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  • 38 years later...

Hi developers,

i like to talk about your way to solve the phases of deathknight startquests.

Just to remember:

There are same phases where the environment is different.

If the player completes the last quest in one phase he changes the phase.

Every player in the same phase can interact with each other but not with others in other phases.

That's completely new. The phase is not changing serverwide, each player is in it's own phase.

Now I like to talk about your way to manage this.

It's the startarea for the new class everybody wants to play. :cool:

So this has a high priority and needs a quick solution, after your wotlk-release, for all mangos-servers out there.

Are you making virtual dungeons since blizzard uses one map for it.

Are you using new db tables? Please tell us their structure as far they are stable.

I, as a DB-guy, like to get generell information aboud the needed DB-structures in order to start with a functional deathknight startarea.

This is not the place to talk about the difference between the phases, it about the db-structure and how we must reprocess the information for mangos.

Thanks in advanced


its not just the DK area, its a new system where the skybox(atleast what i saw)/npc's/gameobjects and players can become visible/invisible to certain players. I bet the developers alreayd knows this :)


It's not as complicated as it smells. Phasing depends on the characters progression through quests, it does not depend on other factors (currently). Thus phasing can be implemented based on data we already have in store, and which does not need to change, as we already have quest information in the database.


It's not true that there won't be any changes. We will have to add phasing information to creature and gameobject spawn tables since their visibility is based upon the current phase of a player.


There are several phases even on other quests.

for example if you do a specific quest lateron you will be in a different phase when you enter a certain vehicle aso. hence it is not limited to quests.


i know, hence why in my thread elsewhere is that alot of people have no idea just what is needed to get 3.0.3 working even in a skeleton fashion.

i personally will be amazed if 3.0.3 is out before Christmas........and depressingly.......3.0.4 will be out by then on offy.


When using spells such as the mage invisibility you'll phase and can only see others who are invisible or using a invisibility potion etc. Could it be possible to spawn npcs while phased like this? or get them to cast it on themselves? and somehow they remain in the phased state? just a suggestion but i guess you already thought of this .


@the dk start area is all what a single player see in dependence of there questrow. there are at least three different spawns on a single map. the whole dk start area is an instance on the offi. you can only leave this instance if you have completed the questrow. if you try to leave the area before you can do nothing. only if you have get the quest which point you to the leader of the ally/horde you can leave this instance and play in the rest of the world.


Hi. There are many many area who use this "phase" system (portal : warth, DK start zone,The whole Icecrown area...)

If someone want to know what exaclty is spawn with each quest, i can answer him with screenshots.

Sorry for my baaad english.

  • 2 weeks later...
Which are then handled by the server. Your point?

Simply pointing out that it's not nearly as complicated as the OP thought it was. There are already spells that do this, invisibility spells, phasing spells like in Blades Edge mountains.

Also, get off your high horse, stop being a dick, or go troll on another forum.

  • 2 weeks later...

i dont know anything about coding but i can say those death knight quests on retail look dam complicated, and important too, most of the death knights key features are rewards from those quests so i hope they get working by the time 3.x emus are common ^_^

i dont know anything about coding but i can say those death knight quests on retail look dam complicated, and important too, most of the death knights key features are rewards from those quests so i hope they get working by the time 3.x emus are common ^_^

It's not an emu.

  • 1 month later...
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