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mangos crashing


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i realy got a two part question first is mangos crashing on character creation im just compiled the latest build and a fresh db which

should be upto date here the crash log

Revision: * * 11783 *

Date 4:9:2011. Time 22:15


*** Hardware ***

Processor: <unknown>

Number Of Processors: 1

Physical Memory: 1048048 KB (Available: 412436 KB)

Commit Charge Limit: 2127728 KB

*** Operation System ***

Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (Version 5.1, Build 2600)


Exception code: C000001D ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION

Fault address: 0051294A 01:0011194A G:\\mangos\\mangosd.exe









SS:ESP:0023:075499A0 EBP:075499BC

DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:003B GS:0000


Call stack:

Address Frame Function SourceFile

0051294A 00000000 Aura::HandleModTotalPercentStat+5A

00508792 00000000 Aura::ApplyModifier+32

00508807 00000000 SpellAuraHolder::ApplyAuraModifiers+27

004BC218 00000000 Unit::AddSpellAuraHolder+6A8

0074A705 00000000 Spell::DoSpellHitOnUnit+545

0074B70C 00000000 Spell::DoAllEffectOnTarget+15C

0074BD5B 00000000 Spell::handle_immediate+4B

007576DC 00000000 Spell::cast+7AC

00757A34 00000000 Spell::prepare+1D4

004AF07D 00000000 Unit::CastSpell+1ED

004B3EF2 00000000 Unit::CastSpell+102

00568C1E 00000000 Player::addSpell+7EE

0056B97D 00000000 Player::learnDefaultSpells+BD

00575593 00000000 Player::Create+653

00827701 00000000 WorldSession::HandleCharCreateOpcode+761

0060EEE1 00000000 WorldSession::ExecuteOpcode+21

006142C1 00000000 WorldSession::Update+181

00470CF4 00000000 World::UpdateSessions+94

00472CD2 00000000 World::Update+172

00452872 00000000 WorldRunnable::run+52

006271A0 00000000 ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+10

00A47064 00000000 ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+74

78AFC6DE 00000000 _endthreadex+3A

78AFC788 00000000 _endthreadex+E4

7C80B729 00000000 GetModuleFileNameA+1BA

Call stack:

Address Frame Function SourceFile

7C90E514 00000000 KiFastSystemCallRet+0

7C802542 00000000 WaitForSingleObject+12

009FAB83 00000000 ?__ace_assert@@YAXPBDH0@Z+363

00A6DF91 00000000 ?wait_task@ACE_Thread_Manager@@QAEHPAVACE_Task_Base@@@Z+1E1

00A69D6F 00000000 ?wait@ACE_Task_Base@@UAEHXZ+F

0044DEEA 00000000 main+3FA

00454A89 00000000 __tmainCRTStartup+122

7C817077 00000000 RegisterWaitForInputIdle+49

Call stack:

Address Frame Function SourceFile

7C90E514 00000000 KiFastSystemCallRet+0

7C802455 00000000 Sleep+F

006272BE 00000000 ACE_Based::Thread::Sleep+3E

00767BBD 00000000 SqlDelayThread::run+2D

006271A0 00000000 ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+10

00A47064 00000000 ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+74

78AFC6DE 00000000 _endthreadex+3A

78AFC788 00000000 _endthreadex+E4

7C80B729 00000000 GetModuleFileNameA+1BA

Call stack:

Address Frame Function SourceFile

7C90E514 00000000 KiFastSystemCallRet+0

7C802455 00000000 Sleep+F

006272BE 00000000 ACE_Based::Thread::Sleep+3E

00767BBD 00000000 SqlDelayThread::run+2D

006271A0 00000000 ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+10

00A47064 00000000 ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+74

78AFC6DE 00000000 _endthreadex+3A

78AFC788 00000000 _endthreadex+E4

7C80B729 00000000 GetModuleFileNameA+1BA

Call stack:

Address Frame Function SourceFile

7C90E514 00000000 KiFastSystemCallRet+0

7C802455 00000000 Sleep+F

006272BE 00000000 ACE_Based::Thread::Sleep+3E

00767BBD 00000000 SqlDelayThread::run+2D

006271A0 00000000 ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+10

00A47064 00000000 ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+74

78AFC6DE 00000000 _endthreadex+3A

78AFC788 00000000 _endthreadex+E4

7C80B729 00000000 GetModuleFileNameA+1BA

Call stack:

Address Frame Function SourceFile

7C90E514 00000000 KiFastSystemCallRet+0

07548A24 00000000 0000:00000000

854415FF FFFFFFFF 0000:00000000

Call stack:

Address Frame Function SourceFile

7C90E514 00000000 KiFastSystemCallRet+0

7C872A51 00000000 GetConsoleInputWaitHandle+318

7C872B98 00000000 ReadConsoleA+3B

7C8018B7 00000000 ReadFile+A5

78ABBFEE 00000000 ??0__non_rtti_object@std@@QAE@ABV01@@Z+12A

78ABC0B9 00000000 _read+81

78ABCE99 00000000 _filbuf+55

78B0357B 00000000 fgets+F8

00442A6D 00000000 CliRunnable::run+AD

006271A0 00000000 ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+10

00A47064 00000000 ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+74

78AFC6DE 00000000 _endthreadex+3A

78AFC788 00000000 _endthreadex+E4

7C80B729 00000000 GetModuleFileNameA+1BA

Call stack:

Address Frame Function SourceFile

7C90E514 00000000 KiFastSystemCallRet+0

71A55FA7 00000000 0001:00004FA7 C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\MSWSOCK.dll

71AB314F 00000000 select+A7

00A05820 00000000 ?wait_for_multiple_events@?$ACE_Select_Reactor_T@V?$ACE_Reactor_Token_T@VACE_Token@@@@@@MAEHAAVACE_Select_Reactor_Handle_Set@@PAVACE_Time_Value@@@Z+120

00A6FA61 00000000 ?get_event_for_dispatching@ACE_TP_Reactor@@IAEHPAVACE_Time_Value@@@Z+91

00A70482 00000000 ?dispatch_i@ACE_TP_Reactor@@IAEHPAVACE_Time_Value@@AAVACE_TP_Token_Guard@@@Z+12

00A70616 00000000 ?handle_events@ACE_TP_Reactor@@UAEHPAVACE_Time_Value@@@Z+B6

00A52C3E 00000000 ?run_reactor_event_loop@ACE_Reactor@@QAEHAAVACE_Time_Value@@P6AHPAV1@@Z@Z+2E

00450340 00000000 RARunnable::run+120

006271A0 00000000 ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+10

00A47064 00000000 ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+74

78AFC6DE 00000000 _endthreadex+3A

78AFC788 00000000 _endthreadex+E4

7C80B729 00000000 GetModuleFileNameA+1BA

Call stack:

Address Frame Function SourceFile

7C90E514 00000000 KiFastSystemCallRet+0

71A55FA7 00000000 0001:00004FA7 C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\MSWSOCK.dll

71AB314F 00000000 select+A7

0040267A 00000000 tcp_select+FA

00408FD0 00000000 soap_accept+B0

00418DDE 00000000 MaNGOSsoapRunnable::run+15E

006271A0 00000000 ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+10

00A47064 00000000 ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+74

78AFC6DE 00000000 _endthreadex+3A

78AFC788 00000000 _endthreadex+E4

7C80B729 00000000 GetModuleFileNameA+1BA

Call stack:

Address Frame Function SourceFile

7C90E514 00000000 KiFastSystemCallRet+0

7C802542 00000000 WaitForSingleObject+12

00A4407A 00000000 ?cond_wait@ACE_OS@@YAHPAVACE_cond_t@@PAU_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION@@@Z+3A

00A45099 00000000 ?cond_timedwait@ACE_OS@@YAHPAVACE_cond_t@@PAU_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION@@PAVACE_Time_Value@@@Z+29

00A0EAB1 00000000 ?wait@ACE_Condition_Thread_Mutex@@QAEHPBVACE_Time_Value@@@Z+11

009F91D9 00000000 ?data_block_allocator@ACE_Data_Block@@QBEPAVACE_Allocator@@XZ+119

009F97FD 00000000 ?data_block_allocator@ACE_Data_Block@@QBEPAVACE_Allocator@@XZ+73D

004189AD 00000000 SOAPWorkingThread::svc+1D

00A69FDE 00000000 ?svc_run@ACE_Task_Base@@SAKPAX@Z+2E

00A6A3BB 00000000 ?invoke_i@ACE_Thread_Adapter@@EAEKXZ+6B

00A6A503 00000000 ?invoke@ACE_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+83

78AFC6DE 00000000 _endthreadex+3A

78AFC788 00000000 _endthreadex+E4

7C80B729 00000000 GetModuleFileNameA+1BA

Call stack:

Address Frame Function SourceFile

7C90E514 00000000 KiFastSystemCallRet+0

7C802542 00000000 WaitForSingleObject+12

00A4407A 00000000 ?cond_wait@ACE_OS@@YAHPAVACE_cond_t@@PAU_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION@@@Z+3A

