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 4196) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 4196) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 4196) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 4196) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 4196) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 4196) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 4196) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 4196) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 4661) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 4661) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 4661) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 4661) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 4661) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 4661) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 4661) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 4661) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 4661) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 18201) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 18201) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 18201) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 18201) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 19461) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 19461) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 19461) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 19461) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 19461) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 19461) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 19461) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 19461) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 19461) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 19461) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 19461) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 19461) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 19461) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 19461) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 19461) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 18201) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 18201) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 18201) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 18201) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 18201) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 18201) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 18201) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 18201) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 18201) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 18201) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 18201) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 19461) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 19461) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 16303) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 16303) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 16303) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 16303) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 16303) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 16303) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 16303) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 16303) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 4661) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6250) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 6250) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 4196) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 4196) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253301, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 4661) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 4661) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 18201) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 18201) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 <SD3 ERROR>: DoScriptText with source Creature (Entry: 22972 Guid: 78965) could not find text entry -1000964.
    2016-09-23 23:31:35 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 16303) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:31:36 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253301, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:31:36 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485702, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 14857 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:31:36 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 3220) X: -5435.214844 Y: -466.906708 (original) in grid[21,31]cell[12,2] instead grid[21,31]cell[12,1]
    2016-09-23 23:31:36 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 1727) X: -5418.625977 Y: -468.209656 (original) in grid[21,31]cell[13,2] instead grid[21,31]cell[13,1]
    2016-09-23 23:31:37 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1490102, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 14901 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:31:42 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1487301, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 14873 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:31:42 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 76503) X: -3758.170654 Y: 5401.034668 (original) in grid[24,42]cell[15,1] instead grid[24,42]cell[15,2]
    2016-09-23 23:31:44 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 27972) X: -795.131897 Y: 2398.451416 (original) in grid[30,36]cell[8,8] instead grid[30,36]cell[8,7]
    2016-09-23 23:31:45 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253302, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:31:46 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1487301, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 14873 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:31:46 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 4068) X: -5368.261719 Y: -608.294495 (original) in grid[21,30]cell[15,13] instead grid[21,30]cell[14,13]
    2016-09-23 23:31:50 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 2384301, command 29 has no OTHER buddy 23843 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:31:51 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 67915) X: -1079.515625 Y: 5733.996582 (original) in grid[29,42]cell[15,11] instead grid[29,42]cell[15,12]
    2016-09-23 23:31:51 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253303, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:31:58 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253304, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:32:01 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1487301, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 14873 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:32:03 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485703, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 14857 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:32:04 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253305, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:32:08 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 150201, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 1502 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:32:10 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253306, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:32:21 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1487302, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 14873 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:32:27 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253302, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:32:30 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:32:31 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485703, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 14857 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:32:32 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 80758) X: -9600.178711 Y: -258.158752 (original) in grid[14,31]cell[0,8] instead grid[13,31]cell[15,8]
    2016-09-23 23:32:37 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1966702, command 3 has buddy 18265 not found in range 15 of searcher Creature (Entry: 19667 Guid: 70166) (data-flags 4), skipping.
    2016-09-23 23:32:37 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 94377) X: 12835.247070 Y: -7058.755859 (original) in grid[56,18]cell[0,12] instead grid[56,18]cell[1,12]
    2016-09-23 23:32:42 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 25509) X: -1298.820190 Y: 297.096924 (original) in grid[29,32]cell[8,8] instead grid[29,32]cell[9,8]
    2016-09-23 23:32:42 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 94158) X: 11646.482422 Y: -7100.182129 (original) in grid[53,18]cell[13,11] instead grid[53,18]cell[13,10]
    2016-09-23 23:32:47 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485001, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 14850 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:32:48 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 150201, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 1502 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:32:50 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:32:51 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:32:54 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253304, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:32:56 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485001, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 14850 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:33:00 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 2384303, command 29 has no OTHER buddy 23843 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:33:02 ERROR CreatureEventAI: NULL target for ACTION_T_CAST Creature (Entry: 1196 Guid: 2292) casting spell id 3130
    2016-09-23 23:33:06 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253303, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:33:09 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:33:09 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:33:10 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:33:17 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253305, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:33:19 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:33:27 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253306, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:33:30 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:33:32 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:33:38 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485002, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 14850 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:33:38 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 45114) X: 2245.306396 Y: 399.638641 (original) in grid[36,32]cell[3,12] instead grid[36,32]cell[3,11]
    2016-09-23 23:33:40 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:33:45 ERROR CreatureEventAI: NULL target for ACTION_T_CAST Creature (Entry: 11562 Guid: 27238) casting spell id 12548
    2016-09-23 23:33:46 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253302, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:33:46 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:33:47 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485002, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 14850 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:33:49 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:33:50 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485003, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 14850 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:33:51 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:33:53 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485704, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 14857 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:33:56 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485704, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 14857 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:34:00 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253303, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:34:07 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 150202, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 1502 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:34:09 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:34:11 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:34:11 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:34:13 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253305, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:34:13 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485705, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 14857 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:34:14 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:34:14 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 45354) X: 1900.140503 Y: -1617.181396 (original) in grid[35,28]cell[8,15] instead grid[35,28]cell[9,15]
    2016-09-23 23:34:16 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485705, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 14857 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:34:24 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253301, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:34:25 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253301, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:34:29 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:34:30 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:34:31 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253302, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:34:34 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485705, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 14857 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:34:36 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253303, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:34:42 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:34:42 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:34:44 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253304, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:34:44 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 150201, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 1502 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:34:49 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:34:50 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:34:50 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253305, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:34:52 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 150202, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 1502 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:34:53 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 153301, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 1533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:34:55 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253306, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:35:02 <SD3 ERROR>: DoScriptText with source Creature (Entry: 4880 Guid: 68946) could not find text entry -1001146.
