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Crash after Updating to 3.3.3a

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Rev: 9702

I just update my server to Rev 9702, and now My Server is Crashing every 2 ~ 3 Minutes with the Following Crashlog, I desactivate the Freeze Detector to see if it stop Crashing or something but now it just freeze a lot and it isnt working as it should do.

If someone could help me I would really apreciate that.

Thanks in advance.

Revision: * * 9702 *
Date 8:4:2010. Time 22:57 
*** Hardware ***
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU         920  @ 2.67GHz
Number Of Processors: 8
Physical Memory: 12572884 KB (Available: 9315668 KB)
Commit Charge Limit: 25069024 KB

*** Operation System ***
Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 Server 4.0 Service Pack 2 (Version 6.0, Build 6002)

Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION
Fault address:  000000014003CA32 01:000000000003BA32 D:\\Releases\\MaNGOS 3.3.3a\\mangosd.exe

R8: 00000000029A1E82
R9: 0000000000000000
SS:RSP:002B:000000000C18FE10  RBP:00000000
DS:002B  ES:002B  FS:0053  GS:002B

Call stack:
Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
000000014003CA32  000000000C18FE40  FreezeDetectorRunnable::run+122  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\mangosd\\master.cpp line 104
000000014030F563  000000000C18FEB0  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+23  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\shared\\threading.cpp line 190
000007FEF5A8170B  000000000C18FEF0  ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UEAAKXZ+5B
0000000074EF2FDF  000000000C18FF20  _endthreadex+47
0000000074EF3080  000000000C18FF50  _endthreadex+E8
0000000077A7BE3D  000000000C18FF80  BaseThreadInitThunk+D
0000000077BB6A51  000000000C18FFD0  RtlUserThreadStart+21

Call stack:
Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
0000000077BD6D5A  000000000042F970  NtWaitForSingleObject+A
0000000077A8C0B0  000000000042FA30  WaitForSingleObjectEx+A0
000007FEF5A2B64A  000000000042FA60  ?__ace_assert@@YAXPEBDH0@Z+38A
000007FEF5AAE8E3  000000000042FAE0  ?wait_task@ACE_Thread_Manager@@QEAAHPEAVACE_Task_Base@@@Z+243
0000000140310FC3  000000000042FB20  WorldSocketMgr::Wait+63  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\game\\worldsocketmgr.cpp line 313
000000014003C3B8  000000000042FEE0  Master::Run+9B8  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\mangosd\\master.cpp line 325
000000014003ADDD  000000000042FF20  main+42D  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\mangosd\\main.cpp line 180
000000014006D8E6  000000000042FF50  __tmainCRTStartup+11A  f:\\dd\\vctools\\crt_bld\\self_64_amd64\\crt\\src\\crtexe.c line 582
0000000077A7BE3D  000000000042FF80  BaseThreadInitThunk+D
0000000077BB6A51  000000000042FFD0  RtlUserThreadStart+21

Call stack:
Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
0000000077BD705A  00000000037FFC80  ZwDelayExecution+A
0000000077A8C1B8  00000000037FFD00  SleepEx+88
000000014030F7C9  00000000037FFD50  ACE_Based::Thread::Sleep+39  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\shared\\threading.cpp line 238
00000001405CE98F  00000000037FFE40  SqlDelayThread::run+6F  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\shared\\database\\sqldelaythread.cpp line 45
000000014030F563  00000000037FFEB0  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+23  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\shared\\threading.cpp line 190
000007FEF5A8170B  00000000037FFEF0  ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UEAAKXZ+5B
0000000074EF2FDF  00000000037FFF20  _endthreadex+47
0000000074EF3080  00000000037FFF50  _endthreadex+E8
0000000077A7BE3D  00000000037FFF80  BaseThreadInitThunk+D
0000000077BB6A51  00000000037FFFD0  RtlUserThreadStart+21