00A45099 00000000 ?cond_timedwait@ACE_OS@@YAHPAVACE_cond_t@@PAU_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION@@PAVACE_Time_Value@@@Z+29

00A0EAB1 00000000 ?wait@ACE_Condition_Thread_Mutex@@QAEHPBVACE_Time_Value@@@Z+11

009F91D9 00000000 ?data_block_allocator@ACE_Data_Block@@QBEPAVACE_Allocator@@XZ+119

009F97FD 00000000 ?data_block_allocator@ACE_Data_Block@@QBEPAVACE_Allocator@@XZ+73D

004189AD 00000000 SOAPWorkingThread::svc+1D

00A69FDE 00000000 ?svc_run@ACE_Task_Base@@SAKPAX@Z+2E

00A6A3BB 00000000 ?invoke_i@ACE_Thread_Adapter@@EAEKXZ+6B

00A6A503 00000000 ?invoke@ACE_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+83

78AFC6DE 00000000 _endthreadex+3A

78AFC788 00000000 _endthreadex+E4

7C80B729 00000000 GetModuleFileNameA+1BA

Call stack:

Address Frame Function SourceFile

7C90E514 00000000 KiFastSystemCallRet+0

7C802542 00000000 WaitForSingleObject+12

00A4407A 00000000 ?cond_wait@ACE_OS@@YAHPAVACE_cond_t@@PAU_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION@@@Z+3A

00A45099 00000000 ?cond_timedwait@ACE_OS@@YAHPAVACE_cond_t@@PAU_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION@@PAVACE_Time_Value@@@Z+29

00A0EAB1 00000000 ?wait@ACE_Condition_Thread_Mutex@@QAEHPBVACE_Time_Value@@@Z+11

009F91D9 00000000 ?data_block_allocator@ACE_Data_Block@@QBEPAVACE_Allocator@@XZ+119

009F97FD 00000000 ?data_block_allocator@ACE_Data_Block@@QBEPAVACE_Allocator@@XZ+73D

004189AD 00000000 SOAPWorkingThread::svc+1D

00A69FDE 00000000 ?svc_run@ACE_Task_Base@@SAKPAX@Z+2E

00A6A3BB 00000000 ?invoke_i@ACE_Thread_Adapter@@EAEKXZ+6B

00A6A503 00000000 ?invoke@ACE_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+83

78AFC6DE 00000000 _endthreadex+3A

78AFC788 00000000 _endthreadex+E4

7C80B729 00000000 GetModuleFileNameA+1BA

Call stack:

Address Frame Function SourceFile

7C90E514 00000000 KiFastSystemCallRet+0

7C802542 00000000 WaitForSingleObject+12

00A4407A 00000000 ?cond_wait@ACE_OS@@YAHPAVACE_cond_t@@PAU_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION@@@Z+3A

00A45099 00000000 ?cond_timedwait@ACE_OS@@YAHPAVACE_cond_t@@PAU_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION@@PAVACE_Time_Value@@@Z+29

00A0EAB1 00000000 ?wait@ACE_Condition_Thread_Mutex@@QAEHPBVACE_Time_Value@@@Z+11

009F91D9 00000000 ?data_block_allocator@ACE_Data_Block@@QBEPAVACE_Allocator@@XZ+119

009F97FD 00000000 ?data_block_allocator@ACE_Data_Block@@QBEPAVACE_Allocator@@XZ+73D

004189AD 00000000 SOAPWorkingThread::svc+1D

00A69FDE 00000000 ?svc_run@ACE_Task_Base@@SAKPAX@Z+2E

00A6A3BB 00000000 ?invoke_i@ACE_Thread_Adapter@@EAEKXZ+6B

00A6A503 00000000 ?invoke@ACE_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+83

78AFC6DE 00000000 _endthreadex+3A

78AFC788 00000000 _endthreadex+E4

7C80B729 00000000 GetModuleFileNameA+1BA

Call stack:

Address Frame Function SourceFile

7C90E514 00000000 KiFastSystemCallRet+0

7C802542 00000000 WaitForSingleObject+12

00A4407A 00000000 ?cond_wait@ACE_OS@@YAHPAVACE_cond_t@@PAU_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION@@@Z+3A

00A45099 00000000 ?cond_timedwait@ACE_OS@@YAHPAVACE_cond_t@@PAU_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION@@PAVACE_Time_Value@@@Z+29

00A0EAB1 00000000 ?wait@ACE_Condition_Thread_Mutex@@QAEHPBVACE_Time_Value@@@Z+11

009F91D9 00000000 ?data_block_allocator@ACE_Data_Block@@QBEPAVACE_Allocator@@XZ+119

