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"Database" section

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It's not a secret : the "Database" section is not what it should be :)

Description : "Help improving the MaNGOS database format, or get yourself into server-side scripting.

If it's quick, runs smooth, and works perfect, we will love it."

Actual use : mainly PHP scripts, web projects, and actually every MaNGOS-related project. And a bit of database discussion.

Solution : create a new section "Third-party project". That would clean the current Database section from all the threads that are not really database-related (example 1, example 2, example 3)

There's actually no discussion about database format, except freghar's wiki entries, here and here

I'd love to see hundreds of threads like these, and I'm sure MaNGOS would benefit a lot from them.

What do you think?

Best regards

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Yeeepee offtopic.

I think that MaNGOS was first born in russia, the community has started there and that's why mangos.ru is that active. I don't know the why of an international MaNGOS creation, probably a sucessfull try to spread knoledge and bring new dev to the project, or simply a suggestion made by non-russian dev. Should ask the friendly sheep.

As for the main discussion, there is a lto of thread concerning Database in the upgrades parts (as for that, i don't think updates should be there because most "updates" are concerning core modification which have a section) ie. this thread.

there is definitely something to do about forum organisation now that we know which part is really usefull and where get what.

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  • 40 years later...

I second this proposal. I just tried to do a search limited to the database section regarding some values in the batabase and all I got back were php scripts and other things not related to MaNGOS DB structure.

The PHP scripts and other "database related" topics are great because they're nice for people learning other languages or techniques aside from C++, but having these topics clutter up an area where they really aren't the main focus makes finding real database topics difficult at the least

Edit: Also should the "Database" forum be renamed, or have its description changed? I've seen alot of posts recently where the author of the post is under the impression that MaNGOS is responsible for the actual data in the database, but in reality MaNGOS only creates the structure it's up to other non-MaNGOS-related third parties to generate the data

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The PHP scripts and other "database related" topics are great because they're nice for people learning other languages or techniques aside from C++, but having these topics clutter up an area where they really aren't the main focus makes finding real database topics difficult at the least

I totally agree, there are some great threads (Shadez's armory is a good example) but not at the right place.

However I hope a clean Database section would not be dead like 1 thread a week. I hope people will take time to participate

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Yes of course they can, but sometimes I feel like ru mangos forums are more active than mangos normal forums ^_^

It would be better for the community if all the activity on ru forums was here :P

im sure the devs that speak Russian find it much easier to converse in their own language, thats why they use mangos.ru. There is nothing stopping you using the ru site, and viewing it via an online translator, i do that quite often. And regardless of wether you read it or not, any bug fixes and such like will end up in mangos regardless of which forum it was originally posted in.

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neither do i, but using google Chrome browser, i get the option to translate, and while its not a 100% perfect translation allt he time, it lets you understand 99% of it.

Yes I've tried. Translation is bad but we can understand the idea of each post :P

im sure the devs that speak Russian find it much easier to converse in their own language, thats why they use mangos.ru

of course they do, but what about international contributors who can't speak their language? :)

They can read, ok, but that's all. Completely useless.

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of course they do, but what about international contributors who can't speak their language? :)

They can read, ok, but that's all. Completely useless.

getmangos.eu - for international

I'm sure there are lots of other mangos forums on diff languages so they might be useless for you but can help people who don't speak english..

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I don't have anything against them as long as they don't replace this one...that's all I'm saying.

English is not the native language for many of us (including me) but we all make efforts. Today, if you want to get involved to an international community project, english is nearly mandatory...

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I think that MaNGOS was first born in russia
This is not rue...
I don't have anything against them as long as they don't replace this one..

1. ru-mangos.ru is community forum created by community in different getmangos.eu created by mangos team.

It's very friendly forum to mangos devs but it not directly control by mangos team.

2. I for example at ru-mangos.ru always strongly recommend post all suggested patches to getmangos.eu

3. I not see any movement in ru-mangos.com active users in replacement getmangos.eu

As already notes not all ppl know English at level for take part in discussions so existing native language community forums let more ppl has been involved

in mangos development by coding or bug reporting.

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