Call stack:
Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
0000000077BD6D5A  0000000003BFF8D0  NtWaitForSingleObject+A
000007FEFD47F231  0000000003BFF950  WSPStartup+69A1
000007FEFD4816A8  0000000003BFFA40  WSPStartup+8E18
000007FEFE9D21A9  0000000003BFFAC0  WSARecv+169
000007FEFBEE178C  0000000003BFFB20  recv+38
0000000000E3BD56  0000000003BFFB50  strxmov+A16
0000000000E38DD6  0000000003BFFB90  my_realloc+26F6
0000000000E38EEC  0000000003BFFC00  my_realloc+280C
0000000000E15271  0000000003BFFC30  mysql_set_character_set+1F1
0000000000E16C36  0000000003BFFC80  mysql_real_connect+12B6
0000000000E1493B  0000000003BFFCD0  mysql_real_query+BB
00000001403074CB  0000000003BFFD20  DatabaseMysql::DirectExecute+6B  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\shared\\database\\databasemysql.cpp line 295
00000001405512D7  0000000003BFFD50  SqlStatement::Execute+27  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\shared\\database\\sqloperations.cpp line 30
00000001405CE9CB  0000000003BFFE40  SqlDelayThread::run+AB  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\shared\\database\\sqldelaythread.cpp line 48
000000014030F563  0000000003BFFEB0  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+23  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\shared\\threading.cpp line 190
000007FEF5A8170B  0000000003BFFEF0  ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UEAAKXZ+5B
0000000074EF2FDF  0000000003BFFF20  _endthreadex+47
0000000074EF3080  0000000003BFFF50  _endthreadex+E8
0000000077A7BE3D  0000000003BFFF80  BaseThreadInitThunk+D
0000000077BB6A51  0000000003BFFFD0  RtlUserThreadStart+21

Call stack:
Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
0000000077BD705A  0000000003FFFC80  ZwDelayExecution+A
0000000077A8C1B8  0000000003FFFD00  SleepEx+88
000000014030F7C9  0000000003FFFD50  ACE_Based::Thread::Sleep+39  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\shared\\threading.cpp line 238
00000001405CE98F  0000000003FFFE40  SqlDelayThread::run+6F  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\shared\\database\\sqldelaythread.cpp line 45
000000014030F563  0000000003FFFEB0  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+23  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\shared\\threading.cpp line 190
000007FEF5A8170B  0000000003FFFEF0  ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UEAAKXZ+5B
0000000074EF2FDF  0000000003FFFF20  _endthreadex+47
0000000074EF3080  0000000003FFFF50  _endthreadex+E8
0000000077A7BE3D  0000000003FFFF80  BaseThreadInitThunk+D
0000000077BB6A51  0000000003FFFFD0  RtlUserThreadStart+21

Call stack:
Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
0000000077BD6D5A  000000000B970B60  NtWaitForSingleObject+A
0000000077BB595A  000000000B970C10  RtlNtStatusToDosErrorNoTeb+28A
0000000077BB5851  000000000B970C40  RtlNtStatusToDosErrorNoTeb+181
000007FEF5A28B0A  000000000B970C70  ?acquire_read@ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex@@QEAAHXZ+A
0000000140306D3B  000000000B970CC0  DatabaseMysql::_Query+5B  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\shared\\database\\databasemysql.cpp line 186
0000000140306F00  000000000B970D50  DatabaseMysql::Query+70  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\shared\\database\\databasemysql.cpp line 229
00000001400F052D  000000000B978DB0  Database::PQuery+CD  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\shared\\database\\database.cpp line 133
000000014048BA3C  000000000B9873F0  Pet::LoadPetFromDB+BC  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\game\\pet.cpp line 98
00000001401A7E7D  000000000B987470  Player::LoadPet+8D  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\game\\player.cpp line 15836
000000014064BDA1  000000000B98FAC0  WorldSession::HandlePlayerLogin+1171  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\game\\characterhandler.cpp line 756
000000014064AC1C  000000000B98FB20  CharacterHandler::HandlePlayerLoginCallback+AC  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\game\\characterhandler.cpp line 134
000000014064FE69  000000000B98FB60  MaNGOS::_IQueryCallback<MaNGOS::_Callback<CharacterHandler,QueryResult * __ptr64,SqlQueryHolder * __ptr64,void,void> >::Execute+39  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\framework\\utilities\\callback.h line 288
0000000140551654  000000000B98FC20  SqlResultQueue::Update+34  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\shared\\database\\sqloperations.cpp line 78
00000001402EB11A  000000000B98FC50  World::UpdateResultQueue+1A  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\game\\world.cpp line 1868
00000001402E94B6  000000000B98FE00  World::Update+796  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\game\\world.cpp line 1430
000000014006CE15  000000000B98FE40  WorldRunnable::run+A5  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\mangosd\\worldrunnable.cpp line 61
000000014030F563  000000000B98FEB0  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+23  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\shared\\threading.cpp line 190
000007FEF5A8170B  000000000B98FEF0  ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UEAAKXZ+5B
0000000074EF2FDF  000000000B98FF20  _endthreadex+47
0000000074EF3080  000000000B98FF50  _endthreadex+E8
0000000077A7BE3D  000000000B98FF80  BaseThreadInitThunk+D
0000000077BB6A51  000000000B98FFD0  RtlUserThreadStart+21