    2016-09-23 23:35:08 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:35:09 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:35:10 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:35:13 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253302, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:35:13 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:35:28 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:35:29 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:35:29 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485706, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 14857 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:35:38 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:35:40 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253304, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:35:42 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253304, command 0 has buddy 2532 not found in range 15 of searcher Creature (Entry: 2533 Guid: 79720) (data-flags 4), skipping.
    2016-09-23 23:35:44 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1490103, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 14901 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:35:45 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:35:48 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:35:48 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:35:53 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253303, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:35:54 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1487303, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 14873 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:35:58 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 44470) X: 2256.206055 Y: 399.561737 (original) in grid[36,32]cell[3,12] instead grid[36,32]cell[3,11]
    2016-09-23 23:36:01 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1487302, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 14873 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:36:04 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253305, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:36:05 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1487304, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 14873 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:36:05 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:36:06 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 150201, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 1502 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:36:07 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:36:08 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:36:10 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 94102) X: 11933.806641 Y: -7067.554688 (original) in grid[54,18]cell[5,11] instead grid[54,18]cell[6,11]
    2016-09-23 23:36:15 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253306, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:36:16 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:36:24 ERROR CreatureEventAI: NULL target for ACTION_T_CAST Creature (Entry: 18132 Guid: 64676) casting spell id 35325
    2016-09-23 23:36:27 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:36:27 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:36:30 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 94156) X: 11667.179688 Y: -7101.919922 (original) in grid[53,18]cell[13,10] instead grid[53,18]cell[14,10]
    2016-09-23 23:36:33 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253302, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:36:33 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:36:35 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 94024) X: 12194.996094 Y: -7035.425781 (original) in grid[54,18]cell[13,13] instead grid[54,18]cell[13,12]
    2016-09-23 23:36:40 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 8836) X: -5033.623047 Y: -2803.609619 (original) in grid[22,26]cell[9,11] instead grid[22,26]cell[8,11]
    2016-09-23 23:36:42 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 27951) X: -699.092834 Y: 1779.537842 (original) in grid[30,35]cell[10,5] instead grid[30,35]cell[11,5]
    2016-09-23 23:36:45 <SD3 ERROR>: DoScriptText with source Creature (Entry: 22972 Guid: 78965) could not find text entry -1000963.
    2016-09-23 23:36:47 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 63591) X: -2110.397949 Y: -10766.392578 (original) in grid[28,11]cell[0,12] instead grid[28,11]cell[0,13]
    2016-09-23 23:36:47 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:36:47 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:36:47 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:36:47 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253303, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:36:47 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 68008) X: -266.074219 Y: 1100.819580 (original) in grid[31,34]cell[7,0] instead grid[31,34]cell[8,1]
    2016-09-23 23:36:48 <SD3 ERROR>: DoScriptText with source Creature (Entry: 22972 Guid: 78965) could not find text entry -1000964.
