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  • Missing NPCs - cannot fix, read on.

    • Main Category: Core / Mangos Daemon
      Sub-Category: NPC
      Version: 22.1

    None of the ships or zeppelins have NPCs, placing them manually does not work.

    this wouldnt be so bad if it didnt affect ALL vehicles. I mean we dont really need the captains and deckhands on the boat between booty bay and ratchet.

    but it also affects questing hubs.


    it seems that moving vehicles, cannot hold NPCs of any kind.



    this means the major quest hubs in Icecrown dont work (the 2 flying ships)

    placing the NPCs (or ANY npc) with gm commands (example  .npc add #####)  results in them falling a bit through the floor, then falling back behind the ship, remaining airborn as the ships keep going.

    This pretty much makes questing/leveling in icecrown pointless, as a large portion of the content is unavailable.

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    Indeed they are missing :)  This has to do with the core's current mechanics when handling transports. I dont know the full details but it is something that we are looking into.



    Check SMSG_MONSTER_MOVE_TRANSPORT packet implementation. It is not implemented in Zero, which becomes critical in Two. The TC has it since long, though.



    Ive no idea how to do that.
    But i would love to fix this since there are many quest hubs that require it to some degree.


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