Call stack:
Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
0000000077BD6F3A  000000000BD8F770  ZwRequestWaitReplyPort+A
0000000077BDA4E9  000000000BD8F7A0  CsrClientCallServer+89
0000000077AC236C  000000000BD8F900  CloseConsoleHandle+2AC
0000000077AE6A64  000000000BD8F9D0  ReadConsoleA+64
0000000077A99C74  000000000BD8FA60  GetProcAddress+C3D4
0000000074F407AE  000000000BD8FB00  _wsopen_s+266
0000000074F40E15  000000000BD8FB60  _read+10D
0000000074EFEB03  000000000BD8FBA0  _filbuf+8F
0000000074EFDF8C  000000000BD8FC10  fgets+198
0000000140014C39  000000000BD8FE40  CliRunnable::run+B9  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\mangosd\\clirunnable.cpp line 327
000000014030F563  000000000BD8FEB0  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+23  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\shared\\threading.cpp line 190
000007FEF5A8170B  000000000BD8FEF0  ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UEAAKXZ+5B
0000000074EF2FDF  000000000BD8FF20  _endthreadex+47
0000000074EF3080  000000000BD8FF50  _endthreadex+E8
0000000077A7BE3D  000000000BD8FF80  BaseThreadInitThunk+D
0000000077BB6A51  000000000BD8FFD0  RtlUserThreadStart+21

Call stack:
Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
0000000077BD79BA  000000000C18D780  NtGetContextThread+A
0000000077A62E3A  000000000C18D7B0  GetThreadContext+A
000000014006B6B9  000000000C18DCF0  WheatyExceptionReport::PrintTracesForAllThreads+C9  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\shared\\wheatyexceptionreport.cpp line 370
000000014006BA86  000000000C18ED60  WheatyExceptionReport::GenerateExceptionReport+396  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\shared\\wheatyexceptionreport.cpp line 468
000000014006AD1A  000000000C18F010  WheatyExceptionReport::WheatyUnhandledExceptionFilter+18A  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\shared\\wheatyexceptionreport.cpp line 109
0000000077B1C9CF  000000000C18F0F0  UnhandledExceptionFilter+15F
0000000077C08120  000000000C18F120  RtlCharToInteger+E0
0000000077BC95A4  000000000C18F190  __C_specific_handler+8C
0000000077BC5B4D  000000000C18F1C0  RtlIntegerToChar+53D
0000000077BC9947  000000000C18F860  __C_specific_handler+42F
0000000077BD6C78  000000000C18FE00  KiUserExceptionDispatcher+2E
000000014003CA32  000000000C18FE40  FreezeDetectorRunnable::run+122  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\mangosd\\master.cpp line 104
000000014030F563  000000000C18FEB0  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+23  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\shared\\threading.cpp line 190
000007FEF5A8170B  000000000C18FEF0  ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UEAAKXZ+5B
0000000074EF2FDF  000000000C18FF20  _endthreadex+47
0000000074EF3080  000000000C18FF50  _endthreadex+E8
0000000077A7BE3D  000000000C18FF80  BaseThreadInitThunk+D
0000000077BB6A51  000000000C18FFD0  RtlUserThreadStart+21

