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how do i get the server to work in a network

Guest andreasaspenberg

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  • 2 weeks later...

So what do you whant to do, you whant to conect from the same computer or do u whant to set a server in one computer and play on the other. Cose if you whant to make the second you will need to open 2 doors or make a 2 virtual servers in your modem or router. All that depends on the way is configured your network. But i think the best way is to set a virtual server for realmd (port 8085) and for mangos (port 3724). In the realmd-> realmdlist-> you should put your external IP and not the lan IP. Thats why you have to make the virtual servers in your moden or router, so the incoming from your external IP will go right to you lan IP (server).

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Have to go in your database and enter on realm -> tables -> realmlist. On realmlist u have to find a way in your data base manager to view data, i use MSQLyog so in this one i just click on view data and it will show the data for that realmlist. In there where you have adress u have to put your IP (if you will play with your friends in a lan, just put your machine ip, but if you whant to others from a network diferent from yours u have to put your external ip and to find your external ip go here: http://www.whatismyip.com/, paste your external ip there and enter in your router and configure two virtual server for this doors: 3724 and 8085.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, I am having the same issue as the original post thought I haven't been able to determine that anything is connecting at all. I'm attempting to connect through my LAN and I've even turned the firewall off the computer that is running the server but to no avail. I'm using an actual server machine running Windows server 2008 so I can't test from the machine itself, since the system only has an 8mb unsupported onboard video card without an agp or pci-e slot. When I start realmd.exe and mangosd.exe on the server computer it seems to start fine, and the mangosd window periodically updates queues, but when I attempt to connect to it from another computer on my network it says connecting for ten to fifteen seconds then shows an error message pointing me back to the Bliz forums for help. Any ideas on why I may not be able to connect to the server on my network?

BTW, I have updated the realmlist.wtf file to show "set realmlist" which is the static ip address for the server on my network and the realm is listed in the realmd tables with the same ip address.

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First you can try to activate the RA console. When you can connect to server with RA from your gaming PC, you know that it is not a server application or firewall problem.

You can also try to rename the WTF folder in the client for recreating it when start the client, because the server adress will also be stored there.

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I'm able to connect to the server through other programs, RA included, just not through the WoW client. I've completely disabled the firewall that I had on it so that the firewall wouldn't be the issue.

By renaming the WTF folder do you mean to copy it so that there is a back up or just rename it altogether? Also are you referring to the actual wtf folder or the data\\enUS folder where the realmlist.wtf is located?

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  • 9 months later...

Hi there! I would like to hijack this thread, as I'm having the same problems with my brand new shiny MaNGOS server.

I have it all configured from installation guides and it all appears to turn on. However, I can not connect to it from my WoW client. It says "Connecting..." then "Unable to connect."

- I am using Windows 2008 R2 for my server and Windows 7 for my client. (Yeah I know Linux is better, but I'm doing this server as a practical lesson to help with my MCSE/MCITP).

- My Server machine can not run WoW Client, as it has no dedicated video card.

- I am using my external IP address for the server. I would like to connect to my MaNGOS server from both inside my LAN, and from outside my LAN.

- I have the realmd > realmlist set to my external IP address (Port 8085).

- In all my .conf files, I have it set to my external IP address.

- I also have my WoW client's realmlist.wtf set to my external IP address.

- On my LAN router, I have port 3306 for both TCP and UDP being forwarded to my Server's local IP address (192.168.x.x)

- I have TCP and UDP on ports 3724, 8085, and 3306 incoming allowed through my firewall (both router and Windows).

I've been messing with settings to see if I can get it to work, but I haven't found any solution. My friend is going to try to connect from his computer, to see if its just a LAN program. But he hasn't done it yet.

So my questions are:

- Should I set up Virtual Servers on my Router? If so, what settings should I use? For IP Address, do I use my server's local IP? For port, do I do both 3724 and 8085 (separately)? Do I do TCP or UDP or both?

- Should I port forward 8085 and/or 3724 to my server on my LAN router? Port forwarding 8085 seemed to make things worse when I tried it.

- What program needs access to ports 3724, 8085, and 3306? I would like to restrict it to a(n) program(s) so I don't just have those ports open to everything. Also, do I need TCP -and- UDP open?

- Do I need to set up some outbound rules on my firewall for ports 3724, 8085, and 3306?

- What is the RA console? Haha. I would like to try to use it for troubleshooting, but I'm not sure what it refers to (Remote Access?)

This is my first time working with MySQL. I've compiled things before, so I'm pretty sure I got all that correct. I'm a little shaky on Virtual Servers and Port Forwarding, although I understand it conceptually. My IT level is moderate, but I'm usually do end-user stuff, and just started getting into Server side and layer 4 stuff.

Thanks for the help, sorry for the wall of info, just wanted to be specific.

- Paul

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  • Database connection strings in your conf files should be internal addresses - just use if the database is on the same host
  • realmd.realmlist db should have the WAN address of your router (so your setting is correct) - if you have trouble connecting from the local network read this
  • all ports are TCP
  • Forward ports 8085 and 3724 to your server - these are how the client talks to mangos and realmd, respectively
  • Don't forward port 3306 to your server - nothing outside your network should access the database
  • RA is for remote administration, and listens on port 3443. It does the almost the same thing as the mangos console, but you need to sign in
    You can use telnet to connect (not installed on win 7/2008 by default, google can help) or something like this if you've got Visual C# installed
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Thank you so much! You gave me exactly the information I needed to get my server running. Not only that, but you cleared up some things so now my server is a little more secure.

I haven't had anyone connect from outside my LAN, but I did connect via an external IP, so I'm hopeful its working just fine. I may bring a laptop to work tomorrow and try it out!

Now its time to figure out how to play with the database to get the game the way my friends and I like it :) But of course, I'll read up on that before preparing any more noobie questions!

Thanks again faramir!

- Paul

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