009F97FD 00000000 ?data_block_allocator@ACE_Data_Block@@QBEPAVACE_Allocator@@XZ+73D

004189AD 00000000 SOAPWorkingThread::svc+1D

00A69FDE 00000000 ?svc_run@ACE_Task_Base@@SAKPAX@Z+2E

00A6A3BB 00000000 ?invoke_i@ACE_Thread_Adapter@@EAEKXZ+6B

00A6A503 00000000 ?invoke@ACE_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+83

78AFC6DE 00000000 _endthreadex+3A

78AFC788 00000000 _endthreadex+E4

7C80B729 00000000 GetModuleFileNameA+1BA

Call stack:

Address Frame Function SourceFile

7C90E514 00000000 KiFastSystemCallRet+0

71A55FA7 00000000 0001:00004FA7 C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\MSWSOCK.dll

71AB314F 00000000 select+A7

00A05820 00000000 ?wait_for_multiple_events@?$ACE_Select_Reactor_T@V?$ACE_Reactor_Token_T@VACE_Token@@@@@@MAEHAAVACE_Select_Reactor_Handle_Set@@PAVACE_Time_Value@@@Z+120

00A6FA61 00000000 ?get_event_for_dispatching@ACE_TP_Reactor@@IAEHPAVACE_Time_Value@@@Z+91

00A70482 00000000 ?dispatch_i@ACE_TP_Reactor@@IAEHPAVACE_Time_Value@@AAVACE_TP_Token_Guard@@@Z+12

00A70616 00000000 ?handle_events@ACE_TP_Reactor@@UAEHPAVACE_Time_Value@@@Z+B6

00A52C3E 00000000 ?run_reactor_event_loop@ACE_Reactor@@QAEHAAVACE_Time_Value@@P6AHPAV1@@Z@Z+2E

0062C151 00000000 ReactorRunnable::svc+D1

00A69FDE 00000000 ?svc_run@ACE_Task_Base@@SAKPAX@Z+2E

00A6A3BB 00000000 ?invoke_i@ACE_Thread_Adapter@@EAEKXZ+6B

00A6A503 00000000 ?invoke@ACE_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+83

78AFC6DE 00000000 _endthreadex+3A

78AFC788 00000000 _endthreadex+E4

7C80B729 00000000 GetModuleFileNameA+1BA

Call stack:

Address Frame Function SourceFile

7C90E514 00000000 KiFastSystemCallRet+0

71A55FA7 00000000 0001:00004FA7 C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\MSWSOCK.dll

71AB314F 00000000 select+A7

00A05820 00000000 ?wait_for_multiple_events@?$ACE_Select_Reactor_T@V?$ACE_Reactor_Token_T@VACE_Token@@@@@@MAEHAAVACE_Select_Reactor_Handle_Set@@PAVACE_Time_Value@@@Z+120

00A6FA61 00000000 ?get_event_for_dispatching@ACE_TP_Reactor@@IAEHPAVACE_Time_Value@@@Z+91

00A70482 00000000 ?dispatch_i@ACE_TP_Reactor@@IAEHPAVACE_Time_Value@@AAVACE_TP_Token_Guard@@@Z+12

00A70616 00000000 ?handle_events@ACE_TP_Reactor@@UAEHPAVACE_Time_Value@@@Z+B6

00A52C3E 00000000 ?run_reactor_event_loop@ACE_Reactor@@QAEHAAVACE_Time_Value@@P6AHPAV1@@Z@Z+2E

0062C151 00000000 ReactorRunnable::svc+D1

00A69FDE 00000000 ?svc_run@ACE_Task_Base@@SAKPAX@Z+2E

00A6A3BB 00000000 ?invoke_i@ACE_Thread_Adapter@@EAEKXZ+6B

00A6A503 00000000 ?invoke@ACE_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+83

78AFC6DE 00000000 _endthreadex+3A

78AFC788 00000000 _endthreadex+E4

7C80B729 00000000 GetModuleFileNameA+1BA


Local Variables And Parameters

Call stack:

Address Frame Function SourceFile

0051294A 00000000 Aura::HandleModTotalPercentStat+5A

punting on symbol apply

punting on symbol __formal

punting on symbol maxHPValue

punting on symbol curHPValue

00508792 00000000 Aura::ApplyModifier+32

punting on symbol apply

punting on symbol Real

00508807 00000000 SpellAuraHolder::ApplyAuraModifiers+27

punting on symbol apply

punting on symbol real

004BC218 00000000 Unit::AddSpellAuraHolder+6A8

Local <user defined> 'holder'