    2016-09-23 23:36:48 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 80299) X: -9335.228516 Y: 266.716827 (original) in grid[14,32]cell[7,7] instead grid[14,32]cell[7,8]
    2016-09-23 23:36:56 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 80299) X: -9333.019531 Y: 268.475708 (original) in grid[14,32]cell[7,8] instead grid[14,32]cell[8,8]
    2016-09-23 23:37:00 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253305, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:37:01 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:37:06 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 92290) X: 2097.065186 Y: -4569.068848 (original) in grid[35,23]cell[14,7] instead grid[35,23]cell[14,6]
    2016-09-23 23:37:06 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 92291) X: 2097.075439 Y: -4569.099609 (original) in grid[35,23]cell[14,7] instead grid[35,23]cell[14,6]
    2016-09-23 23:37:06 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:37:06 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:37:11 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253301, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:37:12 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253301, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:37:15 ERROR CreatureEventAI: NULL target for ACTION_T_CAST Creature (Entry: 18137 Guid: 64855) casting spell id 35234
    2016-09-23 23:37:17 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:37:18 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253302, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:37:20 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 150201, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 1502 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:37:24 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253303, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:37:25 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:37:26 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:37:27 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 150202, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 1502 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:37:28 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:37:29 ERROR CreatureEventAI: NULL target for ACTION_T_CAST Creature (Entry: 1784 Guid: 47243) casting spell id 9672
    2016-09-23 23:37:31 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253304, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:37:37 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253305, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:37:43 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253306, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:37:43 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1490103, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 14901 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:37:43 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1490101, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 14901 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:37:45 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:37:45 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485003, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 14850 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:37:45 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:37:47 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1490102, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 14901 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:37:48 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 153301, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 1533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:37:48 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:37:56 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:37:59 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 38389) X: 2298.699463 Y: -709.847107 (original) in grid[36,30]cell[5,10] instead grid[36,30]cell[4,10]
    2016-09-23 23:38:00 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253302, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:38:01 ERROR CreatureEventAI: NULL target for ACTION_T_CAST Creature (Entry: 8526 Guid: 92364) casting spell id 20825
    2016-09-23 23:38:04 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:38:05 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:38:11 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 150202, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 1502 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:38:17 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 80043) X: -8731.979492 Y: -100.124519 (original) in grid[15,31]cell[10,13] instead grid[15,31]cell[10,12]
    2016-09-23 23:38:20 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:38:20 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 2384301, command 29 has no OTHER buddy 23843 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:38:23 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:38:23 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:38:25 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:38:28 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253304, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:38:28 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 168) X: -5433.748047 Y: -492.694427 (original) in grid[21,31]cell[13,1] instead grid[21,31]cell[12,1]
    2016-09-23 23:38:38 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 94155) X: 11659.059570 Y: -7100.291016 (original) in grid[53,18]cell[13,11] instead grid[53,18]cell[13,10]
    2016-09-23 23:38:40 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253303, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:38:42 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:38:44 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:38:49 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1966702, command 3 has buddy 18265 not found in range 15 of searcher Creature (Entry: 19667 Guid: 70166) (data-flags 4), skipping.
    2016-09-23 23:38:51 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:38:51 <SD3 ERROR>: DoScriptText with source Creature (Entry: 4880 Guid: 68946) could not find text entry -1001147.
    2016-09-23 23:38:51 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:38:52 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253305, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:38:53 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 92289) X: 2032.769287 Y: -4514.553223 (original) in grid[35,23]cell[13,8] instead grid[35,23]cell[12,8]
    2016-09-23 23:38:59 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485001, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 14850 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:39:01 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:39:02 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253306, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:39:04 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:39:08 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485001, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 14850 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:39:10 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 94377) X: 12833.826172 Y: -7058.395508 (original) in grid[56,18]cell[0,12] instead grid[56,18]cell[1,12]
    2016-09-23 23:39:18 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:39:19 ERROR CreatureEventAI: NULL target for ACTION_T_CAST Creature (Entry: 11562 Guid: 27238) casting spell id 12548
    2016-09-23 23:39:20 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253302, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:39:21 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:39:21 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:39:23 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:39:24 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485706, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 14857 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:39:25 ERROR CreatureEventAI: NULL target for ACTION_T_CAST Creature (Entry: 8551 Guid: 92372) casting spell id 20829
    2016-09-23 23:39:25 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 150201, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 1502 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:39:26 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485701, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 14857 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:39:29 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485702, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 14857 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:39:29 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 2384303, command 29 has no OTHER buddy 23843 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:39:32 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 78385) X: 12633.198242 Y: -7011.287109 (original) in grid[55,18]cell[11,13] instead grid[55,18]cell[10,13]
    2016-09-23 23:39:35 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 92290) X: 1964.900269 Y: -4533.563965 (original) in grid[35,23]cell[11,7] instead grid[35,23]cell[10,7]
    2016-09-23 23:39:35 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253303, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:39:36 ERROR CreatureEventAI: NULL target for ACTION_T_CAST Creature (Entry: 8541 Guid: 92536) casting spell id 5884
    2016-09-23 23:39:40 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:39:42 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 94224) X: 11775.265625 Y: -7133.471680 (original) in grid[54,18]cell[1,10] instead grid[54,18]cell[1,9]
    2016-09-23 23:39:43 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 94185) X: 11666.078125 Y: -7041.715332 (original) in grid[53,18]cell[14,12] instead grid[53,18]cell[13,12]
    2016-09-23 23:39:43 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:39:46 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:39:47 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253305, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:39:50 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485002, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 14850 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:39:52 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:39:55 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485703, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 14857 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:39:56 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 150201, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 1502 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:39:59 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253301, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:39:59 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1487304, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 14873 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:39:59 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485002, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 14850 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:39:59 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:40:00 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253301, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:40:02 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485003, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 14850 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:40:02 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:40:05 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253302, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:40:09 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1487301, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 14873 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:40:11 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253303, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:40:14 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:40:14 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1487301, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 14873 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:40:18 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253304, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:40:19 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:40:22 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:40:23 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485703, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 14857 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:40:24 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:40:24 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253305, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:40:29 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1487301, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 14873 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:40:30 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253306, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:40:38 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:40:41 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:40:42 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:40:44 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 150202, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 1502 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:40:48 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1487302, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 14873 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:40:48 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253302, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:40:55 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:40:57 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 94189) X: 11665.105469 Y: -7033.251953 (original) in grid[53,18]cell[13,12] instead grid[53,18]cell[13,13]
