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Vehicles (Dev)

Guest AuntieMangos

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After a few weeks trying, I finally admit defeat and have to ask for help lol

DaViper... I been trying to apply your last few over the weeks to a clean core. I keep getting this error;

fatal: git apply: bad git-diff - expected /dev/null on line 4

Someone earlier mentioned adding some empty lines at end of file (that does not work). I have tried variations on the -'s to no avail lol

I know the answer has to be very simple, and that is why I am feeling pretty stupid about now.

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I know this get confusing as hell. Follow the link I give in this post to get the patch I'm using. I created it to simplify my repo for every build I make and fix the mistakes I make and have to start over...lol It's wojto's repo updated with Muli-Seat Mounts included and my fixes...It is complete with all required sql's.

Go to: http://daviper.pastebin.org/939127 and click on Download button

2) Apply to a clean repo.

3) Add whatever mods you like.

4) Compile.

Hope this helps you and no Mangos DB's don't have Vehicle_Entry column in creature_template unless somebody is creating something special and hasn't put it up here.

Hi DaViper,

I compile clean repo rev 10488 an get error:

Patch error:

$ patch -p1 < vehicles.patch

patching file `sql/Vehicles/Argent'

patching file `sql/Vehicles/v01_vehicle_data.sql'

patching file `sql/Vehicles/v02_vehicle_seat_data.sql'

patching file `sql/Vehicles/v03_creature_addon_tables.sql'

patching file `sql/Vehicles/v10_vehicle_test_data.sql'

patching file `sql/Vehicles/vehicle_accessory.sql'

patching file `sql/Vehicles/vehicle_mount.sql'

patching file `src/game/AggressorAI.cpp'

patching file `src/game/BattleGroundMgr.cpp'

patching file `src/game/BattleGroundSA.h'

patch unexpectedly ends in middle of line

patch: **** unexpected end of file in patch

Compile error:


10>..\\..\\src\\game\\AggressorAI.cpp(106) : error C2039: 'GetVehicle' : is not a member of 'Creature'

10> c:\\e\\compilari\\source-mangos-fun-server-ver.1.18_test\\mangos\\src\\game\\Creature.h(384) : see declaration of 'Creature'

10>..\\..\\src\\game\\AggressorAI.cpp(106) : error C2039: 'GetVehicleGUID' : is not a member of 'Creature'

10> c:\\e\\compilari\\source-mangos-fun-server-ver.1.18_test\\mangos\\src\\game\\Creature.h(384) : see declaration of 'Creature'


..\\..\\src\\game\\BattleGroundMgr.cpp(1352) : error C2039: 'DemolishersDestroyed' : is not a member of 'BattleGroundSAScore'

c:\\e\\compilari\\source-mangos-fun-server-ver.1.18_test\\mangos\\src\\game\\BattleGroundSA.h(24) : see declaration of 'BattleGroundSAScore'

..\\..\\src\\game\\BattleGroundMgr.cpp(1353) : error C2039: 'GatesDestroyed' : is not a member of 'BattleGroundSAScore'

c:\\e\\compilari\\source-mangos-fun-server-ver.1.18_test\\mangos\\src\\game\\BattleGroundSA.h(24) : see declaration of 'BattleGroundSAScore'

In finaly:

Build log was saved at "file://c:\\E\\Compilari\\Source-MaNGOS-Fun-Server-Ver.1.18_test\\mangos\\win\\VC90\\game__Win32_Release\\BuildLog.htm"

game - 5 error(s), 0 warning(s)

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@wellqfk, I'm no git expert I just get by with the little I know but this is what I got on a clean pull just 2 mins ago:

Welcome to Git (version

Run 'git help git' to display the help index.

Run 'git help <command>' to display help for specific commands.

XxXxXx@REMOS /c/Mangos_Test

$ git init

Initialized empty Git repository in C:/Mangos_Test/.git/

XxXxXX@REMOS /c/Mangos_Test (master)

$ git pull git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git

remote: Counting objects: 53715, done.

remote: Compressing objects: 100% (11297/11297), done.

remote: Total 53715 (delta 44382), reused 50970 (delta 42332)

Receiving objects: 100% (53715/53715), 36.19 MiB | 738 KiB/s, done.

