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[Web Application] : Revolution CP - RevoCP - Complete Server Website

Guest vandam

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Complete Online Gaming Website.

Website being redesign, Working on stable project.

Project Status : Development Hello everyone, I am here to announce a new project called Revolution Control Panel, What is RevoCP? It is a Management Website for MaNGOS that will help with simple tasks. It does not Create a Game server, it makes it that people can have a Website without having to build one from scratch, it includes tools like Account Administration, Remote Commands, Tickets, Remote Teleports and more.

We are currently looking for community support for this project, our website is being build and domain is being propagated, so when it is finish we will post a link to it.

Here is Some basic questions on what is RevoCP :

Q: What does RevoCP Do?

A: A lot of people do not know how to program there own website and will like to use a generic program to host there website, this will enable people who just want to get into the game instead of coding for hours before there server can actually be played on.

Q: What is RevoCP Coded On?

A: We use the latest PHP5, also other requirements are needed to run properly. Read the Specs before installing the program.

3: Are you guys Affiliated with Mangos?

A: No, we are a bunch of website programmers that have taken on a project for the community we are in no way affiliated with Mangos or any other Server Emulator. Thou we would like to be :D

Requirements :

  • * - Mysql
    * - PHP5
    * - GDLib
    * - A Server


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rather than creating something from complete scratch

jump on the minimanager project....

Agree. So much new projects all the time and no one finishes really. Minimanager is a good project whiceh develops good in time. So, why not joining them?

just my 2cents ^_^

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I always enjoy the 'projects' that an announce and build themselves up, provide awesome screenshots..

and then never deliver :-p

I agree, Minimanager needs more dev's and help, such a waste 20 different projects with one or two dev's each.

It's all me me me with all these ideas and projects :(

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Understandable but we are not developing a server administration program, we are a Content Management System (CMS), put it basically we are a PHPNUKE for Mangos.

Mini manager is a nice program for Managing your server, but it was never meant to be full fledged website, we do not feel that the way we want things and have things planned would work out to well With there program, we have lot of things planned for this script that may interfere with the plans and idea's of mini manager. So instead of rewriting and redeveloping there whole script we decided to make our own CMS.

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I always enjoy the 'projects' that an announce and build themselves up, provide awesome screenshots..

and then never deliver :-p

I agree, Minimanager needs more dev's and help, such a waste 20 different projects with one or two dev's each.

It's all me me me with all these ideas and projects :(

We will be providing screenshots, we are not planning to back out, we have allready work on script for past 2 weeks and just now decided after having some of the magor parts of the script developed we decided to announce we are coming out. we did not just come 1 day and say hey lets make a CMS. We where allready developing way befor this post was ever made.

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first tip:

remove the "Blizzard" logo's....

thats a pretty big no no... =/

other than that...

is this just a standard forum, with a wow theme...

coz atm thats all im seeing really

nice work thou, graphically looks nice =)

but again, wouldnt keep the blizzard logo's on there...

i doubt very much they allowed you the rights to use theirs!

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You still shouldn't have removed the copyright or credits link to pbwow, otherwise your breaking the agreement when you downloaded the file.

Considering EVERY image on the template is owned by a 'certain' company i dont think the biggest issue is pbwow's rights...

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You still shouldn't have removed the copyright or credits link to pbwow, otherwise your breaking the agreement when you downloaded the file.

When they copied this Certain Companies Forum they already broke the agreement, so i don't think they have any right to claim it as there template.

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I just want to update all on status of script, we have most of the script done, we are working on the rest of the administration pages, after that is complete we have a bit of Image browsing to remove unused things and we should be able to release Beta 1..

Just remember Version 1 is a Preliminary Theme, after we get most things working, and maybe a few theme submissions we can include in a later pack some regular theme packs.

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Please make sure that when your first release comes along it does not contain and blizzard copyrighted material, such as images and logo's etc, or it'll be taken down faster than you can jerk yourself off =)


I would post a link to a working copy of what we got so far, but you guys would think we are advertising our server. so i have to wait.

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