Call stack:
Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
0000000077BD6D5A  000000000C58F880  NtWaitForSingleObject+A
000007FEFD473756  000000000C58F900  0001:0000000000002756 C:\\Windows\\system32\\MSWSOCK.dll
000007FEFD47F375  000000000C58FAA0  WSPStartup+6AE5
000007FEFE9D668C  000000000C58FAE0  select+15C
000007FEFE9D660D  000000000C58FBE0  select+DD
000007FEF5A38252  000000000C58FC60  ?wait_for_multiple_events@?$ACE_Select_Reactor_T@V?$ACE_Reactor_Token_T@VACE_Token@@@@@@MEAAHAEAVACE_Select_Reactor_Handle_Set@@PEAVACE_Time_Value@@@Z+132
000007FEF5AB0DC0  000000000C58FCD0  ?handle_events@ACE_TP_Reactor@@UEAAHPEAVACE_Time_Value@@@Z+A0
000007FEF5A8E55D  000000000C58FD00  ?run_reactor_event_loop@ACE_Reactor@@QEAAHAEAVACE_Time_Value@@P6AHPEAV1@@Z@Z+4D
0000000140310927  000000000C58FE40  ReactorRunnable::svc+77  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\game\\worldsocketmgr.cpp line 167
000007FEF5AAA171  000000000C58FE70  ?svc_run@ACE_Task_Base@@SAKPEAX@Z+41
000007FEF5AAA72B  000000000C58FEB0  ?invoke_i@ACE_Thread_Adapter@@EEAAKXZ+4B
000007FEF5AAA851  000000000C58FEF0  ?invoke@ACE_Thread_Adapter@@UEAAKXZ+71
0000000074EF2FDF  000000000C58FF20  _endthreadex+47
0000000074EF3080  000000000C58FF50  _endthreadex+E8
0000000077A7BE3D  000000000C58FF80  BaseThreadInitThunk+D
0000000077BB6A51  000000000C58FFD0  RtlUserThreadStart+21

Call stack:
Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
0000000077BD6D5A  000000000C985D30  NtWaitForSingleObject+A
0000000077BB595A  000000000C985DE0  RtlNtStatusToDosErrorNoTeb+28A
0000000077BB5851  000000000C985E10  RtlNtStatusToDosErrorNoTeb+181
000007FEF5A28B0A  000000000C985E40  ?acquire_read@ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex@@QEAAHXZ+A
0000000140306D3B  000000000C985E90  DatabaseMysql::_Query+5B  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\shared\\database\\databasemysql.cpp line 186
0000000140306F00  000000000C985F20  DatabaseMysql::Query+70  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\shared\\database\\databasemysql.cpp line 229
00000001400F052D  000000000C98DF80  Database::PQuery+CD  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\shared\\database\\database.cpp line 133
00000001402D9256  000000000C98E000  WorldSession::LoadTutorialsData+66  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\game\\worldsession.cpp line 673
00000001405A9B44  000000000C98E790  WorldSocket::HandleAuthSession+1434  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\game\\worldsocket.cpp line 951
00000001405A84C3  000000000C98EA00  WorldSocket::ProcessIncoming+233  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\game\\worldsocket.cpp line 692
00000001405A7BBF  000000000C98EA40  WorldSocket::handle_input_payload+1F  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\game\\worldsocket.cpp line 516
00000001405A8084  000000000C98FBB0  WorldSocket::handle_input_missing_data+454  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\game\\worldsocket.cpp line 609
00000001405A7002  000000000C98FBF0  WorldSocket::handle_input+32  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\game\\worldsocket.cpp line 292
000007FEF5AB0B0A  000000000C98FC60  ?handle_socket_events@ACE_TP_Reactor@@IEAAHAEAHAEAVACE_TP_Token_Guard@@@Z+EA
000007FEF5AB0E0E  000000000C98FCD0  ?handle_events@ACE_TP_Reactor@@UEAAHPEAVACE_Time_Value@@@Z+EE
000007FEF5A8E55D  000000000C98FD00  ?run_reactor_event_loop@ACE_Reactor@@QEAAHAEAVACE_Time_Value@@P6AHPEAV1@@Z@Z+4D
0000000140310927  000000000C98FE40  ReactorRunnable::svc+77  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\game\\worldsocketmgr.cpp line 167
000007FEF5AAA171  000000000C98FE70  ?svc_run@ACE_Task_Base@@SAKPEAX@Z+41
000007FEF5AAA72B  000000000C98FEB0  ?invoke_i@ACE_Thread_Adapter@@EEAAKXZ+4B
000007FEF5AAA851  000000000C98FEF0  ?invoke@ACE_Thread_Adapter@@UEAAKXZ+71
0000000074EF2FDF  000000000C98FF20  _endthreadex+47
0000000074EF3080  000000000C98FF50  _endthreadex+E8
0000000077A7BE3D  000000000C98FF80  BaseThreadInitThunk+D
0000000077BB6A51  000000000C98FFD0  RtlUserThreadStart+21
Local Variables And Parameters