Local <user defined> 'aurSpellInfo'

Local <user defined> 'spair'

Local <user defined> 'iter'

Local <user defined> 'foundHolder'

Local <user defined> 'scTargets'

Local <user defined> 'itr_targetGuid'

Local <user defined> 'itr_spellEntry'

0074A705 00000000 Spell::DoSpellHitOnUnit+545

Local <user defined> 'unit'

punting on symbol effectMask

Local <user defined> 'realCaster'

punting on symbol effectNumber

punting on symbol multiplier

punting on symbol duration

0074B70C 00000000 Spell::DoAllEffectOnTarget+15C

Local <user defined> 'target'

Local <user defined> 'unit'

Local <user defined> 'caster'

Local <user defined> 'missInfo'

punting on symbol mask

punting on symbol procVictim

Local <user defined> 'real_caster'

punting on symbol procAttacker

punting on symbol crit

punting on symbol absorb

punting on symbol gain

Local <user defined> 'damageInfo'

punting on symbol count

Local <user defined> 'itr'

punting on symbol bp

Local <user defined> 'damageInfo'

0074BD5B 00000000 Spell::handle_immediate+4B

007576DC 00000000 Spell::cast+7AC

punting on symbol skipCheck

00757A34 00000000 Spell::prepare+1D4

Local <user defined> 'targets'

Local <user defined> 'triggeredByAura'

004AF07D 00000000 Unit::CastSpell+1ED

Local <user defined> 'Victim'

Local <user defined> 'spellInfo'

punting on symbol triggered

Local <user defined> 'castItem'

Local <user defined> 'triggeredByAura'

Local <user defined> 'originalCaster'

Local <user defined> 'triggeredBy'

Local <user defined> 'targets'

004B3EF2 00000000 Unit::CastSpell+102

Local <user defined> 'Victim'

punting on symbol spellId

punting on symbol triggered

Local <user defined> 'castItem'

Local <user defined> 'triggeredByAura'

Local <user defined> 'originalCaster'

Local <user defined> 'triggeredBy'

00568C1E 00000000 Player::addSpell+7EE

punting on symbol spell_id

punting on symbol active

punting on symbol learning

punting on symbol dependent

punting on symbol disabled

Local <user defined> 'spellInfo'

punting on symbol disabled_case

Local <user defined> 'skill_bounds'

Local <user defined> 'talentPos'

punting on symbol maxskill

punting on symbol superceded_old

Local <user defined> 'spell_bounds'

punting on symbol dependent_set

Local <user defined> 'itr'

punting on symbol next_active_spell_id

Local <user defined> 'nextMap'

Local <user defined> 'next_itr'

Local <user defined> 'data'

Local <user defined> 'data'

Local <user defined> 'newspell'

Local <user defined> 'data'

Local <user defined> 'data'

Local <user defined> 'iter'

Local <user defined> 'talent'

Local <user defined> '_spell_idx'

0056B97D 00000000 Player::learnDefaultSpells+BD

Local <user defined> 'info'

00575593 00000000 Player::Create+653

punting on symbol guidlow

Local <user defined> 'name'

punting on symbol race

punting on symbol class_

punting on symbol gender

punting on symbol skin

punting on symbol face

punting on symbol hairStyle

punting on symbol hairColor

punting on symbol facialHair

punting on symbol __formal

punting on symbol powertype

Local <user defined> 'cEntry'

punting on symbol i

punting on symbol eDest

Local <user defined> 'sDest'

00827701 00000000 WorldSession::HandleCharCreateOpcode+761

Local <user defined> 'recv_data'

punting on symbol hairStyle

punting on symbol facialHair

punting on symbol skin

punting on symbol class_

punting on symbol hairColor

Local <user defined> 'data'

punting on symbol race_

Local <user defined> 'skipCinematics'

punting on symbol face

punting on symbol have_same_race

Local <user defined> 'name'

punting on symbol AllowTwoSideAccounts

punting on symbol have_req_level_for_heroic

punting on symbol gender

Local <user defined> 'classEntry'

punting on symbol heroic_free_slots

Local <user defined> 'IP_str'

punting on symbol req_level_for_heroic

punting on symbol outfitId

punting on symbol charcount

punting on symbol acc_race

Local <user defined> 'team_'

0060EEE1 00000000 WorldSession::ExecuteOpcode+21

Local <user defined> 'opHandle'

Local <user defined> 'packet'

006142C1 00000000 WorldSession::Update+181

Local <user defined> 'updater'