    2016-09-23 23:40:57 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:41:01 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:41:03 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 94024) X: 12195.979492 Y: -7032.666016 (original) in grid[54,18]cell[13,12] instead grid[54,18]cell[13,13]
    2016-09-23 23:41:10 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:41:11 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 153301, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 1533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:41:15 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253304, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:41:16 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:41:21 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:41:26 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:41:27 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 16303) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:41:27 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 16303) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:41:28 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253303, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:41:29 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 150202, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 1502 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:41:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 16303) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:41:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 16303) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:41:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 16303) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:41:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 16303) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:41:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 16303) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:41:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 16303) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:41:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 16303) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:41:36 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:41:37 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:41:38 ERROR CreatureEventAI: NULL target for ACTION_T_CAST Creature (Entry: 14393 Guid: 54003) casting spell id 9734
    2016-09-23 23:41:39 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253305, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:41:41 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:41:46 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 27952) X: -699.488098 Y: 1781.097534 (original) in grid[30,35]cell[10,5] instead grid[30,35]cell[11,5]
    2016-09-23 23:41:46 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485704, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 14857 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:41:49 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253306, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:41:49 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485704, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 14857 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:41:54 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1490103, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 14901 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:41:55 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:41:57 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:41:57 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 44466) X: 2443.244141 Y: 233.040970 (original) in grid[36,32]cell[9,7] instead grid[36,32]cell[9,6]
    2016-09-23 23:41:58 <SD3 ERROR>: DoScriptText with source Creature (Entry: 22972 Guid: 78965) could not find text entry -1000963.
    2016-09-23 23:41:58 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 80299) X: -9335.952148 Y: 267.105438 (original) in grid[14,32]cell[7,7] instead grid[14,32]cell[7,8]
    2016-09-23 23:42:01 <SD3 ERROR>: DoScriptText with source Creature (Entry: 22972 Guid: 78965) could not find text entry -1000964.
    2016-09-23 23:42:01 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:42:05 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:42:06 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485705, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 14857 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:42:08 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253302, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:42:08 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485705, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 14857 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:42:09 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 30055) X: 2670.977783 Y: -901.148926 (original) in grid[37,30]cell[0,5] instead grid[37,30]cell[0,4]
    2016-09-23 23:42:13 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 70460) X: 2600.741455 Y: 2366.804932 (original) in grid[36,36]cell[14,6] instead grid[36,36]cell[14,7]
    2016-09-23 23:42:14 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:42:21 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:42:22 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253303, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:42:26 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485705, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 14857 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:42:27 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:42:28 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 94029) X: 12199.912109 Y: -7053.777344 (original) in grid[54,18]cell[14,12] instead grid[54,18]cell[13,12]
    2016-09-23 23:42:28 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 94035) X: 12197.846680 Y: -7053.880859 (original) in grid[54,18]cell[14,12] instead grid[54,18]cell[13,12]
    2016-09-23 23:42:32 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 150201, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 1502 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:42:33 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:42:34 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:42:35 ERROR CreatureEventAI: NULL target for ACTION_T_CAST Creature (Entry: 18132 Guid: 64676) casting spell id 35325
    2016-09-23 23:42:35 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253305, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:42:40 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:42:43 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 150201, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 1502 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:42:46 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253301, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:42:47 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253301, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:42:53 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253302, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:42:53 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:42:59 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253303, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:42:59 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:43:00 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:43:00 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:43:01 ERROR CreatureEventAI: NULL target for ACTION_T_CAST Creature (Entry: 1784 Guid: 47243) casting spell id 9672
    2016-09-23 23:43:06 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253304, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:43:13 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:43:13 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253305, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:43:18 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253306, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:43:20 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:43:20 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 60675) X: -3785.898438 Y: -13332.870117 (original) in grid[24,6]cell[14,15] instead grid[24,7]cell[14,0]
    2016-09-23 23:43:22 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485706, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 14857 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:43:28 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:43:30 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:43:32 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:43:36 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253302, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:43:39 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:43:51 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:43:53 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1490103, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 14901 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:43:53 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1490101, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 14901 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:43:55 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:43:57 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485003, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 14850 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:43:57 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1490102, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 14901 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:43:59 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:43:59 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 84006) X: 12831.986328 Y: -7142.564941 (original) in grid[56,18]cell[1,9] instead grid[56,18]cell[0,9]
    2016-09-23 23:44:01 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:44:03 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253304, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:44:04 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 150202, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 1502 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:44:06 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 153301, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 1533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:44:11 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:44:16 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253303, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:44:16 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 84006) X: 12831.986328 Y: -7142.564941 (original) in grid[56,18]cell[1,9] instead grid[56,18]cell[0,9]
    2016-09-23 23:44:18 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:44:19 <SD3 ERROR>: DoScriptText with source Creature (Entry: 4880 Guid: 68946) could not find text entry -1001146.
