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i need your help.

Everytime, when i try to start Mangos, serveral Errors are coming like:

SQL: SELECT required_9794_02_mangos_command FROM db_version LIMIT 1

query ERROR: Unknown column 'required_9794_02_mangos_command' in 'field list'

Table `db_version` have field `required_9539_01_mangos_spell_bonus_data` but expected `required_9794_02_mangos_command`! Not all sql updates applied?


SQL: SELECT required_9748_01_realmd_realmlist FROM realmd_db_version LIMIT 1

query ERROR: Table 'mangos.realmd_db_version' doesn't exist

SQL: SELECT * FROM realmd_db_version LIMIT 1

query ERROR: Table 'mangos.realmd_db_version' doesn't exist

Table `realmd_db_version` fields list query fail but expected have `required_9748_01_realmd_realmlist`! No records in `realmd_db_version`?

I have found the UDB Database here*: http://unifieddb.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/unifieddb/trunk/Full_DB/

and already imported in MySQL it. Then i have found the update-sqlfiles in the /mangos/sql-Folder. Okay, but:

How did i update for 3.3.3a right? There are so many files. I really dont know where must i beginning.

Any tutorials here?


* I have see, that this UDB ist for 9582, but i have a other

Version: https://scriptdev2.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/scriptdev2/patches/

Or did i understand it wrong?

Argh >.< Please, help me, with a tutorial or whatever :(


When i update, it comes this error:

2010-04-28 16:17:50 SQL: SELECT required_9794_02_mangos_command FROM db_version LIMIT 1

2010-04-28 16:17:50 query ERROR: Unknown column 'required_9794_02_mangos_command' in 'field list'

2010-04-28 16:17:50 Table `db_version` have field `required_9704_01_mangos_achievement_reward` but expected `required_9794_02_mangos_command`! Not all sql updates applied?

Ehm a question: Must i update all sql-files from the updates-folder (From 0.5-0.15 to the end bevore makefilething comes)?


Sorry for doubleposting but i really to despair.

The db-error above said:

2010-04-28 16:17:50 SQL: SELECT required_9794_02_mangos_command FROM db_version LIMIT 1

2010-04-28 16:17:50 query ERROR: Unknown column 'required_9794_02_mangos_command' in 'field list'

2010-04-28 16:17:50 Table `db_version` have field `required_9704_01_mangos_achievement_reward` but expected `required_9794_02_mangos_command`! Not all sql updates applied?

Now i have try to patch in the 9794_02_mangos_command.sql. But then it comes:


ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_9794_01_mangos_mangos_string required_9794_02_mangos_command bit;

MySQL meldet: Dokumentation

#1054 - Unknown column 'required_9794_01_mangos_mangos_string' in 'db_version'

Now when i try to put 9794_01_mangos_mangos_string.sql in it, it says:


ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_9768_01_mangos_command required_9794_01_mangos_mangos_string bit;

MySQL meldet: Dokumentation

#1054 - Unknown column 'required_9768_01_mangos_command' in 'db_version'

and so on...


Why do you go back with updates. If it says `db_version` have field `required_9704_01_mangos_achievement_reward` then you need to apply the next update witch is 9710_01_mangos_command.sql and next 9716_01_mangos_npc_vendor.sql and next 9716_02_mangos_mangos_string.sql all the way to ERROR: Unknown column 'required_9794_02_mangos_command' in 'field list'. I cant understand that so much people failed to understand this very simple thing.


Thank you Diablox, i love you :) The mangos-db works now *happy*

But now, i have another Problem with the database characters :S It comes:

2010-04-28 19:27:09 SQL: SELECT required_9767_03_characters_characters FROM character_db_version LIMIT 1

2010-04-28 19:27:09 query ERROR: Unknown column 'required_9767_03_characters_characters' in 'field list'

2010-04-28 19:27:09 Table `character_db_version` have field `required_7644_01_characters_character_pet` but expected `required_9767_03_characters_characters`! Not all sql updates applied?


LoL i just noticed required_7644_01_characters_character_pet. How old is your DB?

Anyway start in sql/updates/0.13 folder from 7802_01_characters_character_achievement.sql and execute every file that has characters in file name. Then move to 0.14 and 0.15 folder doing exactly same thing. And after 0.15 run all charaters updates from sql/updates al the way to 9767_03_characters_characters


Okay, now i have the right imported. Now all things works fine :) I'm so happy =)

The only wrong thing is the following:

2010-04-28 20:28:57 ERROR:Check existing of map file './maps/0004331.map': not exist!

