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Vehicles (Dev)

Guest AuntieMangos

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Although this thread is not for SilverIce's camera fix, Biali's trouble does involve compatibility issues with Vehicles and Camera Fix.

That makes it a valid question and is indeed pertinent to the Vehicles thread. Try to bear that in mind next time a similar post comes up in this topic or elsewhere, Mcrizza.

Biali, if you cannot find help here, also try SilverIce's thread but, not until it is clear no help is forthcoming from the Vehicles thread. This is suggested to prevent having others accusing you of spamming. So wait at least a day or two before asking elsewhere for help. This will also give time for those who may help here to render the assistance you need.

as far as i understand, this is about solving merge conflicts which has nothing to do with the vehicle patch

as for Biali...make a public repo and add me as a collaborator and i will solve the merge conflicts for you

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do not worry, I can help you, because is not so easy to merge in this case

maybe You not know where to put in Player.cpp those: m_camera.SetView(vehicle); and m_camera.ResetView();

because, EnterVehicle and ExitVehicle was moved from Player.cpp to Vehicle.cpp with other names:

AddPassenger and RemovePassenger (and camera system no longer use this: SetFarSightGUID)

just find in Vehicle.cpp and make changes like those rows:

in this section: Vehicle::AddPassenger
-            ((Player*)unit)->SetFarSightGUID(GetGUID());
+            ((Player*)unit)->m_camera.SetView((Vehicle*)this);

and in this section: Vehicle::RemovePassenger
-                ((Player*)unit)->SetFarSightGUID(NULL);
+                ((Player*)unit)->m_camera.ResetView();


if for you still difficult to merge, then I can do Camera patch, that you will apply after vehicle patch,

but just ask for a patch in SilverIce's thread: [patch] Camera system.

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If merge conflicts are not to be discussed in this thread, despite said conflict involving code differences between Vehicles and Camera Fix, and they're not to be discussed in the other thread, then pray tell just exactly where one is supposed to request help with code compatibilities between patches?

It is not as if we're discussing simple merge errors with MaNGOS itself. Who else would be better qualified to point out the necessary changes in code to make the two patches compatible than the developers of said patches?

By your reasoning, Darkruler, one would be forced to solve the issue themselves or drop one patch in favor of another. Is it not the obligation of the various patch developers to at least attempt in assisting to resolve such conflicts or is it preferred to take an adversarial stance toward other core mods and leave the end user with no support and no choice? Aren't we all supposed to be in this together?

That is what defines the word "community".

traponinet, I salute you for stepping forth to help Biali. You are an example we all should follow in working together to help each other. :)

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By your reasoning, Darkruler, one would be forced to solve the issue themselves or drop one patch in favor of another. Is it not the obligation of the various patch developers to at least attempt in assisting to resolve such conflicts or is it preferred to take an adversarial stance toward other core mods and leave the end user with no support and no choice? Aren't we all supposed to be in this together?

Yes, IMO he should solve it himself or ask for help in the SUPPORT section as the merge error is not caused by vehicles...this patch is meant to be implemented in the master branch..not work together with other custom patches (again, IMO)

That is what defines the word "community".

I see this as posting in the wrong thread...

traponinet, I salute you for stepping forth to help Biali. You are an example we all should follow in working together to help each other. :)

I was willing to help too...

as for Biali...make a public repo and add me as a collaborator and i will solve the merge conflicts for you

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Everybody has to start someplace and everyone assimilates and learns in their own way. I can understand your point, Darkruler, but traponinet's method is a good first step that avoids adding the additional complication of learning advanced Git commands. Patches, if studied, can help to reveal the method by which a fix or merge is done. However, Biali should take you up on your offer if he's wanting to go into more detail. It's just that sometimes people need to take small bites first before diving into the buffet table.

Maybe we do need someone with your skills to host a "Git Bootcamp" so people can learn how to work with repos and merges.

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First of all, sorry for all the mess i've caused. Really.

I'll start a new thread to discuss this merge of both patchs in general help.

but, before that, let me just make a comment...


do not worry, I can help you, because is not so easy to merge in this case

maybe You not know where to put in Player.cpp those: m_camera.SetView(vehicle); and m_camera.ResetView();

because, EnterVehicle and ExitVehicle was moved from Player.cpp to Vehicle.cpp with other names:

AddPassenger and RemovePassenger (and camera system no longer use this: SetFarSightGUID)

just find in Vehicle.cpp and make changes like those rows:

in this section: Vehicle::AddPassenger
-            ((Player*)unit)->SetFarSightGUID(GetGUID());
+            ((Player*)unit)->m_camera.SetView((Vehicle*)this);

and in this section: Vehicle::RemovePassenger
-                ((Player*)unit)->SetFarSightGUID(NULL);
+                ((Player*)unit)->m_camera.ResetView();


if for you still difficult to merge, then I can do Camera patch, that you will apply after vehicle patch,

but just ask for a patch in SilverIce's thread: [patch] Camera system.

I did it. I can compile without errors now but, when I try to start the worldd server, i have:

>> Loaded 1634 pet levelup and default spells for 39 families

Loading pet default spell additional to levelup spells...

>> Loaded addition spells for 102 pet spell data entries and 665 summonable creature templates

Loading Creature Addon Data...

[0 ms] SQL: SELECT MAX(entry) FROM creature_template_addon

[0 ms] SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM creature_template_addon

[0 ms] SQL: SELECT * FROM creature_template_addon

Error in creature_template_addon table, probably sql file format was updated (there should be 9 fields in sql).

I tried with no patchs, it starts normal. then with only one of them alone... it starts ok. So, it is a problem caused when we have both patchs applied together, for sure.

Once again, thank you very much guys for your effort. I know this is a Dev area and I don't wanna mess your good work. I'll pay more attention when posting.

ps. there was one even worst >< I typed witch when I wanted to say which =D

english is not my main lang. ><

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I tried with no patchs, it starts normal. then with only one of them alone... it starts ok. So, it is a problem caused when we have both patchs applied together, for sure.

Once again, thank you very much guys for your effort. I know this is a Dev area and I don't wanna mess your good work. I'll pay more attention when posting my threats.

I think you somehow merged wrong...

vehicle patch added 2 columns to creature_template_addon, in total there should be 9 fields on vehicle-enabled cores (right?)

so the error is correct...did you change anything to your database?

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10>..\\..\\src\\game\\ObjectMgr.cpp(877) : warning C4018: '<': Konflikt zwischen 'signed' und 'unsigned'
10>..\\..\\src\\game\\Creature.cpp(1925) : warning C4305: 'return': Verkürzung von 'double' in 'float'
10>..\\..\\src\\game\\Spell.cpp(1751) : error C2065: 'TARGET_AREAEFFECT_CUSTOM2': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
10>..\\..\\src\\game\\Spell.cpp(1751) : error C2051: case-Ausdruck ist keine Konstante

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