Resolving deltas: 100% (44382/44382), done.

From git://github.com/mangos/mangos

* branch HEAD -> FETCH_HEAD

XxXxXx@REMOS /c/Mangos_Test (master)

$ patch -p1 < vehicles_mine.patch

patching file `sql/Vehicles/Argent'

patching file `sql/Vehicles/v01_vehicle_data.sql'

patching file `sql/Vehicles/v02_vehicle_seat_data.sql'

patching file `sql/Vehicles/v03_creature_addon_tables.sql'

patching file `sql/Vehicles/v10_vehicle_test_data.sql'

patching file `sql/Vehicles/vehicle_accessory.sql'

patching file `sql/Vehicles/vehicle_mount.sql'

patching file `src/game/AggressorAI.cpp'

patching file `src/game/BattleGroundMgr.cpp'

patching file `src/game/BattleGroundSA.h'

patching file `src/game/Chat.cpp'

Hunk #2 succeeded at 2041 (offset -3 lines).

patching file `src/game/Chat.h'

Hunk #1 succeeded at 445 (offset -1 lines).

patching file `src/game/Creature.cpp'

Hunk #2 succeeded at 1187 (offset 8 lines).

Hunk #3 succeeded at 1398 (offset 1 line).

Hunk #4 succeeded at 1535 (offset 8 lines).

Hunk #5 succeeded at 2075 (offset 1 line).

patching file `src/game/Creature.h'

Hunk #4 succeeded at 589 (offset -3 lines).

patching file `src/game/CreatureAI.cpp'

patching file `src/game/CreatureAISelector.cpp'

patching file `src/game/CreatureEventAI.cpp'

Hunk #1 succeeded at 911 (offset 14 lines).

patching file `src/game/DBCEnums.h'

patching file `src/game/DBCStructure.h'

patching file `src/game/DBCfmt.h'

patching file `src/game/GameObject.cpp'

patching file `src/game/GameObject.h'

patching file `src/game/GridNotifiers.cpp'

patching file `src/game/Group.h'

patching file `src/game/GroupHandler.cpp'

patching file `src/game/Level3.cpp'

Hunk #1 succeeded at 74 (offset -477 lines).

patching file `src/game/Map.h'

patching file `src/game/MiscHandler.cpp'

patching file `src/game/MovementHandler.cpp'

Hunk #2 succeeded at 255 (offset 4 lines).

Hunk #4 succeeded at 314 (offset 4 lines).

Hunk #6 succeeded at 386 (offset 4 lines).

Hunk #7 succeeded at 469 with fuzz 1.

Hunk #8 succeeded at 484 (offset 4 lines).

Hunk #10 succeeded at 731 (offset 4 lines).

patching file `src/game/Object.cpp'

Hunk #3 succeeded at 1124 (offset 6 lines).

Hunk #5 succeeded at 1683 (offset -1 lines).

patching file `src/game/Object.h'

patching file `src/game/ObjectAccessor.cpp'

patching file `src/game/ObjectAccessor.h'

patching file `src/game/ObjectMgr.cpp'

Hunk #3 succeeded at 6214 (offset 28 lines).

patching file `src/game/ObjectMgr.h'

Hunk #1 succeeded at 608 (offset 171 lines).

Hunk #3 succeeded at 932 (offset 171 lines).

Hunk #5 succeeded at 1240 (offset 171 lines).

patching file `src/game/Opcodes.cpp'

Hunk #1 succeeded at 1168 with fuzz 1.

patching file `src/game/Opcodes.h'

patching file `src/game/Pet.cpp'

patching file `src/game/Pet.h'

patching file `src/game/PetHandler.cpp'

patching file `src/game/Player.cpp'

Hunk #1 succeeded at 464 (offset -11 lines).

Hunk #2 succeeded at 1770 (offset -21 lines).