2010-04-28 20:28:57 ERROR:Correct *.map files not found in path './maps' or *.vmap/*vmdir files in './vmaps'. Please place *.map/*.vmap/*.vmdir files in appropriate directories or correct the DataDir value in the mangosd.conf file.

but this map is still there (available) o.O I think i must correct the paths to the right folder.

(ex ./root/mangos/maps).


Okay, now i have so serveral errors:

In the Server.log it still stands on:

2010-04-28 20:50:46 >> Loaded 24 level dependent mail rewards,

2010-04-28 20:50:46 Loading Loot Tables...

2010-04-28 20:50:46

2010-04-28 20:50:46 creature_loot_template :

The Errors (sorry, loooong):

2010-04-28 20:49:42 Item (Entry: 11825) not correct -1 material, must be 4 (still using DB value).

2010-04-28 20:49:42 Item (Entry: 11826) not correct -1 material, must be 4 (still using DB value).

2010-04-28 20:49:42 Item (Entry: 15196) not correct -1 material, must be 4 (still using DB value).

2010-04-28 20:49:42 Item (Entry: 15197) not correct -1 material, must be 4 (still using DB value).

2010-04-28 20:49:42 Item (Entry: 15198) not correct -1 material, must be 4 (still using DB value).

2010-04-28 20:49:42 Item (Entry: 15199) not correct -1 material, must be 4 (still using DB value).

2010-04-28 20:49:42 Item (Entry: 18231) not correct class 15, must be 4 (still using DB value).

2010-04-28 20:49:42 Item (Entry: 19030) not correct -1 material, must be 4 (still using DB value).

2010-04-28 20:49:42 Item (Entry: 19312) not correct -1 material, must be 4 (still using DB value).

2010-04-28 20:49:42 Item (Entry: 19315) not correct -1 material, must be 4 (still using DB value).

2010-04-28 20:49:42 Item (Entry: 19325) not correct -1 material, must be 4 (still using DB value).

2010-04-28 20:49:42 Item (Entry: 21563) not correct -1 material, must be 4 (still using DB value).

2010-04-28 20:49:42 Item (Entry: 28297) not correct 41366 display id, must be 67267 (using it).

2010-04-28 20:49:42 Item (Entry: 29248) not correct 42417 display id, must be 67447 (using it).

2010-04-28 20:49:42 Item (Entry: 30847) not correct 42437 display id, must be 67050 (using it).

2010-04-28 20:49:42 Item (Entry: 32053) not correct 41366 display id, must be 67267 (using it).

2010-04-28 20:49:42 Item (Entry: 37710) not correct 20628 display id, must be 44269 (using it).

2010-04-28 20:49:42 Item (Entry: 45328) not correct 58623 display id, must be 24131 (using it).

2010-04-28 20:49:42 Item (Entry: 49888) not correct 4 material, must be 1 (still using DB value).

2010-04-28 20:49:42 Item (Entry: 49900) not correct 65406 display id, must be 65038 (using it).

2010-04-28 20:49:42 Item (Entry: 49952) not correct 65132 display id, must be 67434 (using it).

2010-04-28 20:49:42 Item (Entry: 50034) not correct 64355 display id, must be 65744 (using it).

2010-04-28 20:49:42 Item (Entry: 50235) not correct 64253 display id, must be 67667 (using it).

2010-04-28 20:49:43 Item (Entry: 50379) not correct class 0, must be 12 (still using DB value).

2010-04-28 20:49:43 Item (Entry: 50380) not correct class 0, must be 12 (still using DB value).

2010-04-28 20:49:43 Item (Entry: 50999) not correct 64452 display id, must be 48157 (using it).

2010-04-28 20:49:43 Item (Entry: 51483) not correct 65452 display id, must be 65952 (using it).

2010-04-28 20:49:43 Item (Entry: 51880) not correct 64452 display id, must be 48157 (using it).