    2016-09-23 23:44:20 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1487303, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 14873 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:44:24 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:44:27 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1487302, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 14873 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:44:28 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253305, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:44:30 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:44:31 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1487304, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 14873 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:44:32 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:44:33 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 84006) X: 12831.994141 Y: -7142.563965 (original) in grid[56,18]cell[1,9] instead grid[56,18]cell[0,9]
    2016-09-23 23:44:38 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253306, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:44:38 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:44:49 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 150202, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 1502 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:44:49 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 2384301, command 29 has no OTHER buddy 23843 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:44:50 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:44:50 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 84006) X: 12832.294922 Y: -7142.530273 (original) in grid[56,18]cell[1,9] instead grid[56,18]cell[0,9]
    2016-09-23 23:44:51 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:44:52 ERROR CreatureEventAI: NULL target for ACTION_T_CAST Creature (Entry: 1196 Guid: 2292) casting spell id 3130
    2016-09-23 23:44:56 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253302, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:44:56 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 116) X: 1898.001709 Y: -1616.415771 (original) in grid[35,28]cell[9,15] instead grid[35,28]cell[8,15]
    2016-09-23 23:44:58 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:45:01 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1966702, command 3 has buddy 18265 not found in range 15 of searcher Creature (Entry: 19667 Guid: 70166) (data-flags 4), skipping.
    2016-09-23 23:45:04 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:45:08 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 150201, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 1502 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:45:09 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:45:11 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253303, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:45:11 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485001, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 14850 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:45:17 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:45:19 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:45:19 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 98650) X: -7633.599609 Y: -2698.824951 (original) in grid[17,26]cell[11,15] instead grid[17,26]cell[10,15]
    2016-09-23 23:45:20 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485001, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 14850 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:45:23 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253305, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:45:28 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:45:34 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253301, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:45:35 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:45:35 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253301, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:45:37 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:45:41 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253302, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:45:47 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 84006) X: 12831.882813 Y: -7142.576660 (original) in grid[56,18]cell[1,9] instead grid[56,18]cell[0,9]
    2016-09-23 23:45:47 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:45:47 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253303, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:45:48 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:45:54 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253304, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:45:56 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:45:59 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 2384303, command 29 has no OTHER buddy 23843 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:46:00 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253305, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:46:01 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 150201, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 1502 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:46:02 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485002, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 14850 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:46:05 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253306, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:46:06 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:46:07 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:46:11 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485002, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 14850 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:46:14 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485003, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 14850 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:46:15 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:46:16 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:46:18 ERROR CreatureEventAI: NULL target for ACTION_T_CAST Creature (Entry: 11562 Guid: 27238) casting spell id 12548
    2016-09-23 23:46:23 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253302, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:46:26 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:46:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 16303) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:46:36 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:46:37 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:46:43 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:46:46 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:46:47 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 76503) X: -3767.557617 Y: 5394.855469 (original) in grid[24,42]cell[15,1] instead grid[24,42]cell[14,1]
    2016-09-23 23:46:47 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 76503) X: -3765.743408 Y: 5398.951660 (original) in grid[24,42]cell[14,1] instead grid[24,42]cell[15,1]
    2016-09-23 23:46:50 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253304, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:46:51 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 27952) X: -679.246277 Y: 1765.498291 (original) in grid[30,35]cell[11,5] instead grid[30,35]cell[11,4]
    2016-09-23 23:46:56 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:47:03 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253303, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:47:05 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:47:08 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:47:08 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 84006) X: 12832.394531 Y: -7142.518555 (original) in grid[56,18]cell[1,9] instead grid[56,18]cell[0,9]
    2016-09-23 23:47:10 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:47:11 <SD3 ERROR>: DoScriptText with source Creature (Entry: 22972 Guid: 78965) could not find text entry -1000963.
