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Wich databases do I need?!

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Hello everybody,

I compiled everything on my linux server, that was no problem at all. But now comes the hard part, the database!

I was lurking on some websites about Mangos, UDB and others, but now I have no clue what to use. Can please someone tells me what to use so it will work on the latest mangos version? (preferably with svn/git links to the scripts)

I tried a lot, but nothing really worked.

Thanx in advance! :D


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Hello, I advise you getting udb as the database your server will use, its at https://unifieddb.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/unifieddb/trunk/Full_DB/

However, I also have ytdb on my local, so I can get some things from there too. http://svn2.assembla.com/svn/ytdbase/

Neither of them is perfect, so of course getting things you need, from both, is the best.

As of npc/quest.. scripts, acid should be the best. https://sd2-acid.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/sd2-acid/trunk/wotlk/3.0.9/

Thats a link for the 3.0.9 update, it probably doesnt contain previous versions, but i couldnt find link for it.

If you have official mangos without any db structure changes, you should have no problems with updating these.

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For people that have the same question:

  1. use the database that comes with Mangos
  2. start the server
  3. it'll tell you what you need to update
    (for example:
    [ A ] You have: --> `11785_01_mangos_instance_encounters.sql`
    [ B ] You need: --> `11831_02_mangos_command.sql`
  4. Update the database with the updates
  5. Add UDB
  6. Add ACID

Aaaaand....Done! :)

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Hey, I am having the same problems as you are but as I try to install the updates I am told I need another update for that update to work and it is seemingly never ending. Am I right in thinking I have 100's of updates to sift through and find their prerequisites? I don't seem to understand. I installed the main SQL files found in the SQL folder and I tried to install the ones mentioned in the DBerror.txt but I am stuck in the endless rabbit hole. Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance!

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