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Spectral WoW

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Hello, dear Community.
 Would someone tell me how may I add ElunaLuaEngine to a core manually? I don't want to make any kind of advertise and if it is necessary I'll give you the name of the source or the source.
 I made a thread month ago and as far as I'm aware, Rochet told me that I have to add it "Manually", I've tried to add it with "Git Bash" commands, I was posting threads and nothing.
 The core is based on Mangos and I'm not sure why it doesn't include Eluna, but since it is Mangos I'm pretty sure that it's possible to add it, but as Rochet said, I've to add it "Manually"

Spectral WoW

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Well, a brief answer to your question is:

Learn C++ (1 month). Learn Mangos core (1 month). Learn Eluna module (0.5 month). Do the job (0.5 month). This way you have it just in 3 months.

There is no single commit adding Eluna. It means that you should find all the Eluna hooks in the core manually, as it was said. This is A LOT of the hooks. Even considering they are easy to find, since you have done the 2.5 months program part above, it will take a time. I should also note that this will be a quite boring job. I do not wonder that no dev is willing to undertake it.

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There will be no single definitive guide to tell you how to do it because there are so many versions of mangos and a fork of mangos could be on any version.
The manual work simply implies you have to do work like editing c++ files instead of just running a few commands.

If you have a fork of mangos that doesnt have Eluna then most likely adding it in will not be a walk in the park.
Eluna has main 3 parts:
1. Eluna repo https://github.com/ElunaLuaEngine/Eluna
2. Core modifications (various edits in the source, look for "eluna" with grep for example) https://github.com/mangosone/server
3. Lua source dependency https://github.com/mangos/mangosDeps/tree/268841b80472b01eff6f51d43c66743329c13087/lualib

What I suggest is adding in the lua source, then the eluna repository, then the core modifications.
At each step try to make cmake run successfully as well as compiling the core.
Most likely compiling the eluna repository requires different changes in the cmake and c++ files, possibly even in eluna files, even if you dont yet add in the hooks.

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We have a cmangos forks with Eluna, but it has not been updated for a year soon. You can find them under https://github.com/ElunaLuaEngine
The lack of updating the forks is because they did not move to using cmake and they made large structural changes that made keeping updated difficult.
We also did not have an automated merge at that time yet to more easily keep updated.

It seems they have now moved to using cmake. This does not mean however that we will update in near future.

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5 hours ago, Spectral WoW said:

Well, as you said, you already have got CMaNGOS with Eluna and they moved to the same structure, what's the problem to update it then?It takes a time or it's not allowed or?

Updating does take time.

Anyone can do the update. I personally will not be doing the update in near future - regardless of the workload.

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23 minutes ago, Spectral WoW said:

Could you tell me how to update it?

Having the eluna cmangos fork as the base you would need to pull (git pull) the changes from the cmangos repository and make it all work. (fix merge errors, fix compile errors, fix cmake stuff .. etc)

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