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write to database


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How to write a vallue like this to the database?

time_t currenttime = sWorld.GetGameTime()

I used:

CharacterDatabase.PExecuteLog("UPDATE Character_current_time SET time_current = '%u' WHERE guid = '%u'", currenttime, pPlayer->GetGUID());

though this fails, value in the database is still ZERO.

My database field has the following specs:

- Datatype : bigint

- Len : 40

- Default : 0

- Not NULL: checked

- Unsigned : checked

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You would also need a column for the guid.

So then you would have the following columns:

1. guid (unique key)

- Datatype : int

- Len : 11

2. time_current

- Datatype : bigint

- Len : 40

- Default : 0

- Not NULL: checked

- Unsigned : checked

Then you could use the following statement to insert the time for a specific guid.

CharacterDatabase.PExecuteLog("REPLACE INTO Character_current_time (`guid`, `time_current`) VALUES

(%u, %u)", pPlayer->GetGUID(), currenttime);

On a side note: GetGUID isn't used/available any more, you could use GetObjectGuid with GetRawValue (don't know exact funtion name) to get the guid.

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