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C++ Expertise needed !!



I am attempting to convert some legacy mangos C++ libraries to C#. the original class in C++ is:-


// Adt file cell chunk


class adt_MCNK




uint32 fcc;

char fcc_txt[4];


uint32 size;


uint32 flags;

uint32 ix;

uint32 iy;

uint32 nLayers;

uint32 nDoodadRefs;

uint32 offsMCVT; // height map

uint32 offsMCNR; // Normal vectors for each vertex

uint32 offsMCLY; // Texture layer definitions

uint32 offsMCRF; // A list of indices into the parent file's MDDF chunk

uint32 offsMCAL; // Alpha maps for additional texture layers

uint32 sizeMCAL;

uint32 offsMCSH; // Shadow map for static shadows on the terrain

uint32 sizeMCSH;

uint32 areaid;

uint32 nMapObjRefs;

uint16 holes; // locations where models pierce the heightmap

uint16 pad;

uint16 s[2];

uint32 data1;

uint32 data2;

uint32 data3;

uint32 predTex;

uint32 nEffectDoodad;

uint32 offsMCSE;

uint32 nSndEmitters;

uint32 offsMCLQ; // Liqid level (old)

uint32 sizeMCLQ; //

float zpos;

float xpos;

float ypos;

uint32 offsMCCV; // offsColorValues in WotLK

uint32 props;

uint32 effectId;

bool prepareLoadedData();

adt_MCVT* getMCVT()


if (offsMCVT)

return (adt_MCVT*)((uint8*)this + offsMCVT);

return 0;


adt_MCLQ* getMCLQ()


if (offsMCLQ)

return (adt_MCLQ*)((uint8*)this + offsMCLQ);

return 0;



I have managed to convert it to the following:-

class adt_MCNK


uint fcc;

string[] fcc_txt = new string[4];

uint size;

uint flags;

uint ix;

uint iy;

uint nLayers;

uint nDoodadRefs;

//// height map

uint offsMCVT;

//// Normal vectors for each vertex

uint offsMCNR;

//// Texture layer definitions

uint offsMCLY;

//// A list of indices into the parent file's MDDF chunk

uint offsMCRF;

//// Alpha maps for additional texture layers

uint offsMCAL;

uint sizeMCAL;

//// Shadow map for static shadows on the terrain

uint offsMCSH;

uint sizeMCSH;

uint areaid;

uint nMapObjRefs;

//// locations where models pierce the heightmap

ushort holes;

ushort pad;

ushort[] s = new ushort[3];

uint data1;

uint data2;

uint data3;

uint predTex;

uint nEffectDoodad;

uint offsMCSE;

uint nSndEmitters;

//// Liqid level (old)

uint offsMCLQ;


uint sizeMCLQ;

double zpos;

double xpos;

double ypos;

//// offsColorValues in WotLK

uint offsMCCV;

uint props;

uint effectId;

bool[] prepareLoadedData;

//adt_MCVT* getMCVT()


// if (offsMCVT)

// return (adt_MCVT*)((uint8*)this + offsMCVT)

// return 0


//adt_MCLQ* getMCLQ()


// if (offsMCLQ)

// return (adt_MCLQ*)((uint8*)this + offsMCLQ)

// return 0



I need to work out how to implement the last three functions

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