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Custom weapons after 3.3.0

Guest bosc0

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ok i have tried 4 different fixes for this issue and none of them worked.

I have edited old items with new stats, made a custom item and replaced a working item with it using the ID, matched the old items as a new custom weapons, made all the scripts and info match the new items with an old id number.

its just broken there is game script to keep any new weapon from working no matter what the ID number or stats of the weapon.

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The reason this concerns me as a operator is this. A lot of work can go into finding unused Id's for all of the items that are custom. But with next expansion and even future patches those Ids could all of a sudden become used and overwritten. Does this not seem likely to anyone else?

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Well i mean im sure.. With enough people looking at this or perhaps just the correct person looking at it it would be possible.. I mean simply commenting out the section about the Displayids stops the ?

marks from Appearing.. There must be a section to comment out a check into the DBC for the items Classes and such...

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Well Vladimiar I understand what you are saying and have said. Its not a matter of being slow its a matter of stating facts simply.. If a way around this is not found then eventually servers will be unable to include custom content for items. I mean next expansion moves item ids up 5k say and uses a bunch of the Currently unused Ids.. So then every time there is an expansion and such server admins will need to redo the items table. At some point in the SERVER side the client has to ask the server what type of weapon is in the Characters hand. Perhaps when it offers up the Error code for REQUIRED_MELEE_WEAPON ( Was looking at it yesterday cant remember atm exact name though ) at that point the server likely checks what type of weapon is there and sends the Error code. But regardless, My point was to simply attempt to find a way to make this issue work. I mean many times server owners were told "Oh you cannot fix the ? mark displays because they are checked in the client and not server side" But about 10 posts above someone posted a code which does just that.

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Does anyone have a .sql or anything containing a list of the unused item ids with classes and subclasses? The reason i ask is if I could obtain that it would be much easier to reference which item ids are not currently in use. Once looking at my Db and realizing I would only need to change items that are weapons or shields offhand or such I find there are 451 entries. If someone knows how i could creature this list myself I would appreciate it. Thank you.



I did end up doing this the above mentioned way and over 4 hours found enough unused ids for around 300 items.. Wasnt really that bad. I think though for it to work as intended im going to have to comment out the DBC check for the sheath as it sometimes results in really weird sheath styles ( Swords upside down and such ) also the items do not have the correct icons on actionbars even with the Displayid check removed.

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The only current way to fix this is to use a DBC editor and open item.dbc . If you are doing weapons it helps to sort it by class and look for weapons class (2) then you need to compare the item ids in the DBC to the ones in your Item_Template table. Find entries in the Item.DBC ( FIRST column on the left ) that do not exist in the Item_Template ( First column on the left ) that have (2) as the class ( Not 100% sure but i believe its the 2nd column on the left). Then CHANGE the id of a custom item in the item_template to the Item id in the Item.DBC that did not exist in your database. Ensure that the class and subclass stays the same Ie you have to change a sword for a sword and a mace for a mace. To make the Displayid work correctly you must use the edit listed in this thread earlier else the item will still show the Displayid used for that original item from Item.DBC.

An example of changing this would be Update Item_template set Entry = THEUNUSEDIDFROMITEM.DBC where Entry = CUSTOMITEMID;

Keep in mind in doing this you will also need to alter the quest rewards if any of the custom items are Quest rewards as well as the Loot drops or Vendor tables.

There is a well working Sql in this thread for the characters tables to edit characters already having said items.

All in all it took about 4 hours to edit around 400 weapons.

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Well, finally I could came to the correct query.

Just replace the

  1. and <NEWENTRY> marks in the following query.

UPDATE `item_instance` SET `data`=CONCAT(CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(`data`, ' ', 3) AS CHAR), ' ', <NEW ENTRY>, ' ',
CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(`data`, ' ', -61) AS CHAR)) WHERE CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(`data`, ' ', 4), ' ', -1) AS UNSIGNED) = [list=1];
UPDATE character_inventory SET item_template = <NEWENTRY> WHERE item_template = [list=1];

Here an example

UPDATE `item_instance` SET `data`=CONCAT(CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(`data`, ' ', 3) AS CHAR), ' ', 1313, ' ',
UPDATE character_inventory SET item_template = 1313 WHERE item_template = 75000;

This works with backpacks?

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