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[PHP] MaNGOS Website ( "GnomeWoW" )

Guest Peec

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GnomeWoW is a total solution for private server website, it supports only the MaNGOS core.

It's created from scratch, and features is popping up every day.

Easy install, easy upgrade.



Added a complete PayPal donation system with automatic item mailer / gold mailer depending on the donation package you create in the admin GUI.

Really, really flexible and bullet proof, tested in paypal sandbox and working properly!

[h]Nerd features:[/h]

  • Super flexible
  • MVC ( Model view controller design pattern )
  • Nice urls ( eg. example.com/login )
  • Based on a framework ( GnomePHP )
  • Doctrine ORM for neat database handling.
  • Great support for many servers ( MaNGOS , trinity, Skyfire ... )
  • Super XSS and SQL Injection secure ( it's not possible to hack, everything is blocked on the framework level )
  • Inline editing for GM's logged in.
  • .. and so much more ..

[h]End user features:[/h]

  • Register

  1. With option to send thank you email
  2. With option to lock account until verified by a email that gets automatically sent.


[*]Account management

[*]Forgot password feature

[*]Server list

[*]News sytem ( with commenting feature )


  • Top 10 Arena teams
  • Top 10 PvP
  • Characters online
  • Uptime

[*]About page

[*]Great admin panel!

[*]Easy modifications by config files

[*]Easy to modify design

More to come ..



[h]Project page[/h]




[h]Need more good devs[/h]

We are always in need of good developers that have experience with MVC model and Doctrine library. If you want to join, send me a email to [email protected], tell about yourself and your coding skills!

Hope you enjoy!

[h]Screenshots (early stages)[/h]








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well this is 10/10 website

Thank you

P.S. I can't be a dev but if u need testing just let me know

Thanks, i'm sure we will need testing and if bugs - remove these asap, i try to bugtest as good as possible but i have not unit tested gnomewow yet - but that is the plan before i release 1.0A.

For update:

- News system ( including support for comments added )

- About page , dynamic from db.

- more.

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Thanks, hope you will test! Just make sure to read the Install guide on the wiki page!

Post bug reports / features wanted such as:

* more customization on specific things

* new features

* etc.


* Version 1.0A officially released.

* Support for UDB

* Added Player start item modification. Easily edit / remove player starting items with simple Itemid:amount or just itemId to the list, save and it will add items for the specific class in all races that are applicable.


Uploaded with ImageShack.us

* Admin Panel revamped, more structure, better help texts and system for extending the ACP.

* XHTML validation.

* Commands page for admins with nice layout.


Uploaded with ImageShack.us

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Hi mate,

The captcha is not working for me, it only displayes the image cannot be found logo with the red X.

Does it work for you?

Kind regards!


The captcha should be working.

try go to /index.php/captcha/captchaReg/300/75 , see if u get any errors.

make sure you have PHP GD extension installed and enabled.

also, in gnomewow/config/routes.conf, make sure this line of code is there ( its there by default ):


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GD is enabled in my php.ini and also the routes.conf does have that line. Also the GD dll exists in my php\\ext folder.

Still it's not working, I did found this: http://php.net/manual/en/function.imagecreatefromjpeg.php

Can it have to do anything with that?

The error is basicly this:


Just a white screen with on the top left the image library icon with the red cross (image not found)

I found this in my phpinfo:


GD Support enabled

GD Version bundled (2.0.34 compatible)

FreeType Support enabled

FreeType Linkage with freetype

FreeType Version 2.4.3

GIF Read Support enabled

GIF Create Support enabled

JPEG Support enabled

libJPEG Version 6b

PNG Support enabled

libPNG Version 1.2.46

WBMP Support enabled

XBM Support enabled

Directive Local Value Master Value

gd.jpeg_ignore_warning 0 0

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GD is enabled in my php.ini and also the routes.conf does have that line. Also the GD dll exists in my php\\ext folder.

Still it's not working, I did found this: http://php.net/manual/en/function.imagecreatefromjpeg.php

Can it have to do anything with that?

The error is basicly this:


Just a white screen with on the top left the image library icon with the red cross (image not found)

I found this in my phpinfo:


GD Support enabled

GD Version bundled (2.0.34 compatible)

FreeType Support enabled

FreeType Linkage with freetype

FreeType Version 2.4.3

GIF Read Support enabled

GIF Create Support enabled

JPEG Support enabled

libJPEG Version 6b

PNG Support enabled

libPNG Version 1.2.46

WBMP Support enabled

XBM Support enabled

Directive Local Value Master Value

gd.jpeg_ignore_warning 0 0

Okay, ( I get it working on both linux (Centos) and windows ), but here is what you can try:

Go into gnomewow/controller/Captcha.php

replace all the contents with this:

<?php namespace wow\\controller;  
class Captcha extends \\gnomephp\\captcha\\CaptchaController{

     public function index($name, $width, $height){
        ini_set("gd.jpeg_ignore_warning", 1);
        parent::index($name, $width, $height);

Now try again, to see if image works, please tell if it works, i will post changes in svn in this case : )


Oh and btw: Update the latest version of gnomephp and gnomewow, we're now only supporting MaNGOS core, much fixes was added - i didn't have time to test well - but now only ManGOS is supported.

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So, after a lot of investigation i could find out the following:

GnomeWoW is working like charme! If there are problems with captcha, realminfo or mail, then it's perhaps a problem with the php installation. I had only trouble after switching to the official php 5.3.8 32-Bit release at windows.

If you're using Windows 64-Bit, then i would recommend the following products:

Apache 2.2.1 64-Bit from apachelounge.com ( http://www.apachelounge.com/download/win64/ )

PHP 5.3.5 64-Bit (VC-9 Threadsafe) from Anindya's Blog ( http://www.anindya.com/php-5-3-5-x64-64-bit-for-windows/ )

Follow the correspondending installation manuals (it's really easy, perhaps i'll write a how-to later)

With this bundle GnomePHP/WoW should work as it should without any problems.

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Fucking awesome that someone is creating a MaNGOS website, just make sure it's compatible with all 3 mangos versions. Also you should put some effort to a voting and donation system, maby code it as a plugin that you sell, i will test this CMS when i get home, seems to be really promising. I will also try to contribute some if possible

Again really awesome that you did this!

EDIT: Saw that you made a donation system already. I will try this out. When i get my new server up you will get a few buck if you support paypal ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

A big improvement would be if you would keep vote links etc.. in a mysql table, it is much easier to change etc... In my personal opinion there should be only one text config, and that should be a connection to mysql (and a table storing all config options) that would be the CMS of love ;)

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