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[10123] Crash on SQL query

Guest xarly

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Server crashes after a few minutes, always the same line, about sql query.

I'm going crazy, i have tried everything... I come to you as a last resort, I hope you can help me



(with several guids and types)

Crash report (also always the same):


in Server.log i have many many of this

ERROR:WORLD: CMSG_ITEM_NAME_QUERY for item 48778 failed (item listed in Item.dbc but not exist in DB)
ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)
ERROR:SESSION: received unexpected opcode CMSG_NAME_QUERY (0x0050) the player has not logged in yet

Thank you

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I have the same error but the difference is that my core has not crash like yours, I think you have another problem.

I use: Mangos 10123/ SD2 1736/ YTDB 328/ ACID 35

diff is that he runs on x64 which is more error-sensitive (yours displays the error and goes on)

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diff is that he runs on x64 which is more error-sensitive (yours displays the error and goes on)

Really? I didn't know that. :eek: I thought that would be better in x64 (more performance)

I have more info. How to reproduce it, more or less:

1. Players in instance (For example Forge of souls, or Archavon..)

2. Server crash for any reason

3. Some of those players want to login, server crash with the error i posted above.

Temporal Walkthrough (I hope :) ):

If the player wich causes the error delete wtf and cache folder then the player can login normally, and goto 1:

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If have found why my server was crashing. It was about Macros.

It looks like macros from 322 were not fully compatible or something like that, I don't know. This is what i have done.

1. Truncate account_data and character_account_data

2. Ask players for delete WTF and Cache folders

After that crashes have dissapeared :D

And if a player connect was not when I did this maintenance and crash the server. I delete his info from those tables and ask him to delete folders. And problem solved

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This continues happening on lastest revision, I have not found a real solution yet

I post some new info about the problem

Now I get this


Also I know that testers coming from other servers, who never has played on my server, can crash the server when disconnect, when their macros are being saved.

Also Windows Vista and Windows 7 players are really difficult to fix, it's not enough deleting their info in those tables

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  • 2 weeks later...

Debugging with Visual studio 2008 i have get this call stack


    mangosd.exe!vutf8printf(_iobuf * out=0x00000000786af600, const char * str=0x0000000140889860, char * * ap=0x0000000002f2fbe0)  Línea 471    C++
    mangosd.exe!Log::outDebug(const char * str=0x0000000140889860, ...)  Línea 637    C++
>    mangosd.exe!DatabaseMysql::DirectExecute(const char * sql=0x000007ffb7b80c00)  Línea 316 + 0xc0 bytes    C++
    mangosd.exe!SqlTransaction::Execute(Database * db=0x0000000140a2de50)  Línea 42 + 0x1b bytes    C++
    mangosd.exe!SqlDelayThread::run()  Línea 48    C++
    mangosd.exe!ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask(void * param=0x000007fffff83d60)  Línea 190    C++


+        out    0x00000000786af600 {_ptr=0x00000000023b3326 "etType FROM character_pet WHERE owner = '28697' AND slot = '0'exettalents_cost,resettalents_time, trans_x, trans_y, trans_z, trans_o, transguid, extra_flags, stable_slots, at_login, zone, online, death_expire_time, taxi_path, dungeon_difficulty,arenaPoints, totalHonorPoints, todayHonorPoints, yesterdayHonorPoints, totalKills, todayKills, yesterdayKill     _iobuf *
+        str    0x0000000140889860 "[%u ms] SQL: %s"    const char *
+        ap    0x0000000002f2fbe0    char * *
+        wtemp_buf    0x0000000002f1fba0 "[0 ms] SQL: INSERT INTO character_account_data VALUES
('28697','1','1283550350','SET minimapZoom \\"0\\"\\nSET minimapInsideZoom \\"0\\"\\nSET questLogCollapseFilter \\"-1\\"\\nSET trackedQuests \\"    wchar_t [32768]
+        temp_buf    0x0000000002f17ba0 "[0 ms] SQL: INSERT INTO character_account_data VALUES
('28697','1','1283550350','SET minimapZoom \\"0\\"\\nSET minimapInsideZoom \\"0\\"\\nSET questLogCollapseFilter \\"-1\\"\\nSET trackedQuests \\"v$Zy#P^#M%#S>#{#OY#SI\\"\\nSET trackedAchievements \\"v\\"\\nSET cameraSavedDistance \\"14.000399\\"\\nSET cameraSavedPitch \\"13.350006\\"\\nSET showKeyring \\"1\\"\\nSET playerStatLeftDropdown \\"PLAYE    char [32768]
       wtemp_len    486    unsigned __int64
       temp_len    486    unsigned __int64

+        str    0x0000000140889860 "[%u ms] SQL: %s"    const char *
+        this    0x000007fffff83f20 {raLogfile=0x0000000000000000 logfile=0x00000000786af660 gmLogfile=0x0000000000000000 ...}    Log * const
+        ap    0x0000000002f2fc10 ""    char *

       _s    108596546    unsigned int
+        query_connection_guard    {lock_=0x0000000140a2df50 owner_=0 }    ACE_Guard<ACE_Thread_Mutex>
+        this    0x0000000140a2de50 class DatabaseMysql CharacterDatabase {mMutex={...} tranThread=0x000007ffe584bfe8 mMysql=0x000000000256f6d0 }    DatabaseMysql * const
+        sql    0x000007ffb7b80c00 "INSERT INTO character_account_data VALUES
('28697','1','1283550350','SET minimapZoom \\"0\\"\\nSET minimapInsideZoom \\"0\\"\\nSET questLogCollapseFilter \\"-1\\"\\nSET trackedQuests \\"v$Zy#P^#M%#S>#{#OY#SI\\"\\nSET trackedAchievements \\"v\\"\\nSET cameraSavedDistance \\"14.000399\\"\\nSET cameraSavedPitch \\"13.350006\\"\\nSET showKeyring \\"1\\"\\nSET playerStatLeftDropdown \\"PLAYERSTAT_BASE_S    const char *

+        this    0x000007ffb5c41710 {m_queue=[0]() }    SqlTransaction * const
+        sql    0x000007ffb7b80c00 "INSERT INTO character_account_data VALUES
('28697','1','1283550350','SET minimapZoom \\"0\\"\\nSET minimapInsideZoom \\"0\\"\\nSET questLogCollapseFilter \\"-1\\"\\nSET trackedQuests \\"v$Zy#P^#M%#S>#{#OY#SI\\"\\nSET trackedAchievements \\"v\\"\\nSET cameraSavedDistance \\"14.000399\\"\\nSET cameraSavedPitch \\"13.350006\\"\\nSET showKeyring \\"1\\"\\nSET playerStatLeftDropdown \\"PLAYERSTAT_BASE_S    char *
+        db    0x0000000140a2de50 class DatabaseMysql CharacterDatabase {mMutex={...} tranThread=0x000007ffe584bfe8 mMysql=0x000000000256f6d0 }    Database *

+        s    0x000007ffb5c41710 {m_queue=[0]() }    SqlOperation *
+        this    0x000007fffff83d60    SqlDelayThread * const
       loopSleepms    10    const unsigned int
       loopCounter    10190    unsigned int
       pingEveryLoop    180000    const unsigned int

       param    0x000007fffff83d60    void *
+        _task    0x000007fffff83d60    ACE_Based::Runnable *

I post this with hope that someone can do something, because I cannot...

Also i have to say that I have manymany crashes wich stops in ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask. Don't know if is some related to main problem...

Thank you

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