Hunk #3 succeeded at 2269 (offset -11 lines).

Hunk #4 succeeded at 4013 (offset -21 lines).

Hunk #5 succeeded at 6051 (offset -11 lines).

Hunk #6 succeeded at 8513 (offset -50 lines).

Hunk #7 succeeded at 13168 (offset -80 lines).

Hunk #8 succeeded at 13293 (offset -50 lines).

Hunk #9 succeeded at 13337 (offset -80 lines).

Hunk #10 succeeded at 18307 (offset -46 lines).

Hunk #11 succeeded at 18313 (offset -80 lines).

Hunk #12 succeeded at 18376 (offset -46 lines).

Hunk #13 succeeded at 19462 (offset -80 lines).

Hunk #14 succeeded at 19566 (offset -46 lines).

Hunk #15 succeeded at 19670 (offset -80 lines).

Hunk #16 succeeded at 19749 (offset -46 lines).

Hunk #17 succeeded at 19737 (offset -80 lines).

Hunk #18 succeeded at 20219 (offset -46 lines).

Hunk #19 succeeded at 20457 (offset -80 lines).

Hunk #20 succeeded at 20993 (offset -46 lines).

Hunk #21 succeeded at 20985 (offset -80 lines).

Hunk #22 succeeded at 21030 (offset -46 lines).

Hunk #23 succeeded at 21064 (offset -80 lines).

patching file `src/game/Player.h'

Hunk #1 succeeded at 2223 (offset -14 lines).

Hunk #3 succeeded at 2350 (offset -14 lines).

Hunk #4 succeeded at 2618 (offset -10 lines).

patching file `src/game/QuestHandler.cpp'

Hunk #1 succeeded at 661 (offset -7 lines).

patching file `src/game/ReactorAI.cpp'

patching file `src/game/SharedDefines.h'

patching file `src/game/Spell.cpp'

Hunk #3 succeeded at 1597 (offset 4 lines).

Hunk #5 succeeded at 2362 (offset 4 lines).

Hunk #6 succeeded at 3333 (offset 4 lines).

Hunk #7 succeeded at 3349 (offset 4 lines).

Hunk #8 succeeded at 4546 (offset 4 lines).

Hunk #9 succeeded at 5381 (offset 4 lines).

patching file `src/game/Spell.h'

Hunk #2 succeeded at 341 (offset 1 line).

patching file `src/game/SpellAuras.cpp'

Hunk #1 succeeded at 2750 (offset 66 lines).

Hunk #3 succeeded at 3482 (offset 66 lines).

Hunk #5 succeeded at 3840 (offset 66 lines).

Hunk #7 succeeded at 4112 (offset 66 lines).

Hunk #9 succeeded at 7547 (offset 92 lines).

Hunk #11 succeeded at 8675 (offset 111 lines).

patching file `src/game/SpellAuras.cpp.rej'

patching file `src/game/SpellEffects.cpp'

Hunk #3 succeeded at 3967 (offset 46 lines).

Hunk #5 succeeded at 4004 (offset 46 lines).

Hunk #6 succeeded at 6613 (offset -2 lines).

Hunk #7 succeeded at 7948 (offset 46 lines).

patching file `src/game/SpellHandler.cpp'

patching file `src/game/Traveller.h'

patching file `src/game/Unit.cpp'

Hunk #5 succeeded at 5272 (offset 52 lines).

Hunk #7 succeeded at 5615 (offset 52 lines).

Hunk #8 succeeded at 7511 (offset 7 lines).

Hunk #9 succeeded at 7588 (offset 52 lines).

Hunk #10 succeeded at 7580 (offset 7 lines).

Hunk #11 succeeded at 8224 (offset 52 lines).

Hunk #12 succeeded at 8376 (offset 7 lines).

Hunk #13 succeeded at 8452 (offset 52 lines).

Hunk #14 succeeded at 8626 (offset 7 lines).

Hunk #15 succeeded at 8686 (offset 52 lines).

