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MaNGOS simple installer for Ubuntu/Debian

Guest Nickless_

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MaNGOS Installer all written in python.

Tested on Ubuntu 12.10.

should work for debian users to, it will NOT work for windows user yet. (in development)

This script will download and compile MaNGOS including setting up database.

i basicly did because i grow tired of repeating my self. a lazy mands work ;)

the script collect all the needed info to setup core and edit conf files and databases.

it also comes whit a predefines allowing you to skip the Quest part and make it abit faster.

Current DB setup leaves you whit.


*DB Version: UDB 0.12.2 (405) for MaNGOS 12111 with SD2 SQL for rev. 2712

*Acid Version: ACID 4.0.0 ALPHA DEVELOPMENT - Full Release for MaNGOS (4.3.4 Client)

*ScriptDev2 Version: ScriptDev2 (for MaNGOS 12026+)

Wrath of the lich king:

*DB Version: YTDB_0.14.6_R630_MaNGOS_R12214_SD2_R2737_ACID_R310_RuDB_R56

*Acid Version: ACID 3.1.0 'Another Wild Adventure' - Full Release for CMaNGOS (3.3.5a Client)

*ScriptDev2 Version: ScriptDev2 (for C-MaNGOS 12316+)

The Burning Crusaders:

*DB Version: TBC-DB 1.0.0 for MaNGOSOne s1725 and ScriptDevOne s2628

*Acid Version: ACID 2.0.7 'Another Wild Adventure' - Full Release for MaNGOS (2.4.3 Client)

*ScriptDev2 Version: ScriptDev2 (for C-MaNGOS s1846+)

Drums of War:

*DB Version: mangos-zero database version 1.0.0 (development) / "Happy Holidays"

*ACID Version: ACID 1.0.4 'Another Wild Adventure' - Full Release for CMaNGOS (1.12.1 Client)

* ScriptDev2: Vanilla-WoW ScriptDev based on ScriptDevZero

Cataclysm uses mangos/server as its main repo, and Wotlk and TBC is running of cmangos. if you rather use mangos repo simply open core/MaNGOS.py and edit the links in the top. :)

i will implemte a function to choose between cmangos and mangos on a later time.. but first of all i need to put the the last part of the mangos part (Classic - Mangos-zero)

How to:

open terminal

cd ~/

git clone git://github.com/gimli/mangos_installer.git

cd mangos_installer

sudo apt-get install python-mysqldb (Debian: apt-get install python-mysqldb)

python setup.py

and simply follow the guide or edit core/predefines.py before running setup.

note. its also able to setup new realms in the current realmd database and keep the current one intact allowing you to run multiple realms.

and a side feature for Cataclysm is a option for MangChat not mangchat_rewrite the original one, it still need work but that also something im working on, but you'll be able to communicate whit ppl. ingame and see players online. see who's leaving the channel both ingame and irc.

Commit log: https://github.com/gimli/mangos_installer/commits/master

I hope someone is able to use it for some thing, otherwise its shared.. :)

im back again :) - updated the script and it should compile again..

Regards Nickless


Hi there!

I have tryed your script, but it fails installing TBC.

I have done this steps:

cd /opt
perl MaNGOS.py

all dirs default. i have this errors, before getting scriptdev2

cd: 1: can't cd to /server/

lasts errors:

Patching MaNGOS...
cd: 1: can't cd to /server
error: src/bindings/CMakeLists.txt: No such file or directory
Something went wrong.. Please check you have permission to create:

PD: How about complete dabatase create and populate it?

Thx for your work !



thx for the info mate!

i fixed it now and tested, it will work for wotlk, tbc now and classic. atleast download and start compile.

about the the database section i will start work on it tonight, and after that the update section.

perhaps add some custom repos for each version..

and thx for the info and ideas :)

btw. its written in python so the correct syntax would be.

syntax: python MaNGOS.py ;)



Hi there!

I have discovered first bug in line 176.

File "MaNGOS.py", line 176
   print "remember to edit files in "+new_install_dir+"/etc/

then it fails here :

mkdir: missing operand                               <<<<<-----------------
Pruebe `mkdir --help' para más información.
Fetching MaNGOS source files... ([url]https://github.com/cmangos/mangos-tbc.git[/url])
remote: Counting objects: 47321, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (9634/9634), done.
remote: Total 47321 (delta 37687), reused 47199 (delta 37565)
Receiving objects: 100% (47321/47321), 38.02 MiB | 98 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (37687/37687), done.
Cloning into mangos-tbc...

Fetching ScriptDev2 source files... (git://github.com/mangos/scripts.git)
cd: 1: can't cd to /mangos-tbc/                              <<<<<-----------------
remote: Counting objects: 46387, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (7484/7484), done.
remote: Total 46387 (delta 38104), reused 46386 (delta 38103)
Receiving objects: 100% (46387/46387), 47.15 MiB | 90 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (38104/38104), done.
Cloning into src/bindings/ScriptDev2...

Patching MaNGOS...
cd: 1: can't cd to /mangos-tbc                               <<<<<-----------------
error: src/bindings/CMakeLists.txt: No such file or directory
Something went wrong.. Please check you have permission to create:

Thx for your work!


hmm im not sure that u answer correctly on the question whitin the script cuz i tried on diffrent computer whitout any problem..

and so far its only a problem about the paths..

try this setup and let me know.

Select where to install. default: /mnt/mangos

Syntax: default or /path/to/new/location

Place: /home/user/mangos/server_tbc <-- remeber to edit user to your current username

EDIT: i made to work path default meaning you wont be able to change that path,

now you will only have to choose where the install should place mangos when done installing.

and thx for the info mate..