    2016-09-23 23:47:14 <SD3 ERROR>: DoScriptText with source Creature (Entry: 22972 Guid: 78965) could not find text entry -1000964.
    2016-09-23 23:47:15 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253305, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:47:15 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:47:17 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485706, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 14857 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:47:18 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485701, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 14857 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:47:21 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485702, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 14857 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:47:25 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253306, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:47:25 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:47:26 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 150202, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 1502 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:47:27 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 25520) X: -1292.857910 Y: 299.921570 (original) in grid[29,32]cell[9,9] instead grid[29,32]cell[9,8]
    2016-09-23 23:47:28 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 153301, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 1533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:47:29 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 76053) X: -3198.347168 Y: 2549.406982 (original) in grid[25,36]cell[15,12] instead grid[26,36]cell[0,12]
    2016-09-23 23:47:33 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 84006) X: 12831.689453 Y: -7142.599121 (original) in grid[56,18]cell[1,9] instead grid[56,18]cell[0,9]
    2016-09-23 23:47:35 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:47:36 ERROR CreatureEventAI: NULL target for ACTION_T_CAST Creature (Entry: 15542 Guid: 43203) casting spell id 22911
    2016-09-23 23:47:37 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:47:39 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:47:43 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253302, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:47:44 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 150201, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 1502 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:47:44 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:47:48 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485703, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 14857 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:47:48 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 94013) X: 12199.520508 Y: -7036.838867 (original) in grid[54,18]cell[14,12] instead grid[54,18]cell[13,12]
    2016-09-23 23:47:48 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 38040) X: 1917.744385 Y: 1366.434814 (original) in grid[35,34]cell[9,9] instead grid[35,34]cell[9,8]
    2016-09-23 23:47:54 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:47:55 ERROR CreatureEventAI: NULL target for ACTION_T_CAST Creature (Entry: 15542 Guid: 43202) casting spell id 22911
    2016-09-23 23:47:57 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253303, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:47:59 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253303, command 0 has buddy 2532 not found in range 15 of searcher Creature (Entry: 2533 Guid: 79720) (data-flags 4), skipping.
    2016-09-23 23:48:03 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:48:04 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1490103, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 14901 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:48:05 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:48:06 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 84006) X: 12831.986328 Y: -7142.564941 (original) in grid[56,18]cell[1,9] instead grid[56,18]cell[0,9]
    2016-09-23 23:48:09 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253305, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:48:10 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:48:11 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 150202, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 1502 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:48:11 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253305, command 0 has buddy 2532 not found in range 15 of searcher Creature (Entry: 2533 Guid: 79720) (data-flags 4), skipping.
    2016-09-23 23:48:13 ERROR CreatureEventAI: NULL target for ACTION_T_CAST Creature (Entry: 18137 Guid: 64855) casting spell id 35234
    2016-09-23 23:48:14 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:48:16 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 47248) X: 1766.674316 Y: -1259.056274 (original) in grid[35,29]cell[4,10] instead grid[35,29]cell[5,10]
    2016-09-23 23:48:16 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485703, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 14857 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:48:21 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253301, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:48:22 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253301, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:48:23 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:48:26 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1487304, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 14873 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:48:27 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253302, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:48:29 ERROR CreatureEventAI: NULL target for ACTION_T_CAST Creature (Entry: 1784 Guid: 47243) casting spell id 9672
    2016-09-23 23:48:32 <SD3 ERROR>: DoScriptText with source Creature (Entry: 4880 Guid: 68946) could not find text entry -1001147.
