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Vehicles (Dev)

Guest AuntieMangos

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For all those who can't understand how to fix code by your hands:

When you get 'FAILED' after applying patch like this:

8 out of 8 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file src/game/SpellAuras.cpp.rej

You have got to do:

1. Go to place where your source placed (mangos/src/game/)

2. You can see three SpellAuras.cpp-files: .cpp .orig and .rej

SpellAuras.cpp - not fully patched

SpellAuras.cpp.orig - it a backup file(unmodifyed)

SpellAuras.cpp.rej - rejected changes

3. You can fix it manually: open SpellAuras.cpp and SpellAuras.cpp.rej in any editor. Just compare the files and solve the problem.

You should find lines with "-"(in rej) and change them in cpp-file to "+" (from rej). Lines in rej and cpp may be different, be careful. You should delete plusses in cpp-file at the end.

4. Repeat these action with others rej-files

Thanks to tester, he taught me to do this.

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yes I am learning C++ and I made a git repo .. I know how to push etc...but I can´t pull, we have our changes on server and if I want pull from mangos repo, it writes merge errors in half of the files, then I am making new clear repo and copy our codes from our repo here... can u give me link on some tutorials to be good in git ?

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i sympathize with thyros and the others making this repo... i mean seriously guys... a PATCH file is a text file... if you cannot automatically apply the patch, open thepatch file in a text editor, read which files it affects, open those files and insert the code where it belongs.. all patch files contain lines from before the insertion and after the insertion... search the files you need to edit for the data given and apply where needed.. this isnt a brain transplant kids..

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i sympathize with thyros and the others making this repo... i mean seriously guys... a PATCH file is a text file... if you cannot automatically apply the patch, open thepatch file in a text editor, read which files it affects, open those files and insert the code where it belongs.. all patch files contain lines from before the insertion and after the insertion... search the files you need to edit for the data given and apply where needed.. this isnt a brain transplant kids..

Your kinda right HSC...it's not a brain transplant...IT'S a SEX CHANGE! thats even worse!....

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ya know.. I am not personally supporting the move of playerbot to brunogcar's forums, but he does make a valid point... with a project as big as playerbot has become it does need its own support forum.. I think if anything needs something like that its the Vehicle system.

Personally i dont find vehicles to be that difficult to add to a compile, I see more noobs in here who flat out refuse to learn to code and just want someone to do their work for them, and thats just a real pity. I know for a fact that wojita and thyros, trapoinet and a few others are working their tails off to make Vehicles better, meanwhile they are constantly asked to stop working on progress to stop and make patches etc for the lazy ppl in here that either dont have the desire, or the mental acuity to do a little work on their own and thats just wrong.. its what holds up any project.

personally, IMO they should cut all patch support... if you cant take the time to learn how to make something as simple as a patch you dont really need to have stuff you dont understand anyway.

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Wrong topic. I have to agree with you on the idea of always asking for things. And who need patch file when there is such things as git pull/merge.

But spliting project in different forum is IMO a bad option, because i don't believe that every dev would register to a forum just to add a little piece of information which at the end could make a difference.

For playerbot, i believe it's a good idea because this feature is absolutely not offlike.

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you are obviously better at voicing your mind than reading..

read eevrything i wrote before saying "wrong topic" I merely referred to what is being done for the playerbot modification should be done for the vehicles modification.. that is a forum devoted to it.. READ before you POST

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I read your post, and i still think it's the wrong topic. Maybe haven't you read my point of view. Playerbot it's not like Vehicle system beacause it is not offlike. It's a improvement (or not) to the core but it's not trying to reproduce a offi-like behaviour. If you can't get this there is no point arguing with you.

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thank you very much traponinet I will see if that will work.... currently have taken a different tack altogether

Curious... playerbot isnt offilike in that you cannot have bots.. true.. what you seem to be missing here is that I only suggested that vehicles had its own forum section LIKE they are doing now for playerbot. They are doing it to avoid a post with 50+ responses that people have to weed through in order to get answers. So yes, I *do* think that vehicles should have its own subforum somewhere, where it can be discussed and developed in a more rational enviroment. THUS, no, I wasnt off topic at all.. my comment was about furthering the development of vehicles, THIS topic is about furthering the development of vehicles.. LEARN TO READ

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If my opinion counts, The mod forums here is for all mods not just Offi-Like, BUT people do need to learn when and where and why to post on a mod and also learn how to bo the basics like make a patch or edit a bad pull... Yes this is the place to ask questions and give Ideas(I have a few) but not to complain when you don't know the basics, for that read the 50 million post telling you how and what to do( DO YOUR HOMEWORK! DAMMIT!). I admit I'm an IDIOT with most of this but I do try to keep my questions down to what I do need and can't find somewhere else and because of this I usually can get the answer I need just by eather reading or waiting a day or two and if that fails you see my shinning face asking a question. Now on the other end the ones that do know I understand you get upset with all the questions but do you really have to act like an ass? or ignore the person...NO! YOU DON'T!...remember when you were there too? it wasn't that long ago for most of you.

Food for the Empty Hole behind your Eyes.....

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no i suppose not viper... its just very irksome when you make an earnest comment and some nitwit tries to downplay said comment by quoting something out of context to look like the last hundred nitwits like him/her who have done it before...

True as you know I do understand your point as we as the point of the nitwhit...but like I've found there are a lot of ... how do I put this in P.C.....JERKS! out there that want nothing more than just to PISS YOU OFF!...and those can be ignored or SHOT! if you can find them.

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...or SHOT! if you can find them.

That's where those online people finder services and Google Maps comes into play. With "street view" you can even see what their house looks like.



Suddenly, I'm thinking of taking up knitting and packing my computer into the attic. o.O

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error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall Vehicle::Dismiss(void)" (?Dismiss@Vehicle@@QAEXXZ) referenced in function "public: void __thiscall boss_malygosAI::DespawnCreatures(unsigned int,float,bool)" (?DespawnCreatures@boss_malygosAI@@QAEXIM_N@Z)

what's the problem vehicle patch?

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error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall Vehicle::Dismiss(void)" (?Dismiss@Vehicle@@QAEXXZ) referenced in function "public: void __thiscall boss_malygosAI::DespawnCreatures(unsigned int,float,bool)" (?DespawnCreatures@boss_malygosAI@@QAEXIM_N@Z)

what's the problem vehicle patch?

no its a bad call in the scriptdev2... thats why we have that section disabled (commented out) in the darkice/darkrulerz scriptdev system

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Is there information on this posted in their forum or have you not yet made a bug report with the details on the workaround used?

And am I to understand that continued development of vehicles has come to a virtual standstill?

I'm hoping this would have more to do with some of the devs secluding themselves while concentrating on hammering out some fundamental issues that have plagued this patch with varying bugs, but that might just be wishful thinking.

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