I have created a normal user named "wow"

I have downloaded the script with whis user, and executed in /home/wow/mangos_installer

I have done with path /home/wow/mangos/server_tbc with it asks for a /mnt/mangos path

now i have this errors:

CPU info. Nr. of cpu's?
Cores: 4

Script will now do its tricks, sit back relaxe and grab a beer.. 

Fetching MaNGOS source files... (git://github.com/mangos-one/server.git)
remote: Counting objects: 48317, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (10014/10014), done.
remote: Total 48317 (delta 38543), reused 47806 (delta 38178)
Receiving objects: 100% (48317/48317), 38.78 MiB | 622 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (38543/38543), done.
Cloning into server...

Fetching ScriptDev2 source files... (yes)
fatal: '/tmp/mangos/server/yes' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
Cloning into src/bindings/ScriptDev2...

Patching MaNGOS...
fatal: can't open patch 'src/bindings/ScriptDev2/patches/MaNGOS-*-ScriptDev2.patch': No such file or directory
Something went wrong.. Please check you have permission to create: /tmp/mangos
Tiene correo nuevo en /var/mail/wow

If you need to know more info just ask me.



Complete rewrite, Tested and works. Catalysm and TBC runs like a charm. but Classic have some issues whit applying ScriptDevZero patch should read add_subdirectory(scripts) instead of add_subdirectory(ScriptDevZero) its really up to mangos to make that changes. The wotlk part also have a problem whit the current ref. of scriptdev2 perhaps i got the wrong link?'


ye ill work on the acid part this weekend..

im also thinking of making a gui for the installer when im done fixing some other thinks,

glad to know it finally worked for you.. :)

if you have any ideas, please bring them open.. just remember that i still a newbie regarding coding..




New idea, ask for realm name and IP address of the realm, sql steps:

use realmd;
UPDATE realmlist SET name = 'Your Realm Name' WHERE id = 1;
UPDATE realmlist SET address = 'Your IP' WHERE id = 1;

Tnx for this great job.


New idea, ask for realm name and IP address of the realm, sql steps:

use realmd;
UPDATE realmlist SET name = 'Your Realm Name' WHERE id = 1;
UPDATE realmlist SET address = 'Your IP' WHERE id = 1;

Tnx for this great job.

Done ;)

ahbot options added :) along whit start server options.. still having problem whit mangos-zero but im trying to fix it..

man, good job.

not it's necessary to add this lines to final database process?


mysql -u mangos -pmangos mangos < /opt/acid/2.0.7/2.0.7_acid.sql
mysql -u mangos -pmangos mangos < /tmp/src/bindings/scripts/sql/mangos_scriptname_full.sql

tnx for all.



line 166 :

os.system('mysql -h '+host+' -u '+user+' -p'+password+' mangos < '+work_dir+'/server/src/bindings/ScriptDev2/sql/mangos_scriptname_full.sql')

it must be:

os.system('mysql -h '+host+' -u '+user+' -p'+password+' mangos < '+work_dir+'/server/src/bindings/scripts/sql/mangos_scriptname_full.sql')

PD: I think ACID it's running before database full setup, i'm not sure correct me if i wrong but i run again the script in a new virtual machine and ./mangosd gives me an strange error about updating sql files, before adding last changes as acid no errors before this.

Also in debian ace it's already compiled installing libace-5.7.7 libace-dev, check if in Ubuntu is the same name, libace-*

its fixed :)

tested and working. :)

added functions to check if database already exists so your able to use your current database.

and fixed some other minor errors..

Ok i will try it the TBC version.


and btw. i dont have the maps for tbc so i wont be able to do a startup check on the server it self, but as i said before i fixed that Problem you had whit mangosd starting up. so if the server doesnt start automaticly try start it manuelly and please post the info, i think it would be nice to have one installer all around for test MaNGOS :)


Hi there!

EDIT : Seems that ace must be compiled allways, better remove the "apt-get libace*"

All goes ok, but the last part i have this errors installing TBC: (the DB's are not created)

Checking if databases already exists...

World db doesnt exists, Continuing!

Realm db doesnt exists, Continuing!

Character db doesnt exists, Continuing!

ScriptDev2 db doesnt exists, Continuing!
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "MaNGOS.py", line 393, in <module>
 File "MaNGOS.py", line 383, in Menu
 File "MaNGOS.py", line 162, in MaNGOS_Install
 File "MaNGOS.py", line 299, in MaNGOS_Database
   if del_db=='yes' or del_db=='yes':
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'del_db' referenced before assignment

tnx your all this great job m8.

Hi guys!

i dont know if this is needed in anyways but wanted to share it whit you guys.

i got pretty tired of typing all the command when doing a clean server install

so i created this small script in python to do a lazy mands work ;)


I will try to keep it up-to-date but i work on alot of other stuff to,

so this is just in my spare time..

as i said a lazy script for install MaNGOS



* Cataclysm 4.3.4 (Tested and work!)

* Wotlk 3.3.5a (Tested and work!)

* TBC (Tested and work!)

* Classic (not tested)


* Cataclysm (tested and works)

* Wotlk (Tested and work!)

* TBC (Tested and work!)

* Classic (not tested)


* only Cataclysm (MangChat tested and works)

sure ill be happy to know about the bugs, but dont blame if anything goes wrong or u think this post is a fail, then just leave the topic.

anyways hope someone can use this script for something. :)


Changelog and howto :)

Brilliant now make a Mangos 2.4.3 instaling guide so i can love u forever

Brilliant now make a Mangos 2.4.3 instaling guide so i can love u forever

What do you need exactly? what is you failing steps?

Are you using Debian or Ubuntu? this script works in that OS's


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