Local <user defined> 'packet'

00470CF4 00000000 World::UpdateSessions+94

punting on symbol diff

Local <user defined> 'sess'

Local <user defined> 'next'

Local <user defined> 'updater'

00472CD2 00000000 World::Update+172

punting on symbol diff

punting on symbol maxClientsNum

00452872 00000000 WorldRunnable::run+52

006271A0 00000000 ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+10

punting on symbol param

00A47064 00000000 ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+74

78AFC6DE 00000000 _endthreadex+3A

78AFC788 00000000 _endthreadex+E4

7C80B729 00000000 GetModuleFileNameA+1BA


Global Variables

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my second question is this normal for now or do i need re do database

2011-09-04 22:07:11 Table `gameobject` have gameobject (GUID: 165 Entry: 202189) with invalid rotation0 (5.855000) value, skip

2011-09-04 22:07:11 Table `gameobject` have gameobject (GUID: 258 Entry: 202188) with invalid rotation0 (5.855000) value, skip

2011-09-04 22:07:11 Table `gameobject` have gameobject (GUID: 260 Entry: 202078) with invalid rotation0 (5.855000) value, skip

2011-09-04 22:07:15 Spell (id: 33824) have SPELL_EFFECT_QUEST_COMPLETE for quest 10162 , but quest does not have SpecialFlags QUEST_SPECIAL_FLAG_EXPLORATION_OR_EVENT (2) set. Quest SpecialFlags should be corrected to enable this objective.

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 8044) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Table gossip_menu_option for menu 8833, id 2 have action_script_id 342 that does not exist in `gossip_scripts`, ignoring

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 9615) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Table gossip_menu_option for menu 9866, id 0 have action_script_id 342 that does not exist in `gossip_scripts`, ignoring

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 9937) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 9961) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 9741) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 9741) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 9741) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4650 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4684 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4649 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4683 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4526 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4525 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4527 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4645 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 655 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 523 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4697 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4570) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4570) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4570) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 7263 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 7517 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 8111 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4657 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4011 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4023 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4524 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4012 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4017 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4010 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4506 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 7262 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4676 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 381 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 410 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 141 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 436 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4576 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 7357 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4552 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4685 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4654 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4534 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4539 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4538 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4537 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 64 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 7264 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 9580) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 9580) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 9580) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4681 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4641 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 2383 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4609 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4682 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4606 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4607 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 3926 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4688) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4688) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4688) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4571 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4507 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 7567 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4666 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4680 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4691 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 3644 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4468) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4468) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4468) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 3643 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 7349 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4502) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4562) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 7820) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 9732) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 9917) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 1282.

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 2208.

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 3228.

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 7771.

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 7939.

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 9007.

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 9155.

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 9165.

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 9503.

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 9505.

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 9732.

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 9812.

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 10219.

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 10273.

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 132302.

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 797002.

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 797003.

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 961500.

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 961501.

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 974101.

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 974103.

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 974105.

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 974201.

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 974203.

2011-09-04 22:07:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 974205.

2011-09-04 22:07:32 Table `npc_trainer_template` (Entry: 1002) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51305

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 1651) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 17101) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 1680) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 1700) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 5941) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 3028) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 7946) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 3607) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 18911) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 18018) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26957) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26909) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 32474) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 1680) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 3332) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 1683) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 5938) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 5690) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 5493) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 3179) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 16780) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 16774) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 12961) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 5941) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 12032) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 3607) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 2367) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 4573) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 1651) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 4573) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 32474) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 14740) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 2834) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 7946) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 18911) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 18018) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26957) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26993) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 1700) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 33623) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 33623) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 14740) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 2834) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 4156) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 5161) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26909) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 3179) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 17101) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 28742) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 5938) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 1683) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 5690) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 12961) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 12032) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 5493) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 2367) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 3028) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 4156) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 5161) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 3332) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26993) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 28742) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 16780) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 16774) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 28694) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51298

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 29924) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51298

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26564) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51298

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26988) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51298

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26981) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51298

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 27034) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51298

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26904) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51298

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26952) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51298

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 28701) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51310

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26915) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51310

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26982) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51310

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26960) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51310

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26997) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51310

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 28693) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51312

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26980) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51312

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26954) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51312

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26906) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51312

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26990) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51312

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 28742) has wrong redundant reqlevel 1 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 51293

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 28742) has wrong redundant reqlevel 55 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54084

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26993) has wrong redundant reqlevel 1 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 51293

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26993) has wrong redundant reqlevel 55 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54084

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 32474) has wrong redundant reqlevel 1 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 51293