Call stack:
Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
000000014003CA32  000000000C18FE40  FreezeDetectorRunnable::run+122  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\mangosd\\master.cpp line 104
   Local  unsigned int 'curtime' = FFFF0002
   Local  <user defined> 'this' = 8FE8440

000000014030F563  000000000C18FEB0  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+23  d:\\servidores\\wow\\trabajo actual\\new 08-04\\src\\shared\\threading.cpp line 190
   Parameter  void 'param' = 0
   Local  <user defined> '_task' = 87B09A0

000007FEF5A8170B  000000000C18FEF0  ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UEAAKXZ+5B

0000000074EF2FDF  000000000C18FF20  _endthreadex+47

0000000074EF3080  000000000C18FF50  _endthreadex+E8

0000000077A7BE3D  000000000C18FF80  BaseThreadInitThunk+D

0000000077BB6A51  000000000C18FFD0  RtlUserThreadStart+21

Global Variables
    <user defined> 'sDurabilityQualityStore$initializer$' = 1406F8E30
    <user defined> 'MaNGOS::Singleton<MapManager,MaNGOS::ClassLevelLockable<MapManager,ACE_Thread_Mutex>,MaNGOS::OperatorNew<MapManager>,MaNGOS::ObjectLifeTime<MapManager> >::si_instance' = 7FFEEF2D520
    <user defined> 'sCreatureDataAddonStorage$initializer$' = 1406FA040
    char* 'MapDifficultyEntryfmt'


It appear that has something to do with huge MySQL Load.

Can someone help me with proper my.ini configs for my machine? I just change some stuff that i found using Google, but I'm not that good still configuring MySQL for a optimal usage.






# The TCP/IP Port the MySQL Server will listen on
max_allowed_packet      = 256M

basedir="C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.1/"

#Path to the database root
datadir="C:/ProgramData/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.1/Data/"

# The default character set that will be used when a new schema or table is
# created and no character set is defined

# The default storage engine that will be used when create new tables when

# Set the SQL mode to strict

# The maximum amount of concurrent sessions the MySQL server will
# allow. One of these connections will be reserved for a user with
# SUPER privileges to allow the administrator to login even if the
# connection limit has been reached.

# Query cache is used to cache SELECT results and later return them
# without actual executing the same query once again. Having the query
# cache enabled may result in significant speed improvements, if your
# have a lot of identical queries and rarely changing tables. See the
# "Qcache_lowmem_prunes" status variable to check if the current value
# is high enough for your load.
# Note: In case your tables change very often or if your queries are
# textually different every time, the query cache may result in a
# slowdown instead of a performance improvement.

# The number of open tables for all threads. Increasing this value
# increases the number of file descriptors that mysqld requires.
# Therefore you have to make sure to set the amount of open files
# allowed to at least 4096 in the variable "open-files-limit" in
# section [mysqld_safe]

# Maximum size for internal (in-memory) temporary tables. If a table
# grows larger than this value, it is automatically converted to disk
# based table This limitation is for a single table. There can be many
# of them.

