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[Three] first time setup, think i need some help :)




Hi, ok I followed this guide on wiki > http://getmangos.eu/bb/topic/344/wiki-how-to-compile-on-linux-ubuntu/

then is 1 > http://getmangos.eu/bb/topic/796/wiki-compiling-on-linux-complete-beginners-guide/

but both times i get this issue, so time to post and ask questions...

and stumbled across afew problems running the windows utilities ad, vmapextractor

When i run ad, all runs fine, till i hit 28/206 Zul'gurub

I did search and found someone else with same issue, and it was told it was fine...

but i also get errors running vmapextrator too...

Extracting maps...

Read Map.dbc file... Done! (206 maps loaded)



Extract Zul'gurub (28/206)

File: World\\Maps\\Zul'gurub\\Zul'gurub_34_53.adt

Can't find area flag for areaid 3383 [5, 8].

File: World\\Maps\\Zul'gurub\\Zul'gurub_34_53.adt

Can't find area flag for areaid 3383 [6, 8].

File: World\\Maps\\Zul'gurub\\Zul'gurub_34_53.adt

Can't find area flag for areaid 3383 [4, 9].



Can't find area flag for areaid 3379 [0, 3].

File: World\\Maps\\Zul'gurub\\Zul'gurub_35_55.adt

Can't find area flag for areaid 3379 [1, 3].

File: World\\Maps\\Zul'gurub\\Zul'gurub_35_55.adt

Can't find area flag for areaid 3379 [2, 3].


Rest of maps run through fine.

Then when i do the vmapextractor

again runs through ok, till a section mid way>


Can't open World\\Maps\\Azeroth\\Azeroth_16_61_obj0.adt, err=2!

Can't open World\\Maps\\Azeroth\\Azeroth_16_62_obj0.adt, err=2!

Can't open World\\Maps\\Azeroth\\Azeroth_16_63_obj0.adt, err=2!

#Can't open World\\Maps\\Azeroth\\Azeroth_17_0_obj0.adt, err=2!

Can't open World\\Maps\\Azeroth\\Azeroth_17_1_obj0.adt, err=2!

Can't open World\\Maps\\Azeroth\\Azeroth_17_2_obj0.adt, err=2!

Can't open World\\Maps\\Azeroth\\Azeroth_17_3_obj0.adt, err=2!


Can't open World\\Maps\\Kalimdor\\Kalimdor_26_5_obj0.adt, err=2!

Can't open World\\Maps\\Kalimdor\\Kalimdor_26_6_obj0.adt, err=2!

Can't open World\\Maps\\Kalimdor\\Kalimdor_26_7_obj0.adt, err=2!

Can't open World\\Maps\\Kalimdor\\Kalimdor_26_8_obj0.adt, err=2!

Can't open World\\Maps\\Kalimdor\\Kalimdor_26_56_obj0.adt, err=2!

Can't open World\\Maps\\Kalimdor\\Kalimdor_26_57_obj0.adt, err=2!

Can't open World\\Maps\\Kalimdor\\Kalimdor_26_58_obj0.adt, err=2!


Is This relating to the Zul'gurub map earlier??

Then running the vmap_assembler.exe buildings vmaps i get this :

spawning Map ..............

spawning Map 967

spawning Map 968

spawning Map 974

spawning Map 977

Calculating model bounds for map 0...

Creating map tree...

Cannot open vmaps/000.vmtree

Converting Model Files

Converting Abandonedorcblacksmith_Alt.wmo

error converting Abandonedorcblacksmith_Alt.wmo

exit with errors


just doesnt seem right.

Do I have a corrupt wow file?

i grabbed the torrent posted from this forum, World of Warcraft 4.3.4 Client 15595

I do have the original game on disk, is it worth using that version??

Thanks in advance.

2 answers to this question

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Hi, yes i have UAC off, so it runs as admin.

I redownloaded the 4.3.4 WOW but same thing.

Rebuild it on both debian & ubuntu same issue.


I think i actually might know what the problem is, just a simple case of creating the vmaps folder....

read it somewhere else so will try it tonight, even though both guides dont state it needs creating...

Something simple as that, but when you are a first timer every little step helps...

Anyway i will report back if it solves the the final step problems for the extraction.


Yup that was the problem. something as simple as that. Thanks


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