    2016-09-23 23:48:33 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:48:33 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253303, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:48:34 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:48:36 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1487301, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 14873 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:48:37 ERROR CreatureEventAI: NULL target for ACTION_T_CAST Creature (Entry: 15542 Guid: 43203) casting spell id 22911
    2016-09-23 23:48:40 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253304, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:48:41 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1487301, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 14873 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:48:41 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:48:42 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:48:42 ERROR CreatureEventAI: NULL target for ACTION_T_CAST Creature (Entry: 15542 Guid: 43203) casting spell id 22911
    2016-09-23 23:48:46 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253305, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:48:51 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253306, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:48:54 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:48:55 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 84006) X: 12831.587891 Y: -7142.610840 (original) in grid[56,18]cell[1,9] instead grid[56,18]cell[0,9]
    2016-09-23 23:48:56 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1487301, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 14873 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:49:00 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:49:01 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:49:09 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253302, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:49:12 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:49:13 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:49:15 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1487302, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 14873 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:49:18 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 150201, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 1502 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:49:21 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:49:27 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:49:32 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:49:36 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253304, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:49:38 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485704, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 14857 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:49:40 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:49:41 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485704, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 14857 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:49:44 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:49:49 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253303, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:49:52 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:49:55 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:49:56 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 80758) X: -9587.907227 Y: -265.210541 (original) in grid[14,31]cell[0,7] instead grid[14,31]cell[0,8]
    2016-09-23 23:49:57 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485705, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 14857 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:50:00 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:50:00 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485705, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 14857 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:50:01 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253305, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:50:02 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 94200) X: 11655.629883 Y: -7100.847168 (original) in grid[53,18]cell[13,11] instead grid[53,18]cell[13,10]
    2016-09-23 23:50:04 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1490103, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 14901 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:50:05 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1490101, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 14901 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:50:09 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485003, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 14850 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:50:09 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1490102, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 14901 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:50:11 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253306, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:50:12 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:50:14 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:50:18 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485705, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 14857 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:50:19 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:50:21 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 150201, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 1502 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:50:23 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:50:23 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 153301, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 1533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:50:29 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253302, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:50:31 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:50:38 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:50:44 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253303, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:50:45 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:50:48 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 150202, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 1502 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:50:51 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:50:51 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:50:56 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253305, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:50:58 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:51:07 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253301, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:51:08 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253301, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:51:10 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:51:11 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 94013) X: 12200.467773 Y: -7036.458984 (original) in grid[54,18]cell[13,12] instead grid[54,18]cell[14,12]
    2016-09-23 23:51:13 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1966702, command 3 has buddy 18265 not found in range 15 of searcher Creature (Entry: 19667 Guid: 70166) (data-flags 4), skipping.
    2016-09-23 23:51:13 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485706, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 14857 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:51:14 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253302, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:51:17 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:51:17 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:51:18 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:51:19 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 2384301, command 29 has no OTHER buddy 23843 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:51:20 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 16303) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:51:20 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253303, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:51:21 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 16303) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:51:24 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485001, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 14850 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:51:27 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253304, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:51:30 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:51:32 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 150202, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 1502 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:51:33 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253305, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:51:33 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485001, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 14850 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:51:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 16303) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:51:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 16303) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:51:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 16303) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:51:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 16303) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:51:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 16303) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:51:34 ERROR:Summoned pet (Entry: 16303) not have pet stats data in DB
    2016-09-23 23:51:36 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:51:36 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 3216) X: -5234.108398 Y: -413.335236 (original) in grid[22,31]cell[3,3] instead grid[22,31]cell[2,3]
    2016-09-23 23:51:39 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253306, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:51:43 ERROR CreatureEventAI: NULL target for ACTION_T_CAST Creature (Entry: 14393 Guid: 54003) casting spell id 9734
    2016-09-23 23:51:45 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:51:47 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:51:47 ERROR CreatureEventAI: NULL target for ACTION_T_CAST Creature (Entry: 11562 Guid: 27238) casting spell id 12548
    2016-09-23 23:51:49 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:51:52 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 84006) X: 12831.587891 Y: -7142.610840 (original) in grid[56,18]cell[1,9] instead grid[56,18]cell[0,9]
    2016-09-23 23:51:53 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 16458) X: -799.649963 Y: -434.141174 (original) in grid[30,31]cell[7,2] instead grid[30,31]cell[8,2]
    2016-09-23 23:51:56 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:51:57 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253302, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:52:06 ERROR CreatureEventAI: NULL target for ACTION_T_CAST Creature (Entry: 18132 Guid: 64676) casting spell id 35325
    2016-09-23 23:52:09 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:52:13 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:52:15 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485002, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 14850 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:52:15 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:52:18 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:52:24 <SD3 ERROR>: DoScriptText with source Creature (Entry: 22972 Guid: 78965) could not find text entry -1000963.
    2016-09-23 23:52:24 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253304, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:52:24 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485002, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 14850 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:52:27 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1485003, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 14850 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:52:27 <SD3 ERROR>: DoScriptText with source Creature (Entry: 22972 Guid: 78965) could not find text entry -1000964.
