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[BUG] Battleground player limit exceedance

Guest eleyaro

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Mangos Version: 9462

Using world DB: UDB 0.11.6 (387) for MaNGOS 9310 with SD2 SQL for rev. 1566

OS: Linux_x64 (little-endian)

How it SHOULD work: Player limit on battlegrounds should not be exceeded. When a person exits a BG the invitation should be sent to only one (next) player in the queue.

How it DOES work: What actually happens is that when someone exits (mainly by alt+F4) invitation is sent for ALL of the players in the queue. The same thing seems to be happening if a few queued players are in a party - all of them get the invitation. Because of that there are times when one/both teams are far over the player limit (like 13/15 when it should be max 10/10).

Screenshots: *removed*

I'd appreciate it if someone would look into it, thanks in advance...

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  • 3 weeks later...

big thx on that bugreport.. i also think invitation should only be sent to one if it's realy sent to multiple ones this will be a first step in solving this nasty bug :) .. but don't know if i can fix this..

ps: i've removed your pictures.. i think it's forbidden to post ingame pics.. but anyway they don't help discovering the problem.. ;)

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