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Creature animation


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Hmm strange, because on the master, creature animations goes smooth. But on ONE and ZERO the creature keeps "bugging" if it receives many hits. It looks like after each direct damage taken, it resets back to its orginial stand state or something (if the damage is received from DOTs, it doesn't bug). This results in the creature not finishing it's attack animation and looks quite dull.

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You could override standard animations, called emotes in game terminology, by attaching a script to the spawned creature much in the same fashion that dungeon bosses are handled in ScriptDev2. It's a lot of work, but you can then cause an NPC to behave in just about any manner you like.

Of course, it's not necessarily as simple as that. I'm sure there's going to be some tinkering needed to get your script to control the NPC, instead of the emotes already in place. This might only require some database editing to do that.

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Actually I want to remove those "emotes" from bosses. On retail bosses didnt' get affected by critical hits or normal hits. On mangos however, the bosses are affected and their visual appearance is pretty ugly, especially with 25 or 40 man raids and everyone damaging the boss.

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