Hunk #16 succeeded at 8713 (offset 7 lines).

Hunk #17 succeeded at 9170 (offset 52 lines).

Hunk #18 succeeded at 9143 (offset 7 lines).

Hunk #19 succeeded at 9227 (offset 52 lines).

Hunk #20 succeeded at 9210 (offset 7 lines).

Hunk #21 succeeded at 9275 (offset 52 lines).

Hunk #22 succeeded at 9247 (offset 7 lines).

Hunk #23 succeeded at 9341 (offset 52 lines).

Hunk #24 succeeded at 9306 (offset 7 lines).

Hunk #25 succeeded at 9936 (offset 52 lines).

Hunk #26 succeeded at 9925 (offset 7 lines).

Hunk #27 succeeded at 10081 (offset 52 lines).

Hunk #28 succeeded at 10241 (offset 7 lines).

Hunk #29 succeeded at 10462 (offset 52 lines).

Hunk #30 succeeded at 10489 (offset 7 lines).

Hunk #31 succeeded at 10755 (offset 52 lines).

patching file `src/game/Unit.h'

Hunk #9 succeeded at 1253 (offset 2 lines).

Hunk #11 succeeded at 1394 (offset 2 lines).

Hunk #13 succeeded at 1501 (offset 2 lines).

Hunk #15 succeeded at 1975 (offset 1 line).

patching file `src/game/Vehicle.cpp'

patching file `src/game/Vehicle.h'

patching file `src/game/World.cpp'

Hunk #1 succeeded at 1232 (offset -39 lines).

patching file `src/game/WorldSession.h'

Hunk #1 succeeded at 428 with fuzz 2 (offset -2 lines).

patching file `src/game/debugcmds.cpp'

patching file `src/shared/Database/SQLStorage.cpp'

XxXxXx@REMOS /c/Mangos_Test (master)


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@DaViper You apply http://daviper.pastebin.org/939127 patch??

I apply this patch and same error:

Welcome to Git (version

Run 'git help git' to display the help index.

Run 'git help <command>' to display help for specific commands.

XXXXXX@RUBY /c/Mangos_Test

$ git init

Initialized empty Git repository in c:/Mangos_Test/.git/

XXXXXX@RUBY /c/Mangos_Test (master)

$ git pull git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git

remote: Counting objects: 53715, done.

remote: Compressing objects: 100% (11297/11297), done.

remote: Total 53715 (delta 44382), reused 50970 (delta 42332)

Receiving objects: 100% (53715/53715), 36.19 MiB | 2.27 MiB/s, done.

Resolving deltas: 100% (44382/44382), done.

From git://github.com/mangos/mangos

* branch HEAD -> FETCH_HEAD

XXXXXX@RUBY /c/Mangos_Test (master)

$ patch -p1 < vehicles.patch

patching file `sql/Vehicles/Argent'

patching file `sql/Vehicles/v01_vehicle_data.sql'

patching file `sql/Vehicles/v02_vehicle_seat_data.sql'

patching file `sql/Vehicles/v03_creature_addon_tables.sql'

patching file `sql/Vehicles/v10_vehicle_test_data.sql'

patching file `sql/Vehicles/vehicle_accessory.sql'

patching file `sql/Vehicles/vehicle_mount.sql'

patching file `src/game/AggressorAI.cpp'

patching file `src/game/BattleGroundMgr.cpp'

patching file `src/game/BattleGroundSA.h'

patch unexpectedly ends in middle of line

patch: **** unexpected end of file in patch

XXXXXX@RUBY /c/Mangos_Test (master)


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@wellqfk, I have no clue but I have uploaded it to filebeam here: http://filebeam.com/cdd511d2c8d50a4efcc89357eefd0fe2

The only thing I can think of is it got corrupted on pastebin...I have had trouble with other peoples patches put up there before and just thought it was me messing things up.

I hope this works better for you

Thanks, I'll test it.

