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mangos-zero questions




The dated mangos-zero linux guide mentions something about the mangos-zero database repository scripts using the wrong database names. I checked the scripts quickly and it seems this still isn't fixed, which is unlikely since the github project shows a lot of edit since that particular guide has been written. Now I am quite reluctant to go and edit every single script and I believe it would be simpler to just rename the databases to match those instead. How likely is this to work?

Secondly, would Scriptdev2 work with a 1.12.0, mangos-zero based server? Thank you for your time.

9 answers to this question

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firstly we are finalising a new database with can be found in a slightly different named repo...

http://github.com/mangoszero/database this should fix your issues

I would also suggest getting the server code plus scripts from the same location as well since scriptdev2 is not compatible with 1.12.0

http://github.com/mangoszero/server & http://github.com/mangoszero/scripts

That's wonderful, actually.

Also, I knew about the mangoszero github project, but I thought it was the outdated one. That confusing dash, man.

Thanks a lot.

@Schmoozerd Is there any benefit to using ScriptDev2-classic over ScriptDev0?

Hopefully the new getmangos website will be live soon - lots of new goodness there and all these questions will become clear :)

Also great. I made the mistake of clicking on the mangoszero forum link. Good thing I was alone.


I'd like to specify, on linux, the make_full_db.sh script needs to be given permission to run, with "chmod +x"

I'm no expert on the OS, and I think I'd have been stuck there if I didn't have that bit of prior knowledge


yes, after execution it makes another sql file witch you need to import into mangos db

I'd like to specify, on linux, the make_full_db.sh script needs to be given permission to run, with "chmod +x"

I'm no expert on the OS, and I think I'd have been stuck there if I didn't have that bit of prior knowledge


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