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Which SQL Files Do I Process?



Hello, Everyone!

I am a long time user of mangos and I LOVE IT! Thank you all for creating an amazing experience!

Now that I know a little more about sql and how mangos works, I have a question: My server has always been just a little off. The first time it was because I didn't include mmaps. (BTW, there are very few posts on mmaps, but I found all of them and figured out what I was doing wrong! If anyone needs mmaps help, PM me!) Then, I noticed that all NPCs were saying the same thing, and it wasn't very helpful. I have since learned about some of the extra scriptdev2 stuff that I didn't include before, but whatever. ok, ok, I will get to the question:

What sql files do I run for a clean install? I notice the git trees have sql files from first revisions, but I can't figure out what is included in the current revisions and what isn't. One clean install I did, I ran EVERY sql file in order to newly created tables and I still don't think my server was working right. So, I am doing a new clean install and here is what I have right now, today:

UDB: In UDB/trunk, there is a zip file called UDB_0.12.2_mangos_11792_SD2_2279. I know I run that because it is almost 80 megs and has a ton of code and it is the most recent revision, but does that mean I don't need to run anything in UDB/tags because they are all folders called 0.12.1 and earlier? Also, there is a file called EAI in the UDB/tags folder that I can't tell if it is included in 0.12.2. Do I run those, too?

ACID: The ACID tree has a bunch of revision folders. Do I run all of them in order or do I just run the most recent 3.1.0_acid.sql?

Mangos: There are a bunch of sql files in the sql folder (characters.sql mangos.sql mangos_spell_check.sql and a bunch of others). Do I need to run any of them? None of the help files on how to create a server have ever told me to run those, so I never have. If I do have to run them, are the ones in the primary sql folder the only ones I need to run or do I have to run all of the ones in the updates and tools folders. I have read the readme files talking about the file name structure to figure out whether or not I need to apply the updates, but even though mangos tells me it is at current revision, I can still add the sql code to the tables. Same goes for scriptdev2.

Scriptdev2: There are 6 files in the scriptdev2 folder mangos/src/bindings/scriptdev2/sql and I have read only one server creation help thread that ever said I had to run the sql files, so now I wonder if I ever got the scriptdev2 thing right because I have never run those files. Which of those six files do I need to run? There are two with the word "full" in them, (mangos_scriptname_full.sql and scriptdev2_script_full.sql) so I am guessing I need to run those two, but I just don't know. And just like mangos, there are more folders called old, optional, and updates. The old and optional files are easy for me to figure out, but there are updates. Are those updates beyond the "full" sql files in the primary sql folder or are they previous revision updates?

I am so sorry for the long message, but there are so many sql files, I just don't know which ones to run to make my server work the way you guys programmed it to work. Any help you provide will be greatly appreciated! Thank you very much!


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1 answer to this question

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Generally the process it like this:-

1) run the UDB full sql file (the big one) and make a note of the number after 'mangos'

2) In the mangos folder under sql/patches, run the sql files from the number mentioned above to the version of mangos you have installed.

SD2/ACID are add on libraries, but the steps above will give you a basic working server database

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