2010-04-28 20:50:20 Creature (GUID: 71979) has wrong spell 66162 defined in `auras` field in `creature_addon`.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 236 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 24579 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 24580 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 24581 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 24582 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 24583 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 24584 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 24585 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 24586 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 24587 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 24588 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 24589 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 24590 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 24869 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 24870 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 24871 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 24872 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 24873 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 24874 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 24875 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 24876 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 24877 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 24878 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 24879 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 24880 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 13153 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 13154 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 13156 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 13177 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 13178 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 13179 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 13180 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 13181 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 13183 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 13185 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 13186 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 13191 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 13192 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 13193 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 13194 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 13195 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 13196 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 13197 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 13198 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 13199 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 13200 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 13201 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 13202 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 13222 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 13223 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 13538 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 Weekly Quest 13539 not marked as repeatable in `SpecialFlags`, added.

2010-04-28 20:50:44 >> Loaded 0 quest POI definitions. DB table `quest_poi` is empty.

2010-04-28 20:50:45 Table `areatrigger_tavern` has area trigger (ID:4776) not listed in `AreaTrigger.dbc`.

2010-04-28 20:50:59 Table 'spell_loot_template' entry 61500 (spell id (random item creating)) not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement`.`criteria_id` 8804 does not exist, ignoring.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement`.`criteria_id` 8805 does not exist, ignoring.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement`.`criteria_id` 8806 does not exist, ignoring.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement`.`criteria_id` 8807 does not exist, ignoring.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement`.`criteria_id` 8808 does not exist, ignoring.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement`.`criteria_id` 8809 does not exist, ignoring.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement`.`criteria_id` 4234 does not exist, ignoring.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement`.`criteria_id` 4234 does not exist, ignoring.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement`.`criteria_id` 4945 does not exist, ignoring.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement`.`criteria_id` 9320 does not exist, ignoring.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement`.`criteria_id` 9321 does not exist, ignoring.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement`.`criteria_id` 9322 does not exist, ignoring.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement`.`criteria_id` 5302 does not exist, ignoring.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13308 (type: 0) for achievement 1104.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13309 (type: 0) for achievement 1104.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13310 (type: 0) for achievement 1768.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13311 (type: 0) for achievement 1768.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13315 (type: 0) for achievement 1467.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13316 (type: 0) for achievement 1467.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13317 (type: 0) for achievement 1467.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13318 (type: 0) for achievement 1467.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13319 (type: 0) for achievement 1467.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13320 (type: 0) for achievement 1467.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13321 (type: 0) for achievement 1467.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13324 (type: 0) for achievement 1770.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13325 (type: 0) for achievement 1770.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13326 (type: 0) for achievement 1770.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13327 (type: 0) for achievement 1770.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13329 (type: 0) for achievement 1770.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13330 (type: 0) for achievement 1770.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13331 (type: 0) for achievement 1770.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13332 (type: 0) for achievement 1770.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13336 (type: 0) for achievement 1770.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13337 (type: 0) for achievement 1770.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13338 (type: 0) for achievement 1770.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13339 (type: 0) for achievement 1770.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13340 (type: 0) for achievement 1770.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13341 (type: 0) for achievement 1770.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13342 (type: 0) for achievement 1770.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13343 (type: 0) for achievement 1756.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13344 (type: 0) for achievement 1756.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13345 (type: 0) for achievement 1756.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13346 (type: 0) for achievement 1756.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13347 (type: 0) for achievement 1756.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13349 (type: 0) for achievement 1756.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13350 (type: 0) for achievement 1756.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13351 (type: 0) for achievement 1756.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13352 (type: 0) for achievement 1756.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13356 (type: 0) for achievement 1756.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13357 (type: 0) for achievement 1756.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13358 (type: 0) for achievement 1756.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13359 (type: 0) for achievement 1756.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13360 (type: 0) for achievement 1756.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13361 (type: 0) for achievement 1756.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13362 (type: 0) for achievement 1756.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13393 (type: 0) for achievement 4534.

2010-04-28 20:51:00 Table `achievement_criteria_requirement` is missing expected data for `criteria_id` 13394 (type: 0) for achievement 4610.

What the hell is now wrong and how can i fix it? -.-


You map file error is because you probably run your ad.exe on a world of warcraft client that wasn't the right version ....exemple if your mangos revision is version 3.3.3a and you took the map from a client that was 3.0 ....then heres your error

For the other errors.... i beleive its your scriptdev2 update that isnt correct....had that before....

i don't know how you've worked your way out ....was it from try and error etc etc ...so i would simply suggest you drop your mangos database and scriptdev2 and restart over... it shouldnt be that long ...15min ....and try to get it clean installed....

download all the latest files btw...

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