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 32474) has wrong redundant reqlevel 55 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54084

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26909) has wrong redundant reqlevel 1 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 51293

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26909) has wrong redundant reqlevel 55 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54084

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26957) has wrong redundant reqlevel 1 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 51293

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26957) has wrong redundant reqlevel 55 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54084

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 18911) has wrong redundant reqlevel 55 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54084

2011-09-04 22:07:33 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 33590) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51310

2011-09-04 22:20:12 Table `gameobject` have gameobject (GUID: 165 Entry: 202189) with invalid rotation0 (5.855000) value, skip

2011-09-04 22:20:12 Table `gameobject` have gameobject (GUID: 258 Entry: 202188) with invalid rotation0 (5.855000) value, skip

2011-09-04 22:20:12 Table `gameobject` have gameobject (GUID: 260 Entry: 202078) with invalid rotation0 (5.855000) value, skip

2011-09-04 22:20:15 Spell (id: 33824) have SPELL_EFFECT_QUEST_COMPLETE for quest 10162 , but quest does not have SpecialFlags QUEST_SPECIAL_FLAG_EXPLORATION_OR_EVENT (2) set. Quest SpecialFlags should be corrected to enable this objective.

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 8044) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table gossip_menu_option for menu 8833, id 2 have action_script_id 342 that does not exist in `gossip_scripts`, ignoring

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 9615) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table gossip_menu_option for menu 9866, id 0 have action_script_id 342 that does not exist in `gossip_scripts`, ignoring

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 9937) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 9961) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 9741) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 9741) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 9741) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4650 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4684 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4649 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4683 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4526 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4525 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4527 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4645 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 655 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 523 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4697 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4570) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4570) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4570) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 7263 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 7517 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 8111 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4657 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4011 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4023 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4524 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4012 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4017 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4010 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4506 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 7262 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4676 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 381 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 410 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 141 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 436 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4576 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 7357 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4552 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4685 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4654 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4534 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4539 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4538 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4537 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 64 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 7264 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 9580) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 9580) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 9580) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4681 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4641 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 2383 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4609 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4682 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4606 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4607 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 3926 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4688) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4688) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4688) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4571 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4507 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 7567 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4666 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4680 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4691 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 3644 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4468) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4468) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4468) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 3643 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 7349 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4502) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4562) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 7820) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 9732) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 9917) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 1282.

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 2208.

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 3228.

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 7771.

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 7939.

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 9007.

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 9155.

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 9165.

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 9503.

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 9505.

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 9732.

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 9812.

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 10219.

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 10273.

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 132302.

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 797002.

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 797003.

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 961500.

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 961501.

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 974101.

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 974103.

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 974105.

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 974201.

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 974203.

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 974205.

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer_template` (Entry: 1002) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51305

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 1651) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 17101) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 1680) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 1700) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 5941) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 3028) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 7946) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 3607) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 18911) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 18018) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26957) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26909) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 32474) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 1680) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 3332) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 1683) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 5938) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 5690) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 5493) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 3179) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 16780) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 16774) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 12961) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 5941) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 12032) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 3607) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 2367) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 4573) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 1651) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 4573) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 32474) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 14740) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 2834) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 7946) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 18911) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 18018) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26957) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26993) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 1700) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 33623) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 33623) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 14740) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 2834) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 4156) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 5161) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26909) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 3179) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 17101) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 28742) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 5938) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 1683) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 5690) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 12961) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 12032) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 5493) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 2367) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 3028) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 4156) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 5161) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 3332) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26993) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 28742) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 16780) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 16774) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 28694) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51298

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 29924) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51298

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26564) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51298

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26988) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51298

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26981) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51298

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 27034) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51298

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26904) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51298

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26952) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51298

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 28701) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51310

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26915) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51310

2011-09-04 22:20:26 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26982) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51310

2011-09-04 22:20:27 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26960) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51310

2011-09-04 22:20:27 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26997) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51310

2011-09-04 22:20:27 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 28693) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51312

2011-09-04 22:20:27 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26980) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51312

2011-09-04 22:20:27 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26954) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51312

2011-09-04 22:20:27 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26906) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51312

2011-09-04 22:20:27 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26990) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51312

2011-09-04 22:20:27 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 28742) has wrong redundant reqlevel 1 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 51293

2011-09-04 22:20:27 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 28742) has wrong redundant reqlevel 55 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54084

2011-09-04 22:20:27 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26993) has wrong redundant reqlevel 1 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 51293

2011-09-04 22:20:27 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26993) has wrong redundant reqlevel 55 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54084

