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Map Extraction failes


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Hi. I am using Ubuntu 16.04 and I could build and install the Mangos Server, but at the Last step, at extract Ressourcen, I get These errors:

Fatal Error: failed to locate the WoW executable!

Exiting program!!
Mi 22. Nov 15:13:28 UTC 2017: (Re)created map 389

Fatal Error: failed to locate the WoW executable!

Fatal Error: failed to locate the WoW executable!

Exiting program!!
Mi 22. Nov 15:13:28 UTC 2017: (Re)created map 389

Fatal Error: failed to locate the WoW executable!

Exiting program!!
Mi 22. Nov 15:13:28 UTC 2017: (Re)created map 409

Fatal Error: failed to locate the WoW executable!

Exiting program!!
Mi 22. Nov 15:13:28 UTC 2017: (Re)created map 25

Fatal Error: failed to locate the WoW executable!


I can start realmd and mangosd and that Workshop. Ok at mangosd I get the Error, that the map stuff ist Missing but that should be normal.


How can I fix that?

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  • 2 years later...

This is probably way to late, but if somebody else gets this error.

This means that ur extractor tools ( map generator / mmap generator and vmap generator from ur compiled folder . Its in /compiled source/src/tools/ )

Place all those + the tools u find in ur git clone folder . Also in the /tools/ folder. Copy all those into ur WoW Client folder. Then follow the instructions on the readme.

Wich is simply start ExtractResources.sh (wich u should have copied in the previous step)

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