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help with maps




Hi all ive install mangos server using this guide http://getmangos.eu/bb/topic/344/how-to-compile-on-linux-ubuntu/ on a debian system

the client i downlaod is the cata frrom this link http://getmangos.eu/bb/topic/371/torrent-getting-all-clients/ ive had tones of problem extracting the maps, when extracing using mapextractor lots seems to be missing, the mapassembler seems to build the maps ok but when the server is run

i get messages like this

Map file '/opt/mangos-server/data/vmaps/000.vmtree' is missing or point to wrong version vmap file, redo vmaps with latest vmap_assembler.exe program

Correct *.map files not found in path '/opt/mangos-server/data/maps' or *.vmtree/*.vmtile files in '/opt/mangos-server/data/vmaps'. Please place *.map and vmap files in appropriate directories or correct the DataDir value in the mangosd.conf file.

could someone upload there extracted maps to rapidshare or one of the other places iver rebuilt there server so many times and am very desperate to get it running


2 answers to this question

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Hi I've used the links and re-extracted the maps the systems seems to be running, i created an account and can log in and see 1 realm when i click on the list it states logging into game and then returns to the realm list would you have any suggestions



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