    2016-09-23 23:52:28 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 2384303, command 29 has no OTHER buddy 23843 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:52:29 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 94100) X: 11941.960938 Y: -7066.349121 (original) in grid[54,18]cell[6,11] instead grid[54,18]cell[6,12]
    2016-09-23 23:52:29 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:52:34 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:52:35 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 150201, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 1502 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:52:36 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253303, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:52:41 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:52:47 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1487303, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 14873 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:52:48 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253305, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:52:48 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:52:49 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:52:50 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 80299) X: -9344.658203 Y: 266.804901 (original) in grid[14,32]cell[7,7] instead grid[14,32]cell[7,8]
    2016-09-23 23:52:53 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:52:55 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1487302, command 25 has no OTHER buddy 14873 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:52:57 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 150201, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 1502 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:52:58 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253306, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:52:58 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1487304, command 20 has no OTHER buddy 14873 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:53:08 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:53:08 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:53:13 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:53:16 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253302, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:53:21 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954501, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19545 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:53:26 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 94151) X: 11664.628906 Y: -7096.648438 (original) in grid[53,18]cell[14,11] instead grid[53,18]cell[13,11]
    2016-09-23 23:53:28 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954601, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19546 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:53:30 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253303, command 0 has no OTHER buddy 2533 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:53:32 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 94093) X: 11999.295898 Y: -7080.717285 (original) in grid[54,18]cell[8,11] instead grid[54,18]cell[7,11]
    2016-09-23 23:53:32 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954301, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19543 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:53:35 ERROR: DB-SCRIPTS: WARNING: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 1954401, command 22 has no OTHER buddy 19544 found - maybe you need to update the script?
    2016-09-23 23:53:38 RARunnable thread ended
    2016-09-23 23:53:39 ERROR:Spell entry 29705, effect 0 has EffectImplicitTargetA/EffectImplicitTargetB = TARGET_SCRIPT, but creature are not defined in `spell_script_target`
    2016-09-23 23:53:41 <SD3 ERROR>: npc_ancestral_wolf can not obtain owner or owner is not a player.
    2016-09-23 23:53:42 <SD3 ERROR>: DoScriptText with source Creature (Entry: 22972 Guid: 78965) could not find text entry -1000963.
    2016-09-23 23:53:45 Halting process...



    Edited by madmax

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    1. ERROR:Table 'creature_equip_template_raw` have redundant data for ID 1105 ('creature_equip_template` already have data)
    2. ERROR:Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 67039 Entry: 18759) with `MovementType`=0 (idle) have `spawndist`<>0, set to 0.
    3. ERROR:Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 67038 Entry: 18759) with `MovementType`=0 (idle) have `spawndist`<>0, set to 0.
    4. ERROR:Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 67037 Entry: 18759) with `MovementType`=0 (idle) have `spawndist`<>0, set to 0.
    5. ERROR:Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 82534 Entry: 16314) with `MovementType`=0 (idle) have `spawndist`<>0, set to 0.
    6. ERROR:Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 151209 Entry: 16314) with `creature_template`.`RegenerateStats` & REGEN_FLAG_HEALTH and low current health (328), `creature_template`.`MinLevelHealth`=340.
    7. <SD3 ERROR>: DoScriptText with source Creature (Entry: 22972 Guid: 78965) could not find text entry -1000963.
    8. <SD3 ERROR>: DoScriptText with source Creature (Entry: 22972 Guid: 78965) could not find text entry -1000964.
    9. <SD3 ERROR>: Script registering but ScriptName npc_phalanx is not assigned in database. Script will not be used.
    10. <SD3 ERROR>: Script registering but ScriptName npc_mistress_nagmara is not assigned in database. Script will not be used.
    11. <SD3 ERROR>: Script registering but ScriptName npc_hurley_blackbreath is not assigned in database. Script will not be used.
    12. <SD3 ERROR>: Script registering but ScriptName npc_ironhand_guardian is not assigned in database. Script will not be used.
    13. <SD3 ERROR>: Script registering but ScriptName npc_warlord_kromzar is not assigned in database. Script will not be used.
    14. <SD3 ERROR>: Script registering but ScriptName npc_kolkar_invader is not assigned in database. Script will not be used.
    15. <SD3 ERROR>: Script registering but ScriptName npc_spectral_tutor is not assigned in database. Script will not be used.
    16. ERROR:Spell entry 38966, effect 0 has EffectImplicitTargetA/EffectImplicitTargetB = TARGET_SCRIPT, but creature are not defined in `spell_script_target`

    Uploaded fix here



    pet_levelstats Errors 

    4661, 11614, 6250, 3939, 6412, 4196, 18201, 19461, 16303

    Should no longer be an issue. Find the fix here.




    <SD3 ERROR>: DoScriptText with source Creature (Entry: 4880 Guid: 68946) could not find text entry -1001147.

    Sadly "Stinky" Ignatz, still stinks, but he now talks. Find the fix here

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