# How many threads we should keep in a cache for reuse. When a client
# disconnects, the client's threads are put in the cache if there aren't
# more than thread_cache_size threads from before.  This greatly reduces
# the amount of thread creations needed if you have a lot of new
# connections. (Normally this doesn't give a notable performance
# improvement if you have a good thread implementation.)

#*** MyISAM Specific options

# The maximum size of the temporary file MySQL is allowed to use while
# recreating the index (during REPAIR, ALTER TABLE or LOAD DATA INFILE.
# If the file-size would be bigger than this, the index will be created
# through the key cache (which is slower).

# If the temporary file used for fast index creation would be bigger
# than using the key cache by the amount specified here, then prefer the
# key cache method.  This is mainly used to force long character keys in
# large tables to use the slower key cache method to create the index.

# Size of the Key Buffer, used to cache index blocks for MyISAM tables.
# Do not set it larger than 30% of your available memory, as some memory
# is also required by the OS to cache rows. Even if you're not using
# MyISAM tables, you should still set it to 8-64M as it will also be
# used for internal temporary disk tables.

# Size of the buffer used for doing full table scans of MyISAM tables.
# Allocated per thread, if a full scan is needed.

# This buffer is allocated when MySQL needs to rebuild the index in
# REPAIR, OPTIMZE, ALTER table statements as well as in LOAD DATA INFILE
# into an empty table. It is allocated per thread so be careful with
# large settings.

#*** INNODB Specific options ***

# Use this option if you have a MySQL server with InnoDB support enabled
# but you do not plan to use it. This will save memory and disk space
# and speed up some things.

# Additional memory pool that is used by InnoDB to store metadata
# information.  If InnoDB requires more memory for this purpose it will
# start to allocate it from the OS.  As this is fast enough on most
# recent operating systems, you normally do not need to change this
# value. SHOW INNODB STATUS will display the current amount used.

# If set to 1, InnoDB will flush (fsync) the transaction logs to the
# disk at each commit, which offers full ACID behavior. If you are
# willing to compromise this safety, and you are running small
# transactions, you may set this to 0 or 2 to reduce disk I/O to the
# logs. Value 0 means that the log is only written to the log file and
# the log file flushed to disk approximately once per second. Value 2
# means the log is written to the log file at each commit, but the log
# file is only flushed to disk approximately once per second.

# The size of the buffer InnoDB uses for buffering log data. As soon as
# it is full, InnoDB will have to flush it to disk. As it is flushed
# once per second anyway, it does not make sense to have it very large
# (even with long transactions).

# InnoDB, unlike MyISAM, uses a buffer pool to cache both indexes and
# row data. The bigger you set this the less disk I/O is needed to
# access data in tables. On a dedicated database server you may set this
# parameter up to 80% of the machine physical memory size. Do not set it
# too large, though, because competition of the physical memory may
# cause paging in the operating system.  Note that on 32bit systems you
# might be limited to 2-3.5G of user level memory per process, so do not
# set it too high.

# Size of each log file in a log group. You should set the combined size
# of log files to about 25%-100% of your buffer pool size to avoid
# unneeded buffer pool flush activity on log file overwrite. However,
# note that a larger logfile size will increase the time needed for the
# recovery process.

# Number of threads allowed inside the InnoDB kernel. The optimal value
# depends highly on the application, hardware as well as the OS
# scheduler properties. A too high value may lead to thread thrashing.


Player.cpp, _LoadSpells():

// skip talents & drop unneeded data
   sLog.outError("Player::_LoadSpells: Player (GUID: %u) has talent spell in character_spell, removing it.", GetGUIDLow(), spell_id);
   CharacterDatabase.PExecute("DELETE FROM character_spell WHERE spell = '%u'", spell_id);

This was already on 3.3.2 and its related to dual-spec, but when all players log in, its cause huge mysql load, I had to comment this line.

  • 2 weeks later...

add index for `criteria` in `character_achievement_progress`

this will fix freeze crash.

But, in big server this table has ~15 000 000 rows, so the indexing will take about an hour.

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