2011-09-04 22:20:27 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 32474) has wrong redundant reqlevel 1 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 51293

2011-09-04 22:20:27 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 32474) has wrong redundant reqlevel 55 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54084

2011-09-04 22:20:27 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26909) has wrong redundant reqlevel 1 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 51293

2011-09-04 22:20:27 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26909) has wrong redundant reqlevel 55 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54084

2011-09-04 22:20:27 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26957) has wrong redundant reqlevel 1 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 51293

2011-09-04 22:20:27 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26957) has wrong redundant reqlevel 55 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54084

2011-09-04 22:20:27 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 18911) has wrong redundant reqlevel 55 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54084

2011-09-04 22:20:27 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 33590) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51310

2011-09-04 22:26:17 Table `gameobject` have gameobject (GUID: 165 Entry: 202189) with invalid rotation0 (5.855000) value, skip

2011-09-04 22:26:17 Table `gameobject` have gameobject (GUID: 258 Entry: 202188) with invalid rotation0 (5.855000) value, skip

2011-09-04 22:26:17 Table `gameobject` have gameobject (GUID: 260 Entry: 202078) with invalid rotation0 (5.855000) value, skip

2011-09-04 22:26:20 Spell (id: 33824) have SPELL_EFFECT_QUEST_COMPLETE for quest 10162 , but quest does not have SpecialFlags QUEST_SPECIAL_FLAG_EXPLORATION_OR_EVENT (2) set. Quest SpecialFlags should be corrected to enable this objective.

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 8044) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Table gossip_menu_option for menu 8833, id 2 have action_script_id 342 that does not exist in `gossip_scripts`, ignoring

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 9615) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Table gossip_menu_option for menu 9866, id 0 have action_script_id 342 that does not exist in `gossip_scripts`, ignoring

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 9937) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 9961) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 9741) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 9741) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 9741) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4650 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4684 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4649 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4683 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4526 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4525 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4527 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4645 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 655 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 523 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4697 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4570) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4570) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4570) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 7263 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 7517 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 8111 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4657 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4011 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4023 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4524 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4012 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4017 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4010 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4506 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 7262 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4676 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 381 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 410 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 141 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 436 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4576 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 7357 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4552 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4685 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4654 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4534 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4539 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4538 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4537 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 64 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 7264 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 9580) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 9580) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 9580) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4681 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4641 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 2383 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4609 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4682 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4606 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4607 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 3926 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4688) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4688) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4688) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4571 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4507 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 7567 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4666 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4680 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4691 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 3644 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4468) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4468) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4468) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 3643 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 7349 Id: 1) have action_menu_id = 4461 for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4502) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 4562) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 7820) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 9732) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 9917) for nonexistent menu

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 1282.

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 2208.

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 3228.

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 7771.

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 7939.

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 9007.

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 9155.

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 9165.

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 9503.

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 9505.

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 9732.

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 9812.

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 10219.

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 10273.

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 132302.

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 797002.

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 797003.

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 961500.

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 961501.

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 974101.

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 974103.

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 974105.

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 974201.

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 974203.

2011-09-04 22:26:31 Table `gossip_scripts` contain unused script, id 974205.

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer_template` (Entry: 1002) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51305

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 1651) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 17101) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 1680) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 1700) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 5941) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 3028) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 7946) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 3607) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 18911) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 18018) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26957) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26909) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 32474) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 1680) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 3332) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 1683) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 5938) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 5690) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 5493) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 3179) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 16780) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 16774) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 12961) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 5941) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 12032) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 3607) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 2367) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 4573) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 1651) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 4573) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 32474) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 14740) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 2834) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 7946) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 18911) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 18018) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26957) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26993) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 1700) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 33623) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 33623) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 14740) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 2834) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 4156) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 5161) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26909) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 3179) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 17101) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 28742) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 5938) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 1683) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 5690) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 12961) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 12032) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 5493) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 2367) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 3028) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 4156) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 5161) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 3332) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26993) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 28742) has wrong redundant reqlevel 30 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 54083

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 16780) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 16774) has wrong redundant reqlevel 35 (<>prof reqlevel 10) for spell 18249

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 28694) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51298

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 29924) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51298

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26564) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51298

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26988) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51298

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26981) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51298

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 27034) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51298

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26904) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51298

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26952) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51298

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 28701) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51310

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26915) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51310

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26982) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51310

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26960) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51310

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26997) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51310

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 28693) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51312

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26980) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51312

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `npc_trainer` (Entry: 26954) has wrong redundant reqlevel 60 (<>prof reqlevel 65) for spell 51312

2011-09-04 22:26:32 Table `n

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