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Users of the vehicle patch may be interested in this:


-- this fixes a crash related to vehicles in vehicles. (to reproduce: spawn 33060, enter, exit, enter turret, exit, enter, exit, enter turret, exit, then .npc follow on vehicle)


-- allow logout in vehicle


-- very sneaky crash, happens often, but randomly


-- another vehicle mount crash. (to reproduce, let A summon chopper, B enter its side wagon, A logout, B will be locked in place, then teleport or summon B away.)

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@wellqfk, I have no clue but I have uploaded it to filebeam here: http://filebeam.com/cdd511d2c8d50a4efcc89357eefd0fe2

The only thing I can think of is it got corrupted on pastebin...I have had trouble with other peoples patches put up there before and just thought it was me messing things up.

I hope this works better for you

That's what I was trying to say, on pastebin the patch was missing the Battleground.cpp and further part

Thank you, this will work.

Sorry for the misunderstanding

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After a few weeks trying, I finally admit defeat and have to ask for help lol

DaViper... I been trying to apply your last few over the weeks to a clean core. I keep getting this error;

fatal: git apply: bad git-diff - expected /dev/null on line 4

Someone earlier mentioned adding some empty lines at end of file (that does not work). I have tried variations on the -'s to no avail lol

I know the answer has to be very simple, and that is why I am feeling pretty stupid about now.

@ilkhan just do patch -p1 < nameofpatch.patch and that's it , no more git apply.

That fixed it...heh, talk about easy fix lol Thank You!

@wellqfk, I have no clue but I have uploaded it to filebeam here: http://filebeam.com/cdd511d2c8d50a4efcc89357eefd0fe2

The only thing I can think of is it got corrupted on pastebin...I have had trouble with other peoples patches put up there before and just thought it was me messing things up.

I hope this works better for you

That's what I was trying to say, on pastebin the patch was missing the Battleground.cpp and further part

Thank you, this will work.

Sorry for the misunderstanding

Had same issue until I grabbed your upload. So it must have been pastebin corruption or something. Again...Thank You!

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1> Compiling resources are ...

1> Microsoft ® Windows ® Resource Compiler Version 6.1.6723.1

1> Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

1> is the link ...

1>. \\ Mangosd__x64_Release \\ mangosd.lib Library and. \\ Mangosd__x64_Release \\ mangosd.exp objects are created.

1> game.lib (Opcodes.obj): error LNK2019: "public: void __cdecl WorldSession:: HandleEjectPasenger (class WorldPacket &)" (? HandleEjectPasenger @ WorldSession @ @ QEAAXAEAVWorldPacket @ @ @ Z) external symbols (see Location: "void __cdecl `dynamic initializer for 'opcodeTable''(void)" (??__ EopcodeTable @ @ YAXXZ) function) could not be confirmed from.

1> game.lib (Opcodes.obj): error LNK2019: "public: void __cdecl WorldSession:: HandleEnterPlayerVehicle (class WorldPacket &)" (? HandleEnterPlayerVehicle @ WorldSession @ @ QEAAXAEAVWorldPacket @ @ @ Z) external symbols (see Location: "void __cdecl `dynamic initializer for 'opcodeTable''(void)" (??__ EopcodeTable @ @ YAXXZ) function) could not be confirmed from.

1> game.lib (Opcodes.obj): error LNK2019: "public: void __cdecl WorldSession:: HandleRequestVehicleSwitchSeat (class WorldPacket &)" (? HandleRequestVehicleSwitchSeat @ WorldSession @ @ QEAAXAEAVWorldPacket @ @ @ Z) external symbols (see Location: "void __cdecl `dynamic initializer for 'opcodeTable''(void)" (??__ EopcodeTable @ @ YAXXZ) function) could not be confirmed from.

1> game.lib (Opcodes.obj): error LNK2019: "public: void __cdecl WorldSession:: HandleRequestVehicleNextSeat (class WorldPacket &)" (? HandleRequestVehicleNextSeat @ WorldSession @ @ QEAAXAEAVWorldPacket @ @ @ Z) external symbols (see Location: "void __cdecl `dynamic initializer for 'opcodeTable''(void)" (??__ EopcodeTable @ @ YAXXZ) function) could not be confirmed from.

