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rogue mutilate

Guest clintz967

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i also play on a private server using Mangos and i must agree with clintz987 in that mutilate's damage is as bad as it was. in the last months mutilate worked as intended but it seems that something just messed up the whole thing and its main hand damage deals 8% less and its off hand 18% less damage. so i wouldn't say that it's okay because it's obviously not. Of course i tested without any damage increasing talents, so the issue is within the ability.

share your experiences about it.

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Negative. Afaik Rupture works well and crits. Mutilate is MAYBE a bit underpowered but it's now more playable than it was 7 months ago. I'm not 100% sure but the things have changed in January of current year allowing skilled rogues to play that build. I haven't achieved 80 lvl yet, but as soon I do that I will report about damage, comparing to official server movies.

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hello about mutilate is the same problem with the killing spree is doing low damage but is cool because works pretty well but the hack and slash isnt working too and is alot of damage for the rogue there if someone know some thread about hack and slash, that a group is working on it tell me please

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