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Need more information in changelog

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when I read changelog, I can get the game feature and server feature that improved. but I don't know how to find the implement code. for the familiar feature, I can find the place. but the unfamiliars, I don't know how to begin.

Can every feature provide the mainly related revisions number? It will help me a lot. thx



I mean in the ChangeLog file, I can see the game features and server features of every mangos version(like mangos 0.11, mangos 0.10). but to a single feature, I don't know it is provided in which exactly commit. so I can't get the exactly commit log text, beacause there are so many commit log.

I can get the diff only when I know which commit.


if you do git log you can search it when you type a dash / and your searchwords

for example arena implementation, type /arena after you opened git log

for the next result you have to typ "n" for the previous "N" - but the search is case-sensitive, i dont know, where you can change it..

but, if sha-hashes should go to the changelog have other peoples to decide, i just tell you how to workaround this..


The "changelog"-FILE is not a changelog for each revision...

It only show changes from diffrent Milestones in mangos and give's the user a 'overview' of whats changed..

If you want more detail you can check the GIT-changelog to see each revisions changes...


git log --pretty=oneline <range>

git log <range> | git shortlog

or use git-shortlog directly

(offtopic: see?!? that's where the commit headers come in use, so please don't ignore them)

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