1> game.lib (Opcodes.obj): error LNK2019: "public: void __cdecl WorldSession:: HandleRequestVehiclePrevSeat (class WorldPacket &)" (? HandleRequestVehiclePrevSeat @ WorldSession @ @ QEAAXAEAVWorldPacket @ @ @ Z) external symbols (see Location: "void __cdecl `dynamic initializer for 'opcodeTable''(void)" (??__ EopcodeTable @ @ YAXXZ) function) could not be confirmed from.

1> game.lib (Opcodes.obj): error LNK2019: "public: void __cdecl WorldSession:: HandleRequestVehicleExit (class WorldPacket &)" (? HandleRequestVehicleExit @ WorldSession @ @ QEAAXAEAVWorldPacket @ @ @ Z) external symbols (see Location: "void __cdecl `dynamic initializer for 'opcodeTable''(void)" (??__ EopcodeTable @ @ YAXXZ) function) could not be confirmed from.

1> game.lib (Opcodes.obj): error LNK2019: "public: void __cdecl WorldSession:: HandleDismissControlledVehicle (class WorldPacket &)" (? HandleDismissControlledVehicle @ WorldSession @ @ QEAAXAEAVWorldPacket @ @ @ Z) external symbols (see Location: "void __cdecl `dynamic initializer for 'opcodeTable''(void)" (??__ EopcodeTable @ @ YAXXZ) function) could not be confirmed from.

1> .. \\ .. \\ bin \\ x64_Release \\ mangosd.exe: fatal error LNK1120: 7 one can see is an external reference.

1> Build log "file: / / c: \\ Users \\ Administrator \\ Desktop \\ server \\ saekoeo \\ mangos1test \\ mangos \\ win \\ VC90 \\ mangosd__x64_Release \\ BuildLog.htm" has been saved to.

1> mangosd - Errors: 8, warning: 6

========== Rebuild All: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========

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If you use vehicles from my branch (or rsa) you are missing VehicleHandler.cpp in VC90 project. I don't use VC90 and don't supply updates for its project files.

into the object? ^^;

and compile is fine

and sd2 compile error is

> .. \\ .. \\ .. \\ .. \\ Bin \\ x64_release/mangosscript.lib Library and .. \\ .. \\ .. \\ .. \\ bin \\ x64_release/mangosscript.exp objects are created.

1> ScriptMgr.obj: error LNK2001: "unsigned int (__cdecl * ATL:: g_pfnGetThreadACP) (void)" (? G_pfnGetThreadACP @ ATL @ @ 3P6AIXZEA) can not resolve the external symbols.

1> .. \\ .. \\ .. \\ .. \\ bin \\ x64_release/mangosscript.dll: fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved external reference is one.

1> ScriptDev2 - Errors: 2, warnings: 0

========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, the latest 0, 0 skipped ==========

you know have fix this problem?? help..

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Yes and I also have problems with this site and my antivirus program, but there is an alternative way:

vehicles and multiseat_mounts (united together patches) for MaNGOS commit [10554]

http://paste2.org/followup/1008224 (of course included are the fixes from ZPS, DaViper and False.Genesis)


How to get it: Click on text and [select All] then click again and [Copy],

then make new text file and [Paste] it in, then change the file extension as .patch

example: vehicles.patch


the same patch (combined vehicles and multiseat_mounts), but for MaNGOS commit [10555]


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Filebeam is NOT a malicious site. Apparently some of their advertisers do use code that might be flagged by security software as a risk. This is not the fault of Filebeam and it's a shame that some online companies resort to using dishonest means to harvest your private data.

If you use proper security settings in your browser and a script-blocking add-on, you have nothing to fear from Filebeam.

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I not only do this but there is a list from one of the security sites that you can replace your host file with and you'll never get those ads again. For my self I use a multiple security setup anymore with hackers and idiots abounding on the net now...it's like carring around a Shotgun, Uziand Cannon all at the same time!

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